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From Vicksburg

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ÜEADQUARTEBS IN THE FlELD ) 3 Miles East of Vicksburo V Wbdkebbaï, 6 p. ir., 20tii,via Caieo 27th) I sent ytfu last night the account of Champion Hill and Black Kiver Bridge battlcs. The former proves to have entailed a larger loss to our army than at first supposed. Our wounded alone amount a trifle above 1,700. The enemy's loss is aeknowledged to have been not over that. We had about 20 - innntr0PS enSaSed ' thc rebels about 10,000. AcQording to accounts of their wounded, we took 3,000, prisoners and 000 at the battle of the Bridge. Jeneral Shernxan orosscd on pontoon yes. MePherson's and" McClomand's Corps built three bridges Sunday night and wvjsaou uu uoiumanus Dy Monday noon. By 4 o'clock tho advance of Gen. Sher man's corps under Gen. Steele, roached tho encmy's works back of tLe city and took possession of the hoighta of tho bluffs above it, and commenced bombardmont. _ Gen. McPherson planted his oom.mand in front or in our centre, or Gen McClernand took the extreme left reachïng almost to the river below, cutting off all possibility of escape. Eve-ry li'vinoman, woman and child in the city must fall into our hands. All the forenoon yesterday the different brigades were taking position, forming a line of battle &o. At 2 o'clock the battle began in earnest. Skirmishing had been going on all the forenoon. Gen. Steele drove tho enomy from several forts and took o-e complete line of fortifications, fronted by rifle-pits. His extreme right rested on the nverbank under the bluff at sim-' down. His división fought gallantly all day, though hungry, dirty, footsoro and sleepy. Shernian's left and MePherson's right are in supporting distance. Both advanccd thoir lines of skirmisbers to within fifty yards of the breastworks, and the'"r artillery to within 500 yards, and are ín position at these distanees this morning. McClernand is not progressing so fast but is doing well. We lost about 1,500 killed and wounded yestorday. A simultaneousassault will be ordered on the enemy's works. I understand from all points it cannot fail of success ïhe fight yesterday was grand beyond desenption. I must close with this imperfect and unsatisfactory generalization, because the courier leaves insta#tly. SECOND BIS1ATOH. Memphis, May 25.. ) Via Cairo, May 27. Parties froni South say Gen. Loring was seriously wounded in one of the recent battles in Mississippi and assert that Joe Johnston was receiving large renforcements from Alabama, South Caroina and Georgia. Nothing important ranspired here. Dispatch to the Associated Press. Cihgago, May 27. A special from Cairo to the Journal ays paroied prisoners who left Sherman'a anding 28, says just before leaving thcy onversed 'with a bearer of dispp.tehes rom Pemberton to Johnston, wlio had )een captured. Dispatch bearer saj's the number of rebels at Vicksburg was tweeu 5Jd,U00 and. 30,000. Friday noon Pömberton sent a flag of trace to Graat, offéring to surrender Vicksburg if Grant would allow the rebels to lay down their mis aud march out. The offer was reused._ Thursday the rebel batteries on he hill north of the town were taken nd turned on the eneiuy. On the evenng of the same day the water batteries t the foot of the hill were captured. The same evening the water batteries beow Vicksburg were taken by Porter's gunboats. Friday, after the refusal to accept Pemberton's terms of surrendpr Grant moved on his works and the rebela were driven to inner fortifications. Logan the Black lliver Bridse. Grant feit certain that he will be ablento take care. of Johnston. The latter has only about ten thousand men, exclusive of what ho may have by reiuforoements. G-rant's army is larger than is generally supposed - quite numerous enough the work on hand. It stretches completely round the doomod city, each wing resting on the river. _ Vicljsburg is fall of vfomen and children, not only original inhabitants, but many who had come in from the surrounding country for safety.


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