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I ain BciiEid íor I JL GUITERMAN & tXTSI Dk-pnlü the fact if yon can, It taks thc T AILO1Í after all to givo appca ranee to thc outer man. If you wish to apptaí wcll You must accordingly Dress Wel!. Go to Sí. Guiterman & Co's,, Thè're you vvill find things oxactly SO. SOA1!) HE.UI al wr.ys ready to takei yoiir mensure, GUITERMAN will sell you Goods with grent pleasure, At figures LOWER iban you will find nrrtre State, rJ'ako llCOi] CALL EARLY, else VOU ÜV& too LATE. The indu'e.uents are now greater than e ver, Our Clkrks you vvill find obliging and ule ver. Wc wil! sliow you good CLOTHING oí our own gettinq up, Füliug our Store from Bottom to rop. STÜDENTS especially will find it to TIÍEIR ADVANTAGE, Por it tükes bat LITTLE MONEY to repleuish. 1500 OVERC0ATS of Oloth, Beaver, and Bear, Warranted for almost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMPOKTATION. Forwarded through our New York relations. From England, Belgium, Gerrnany and Franco, Snob as you can stand up ín. or wbar, at the dance. Pañis! Pauta!! Pantsü! Fancy CASSIMERE8 and DOESKIN oí everv grade, We sell them íroin ONE DOLLAE up tO EICHT. VSSTS, &C.j of every description, You vvill find it so without fiction, Furnirfhing apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is sil xí-e Wf now, Therefore Mve make our bow. Youre truly, ever so, II. GUITERMAN. fe Ce., RÏSDON & hWÖERSÖN 3E3Cci-ü-o tía. 3 BUCELBXEÍ CRAiN DRILL, and G-rass Seed Sower, Manufacturad at Springfield, Ohio. "TI HE VRRY I.ATEST IMPROVEMENT, and better than J. all : uibipttH1 tü sowfng Wheat, Kye, Oats. Barlpy nndürastí Seed. lst. It has a Botar y F ceder. 2d. Will sow atl kinds of Grain and Grass Seed, Sd. Never ouncJies the Grain Üh. Ncver breaks tlie Grain. &th. Sovjs Grass Seed broadeast behindthe Drill. GtJi. Has Mgli wTieels and long Hoes. 7 ti). Has long and wide steel poihts. St7i. It has a land measure or 8urveyor. 9tA. ft has doublé and single rank drills. íQt7i. It has a self adjusting shut off slide. It is neatly and substantially made. Th re is hardlv a Prill oflorofl in the market but'can boast of more oi lcs;s "FIIitiT PREMIUMS? They are about is iiuli.scviniin.itcly bestowod aa the titlo of " Professor," wliif.-li r. soinotinics ipplicd to tbe lifiddler" Or '■'bootblach,''1 Theyceaseto convey tho [dea oí The Buekey Drill lias been on Exhibition at quite a nmnber of State and Countj Faira, and without seeking favor at tb hands of ;i:iy Committse, lias received ita full share of Pmaiuina. TESTIMONIALS : We ;;ie (jbe l'ulhnving Dames of a few Farmers in th's vicinitj wü0 liave bought aad usad the BiickeyeDrill : Godfroy Miller, ScJo. Jacob Folheraub - ( Jattob Tremper, f Tliomas Wliile, Korthñeld. John Brokaw, i 'in ïstian i;iip, " E Im ird Boydcn, Webster. ,:tnu-s Tn-ii-lweit, Add Arbor, nank'lO'lliir.t, " " John (i. Oowli , I.dili. O. A. Maj-sliull, " L. . Imon 'f, Saline. G&opffo Cr;pspy, Green Oakj Liv. Co, We arealso Agenta fttfi the Ghio Reaper & TAcwer, achnowlciiged to be thovcry best in use. Wc aio just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Wliicli we will sell ciieap. Also alargeassortraeoi o G-rass Scytlies. And tlio largcst and bost selcctcd stock of BENT STUFF FOR CARItlAGESeverbeforeoftered in thlsmarUet, AVo aïso keep a large and full kails, c.LAsp, purnr, ptNTfana linseed oil. A complete assortuicat of STOYES, TINWAEE, ANP ::A'K T!:ori;ll.-'alvajs on band and put up nl th? Bliorteat aotloe. RISPON k UKXDFUfON. Anr. Ar&OT, Jun 2':t'.i;lSf)-. f'Plf 1868. 1868. SPRING GOODS! AT leduced Prices! Just receiving at a E. MILÏiBN'S MAIN STREET, ANN AEBOR. April 17, 1803. 4v900. 1863. SPRING. 1863, o We are now opening A Large and Beautiful assortincnt of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry G o o ds ! LAD1ES' DRESS GOOOS in gr-eat vnriotj', HIBBONS, -Ox-ose cfeoAlso a large stock of E? oods for WKens7 Wear, Cassimeres, OIoihs. &c. and a full assortmont of Ladios and Ohildrep'a HATS, CAPS, GROCEItlES, CROCKERY, All of which we will sell at the - LOWEST TOSSIBLE o j m i-a: :e a?, i o des : MACK & SCHMiD. Ann Arbor. March 19, '63. 89Gtf OITY COOFER SHOP. Tholesaleand Iïetail, O C. SPAFFORD Would respectfally announee to the citlzens of Ann Arbm and viciuity, that he is uow iranufacturing and keeps constantïy onJiiind a Large Assortment of Cooper Work ! such as Poi'k and Cicler Harrels, Kcgs, Firkins, Ghurns, Well Euckets, &c.; Wbich ivili bc solí] cbeap for cash. ctrsTo :m: -w o e, ik: Made to ord?r on short cotice. Ütepofrlng done with ueatneás and dfspfttcb . 1 wouM cali particular attention to 5Ierclianis in want of Butler Firftfns, I ani mtmufaeturiog the IVew Yoi ïc Ssfatc PIrkIn, vrhich i a better Kírkm than has ever beforo been offercd inthis market. J would invite all who want Firkins to Cali and exanine for tbemselves before parchasing elsewhre, and I will coovince j-oii that you have oallecl ut tho riglii ptace. I wouU aUo cali the attention of "Brewera in want of BEER KEGS, I am now prepared to manufacture Eights, Quarters and half Bbls, in large or small lots, and of a Better Qnality than can be had in Detroit or clsewhero. (JFA1I wort warrauted to give entire satis faction. Thanlíínl for pist fa vors and by a, strict attention to hu-incss, I hope to meril a continué liberal supplj of the public patuwage.. u Do Qot furgel to cali ai the Cify Cooper Shop. O. C. SPAFFORD. Detroit St. Ann Arbor, Jlicb. 8S8fl GREAT.GEEATEE GREATEST BAIiGAJNS EVER OFFERED 1859. J1859. Iu tlua City, ure uow being ofFered at the CHEACLOCK.WATCH, & rpiïSnbacrïbnr wouldsny to thoeïtizensof Ann Ar bor.ln particular, and the rest of Wihtenaw Counïv in epnrrn], ihM hehnsjust ÏMPOHTED OÍRKCTLY from KUROpK.o Tremendous Stock of Watchcs! Ali ofwhichlip binilshimsfïlftopell CHE A PER tbnn ean bu benveht west of New York City. Open Face Cyündcr Watchcs trom $6 to $30 do do I. ifver do do 8 to 21 Ilunting Caae do do do 14 to 35 do do OyHnder do do 9 to .28 Gold Wateheafrom L0 to 150 Í have also the CELEBÍIATED AMERICAN WAT CHES, wbich I wlll scii ter S35. Evory Watch w&rrantbd to perform well, or the moniiv retunded. CloClíB, Jfiwelry, Piatcd War, Fancy Goods. Gold l'cna, Musical; nstruments ani Stringe, Outlcry. Sic, and In iVict avariety of everythinq; ueually kepl o y Jewe lora can be bou gbt for tb o nextninety days ut yaur O W N P E I 0 E S ! Pereooi buying anythine: at this well known establishmn ut can rcly upon getting good exact'y as rej?rosentd, ortlinraony refunded. Callnarly and scr cure the bcsï hargaina ever offered in thi; City. One word in regard to Repairfng : We are prepared tomalto any repairs onfine or eommon Wdtches.pven to mkinec er the en tl re vratofa lf nrcesiüiry. Repniring: of Clocks and Jewelry iis' usuni. Also tb e msuinfacturinir of KINííP, ÜROOCEtS or nuytliing deitred, from California Gold onehortnotlcB. Er(trftTÍP in nllits branchosexeented withneat bom and dispatch. J C. WATTS. Adu Arbor, Jfm, SÖthlPSO. 7L4w Ayer's Ague Curf. Chancerj Notice. STATE OF ;ini!;AX. The Circuit Court for the Cüunty of Washtenaw, in Chancery. At Ch amber beforeHon. K. Lawrence, Circuit Ju dg e, at the Cour, House, in Ann Arbor en the twenty-heventh day oí Marcb 18) S". Ai.".zo Cliïk, "j vs l L.uun Aj S.VRGK.yr, amlothers J It appeariDj ï.y affidavit to the patisfactïon of tie court thal sub] o Qfl aud regBjra den duin ] as been fosueft in thiscasö, dlreött 1 to t lic defendanftj her6hi,and tbfi the same èöufd ño't be serve d upon ïhé tíáíS La ban A. - . bj n :i ■ n of liis coniinueil absence frrtn th Statr nj' .Micuinn, or concoalment tberein, and thi; (iojirt being bs I '; Laban A S.ugeant ia notf ïiow a resident of the State, ano" Hial bis presen) ícsidr-nep ís unknowni On mot ion of K. B, Wood, Solicito for comj.lainant, it i nn. ]. -t bat the raid Laban A. Sargeant caunfi biS;íppearanc6 te ISe enterec1 in thft cause. : '.■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ i ; . . ; to i e iierved ojM&mfisijpnt't solicitor, within n.M.ths firem th date licrrof and that in caite of bis ui pearance tliut be cause b is unswor tu C9roplainantJa bill to be íüwland a jopy thercof to be serVed ou Cotíipla ï j : : i , r ' ■ EcHor withiu twtnty days after sejrviae of s i ops of striö blu au [Q default thcrèof aid bill roay be taken as coiifeseed by him. It is fiirt her ordercil, ihal v.iihin twonty dayi eemplainairt ti: order lo bfrpubllhed Inüie Michigan Argnx, ;i public newspaper pu.bHsb.ed at nn Arbor, iu sitidCbiiuty, and that such publfcïrtftm be continued in said pap$r at least once in each week for eight successivo weeks, èr that he cause a cöpy tbereof to be personally served on the Raid Laban A . Sa,rgesnt at least tw(-:iiv u;is bei o re the expiration of the time above prescribed for hia appearapce, , ]■:. LAWRENCE, Circiift Jndg E.B. Woon, Cumpïainant's Solicitor. 8wL96 . Administrator's Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Jackson, ss. k3 In the maller of the Estáte of John Fisher, e cense d : Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of a Hcense to me grantud by Joseph K Beebe, Judgc of the Prooftte Court for the Connty f Jackson in the State of Michigan, I shaïl expose íor sale on Salurday, the Biith (6) day of June ten o'cfock in the f orenoon, on the premiaes in tlie Countv of WiiPhtenaw the Collavring described parcel of land to wit : The II iftheNorth west charter of the North-vett fractional quarter. of secfion íóur, ïcwn three Soat tfalg twetuy süven acres cf land inoi-3 or lesa. A10XZV FAHOO, Adiainibtralor, Dated,Grass Lake, Aprjl 18th, 18ti3. Heul Estáte for Sale. STATKOP MICHÏQAiV, r.ultiv of -Vahtenaw, ss.-. Injh-j matter wfthe Estttttb of La urn. Ida Todd , of tho New Vork in the Sla te of New York, Minor. ïiotifceisBereby giVsn, That in pusiiance of an order graöt' tothe uoderr.igned,ïhomaa M, Cooley,GjardUn !: -íaíenf said minor, by the Hon. Jufige of I'robate for the County n WaábtíiDaw, on the Sixth da of April, A. I ISCü, there will be sol il at public vendue to bidder, at soutli deer of the Court House in the Cïiy of Ann Arbor ïn the County of Vashtepaw , in saic SI a te of Michigan, on Saturna y tl;eiuuty thirddayof Mav A. B. 1863, at ene Cclock in 't hu atternoon oí ih;t day. (uu.ject tu all enüumbrance.s b] ;e orptherViBeexistiDgatthe time of the salej the fójllo tlisjate to mU: All ï,- certaio piecee or piycelaof land sitúate in thu City of Ann Ai lor, in the Cdanty of Waslitenaw and Ltte f Michigan Lnown anddesignatod ae lots Duqiber fifteea an I Bixt en in blocfc five nuin ofüuroti tïtrei-t, Kange Eight Kast, according tothe recorded plat tbeieof- THOMAS M. COOLEY, Guardian Datedat Ann Arbor, April Cth, 186,3. Mortgage Sale. DITAULT haring been iaade in the condïtion of a certain mui'tg:ige, exec ;c: ! by Nieholaá L'uody anti Bridget Öoody, hls wifej oi' Lêxter, Michigati, toJolin Kabbit, of the tame placv, datcd te thirtieth day of Jjno,A. i)., eighteeu hdndred and sixty, and rtcorJed the thïrd day of July, lsCO, in theoiïice of the Register oí Deeds oí the Coumy of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, in Líber 27 of MortgUgea, on page V3, at two o'clock in the afternoon, whici said JIortgage vas du ly aBaigned by said John Rabbitto Richard Walsh, bjf deed af assignment, hearing date the 2d daj of Janroary, A. Jj. 18iy,und recorded in the &aid office fi the Register of Deeds for said County of W'ashtennw, on the i Hh day of March. aTd.1863, at two and a half O'clock in the afternoon, in Iiber '21 of ilmtírages, on page Ö3 ; upon wbicb mortgage thero is claimed to be due, at the date of thisnotiee, tln-sumof one hundred eighteen dollars and sevnty four cents (S118.7J. an no suit or proceeding at Ia.w haring been instituicd to reeover anj part thercoi : Noiice, is thercfore, herc-y K'i'ivii . tñnt ou Saturday, the 18th day July next, at 11! o'clock, noon, I shall 8311 at pubhc auction, to the bidder, at the front door of the Court House, in t'ie City of Ann Arbor, County oí Washtenaw, the premitses contained in eaid mortgage, or mí much thereof us shaH be necessary to satis fy the amount due on said moilgage with ten per. cent interest and legal coste, together witb all reasohable charges asan Attorney fee coven-.nted lor therein, "that ia to say , all those certaín trac' s or pareéis of land, sitaattd in the village of Dexter, County and State aforeSiiiil, knuwjij bounded, ;.nü described as follows, to wit: One j . u r c o 1 bcginning at the north-west corneruf landsoldbj John Waldo,in block 38 of Faid village, by a contract f rom SanrueJ W. Dexter to the said Jolm Waldo, and bearing date the 28 th day of July, A. Iï. 1S-Í3 ; t henee soutb-caeterly on ihe Ann Arbor road 8 feet ; thëncesouth 39degrees west 81 fcet to an alkv 16 feet wide ; thence wesU'ily on the north line o$ said alley to the wost line of said Waldo's land ; thence northerly on said Wddo's west line to the place of begining ; being The game lot eontractid by the said Samuel W. Dexter to John Yan Flcet, by contract bearing date the 'Ut day of May, A.D., 1844. Also that other parcel oí iand, commencÏDg at a stake on the An,i Arbor road, 28 feel bonth easrerly from the northwest ori:er of the tract ef land, on block 18, wbich tLe sai. i Dexter, contracted to John Waldo, on the 2Sth day oí July 1843, and running thecce t-outh 64 degrres east 25 Fret and 7 inches on the south line of said Ann Avb'T road ; thence south 3Í) degreea west SI feet to an alley 10 feet wide ; tÜence a loñg &9ñ aliey nnrth 64 degrees west 25 feet and 7 inches ; thonce nttk 'c9 degress east SI feet to theplace of heginning." Pated, Aun Arbor, April 24ú 1863 RICHARD WALSII, GEO. M. T'AXFORTH, Assigneeof Mortgagee. Attorney. ÖÖltd Chancery Notice. QTAÏE OF MICHIGAN, the Tourth Judicial Circuit, io 0 Chancery. Sarah M. Eno, Complainant. "1 vs. V Orville C. Eno, Defendant, ) Suit pending in the CircuitCnurt, for the County of WaBhtenavr,in Ciiancery, at Ana Arbor, on the 9th day of April, A.'l). 18i'3 H satiifactorly appearing to tbc undersigned Circuit Cour.t Cemmissioner fo? fafd county. by affidavil fhat re named dcfeiulant in not a resident of tliis State, but that hc ia a resident o!" the State of New York. On motion.qf J(-hn N. Gott. Solicilor for cmplainant, it is orderefl thal t li e paid defendant, Orville C. Kno cause lus tippeAracce in tbia cause to be ínt eral within two monthB from the date of this order and tliat in case of bis ar)pranOB.iie cause his answer to c mplainantfi bit to be Ülcd and a copy thereof tote ser ved on complaiuant'fl BoEtötöT within twenty éa-ys nftei thfl service of a copy of said bill an.l c i ice i this ordi-r, and in default thereof, tl. at the said bill be taken as cop cssedby the -ai. i íefendant Orville C. Vno : and it iti fartherordered that within twenty days after Ihe making of this order, the Faid ccmplaina;nt cause a copy of this order to be published in {the Michigan Ar ff us, a. newspaper pulisjifd in said county, and ihnt .said ]-ublication be entinued in said paper, at tekst once in eafli woel;, for eix weeks in succession, or that she cause a copy of thie ordtr t; be personally peived on the said dcfonriant t least tventy flays bef ore the time aboVë prescríbed U-v ).U api cfi rpnea. A true eopy. GL0. DAKFOEtH, Cir. Ct. Com. John N.Gott, W'ab.Co. CcpQplainaut'. Solicitor. pOltdCliancery Sale. IN ITPFANCE nndby virtue of a decreo of tlie Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw in (.'hancery, made on the second day of February, A. D. }863, in a cause therein pending, wherein Alfrcd B. Wood is complainant , and Joba W. Maynara, Mary .1. Mavrarí, WilliaiEiS. ?.l;tynar.l, J.uthor J';ma, Abijah V Fanar, George Hydf, Amonio Farrar, Henry v. Chan'iler, Washington Wanen, Edward J.ambert, Willimn IJ. 31a. jor, Henry Stofie. WiiHamW. Wrlght, Dwight U. Pal)cock , John Nickoltíou, JaiiWB J. JVrrv, Andicw Kctchara, J'ilin R. Jaffray, Artbur W. Jaffray, Edward S, Jaffray, and Richard V. Jaffray are defendants. Ntíce N Ik :'t by given, tbat 1 shall se 11 at public auction, to the higheat bidder, at twelve o'clock. noon, on Satarday,theSOthday of June inxt, A. D. 1863, at the front door of th Woskteaaw Cfennty Court Ilouee in tho city of Arm Arbor, Michigan, tliose ]iar'ols of land I ïèribödas followa(to-wit: Sitmi ir the city of Ann Arbor, County of Was' tonaw, com mencing onehtindrod sixtoen and n half feet nortb frooj tl ie sniiii.-fa( corner of blook bumbT ons mortfa i range thrce east; thence v.' ono huml:ed and two feet; ttíence oortfc fiftcen and a half feet to the soutl line of lot number eighteen in said block; thence went thirty feet to the west line of Faïd lot; thence njrtl( nine and a half feet; thence east along the south lino 01 Charles Tbayer's land and alorg the south line of Charlea Th 'i er b si ore, on Mundy Biock, to Main ,st.; . n nuth to the place of bfginnirg; xcppiingsQ ranch of saiil land as is coverefi by .fames T. Allen' store, being a siripabout two feet four inclics widej th of vai-l Allon's stT?; the premipps hereiu Intendcd to be described being ihe pa me conveyed uy .:-, Jiiiiï itV 1" H. W'. Hyatt,by baH Hyntt to Jol il Lockwuodj'and by said Lockwood to John W. Maj oard. GEORGE D4KF0RTH, Cir. Court Cora. Wash. Co., Jlich . O. HawKWS, CrmplanianT's Pfiltcitor. Dated, Ann Arbor, liay 7, Ibij'ó. L)')3td Estafe of Jane Pixlej. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, SP.A t a BeSsion of the Probate Court for the Countj (■■- Waslitr naw, holden at thi Probate Office in fhr Ci ■ Ann Arbor ouThuvsday tlieaeventb day of May, in' tUft year one thousand eight hundred and eixty tbree. Present, Thomas Ninde. Jude of Probate. Jn the matter nf the Éstate oí Jane l'ixley, late of eaid County, decearcd. Onreading and filing ihepotiíinn, dnly verificd. of John 11. PiUey, praylng for the urobaJe of an instrn; meni inwon (He in Uiis Court, purporting to be the taft' v.ili and testament of s;iiil deceapcdi Thereupön it i ordered Ihat Frïdaj .the t'.vr.iiy-nintli day of May instant, at ten o'clock ti tlio forenobn, be i ■ Forti ! ■ ■ i ol aid petitioo, and lliat tira it la w nf saijijcceased , nM all other perdoas laterested in Raid estatQ, ,.j ■ roquíréd ■i of paid Court, then tobe hoidi'ii at the Probate Office, in theCiiy of Ann Arbor in saï8 County, and show ca ure, tfany there be, why tho praycrof the petltioner sbould not be granted; Aud it is further oivlered, that said petitionB .ive noticfeto the ppr ■ ■ d in paiii eMatf, of t!ie penclemíy oí t id petition, and t'ie. hearing tberoof, ïv OAUsmga copy of thi Order tobe pdblihJicd in iho Mirhisu ! ' rt'spaper printed and cïrculaiirf In said County ol Washtenaw, tliree öaectssive voek, previonfl I ia id di - oí hearinp. (A tr.u Copy.) ' THnMAF NIXDE, iJudgo of IYobate.


Old News
Michigan Argus