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The effecfs of slavery on the poor white ; pvople of the South, re thtis forctbly depicled by a wriler in the Charleston (S. C) Cou rior: "Shall we pnss tinnoticed the thousands of poor, ignorani, degraded white people among iis, who, in this lund of plenty, live in comparniive iinkeunens and etarvation? Many a one is reired in proud South Curolinn, from birth to tnm.'hood, who has nevera triohth in which { lic lias ijot for some part of the time been ■teil for meat. - Many a mother ií there wlio j will teil yon thather children ore out scantily upplied wkh bread, and rmmh more wi'h meat; and if they be ciad irj comfortuble rairnent, it is at the expense of their scanty allowance of food . ''It is perhaps not gencrnlly krowr thnt there are twenty thoueand white person3 in tliis Sta' c who enn neilher read nor write. This is about one in every thirteen of the white population. Tliat we nre behind the nge n agriculture, the inecYmnic arts. indnstry, nm! enterprise, is apparent toall who pns ibrougli our State. "Our good city of Charleston speaks a latigunge on this subject not t.o be mistaken; she has lost one thoiissand of her popnlution, accordiiifr to the census of 1810, while her sister citics have doubled and quadrupled theirs.' Gt mtnds of Divorce. - Tn New York, con jugal infulelity is the cause of divorce. In Georgia, Tenessee. and Alábame, the ju dicial decrée must be affinned by a lwo-thirds vote in Legislature A special law is required in Mnryland, Yirginn, and South Carolina, to uuthorize a divorce. In Connecticut, divorces aie granted for wilfu! desertion for three years with total neglcct of duty. In New Hampshir, joining the nssociation of Shakers, and remaining wiih them during three years, íj a good cause of divorce. In Pennsylvania, wiüful and mahcious desertion for three years, is a cause of divorce. In Maine and Ohio,lial i ual drunkenness for three years. is a cause of divorce. In Indiana and Missouri, habitual drunkennes for two years, is a cause of divorce. A CHINESE STATESMAN'S OPINIONS OP AMERICAN DIPLOMACY. . Thi Chinese minister, Key ing, thus comments upon Mr. Cushing's treaty, in a paper which is translated in the Hong Kong GazetteofNov. 9th. We give a specimen. It is very complimentary to Mr. Cusliing. The original copy of the treaty, presentcd by the saidhnrh .:.. ..voy, containeü 47 stip ulations. Of these aome were difficult of execution, otbers foolish demands, whilst severa! of the most important pointe of the treaty werc omitted on the list. The sen6e of it was moreover po meanly and coarsely expressed, the words and sentences wei e eo obscure, and there was such a variety of errors, that it was next to impossible to point them out. Your slave Keying 'herefore directed the treasiirer Hwang and all the deouted Mandarms, to hold interviews with (the American en voy for uays togetlier, lo discuss the malters verbally, and severally decide what stipala- tions ought to be granied or rescinded, lessened or increased. - Thus 34 regulations were agreed on. We clearly pointed out wbatever wascomprehen8ible to reason, in order to dispel their stupid ignorance, and to put a stop to (deluBive hopes. Whilst expatiating with strictness upon the most binding of the statutes, we were obhged to polish those passages which were scarcely intelligible, eo as to render tht eense somewhat more obvious, in order to remove all ambiguity; and only after four times alterinff the copies, we adopted (the paper J Right Face!- Mr. Edward C. Dolavan, of Albany, New York, among the earliedi and most levoted tem,erance tnen, was in his youth one of a club of fitv young men who were in the habit of meeting at a public house to eijoy "the fenst of reason and the fluw of soul." Aftcr awhile, however, Mr. Delavan was led to reflect upon the folly and danger of his course,and one evening whüe on his way to the club, he suddenly ptoppedr and said aloud, Right-obout-face!"' And he did right-about fnce, and went in another direction. - The first block of buildings Mr. Delavun crecled in Albnny, wus on the cornor drectly in front of where ho tormedtliii' noble resolution. Forty-three ofthe club became drunkards, and only three are now living in respeclabiliiy. - Orean . An interest ing slander suit bas recent]y been tried in Cincinnaü. The plaintitF proved tliat he lost liis sweetheart in consequence of the slander, and the jury at the last accounts were trying to make wp thefr minds how much a sweelheari was wortl). Four Millerite preaohers were recentíy arrested and brought befare a Justice in Maine on the charge that they were idlers and vagabondsr and he sentenced them to ten days confinement iii tlie House of Correct on. They have nppealed to the District Court, where, wedo most sincercl'y hope that his decisión will be sstained. - N. Y. Ne&s. Fact&ries - At Buffalo there is a cottO'' foctory moved by steam, the building 5pby i)O feet, employing 200 persons,, tn'o coppany having a capital of $50,000. The coton will be brought from the South by tl western route. The compnny will fvmsh brown shectingp, batting and wickinirascheap ns the eastern manufacturero, and will turn out 0,000 yards of clolh per week. At Roehester, a company is organized with a capital oí $100',0t0', to estcBlish a colton factofy. The Legislo ture of Oiio, have at last o'greed opon a Bwk Bill, We have not eeen its provisioiïs. Tt onght to be the best banking- system in the world, for the kegtelators had befbre thenv the experience of their predeceF6ors, und of a'l nges nd counttie?, and were entirely untrammelled by connexion with any previous charterá;Tke Travelling President of a 11 -public. - tëither tlio soveieign people of' this country sre grèat rogues, or iheir choren Presúimt s.metlii[)g thut deiervcs os harhh a riutne. - Mr. Polk, in liï late tiinmphunt to Washington, ditl n't visit ColumbuK, the cnpiLal of O iio, nnd the Staie Jonninl gues u rea son wl)ich reflecls on ihc honouty of the peoplo or the Pie.-jiJeut. He was sfraid tlni certain fnrnily nfóyéd lic Jiud with liiui would be nbiiucted. Now, i' propcrty is iii--, ihen tlio pcople ofOiiiu C'fiteiiii!aicil u lurce ny. If it is not hia, ihen tho people hnd ü perfect rig-ht to res! ore to the rig'hifui owneru hut iie was tiiij'isily hol.Üni; froni Ihoiq. - The conclusión i, thai snrnebody is a thief.


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