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'THE American Collecting Agency, No. 240 Broadway, New York. , Clairas of all kinds aainst the Genera! Government, State Governmeut, the City, or private partie.s, prosocutod anl collectod ut mij e.rpensR andrUk. Against private parties I possess superior facilities for colleciing claims everywhere in thi United Stales and Canallas, relieving merchants, awsignees, bankerfe, andothers, oí the caie and a!l responsibility. Special attention gnen to old debts, hard casos, dl, vor.w, wills, estates, etc. ISeinpr familiar witli all the details of the " Inttrnal Rcvenue Lam," I will attcud promptly to the collection of drawbacks, and taxea overpaid throueh "-norauce of the law. Soldiers' pensions, pay, and bounty wecured forthem or their heirs. For that purpose, and for prosecutin" claims against the Government, I have a branch office at Washington. No charge made unless claims are collected. AllbOldicrs discharged by reason of wounds- h%vover shor'. the time they have sorved- are entítled to One Hundred Dollars Bounty. All soldiors havingserved twqyears.are entitled lo the sanie. : ft, The hij-licst market prico will be paid for soldlcrs claims, and other demands airainst the General Government. Information and opiniona given, and investigation mado without charge, upun claims proposed to be placed in mj hands. ï'or particulars, adrlrcss H. HTTNTINGTON LEE, 9()("f No, 2J0 Broadway, N. V THE EOOTS AND THE LEAVES WILL be for tho Healiug of the Nations. Bible. Prof. 3a. ar. x-vostíb THE GREAT AND CELEHRATISI) 1HYS1OIAN of tl„. THROAT.I.UNGS, HEAHT, l.lVtfl AND TIIE BLOÜ! Known all over the country as the Ñ&XBBATED hxdiolit hbee doctob i Of 282 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Will visit the following places viz APPOINTMENÏSlfOR 1802, 1863 and 1864 irot. lv. J. Lyona can be consulted at the followmK places every month, viz: v,riub Detroit, Rusael House, oach month, 18th and I9th Ann Arbor, Monitor House, each month, 20th Jackson, Hibbard House, each month, 21 Adrián, liracket House, each month 22d and 23d. and -ath' Coll"'s House, each month, 24th, 23th, Hillsdalo,Mich.,Hillsdale House, each month 27th mín'íh8Th.MÍCh" SüUthern Mhigan House,' each Klkhart, Klkhart House, each month 29th faonth üend, Ind., St. Jo. Hotel, oach month 30 ..porte, Ind., Tea Garden House, each month 3lk a.idgTh ' ' dellEXChanSe'Cach month. 7'th 10thnSi'eM' Olli' WÜCr IÏOUSe' eaCh month. oth "ld Mt. Vernon, Kenyon House, each month, llth and 14th WiUk' Obi' Holton House. ach menth, 13th and l'iiinesvillc.Ohio, Cowles House, oach month 4th CLEVELAND, OHIO. KIOSIDENSE AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET. tost oi the public square, opposite the Postoffice. days eaeh montli, lst, 3d, 4th,5th, 6th lótli - Qfficehoursfroui 11 A. M. to 12 M, and from 3 1. M 't,, 41'. II. OnSundayfroin9tolOA.M. ándito 1M WMaxima strictly adherecí to- " " I give such balm as have no strife - With nature or the las of üfo ' With blood my hands I never stain Norpoison men toease thcir pain ' He is a phijsüian indeed, who Cures The Indian Hero Doctor, R. J. LTONS, cures th folexTt" comp.lllints In the most obstinate stages of their Biseasesof theThroat, Luns, Heart, LiTar'Btomach , Dropsr n the Chest, Rlieumatism , Neuralgia Fits orFallingSicknos.s.anclallothernervousdera-igements.' Alao alldiseasesof the blood, such asScrolula! Krysipelas , Cancers , Fever Sores, Leprosy, and all other conipnc:iteülironic complaints. All form.s of female difflculties attended to with the happiest results. It ishopod that noone will .lospair of a cure until they liave given the Indian Horb uoctor's Medicines a fair and faithful trial. agUuring the Doctur't travel m Lurope, West Indies, South America, and the United States, he has been the instrument in God's hand, to restore to health and vigor thousands who were given up a.n.1 pronounced incurable by üie most eminent old school physicians; nay, more, tliousands who were on the vergc of the gr#t;e. are noiv livinè mor.uments to the Indian Herb's Dóctqr's skill and successfultreatment, andaré dnily "BJcM Sedbethodaywhenflrst we saw and partook of the Indian Herb Doctor's medicine. " fatisfactory reforenees of cures wil] be gladlv aad cheerfully given n henover required. The Doctor pledges his word and honor, that he will in no wise.directly or indirectly, induce or cause any invalid to take his medicine without the strongest probability of a cure. Mode of examination, whioh is entirely different from.thefaculty. Dr. Lyon professos to d'iscern disea.sos bythe oye. He therefore asks no questions nor doeshe require pationtsto explain symptoms. Callone and all, md have thesymptoms and location of your diseaseexplainedfree of charge. as"The poor shall be liberally considered. aS-Postofllceaddress, box 2663. i.' R. J. LYONS, M. I . Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1862. lyS80 WONDEJRFUL SUCGESS. &'lj The attention and research of the most distinjfulsïfed Cheniists and l'hysicians for yenrs have been devotod to the prndnction of mostdistressing nialadies Neuralgia and Khecmatism. After Loug study and many experimenta, t, spct-jfic prep&ratíon has been discovered. WATtíON'S Neuralgia Kinfr, an Internat Rancdy, is curing thonsands of caJes where all other remedies havo utterly failed. We ure assured that it is no mere. " ANODYNE," relieving for the moment whik'tho cause remains, hut is a iicrfect SPECIF1U and CUKE for 'those painful diseases. The vast number of Liniincnts, Embroca'lions and Ex'ternal Medicines, which act aa stimulants of the surface onlv are meroly temporal y in their eflocts and óf doubtiul virtue The NKUKALGIA KING reachea tl;e source of all tronble, and cirectually banishes the disease from the system. l'rice- One Dollar per Bottle. Prepared by C. R. WALKER, ]vsS7 BnlTalo. W. Y., and Fort Erie, C. W. -sssr FAIRBANKS' J i Standard L8CALES! l?Ê'iiiÊt OF ALL KINDS. BRjjg&egy Also, Warehouse Trucks, Letter Presses, c. Fairbanks, Greenleaf &l Co., 172 Lake Street, Chicago. Sola in Detroit by CAKR1ID tSí SHELEY. EB"Be careful to buy only tlie genuine." 885yl Tobacco I Tobacco! I AM SELL1NG ■ GOOD FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO At from Fiftij cents to 1 per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, From 1 Í cents to 20 cents per pound, at retail. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor,Mich., Deel", 1SC2. SSStf FARMFOESALE ! I offer for aale my farm situated in the Township o,f Sclo, in Washtenaw Cimnty, ou the main road from Ann Arbor to Jackson, about Five miles West of Ann Arbor, and threc and a half miles from üexter. The Farm conSistR Ot' ONE HÜNDEED & NINETY ACRES OP LAND qomposed generally of a gravolly loam, .susceptible of bcing workedin wet or lty wi-athct ■, ia wcli w;itoreil by 'a living streftm, it is moatJy undr improvorapnt, wood land saffiolent foï the Farm, building and feuces tolera bly good, ofobardcff 6oe iruit. All of which will be .solij oheap, oue half of the jim-chase money lay on bcudind mortgage for a term of years. J. H. Ü. ANDERSOM; Scio, Miirch 30, 1803. 3in898 Auctioneers BüTotice. BYRON CREEN, applicd for a license, now holds himself in readincss to attend to all calla. Ilavinfi hadexpeiiencc, heis positive he riTi give ir""'! satisfaction. AU calis promptly attended to. Charges ieasonable. Apnly at the Franklm Houi e. BYBQN GREEN Ann Arbor, Oct. 24, 18G2. KStf ■ Trusses ! RUPTÜRE CAN BK CÜRED BY A ÏRUSS of the nght kind, if properly flited and duly at'.ondcd . to. Thia b&H heen almndantly dtimoDfltratecl in innumcra ble instancia by the use nf the JUnltlpednl Truss ,í( Dr. Rlgva, iuna the last few years. Tilia T. uks b.incr oOTeiod iih Hard Kubber, is perfotl,v water prtuf, niay be nse.l in bathiniï, and is alwaya c'leanly as wel] as indestructible by ordinary usage, if not satiefactor after a fair trial of si!y dyt, it mav be rtturned. It ehallengts Comparfson vith añy trush known. Dr. KIGGS' ufflee, No. 2 BARCLAY Street. Now - York. Ayer's Chërry Pectoral lí Tr il %k. ty i PAiN CURED! RADWAY'S REABY RELIEF Is the most important medicinal curativa- fnr the im■medíate relief of the suííerer - of all variaties of l'AIXS, ACHES and INFIRMIT1ES. apd tlio prompt curo of tlio Ríck wlicvc PAIX, cithor iiHorniil or externnt, la a coneoiïuiH of thc diacase, that has over beeu di.seoverod. ÍS A FEW MÏXÜTES Altor tlio application of Iho RKADY RFUEF externaüy, or te admtai8traUoclatornHy, the patiënt- Bolzod wiü] tlio most exernciuting PAIN's, AOHKS. CRAMI'S, RHKUMATm.NfeORALGU.GQOÍ, I,UMUA(iO. KEVEIt ANJJ AGÜE, BPASM8. SORK 1UKUAT, INFLUENZA, DIPTHERIA, CON'GHRTIÜN or INKLAMMATION, will cn' Joy case aud comfort. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF e%S sflfer to aitmfnUter, and wU stop jxtin guieker, 4l C thui all preparutiou'j uí' 0,4um, Moiphiuo, VeraM trino, HyoüCJamud, Árnica, V.norian, Cliiurofirni o?Ísd or Ether, under wh;itcver mimo diatíugutahod ; miliar Linimento Pain Killers or Snothiny Lotims} wliich uiüroly suspenda Ihefceling of pain ly beiinmblDg tho ncrüeptivo facultie3 ;Índ kuling the mente. The snrgoon .idmini.sters Chloroform, Opium, &C , to rundor in.-in-ihlu thetíervee of porceptlon - KADWAY'S KKADY REUF.P stop.s tho mostc-xcrdciatiiig ]i;iiu;ti'ul séGurefi thnp.itient tho full poöseseion ofhi.s soiiaea. Thíia thó unly jomoJy i:i cu eral use that wi!I stop pain, bo quick, tliTit U freo from Opium, Morphine, or some üttiur Kindrud drug, ' hurtful to tbc goneral kealih. BS WXSS TS3 TZS3B. Guard agaiust Blckaeaa. On tlm Qrst iidíc;iti.n of pain or áfteajBfne, if in the STOMA' H or B()VKLS( Utke a toüspoonful of tho READY KELIKF iu a wmo laátí of WJter. If in the LJMBS, JUI.VTS, HEAD, l'HP.OAT, CHELFT. BA'K, or oth-r taris of the body, ajp!y tbe HbLIEV kxtkkxam.y - in a few minutes uil fain and discomfort will cease. Ttilí Bunplfl apptication u;iy break ap a formidable It ii tnuch o;isicr to prevent diseao tbao to curo it. WEALTH FOR THE POOR. MKALTH i.s tho working man's capital Tlm poor inau can illaüord to poar tho burdets nf ñ knessorpaydoct"r'.s billa. OVKTWKNTy FIVE CEXÏ BOLTLKOFliAlAVAY'ÖRKADY KKLIKF will, it'sickjCurohim quick, and onablehimto resume his labors ivitliout lotí of time - and , i f used whon pain i.-f fimt experieticedy will stop itimmediately. Keep thiá Keincdy always in toe house, and uae it when yon fooi pain ; you will uot4báo One day iu a year by siükncss. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS And othcrs, reriifling in sparsoly scttlcd district4?, whoro t is difficult to secure tlie service-i of a physician, KADWAY'd P.EADY BELIEF U iuvalwibla. Il cm bo iiücii with poaltlro assurauce of duing god ia uil case wl icre pa:n or disco;nfurt ia expürieuccd , or if seized willi IXFLUhNZA, HIPTHEUIA, SÓRE TriKOAT, BAl) COCQHS, HOARSEN'ESS, U1LIOUS CHÜLIC. INKLAMMAl'I.)N OF THE BOWKIA STOMACH, I.UXGS, 1.1VHK, KIDNEVS, or with SMAIA POX, BCAWJST FKVKR, MEASLES, TYPHOJD FEVER, BIUOUS FBVER, KLVl-.K ANP AGUE, or NECRAU3ÏA, HEADACHE, TIC DOLOBEÜX, TOOTHACHE, EAK-AOHE, or with LUMBAGO, PALM IJT THE BACK or RHEUMATKM, or With DIARRHCEA, CHOLERA MORBOS or DYSENTERY, or with BUHNS, ?CAi,OS or [Ü'UISES, or with STJÍAIM3. CRAMPS or SPASMS 'ITio application of RAUWAY'S RBAÜY RELIEF will cure you af tho worst of taose Con plaints in a tbw hours. EHEUMATI8M. ' y?;['LS pai'iful uiseaso has baffieil tho most skllfut -M. livsLiAiió and popular remedies. Itisthciiwt GW clifflcuH of disoanee to vet RADWAY'á JS RKADY BELIEF hasnever faileJ In affirdlng lmnitíajute relief to tbe snlierer and in all cxses of Amito, InUunimtury or Nervoas Kheumatism, to efföct a poriiKinuntcure. (In Ctironie Rheumatism and Gout, RAPWAY'S CLEANSINÓ SYKÜP, calieil Uennvating Resolvent, sliould bo taken as an udjuuct with the KEAUY HLLIEF.) ACUTE CHRONIC EHEUMATISM. ïho following is wriltOD by tho vel! knowii corres jnd ent of thü New York Ilcrahl, Loutlun Times (Encrland), New Orloans Picayunc, Dulti, Cliarlostou Mwoury, &c. : Wil. SIDXEY MTERS, EPQ , HAVANA, CCBA. HAyAiu, Cuba, Jau. 2, 1S58. ' Messrs. Hadioay tê Co. : Grnilbmex - I have been asuiTuror from Acute Chronic Rhcumatism for tlie last tweuty yenrs of my lifo ; my BufforiDga duringthatperiod, ueiiüer tongue nor pon expresa. I have spent a llttle fortuno ou Doctora' bll'B. with ut dei iviuany s ■;b.-tanti;U beueüt. lïecently I tuut' one of my frequent penodica.rat:ack.s. I was very ilL for a week, and had not slept an bour at any one time. A Spauish fr.end, to wliom I relatad my sufterings, f)ld rae lio hfid a remedy whïch would glvo mo relief, and hó klrfuly prepon tetl 'rao with a bottio of " RAI)VAY'3 KKAUY HfcXIEF." Altlïouph Eikepliittl of deriWng nny odvactago from its use, i thát liig t applfdd it f:eely on goiug to bed, and, to my great vmaz.'mcnt, feit rolieved , and slept soundly. The next night I ugain applied the Iíeady Relief, and awoke in tho morning freo frum paiii, having only usod ibuut half tlie battle. Heartiiy do I return you ra y hombie acknowlodgmentrf for your invalLiublo medicinn, wliich may wcll bo called " a blcssing t man." Thanking you, from my soul, for your wonderful romodf , I huvo tut) liunor to subscribo mysotf, Vours, respecttuilv, W. tílDNEY MYKRS. (EXQ,UISITK PAIN,) TIG DOLOEEUX, TOOTH-ACHE, FACEACHE, SHAKP SUDDKN PAINS. Persona éüSbning with Neuralgia oxperienco tho ncmo of excruciating pain. The paroxystns arosharp,sinUtu;i, pluneiDg, aLiiubing, induced inataiitly - liko au clcctric shock. lj ADWAY'tí RËADT RKLTEF is tho only remedy yfK liithertoknown, that wlM affijrd immivliate relief jilT to Üiose who Buffer with this torturing Cumot%O 4a plaint (ín cases of chronic Xeuralgi.i, tho cleaiisiiig tívrup,called REKOVATINO RE3OLVENT, wilt ixpedite the cure.) In recent attacksj tho KhViJY Jít'LIKF, applïod externatJy to tlio porta Where the p in tfrikes, and a teaspoonful of RKLIÊF to a wiuo glass of water ,when the paroxysmá appcar, will efïocta euro. EOW TO 6U1&B A BAB COLD BETVVKEN BiCD-IIME AND 3UNUISE. If Beiz k! with SORE THROAT, U tarsefaesi, Bad Cough; Hfficult BreatJiJng, Beutl-aohe, W.Uery Disciiargos from Lhe Nüq and Eyss, Pulu in tho üuck aiul Joints, c.? batho tho 'ihr'oat, Clr-st, Ilóad and JToUitd w:th tho KKAüY KKLU-.F, anti ruJco a KOT READY RBIiIEF SLUTG, By adding to huif a tumbícr i f hut w:iter,'sweeteued With engar, a dosso. t-spo.iftil of RADWAY'S liEADY ;;.l,li:: and drink t!)i Od golng to bed. In a fow nhmtes you will pTs'ii-o feoly, slcop aouudly, aud vake ia the morníug curad of your cold. {Frnm the Chrislian Adooca'e.) 11 We bog to preaont to tho readers of the Advocate ho fullowlug letter aildioset to Dr. RuUvay. lettlio o iffilcted with WKA.K LUNGS AND THREATKNÜD WITH ■DNSUMi'TIOW reod The writer, Mr. J-AStÜS ÖAGK, ü veil küowu lu Michigan as a. popular hotol-keeper." MaatFBJS, Macmh Co., Mich., Sopt. 4, 1862. Pr. Ridway - üiarSir: Abut tour years sitice, I w.vt very muuh iiffecitíil with HlSK.iSEO l.UXGS. My frioudd hought ƒ Aaii the Cimsumptmn. I wws e;itirely ullt fic )UsiuQSS, raisod blod,uinl had eveiy sympt m uf tho ibovo fatal dfeease. Onenight.on going lö bed,T thonght would tako a, tcudtuok yunr Ra&nf RkU0 'in hot water) ns !xi'nnulaLit't') Ftwëat mo. Jt dM m. Lhe perspira'iüu waa of a slliny RabKtaÈnpè, and offoiipivo ma !!. I lbliowed ta-itig tho Keadt Rkli -f every othur uight for four weeks, nn a'. tin; rml of th t timo ch■iroly well. ThW i-s a trae (itátefhtiiU af fiets, wlncli I wtll testily to uuder oath. Yoiira, etc, JAH133 SaE, Snges Hotel, Mcniphis, Mlch, FSVER AND AGUE. A tabio-spooufu! of RAt)WATÍS RKADY KtllJKF, In a umbler of water, ttken ovcry iriumiug beloro bn;;ikitst, Will prevent attacks öt' Kever and jgi.o, If exposfd 0 its malaria. If Böizod wiih th cni.ilaint, tak; tho amo doso, and bathe tho Jtcal, Xcrk, Hands and ïpine one hoor beibre Iho Chills are ctód ; tliis wiU ireuiï up and cui'ü the vror t fonns ot' Aguo. BR. UAnWAY givM yon, 2& cents, a medicine tint will pmvo its efQottcy in a few botirn, aml euro you. fKl ilisoasoa th.a, uuder tho urdluary treatmentof physlulyts would lay you up for la-s, weeks and montli-s. fre th it every botito i.s comjleto when yon parcU-tfmj and mrchaB0 no RF-AltV HELTEF uuTesS thüfab Hmty pfenaturoof (t AOW AT Sr, CO. Moa tlio otitdldo I.ibc1.:iih1 iii ■ name; of K Au WA Y í CO. blowQ on tho glnas nf o Lch bottle. IT ï. SOU) BY Dlïl:(i(;iSIV ,S,) -roRFKKFPFR.S IN" :vk;íy villagk and iuwn ïn thí-: üNIïED ïATffii AKD CANADAi :EADWAY & C0.f " '87 ttaWen Iüo, N. Y. For Sak by STBBBINS & WILSON ájefs Catbartic Pilis


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Michigan Argus