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"codnty"bible society. I rvEPOITORY of Hibles and Testamenta at thc So [) 'ciety prueí ai V. 0 Voorheis'. T. D. TOOKER. T)i:rMII'M riIOTOGRAPÍIKH. Exchange Block, Ann rArbo, Michigan. J C WATTS & BRO. EALERS a Clocks, Watohfts, Jswelry and Silver ) Ware No. 22, New Black, Ann Arbor. C. BLISS. DEALER n Cloeks, Watelies, Jewlry and Sflver Ware No. 22, New Block, Ann Arbur 0. H. BULLEN. DF.U.F.Ït in Pry Gotnis, Groceries, Crockory, &c. kc. M.iiii Street. Ann Albur. BAeH & JPIERSQN. DEALERS ín Jry (ioods, Groeeries Hardware, Boots k Shoes, &c. , Main -st., Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER. MANCFACTURER and dealer in Boots and Shoes, one door north of the Post Ollice. N. B. COLE. DEALER !n Boots & Slioes, Rubbers, &c. Franklin Block, Main Street, Ann Arbor. "itlSDOxN & HENDER60N. DEALERS m Hardware, Stoves, huuse farnlshing u'iio'K Tin Ware, kc , &c, Nimv Block, Main st. O. G. SPAFFORD. ■ ftf AXUFACTl'RKU of all kinds of Coooper Work. IVl City Cooper Shop. Custom wort Jone ou short üotice. Detroit Street, Ann Aitor. a, j. sütiierlandT AGFIMTfor the Vorfe Life Insnrance Comp:uiy. Olfice od Hurón Also has un haad a stock f te most approve l sevia machines. 885tf GEORGE FISCHER. MEAT 1IARKET- Huron Street- (cneral dealer in Krosh and Sik Heats, Boef, Mutton, Porfc, Iiams. l'uultry, l.ard, Tallow, Se., S;c. SCHOÏf & MILLER. DEALERS m Miscellaneüus, School ami Uhiuk Booi, Slationerv, mngings, c. . .Main .st. , Franklin Blnck HIHAM J. BEAKES JTTORNEY and Counsrllor ntTjuv. nd Solicitor in fi. Ci.iuiccr.v. Offlce in CStV HÍU Biock. over Webster's Sook Store. W M. LEW ITT, M. D. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office at his residence, uurth side of Hurun street. and second house west flf División street. U. OUITERMAN & CO. fíIO:,KSA[.Eand ffetafl DeaJsrs aod Waíni facture ra of Keai!y-:M;nls Clothing. Impüriers of Uloths, Cas ligerea, Doskiira, &c, No. 5, Phcenix Block, Main st. VM. WAGNER. DEALER in Ready Ma.le Clothiog, Olotha, Cassimeres, and Vwtiügs, ïiat.-, Capa, Trunk, Carpet lïags, &c, PIiiEiiix Block, .Main etreet. SLAWSON & GEERT" GROCEHS, Provisión and CommiVsion Merchante, ann fei'.er.s in Watur Lime, Laúd Piastor, and Plaste ioí Paris, oueiloor ia-t "f Cook's Hotel. T. B. FREEMAN. BARBER and Fashionable Hair Dresser, Main street, Aun Arbor, Mich. Hiir l'routs and Curls kept non■ Untlyou hand. J. M SOOTT. AMBROTYP1Í and Plintogr.xdi Artisi , in the rooms il overCamiiion's ('lotliing store, Pligeuix Block. Tertect .satisfaction gtven. W. WEEKS. OlRYEVüti ati 1 Civil Engineer, continúes to give imJ mcdiate attention to all orders. Onice at hii resi vaaut tot corner of Catheriuo and Thavpr sts . 869;'l o. r, portérT" QURSEON DENTISÏ. Offlce iorner of Main and Huroa w streets, over Bach & Pierson's Store. All calis Promptly aitended to Aprl853 J R. WEBSTER & CO. rjRILERSin Law-and Medical Booka School Books, M Blaak Books. Miscellaneous Books, pens, ink. and every variety of Stalionery, Huron , City Hall Ülock. C. B. T HÖMPSÖN. ÏV-ALER in Dry Gnods and Gnicories, Boota attdbnoea, I' .te Produce bought and soM, at the bid stand of miflpson & Milieu, Corner Main and Washington sts. MACK & SOHMID, DEALERS iq Foreign and DomestwJry (Jood, Gïoaerifls, Haia and i1;!!,-, Boota anJ Sltoes, Crockery, c., Corner of. M;ün & Libt'pty sta. O. A. KELLEY, DHOTOGSAPHEK- Corner Fourth & Huron streeis. i Alm Arbor. Cases fraineg aii'l l'hotograph Albums cQstantly on hanü, iuid at lower lates than can be '"Uil ClscivliiTC. lj8Bl ANDREA BELL. J jKALKR in (rocories, l'rovisions, l-'lour, Producepj L' 'c, &c, corner Main and Washington Streeís, n Ari.or. The highest msrket prices paid lor country froducc. 866 I. O. O. P. WASHTENAWLodge,ö 9, f the Independent Or'I Jer of Odd Fellows meet at their Lodge Room, 'vy Friday Evenü Ifi o'clock. SiNimeiM. V. ;. P. B. Rose, Secy KIÑGSLEY & BÏÖRGAN. ATWfeSBVg, Counsfllors, Solicitors, aml Notarios ' ' ■ Public, h-ivfj Books and PUta iioum liUen of all atVls q the Coinitv. and attend to cciivt-yancinii and wilecüag demau Is, and to paying faxes and sehool inlcstin any part of the state. Ollice inist of the niirkD. DeFOREST. WilOLKSALE and rstail dealer in Lumbcr, l.ath, ' 8 'Jingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Water Limo, (rand v"r Piaster, Piaster Paris, an-1 Nail A , 'il perfect assortinent of the above, and a!l nther 5n"0t building material tantly on and at the ""[■iroiSil)l ratea, on ljotroit st..:i few codsfromthe "Ito.ii Depjt Ai.s.j operating extensively in the pt0ement Roofing.


Old News
Michigan Argus