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mait fstivalT ÍIíbc, Miscellaneous Sf Floral Feitival at HANG3TEBFER-S HAI.L, Ann Arbor, F" r Satwday Evenwg,,MayMth tfi0thlM3. ' ono hundred pupils dressed in Costume annrn prmte fortlie occasion, will take part ia the ?es't?v" If the weather will permit, the Roral pr„,., bl tte Class, will be formèd at tbe MehodUt Doors open at IK o'clock. FetiTal to commenec at at the SÓTr'.n Ceneach "". TickeS7or "aío ■ 1 - ■ ! First National Bank of Ann Arbor. NOTIOE By order of Board of Directora Ann Arhor, Jlay 22, 1883. " "' M'LLEN' C'"kTwo D welling Houses ! 1 TWO STOHY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE and Lot UoÍmsÍSÍ1"1' hyJ-H -■ ÏS8"?7 FUAME I)WELIJX HOUSE, BARN nd Lur,4x 8, now occupicl by D. K. Kelley, po.s-essiöa K.von Aprfl lat, 13.Í4, K„„d cellar, cisterna' and ö bu HniK? about .the juvrnise-s. Proporty adjuining th lu.ue of L. C. Etedon on WiHistreet, Anu ArbSr _ ror paiticulars inquipe of Ann Arbor, May 14, 1S63. ''"?"L&'; ' TVotice. QWING to the war and fear of the coming drnft I havo 17 BOldout Kil uxy Estáte and personal proper v and all thosc indebteJ. to me, to save expenfe vvilL pleasec! an.i settle before the flrst of Ju-ie ai'aiw íhtVtS. WÍ" "e lB" n the hnd "f Justiee of Ann Arbor, May 7, MB. JBN " nwKLElJVGf FOK SALeI IF YOUwish to buy a good two-story brick dwelline convement to the business part of the City with pm.nds and yards wcllstocked with cholee Fïuit of aü lunds, Apples. Peas, Peaches, l'Hmis, llaspberrie Or Nov. 14,1862. ARGUS OFFICJÉ. Chancery Notice. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit In O Chanccrv suit pending in the Circuit Court for 'the Counly of Wushteuaw, in Chancery, in the CHv of Ann Arbor, on the 27th day of May, A D 1863 y In the v.-horeui . ïhu.suukia F. Bocliman is com. plainant.aud David Hochman s defendant t ai.uear mg onthe affldavtt of I), a TwHcheU, that ' tl.V SiTen i'"1."""1 Bochman ia not a resident „r the stateöt MuA.gan but now, or wan, not long since a resi.ient "f the state of Missouri, on motion of Titchell K-azer Solicitovs for .mplainant, it is ordered that the said DaTid Iiochman cause h. appearance to w terod and notioe thereof to be servcd on the complai" anu jhcitor.s within (-„ months from the dau' f t.ii or Ier, and m case of his appea ranee that be cauii Insanswertotho öomplataantV bilí to be filed ami a c.ipy thereof tobewrved on the complainanfs ..„lic, tors p hm tjVBty d:.yS tfto, service of a cm, „f wi.dbill, and mdefanlt thereof, that the uld bili ofcomp a.nt may be taken as contened a-ainst him And lt is further ordered, that wiliiin twentv days from the date hereof the said complainant cause a cony of this o;aer to be publislied in the Michigan Argus . nc,vspa_por printed and puhlished . n the city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Waslitonaw. and Slate of Hiehigan it east onee in éaCh week, for six succes.-ive, weeks, or that the cau a copv hereof 1o be pcrsonally served on the said defendant II vid BlWhman.M least tnentydays before the time prescribed forius .ippeafance. ' (Atrnecopy.) GEOKÜE PAKrOKTH Twiiorau. ie Fbamb, cir. CülIrt ,„mSojicitors for Complainant Pated, May SYth, 1863. ir. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATK OF Michigan", Countj of WmMbmf, O In_tue matter uf the Estáte of Laura [da Todd of tkt Cit.v.of York intlie State ofjfew York, .MinoV. tfotlce ís bereby given, That n pusoanoa of ao order gianted to the underslgoed, Thomas IC. Cmüm .íiuanliau ni V,t iteofaaid minor, the HpR. Jui'ge of Probate for the Coiu!ty of Washtepavr, np tlie Sixth dav of April, A lt ]í-fi!, theru will be solri at public vcmiue tu ilu" highest bidder, at the Bouth door of üha rourc' House in the ( ity of Ann Arbor in t]it' County of Waíílilenaw, in ait State of Micliican, ou tlictwi-nt.y thinliliiyof Muy A. D. 1863, at oae o'clock Ia the afternoon oí Uiat uay. (subject to all cncuinbrance.s by mnrtgage orotbejwise ezistiuat tixe timo of tlie snle) tbefoUoving dosoribed Rea] ;-i ir to wit: All those mirtain pieoes or parefis of land sitúate in th City oL Ann Arbor, in the Couity of Washtcnaw an.l State of lichigan knuwn and delgnated ae lots irainber tifteeq, aa I sixicen in bluok amnber ttve outh ofHuroi Street ' Range ESgbt K:;8t, aecordiug to the recorded. plat there of. THOMAS M. COOLEY, Guardiai-, Datedat Ann Arbor, April eth,1863. The above Rale is hereby postponed until Monday Juno lyt, lSt-3, a,t the same place and time of day. THOMAS M. COOLEV, Guardian Anu Arbor, May ÏS, lát)3.


Old News
Michigan Argus