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Attention Clothiers! Just Received At The General Depot...

Attention Clothiers! Just Received At The General Depot... image
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ATTENTION JUS T received at the (.Jenor.-.l Depot, tor the salo of Clo'.hiera tíioek, Mncluneiy. DyeÜtuffr, &,c. &.C., Ho. 13U. Jeiïlison Avenue, Doiron, the follovving large, vruil isaOliod, and iarefully selecicd stock, viz: lOi) bbls. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut, 5 Tons " " li1 Stick, ISO bbU. Cuba Fustic, Cut, 5 Ton3 '; i: in Stick, 50 bbls. Nic, Wood, Chipped, 50 ö Lima VVood, " 30 ' Red VVood. ;; 1Í") ' Ground Camwood, 10 " Quercitron Bark, S'JJ lbs. Nutgalls, 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 3')() lbs. Lac Dye, 2 Ceroons Spanish Indigo, 300 lbs. Sumac Sicily, Casks Madder, 3 Casks Blue Vitriol, 5 C.isKs Alunn, 2 Barrels Red Tnrtnr. 2 Barrels Cream Tartar, 3 Carboys Aqna Furtis, 5 ' Oil Vitriol, 3 Muriatic Acid.500 Ibs. Viïdigria, 55 " Block Tin, Teasels, Twine, Copper Kettlea, all iizes, Paraon's Shoaring Machines, Curtís' " " Screws and Press Platos, Cranka. Press Paper, Steel Reeds, Worsten1 Marness, Tenter Hooks, Emery, all No's., Olive Oil, Clothiera' Jacks, Sattinett Warp, dothiers' Brushes. Shuttles, Pickers, Gard Cleaners, &c. &c. The above, witli a variety of other articies belonging to the irade, have be,en purchnsed ihis fumnier by the subscribers froiü Manufacturo and First Haadsin thé New York, Thiladelplii tr.d Boston Markets, and cveiy thing hfiving r ceiveJ his persono! inspeeüon. he can with tl iHnost coníidence offer them to purchaeers as ik bestand most 'comjikte stockln the country; an as it Í3 hisfixed determination (By the low rate ai wliich he wijl sell) to Drevetu the nccessity o o ir Clothiers and ManufV"urer6 leaving th State to vnake their purchases, he wouid merel say to the trade, CÁLL, examine the tjoodjs an assertain prices before you say ou can bu cheaper anij zrfwc else. nv, He is nis'- prepared to conlraet lor CARD1AO MCHLES made in this State or Eost. PIERRE TELLER, Sign ofthe Golden Mortar, 139, Jefferson Avenue. [17-tf.] Detroit.'TO THE VÍCTOR BELONG, THI SPO1LS" ALTÍ1OUGH mnny preparation in the form of "POPULAR MEDICINES," bav been before the public, claiming to give relie and even cure the most imeterate diseases, ye. none have so well answered the purpose as Dr. SHER.MAN'S MED1CATED LOZENGES. erCO8UGH LOZENGES" cure the most obstinate caecs of Cough in a few haurs. They have cured a Jare number ol per Bons who have been given up by their physiciant &ad fr.iends, and many who have been redueed to the verge of the grave by spitting blood cansuiTiptLoa and Hectic Fever, by their ust have had the rose af heohh rostored to the hag gardcheek. and now live to speak forth the praisesof this invaluable medicine. Dr. Sherman's "WORM LOZEñGES" have been provedin more than 4ÜC.0C0 cases to be infalltble, in fáct, the only certain Vrrrrtistroying medicine ever discovered. Children willeatthem when they cannot beforced to takc any other medicine, nndthe benefit denved froni tho administration oí' medicine to them in tnu form is great beyond conception. They havt nover been kiown to tail. Dr. Sberman s CAMPÜOR LOZENGES," relieve Headache. Nervous Sick-headache. Pal piiation the Heart. and sickness in a very few minutes. Dr. Shern:an's "POOR MAN'S FLASTER" is acknowledged by all who have ever used it to be the beat strengthening Piaster in ihe world: and. a sovereign reniedy ior painsand weaknese in the back, loins. side, breast, neck. limbs. joints, rhcumatism, lumbago, &c. Be carefui to procure the above and all other medicines oí Naynard's. and you wíílbe snrethere willbenc mi8take in quantity or charge. W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, February 5, 1844. 41To Clothïers, ]TIaiiwfcturers and Ifierchanf s. THE sul'Seriber is now recciving at his stores. 188 and 190 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit; tho following carffully and well selected stock of Dve Woods, Dyk Stuffs end Woolen Man CaCTITREr's MiCHlNERY. 55 tons Fustic, Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico-'and Carthagena. 10 tons Logwood, Campeach, St Domingo and Honduras, 6 tons Nicaragua, Bonair, Coro, Hache and Urna, 3 tons Camwood, very choice, 180 barrels Logwood, cut and ground, 13J " Fustic, " '; 1U0 f Red Woods, " " 120 " Camwood, " " 10 " Qnerecitron Bark, 45 " Allum, 42 " Copperny, 30 " Blue Vitriol, 28 " Madder. Ombre, and Dutch erop. 3 " Cream Tarter, 2 M Nutgalls, 3 cases Indigo, Bengal, Manilla and Gua tímala, 2 ' Lac-Dye, 20 " ext. Logwood, 2 ' Grain Tin, 300 pounds Verdigris, j5 Carboys Oil Vii'riol, Spirits Sea-Sallsand Niiric Acid. ÁLSO.Copper Kettles and Clothiers Screws, l cntor Jlooks, Jacks and Brushes, Press Papers, Car] Cleaners, Weavers' Shears, Nippers nnd liurling Irons, Comb plates, Pickers and Bobbins. Wire. Worated and Cotton Harness. Steel and Cane Reeds, Broad Power, Hand Looms and Fly Shuttles, Steel and Copper Mails, Emery. &c. Pasons' Shearing Machines, 4, 6, and 9blades: Allen's doublé and single Carding Machines. Machine Card3, Leicester, The above goods have been recently purchas ed directly from the importer3 and manufnciurers, EXCi.usivELY for cash, and will be sold ai the New York jobbers' prices, adding transport? ation only; and in tonsequence of the decline on many of the American manufactured articlcs. will, in many cases, be sold at fifteen per cent less th vn FoniviEK PKicES. Thirteen years experience in the Dye Wood business enables the subscriber to say to his custoniers ihat he is prepared at all times to warrant his goods o! Bupcrior quality. THEO. H. EATON. Dye Wood and Dye Stuff Warehouse 188 and 190 JeHerson Avenue, Deiroif. The Ann Arbor Journal, Ypsilanti Sentine P ontiac Gazette, Flínt Democrnt, Ailrian Expo eitor, Marshall Statesman, Niles Cuurier ant Republican, Gazette, Michigan City (Ia.) ant xhe Enquirer, London, (Canada.) will each pub lish ;he above notice insidc. to the amount o liree dollars, and sand copy of notke witb bil xo subscriber for paymerrt. 17-tf.JEROME M. TREADWELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, WILL attend to the sale and exchange of Lnnds, pnyment of Taxes, and redemption of Lnnds sold for Taxes in .ackson ond adjoining counties, examination of Tilles, Conveyancing. and all business pertaining to Real Estáte. Office in the Couri House. Jackson, Michigan. 17- tf.


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