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'Sfft&ú itotau íchigmIeíral raïlröaS Passengel trains now leave Detroit, Chicago,and the severul átatioufcin thisOounty ,as follows : GOING WEST. laave Mail. Day Ex. Jack. Ac. Night Ex. Detroit. 5.30A.M. 7.50A.M. 6.00-p. X 7.40P.M. Ypsüanti, 6.55 " 9.10 ' 6.30 " 8.55 " nn Albor, 7.15 " 9.-8 " 6 55 " 9 15 " Dexter, 7.40 " r M. 7.85 " ■' Ghelsea, 8.00 " ; " 7.45 " " Ar.Cliicago, 6.30 " 7.30 A. X, The mail train goes only to Michigan City. GOING EAST. Leave. KightEx. Jack. Ac. Mail. Pay Ex. Chicago, 7.15 P.JI. 5.00 .M 7.30 A.M. Chelsea. 5.35 A M. 3.05 1'. M. - - Dexter, ' 5.55 " 3.25 " Ann Arbir, 4.45a. M. 6.80 " 3.50 P. M. 4.43 r. M, Ypsilasti, 5 05 " 655 " 4.1") " 6.00 " Ar. Detroit, C.05 " 8.15 " 5.40 " 6.20 " Trains do not stop at stations where figures are omit;edin the taole. Tniinsconnect at Detroit with the Great Western and Grand Trunk Bailways of Canada, and the Detroit and Toledo, and Detroit and MiHvaukee Kailroads, and Cleveland Steaimis. At thl Company's Ticket Offices at Detroi(, Chicago, Joliet,and Uifayette, through tickets can be purchafied toall the principal cities and towns in the United staten and Cañadas. LUXÜRIOUS SLEEPIKR CARS upon a(l niglif trains. ïtuttaft' celebrated Ventilating Appar.jijus upon all lay traint - the best preventativcïn us.e. R N. RICE, General Superintendent. M. C, R. R. Office, April 17 . 1863. S-T-1860-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, They punfy, atrengthen and invigorate. They crcute a, heatthy appetite. They arean antidote to change of wntar and diet. They overeóme eöects of disiiipation and late hour. ïbeystrengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent rainsmatic iind intermittent fevers. They purify the breath ana acidity of the stomach. They oure dyspepsia and Constipatiou. ïhey cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and NervousHeadache. They are the best bitters in tlio worlc. They makt the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix llum, the celebrated Calisava Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasureof a beverage, without regard tu age or time of day. Particularly recommen-led to delicate persons requirinr a gentíe stímulant. Bold by allGrocers, Druggists, Hotels and Saloons. P. H. Drake & Co. 202Broadway: New York. 6mt94 LYON'S KATHAIilON. Kathairou is from the Greek word, ''Kathro,'1 or 'Kathairo," ignifying to cle&nse, rejuvinate and restore. Thin article is what its n ime aignities. Forpreserving, restoring and beautil'ying the human hair il is the most remarUable prepaiation In the woild. lt is again owned and put up by the original proprietor, and is now made with the same care, skill and attention uhich gave it aauleof over one million bottles per annura It is a mostdelightful ïlair Dressing. Iteraticntcs scurf and dandruQ'. It keep the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft and glouy ït preven tt the hair from fallinf;iCFand turning gray It restores hair upon buld heada . Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair shouM une Lyou's Kathavion. It ia knuwn and used throughout ttie ciyilijied wovld, Kold by all respectable dealers. 6m894 DEMÁS S, 3AKNS8 k GO.Prop'rs, N. V. HEJMSTREETS Inïmitubie Hair Uestoratïve. IT IS NOT A OYE, But restores gray hair to íte original color, by supplying the pauillary tybes with natural ustonance, im pa.irod by age or difease. All hnnniatieout dyea are coraposed of ZitTtar caMííiG, .jewticying tho vitality api beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves n dressing, fleimstroet's InimitableColoripg Dot only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the hair a ïjiixiit'lanl Beauty, prumotes its growth, prevo.nts its falling off, eradicates Jaiidi-uff, and imparts halth and ploasantness to the iieud. It hasetood the testof time, bemg th,ñ original Hair Coloring, ad is ftunstautjy inci'iiasing in favor. Ugecl bj both gentlemiin auu ladies. It is Rld by all respectable dealers, or can be protíured. by tliftni of H". commí:rcal agenta, D . S. liarnes & Co. 20' lfroadway New-York. Two sizes, 50 cent and $1. 6m6ÍH Trusses ! RUPTURK CAN BK CUREO HY A TtïI'SS o'f th riglit kind, f properly fllted and duly at tended to. This has beah abundantly demonstruled in innúmera ble instances by tin use of the Multipedal Tniss ui Dr. Itiggs, during the last few years. This Truss being coveierl with Hanl Kubbei', is perlecily wattjr[iruof, may be used in bathiojj, aod iaahpt.Yl okCanVy as well as IndestrQQtfhle by onin;iry usage. ïf njt satisfactory after n fair'triaT o'f sixty days, it njay. be nt ui -iijM. lt clialltngf B ÖOnipaVison with ány truss knownDr. RIGGri' U&C6, Uo. 2 IÏARCI-AY Street. New'ork. ■"" USfttf A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. BUPOÑCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOK FEMALES. Infalliblein correctlng, ruguiating and ryinoving allobstr uctions, lrum whatever cauKo, and always Buooeesful as a pruyantive. The combínation of ingredients in Dr. Duponco's Gulden Pilis for Fuñíales iré perfectly harmkss. They have been used in the printte practica of Dr. Duponco over ÜOyears,and thousanda of ladies can testify to their great and never failing succes ia almost every case incorrecting Irregularitfei, relieving palnful and distressing munstruation, particularly at the change of Ufe, From five to ten pills will cure that common yet dreadful complaint, tho Wbites Nearly every femalo in the land sulTers frcm this eomplaint. The abovc l'ül lias pennanently cured thousands, and they will cure jou if you use them. They can not harm you; on the cuntrary, they remove all obstructions, re store nature to its proper channe], and in vigora te the wüole sybtem. Ladies whOB6 healtfa will not permit an inoioasa of family, will find these pills a successful prüvèntive. Ladies peculiarly sïtuated, or those suppoaing themselveB p.o, shouid not nee these Pilis during the ttmt three months, us they are certaiu to produce iniscarriage , "after which admonition" the proprietor assumes no responaibility, although their mildness will prevent an injury to hoalth. The ingredients composing the above I'iUr are inadc known to every Agent, and they will teil you they are safe and wül perform all claiined for thera. Price SI per box Sold in ANN ARBOR, by STEBBÏN8&WIL80N, Pruggists, W. A.HUNT,Iírug(ist. Ladies living at a distance by Bonding them $1,00 through the Ann Arbor Postoffice, can have the Pills sent (confidentially) by mail, to any part oí the country f ree of postage. N. Iï.- Beware of a base counterfeit of hese Pills, - Yon" can buy the counterfeit article at any pr ice from 25 to76centsa box (dear at that). Ladies yuur livt-.s and health are of too much yalue to be trirled wlth, besides being imposed apon with a vorthlcss article. Therefore, any one ofTering you these Hills for less than $1 a box, avokl them as you would pol son. They are bogus None aregenuine unless the name of S. D. HOWE is on every box wUich has recently been added, on, account of the Pilis 1oinrcuiiterfeited. Solrt also, by t ma wwb u K1NNE k 3MITJT, Yptftanti. VÜS3 &IÍKEBKJackson, and by one druggïst in every villnge and city in the United States, audby KARMAND ,SHEELEY& CO., General State Agents, Detroit. g. D HOWE, Solerroprietor, 867yrs2 New York. AGOOD TREE IS KNOWN 3Y ITö FRUIT. So ís a good Physician by kis Successful Works, PROFESSOR H. J, LYONS, THE GREAT AND CELEBRATED PHYSICIAN OF THE THKÜAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, Known all over the countr; as the Ctlebrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! From South America, will be at bis rooms, RUbSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, Onthel8th and 19th inst.,on the same dale of and ereiy subsequent mouth during 1862 and 1863, A NEAT PAMPHLET Of the and extensive travels of Dr. Lyons can be procured by all whodesireone, f ree of charge. Dr. L will visit Ann Arbor, Jackson.and Adrián, Mtch., as follows : Ann Arbor, Monitor House, 20th. Jackson, llihbiird House, 21st Adrián, Urackett Hcu3e,22d and 23d. 11ODB OP Kxami.vation. - The Doctor discerns di-jeases bytheeycs. He, therefore, asks no quetions nor req'iires patients to explain symptoms. AÍIlicted, come and have your syniptoms and tlie lo catión of your diseusoexplained free of charge. The Great Frenen Remedyï MADAM BOIVIN'S CELEBRATED SILVER-COATED FËMALE PILLS. The only certain and Safo Romedy for all Uterine Obstructioñs, Monthly Difficulties, lrregularities, and all the otlier diseases to which the Woraan, Wift and Mother is peculiaiiy liable. These Pilla contaia no deleterious ingredients, bat are safe and certain in their action. They wiil befoundto exert thehapiest clTect in all casefc of Prolapsus Uteri, in Leucorrhea, or the Whites ; they will be found the easiestand most certain Cure that can be found. It is on account of this certrinty ihey shouid not be taken by Pregnant Females (during the Jirst three months, as miscarriag e is certain,) to be brought on, but at other pcriods their use is perfectly sale. N. - One Dollar enclosed to any authorized Agent, will eusure package of Pills by return of mail. C. 0RO3BY, General Agent, Fort Erie, C. W., Buffalo, N. Y. Cattiox, - Beware of Counterfeits, the fjenuine have the signature of C CROSBY, on the outside wrapper. Kor sale by all respectable Druggists. Iyeow887 O TOBACCO- You can buy the best grades of FINE CHEWING TOBA.CÖO at from 50 cen's to One Dollar. SMOKING from fourLeec to twenty oenta at M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE Sign- Red Indian. South side Huron etreet, a few doors frona Cook's Hotel. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dec. 11, 1862. ' 883tf lIJBKr GOODS, FOR Spring Trade ! I am now receiving an entire Now Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS STKAW GOODS CHOICE GROCERIES &a., BÜYERS WITH CASH IN HAND are invited to examine ïuy Siock of PRINT3, SHEETINBS, DEN'IJ'S, STRIPE SHIRTINGS 1ICKINS8 and all DOMESTIC GOODS All bought for NET CASH since the Decline In Colc3L AND RUMORËD FALL OF CHARLESTON. JOHN H. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, April 22nJ 1863. A GRBAT BOOK POR AGENXS. To be Sold only by Subseription. D1ARY OF TUE American Revolution. FROM VVHIG & TORY NEWSPAPEKS. And Original Documente. B"5r Ftisr: moobe, Editor Of the Rebellion Record, etc. One thicli 8vo. Volume of 1100 pages. IUuatrat&d with TwelreSupfirbStsel Engraviögt by Rltchie. L3 50. This important a,nd valuable book will bc found of reat interest toevry intelligent American - ailo.pding the only living and truthful indication of the spirit, tht Jicry frcshrtfstf, the darivg Unguage, and giganlit sr.ln-mes, of the 3OS8 of Libkbtv, m their inauguration and struggle for Iadepencieiice ; while Kt tlie same time it exilibitR the various phases of the Tory oppoaitioa, their crafty insiDuations, their cautious doubts, timiil couusels, and open eumity. Jlei-e men, somc alroaiiy known, manylonjr since forgotten, but all active partisans ou sido, jrive unreserved vent to their ptrk)tim or pMslan.thelr Una pora ry fears orlofty anpiratiojís, their iudlvi-lual sulíerins and private mistoi'tunps The maittrialg of Lhis work are taken from Whig iml Torv NKWap-Al-ERs puuliHliod during the Revolution , Privaíe Itiarie, aodeareoatñipqraseoaa wi'itlngK. They prewent to the student of this flaj tho same viow thp. reader of the Revohitionary period ínjoyed- the manners andcustnms of the people, and the cnoraï and r(jligious,as well ;is political leaturesof tho tioi1. The work contains not paly the currnnt acQountn, hv both WhHJ Airo Tokv wurncRs, of tbe different Bkrmiahes aiid battte by sea and land, but, at the Hame tlme,girei a clear Myti of theeiïectof those occurrences upon tho peop.e and their home. It also einbrace.s accounts of the ball, purties, marriagfs and deaths criticisms upou njen and books, wed diug partfea, Btefgh-rldes, the Wbig tarred nud feathered by the Toiefi, and viceversa; fox-hunts hy theoiïlQri of tlie ïiiitish arniy ; snrpiiscs, birtday celebra tioifft practical jokes by men whom we liave been taught to beücvü were of tho most seriuus natural dispofftien ; pattiotic songs and baltads ; horse-racea, (famftfi, ma.-iquei'atles, reviewn ; ftaeodotftfl of the most celebra Ud men and wornHn, popular ipftrrlipenta and usafrü, and Mie cel'hration.s of natinnal fcstivities. ThO workearoP th reader biick Into 1hc homos, upon the very hwrihhionen, the hijEhwayi and hattit;IbMf of the Revolutioo, 'aod Iets him hcar the Whijrs and TriR lamp'ion an-1 tliuse eiich othftr, and see tlie. ftTplfefl flght ir their nwn wav ■ ' Keadow frho M'ish to know exartiu how tho pnople of thft Aini'rifíiin líevolution tibougbt and talkt-d about GENERAL WASHIIfGÏOÏT AND KINQ GEORGIË THE TIIIRD, munt havo this book. It is the LANGO&GB of tlie Amorifan Kovolulion." KI'IlRIEN'CKI) OANVASSKRSarewnDted t esnmn for %Iiq work, to wborg liberal comniissinns wil! be given. Apnlyby letter to tho Pubüwher, CHARTiES T. KVANS, 3w'-04 ttS HroiuUvPy. Hyer's Ckerry Pectoral P. B AC H Ib now receiving J LA.RGKE STOCK -OïNew Spring Goods, BOUGHT FOB CASH Since fthe Late Fall, AND WILL BE SOLD VERY LOW FOR CASH. Cali and See ! :ntew BOOT SHOE SS . OrmËP? tg 5' g KT. 3. COLE, (Successor to iloure & Laorais.) lias oponed a store in " FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, Miiin street, Aun Arbor, and has on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS, manufacturad from tlie best material an-1 warranted to give satisfaction, coosisting oL MLN'S KIP, CALF AND THICK BOOTS, DIIVBLE SOLED, MENS. BUFFALO OrisSROES, o f al] dcscnptious. Moroccu Bootees, Bulmorals, Felt Overskoes, and Rubbers. Alm. Boy 's Kip, Calf & Tliick Boots, togetherwilh a variety of CHILDKEN & YOUTH'S SHOES. I mu aiso TCniiufnctnrfiig WAREANTED EOOTS & SHOES. Meu's Fiae Freunli Calf íioois PeggeA mui 8ewed. Oive me a cali boforfi purcha.sinj elsewhere. I wül sell my aoods cheap l'or REPAIRING NEATLY DONE AND 0N SHORT NOTICE. N. B.COI.E. Ann Arbor, Jan. 13th, 1R6S. SSTtf 1863. May. 186S. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, "Oíd Córner!" I am now receiving a well SELECTED STOCK O F NEW C OODS, FÜR ÏHE Spring and Summer Trade, . C0N81STINQ OF STAPLE DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, TEIMMINGS, SHAWLS, HOOP SKLETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, NOTIONS, &c, &c. Also u í uil assortmont of Family G-roceries! all of whiüh woro bouglit low and are to bti SOLD ClIEAl' FOR CASH. The highost Market prioQ paiti for "W" O O X l C. J3. THOMPSON. At tba Farmers Now Cutsh Sto;-e, Corner of Main and Waahingtan ts. (OOÍtf) A"" Arbnr.


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