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"'twas My Mother's."

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A eompany oí poor children, who had hcon gtithered out of tfeé alleys and garrete of tho city, werá preparing for their departure fco new and clistaut homes in the West. Just befóre fhe time for the starfing of the cnrs, one of the boya was noticed nside frtHü the others, and ippnrenily very busy wiíh a oast-off gnrment. The Superintendent stepped up to hirn and found he vvas cafcttng íi small piere out of the patched lining. It proved to be his oíd jacket, whieh, having been replttOed by u one, had been throvvn away. There was no timo to be lost. " Come, John, come !" suid the Superintendent ; " what rcyoii going to do wilh 1 1 1 : 1 1 ol'l piecc of cauco?" " Picase, sir, s:iid J :hn, ''I ;im cntting it out to taba wiili uio, Jíy ('car, dear molher put tliis lining my j;;ckfet for me. 'i'his Vas a ),iece of her dress, and it '■ a.Ü that 1 hace lo remanber k(T by " And as ihe doar boy Ihought oi ! ■ that rriO'.!iers love, and the sad death I i bed scène in the old oan-ut where she died, he roveredhis face wit!) his hands, and soblied a.s if his heart vvould bieak. Bul the train was ab'out leaving, and John thniüt thi! littlo picceof cuüoo into his busoin, " to remeinl)er his mother, hunied into a car. and wns soon lar away trom the placo wheie he had Boon so niiich i-orrow. Many an eye bo naoiateneii as Iha story oí' tliis orphan hoy has beeu to)d ; 'rr.anv a heatt has prayed that the God oi llie fatherieB and motherless vvould be bis (Viend. Ha loved his moUior, and ve cannot but buliovo that bu óbeyfld her and was a. íailhfnl child. Wiil my littlo i'eaduif", whose arents aro yet spared to then, always try and show their ovo by ciieerí'ul obedieiice, knowing tliat thif is ploasiug to tha Lord? Will the oy.?, especially, aKvavs afiectionute and kint! to theif rnothtrs ?


Old News
Michigan Argus