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American Collecting Agency, No. 240 Broadway, New York. Claims of all kinds aifainst the General Govcrnoiei.t, State Gnvernment, the City, or private parties, prosecuted aud collected atmy expense and risk. Agaiuttt private parties I posaess superior facilities fyr colloctiDf claims everywhere in thi United Stales i and Canada h, retieving merchante, lysignccs, bankerb, andutherg, of the caie and all rehponaibility . Special ittentiun givun to old debt-s, hard cases, di, VOP33S, wills, estates, etc. Belug familiar with all the details of the " lui mal Reventie Law," I will atlend promptly to tliecollection of drawbacks, and taxea overpaid through ignurance of the law. Soldiers' pensions, pay, anrl bounty secured forthera or their heirs. Fur that purpose, and lor prosecuting claims agataftt the Government, T have a branch ullico at Washington. No charge made ualtis claimt) are col lectcd. All soidiers discharged by reason of wounds - however shori tli time the y have served- are cutitled to One Hundred Dollars Bounty. All soldier ha ving served twoyears,are entitled to the saine. The highest ma'rket price will be paid for soldiers' claims, and uther demanda against the General Government. Information and opinionn given, and nvestigatïon made without charge, upou claims proponed to bo placed in my hands. For particulars. nddress H. HUJWTINGTON LEE, SOOtf Xo, -J40 Broadwky, N. Y HTHE ROOTS AND THE LËAVES WILL bo for the Healii.g of the Na tl om. JSible. THE GREAT AND CELEBRATKD PHY8KUAN of thfl THKOAT,LUNGS, HEART, LIVKR AND THE iïLOÜD, Known all over the country as the CBSÜhfimTSD I3STI3IVrT HERIB IDOOTOIR I Of 282 Superior Stiejt, Cleveland, üliio. Will visit the following placen, viz APPOINTMENTS FOK 1862. 1863 and 1804. Prof. R. J. Lyons can be consultetl at tho fnllowlDK places every inonth, viz: Detroit, Hussel House, eachmontb, 18tliani1 19th. Aun Arbor, Monitor House, eaeh monLh, 20ib Jackson, Hibbard House, each muntli, 21. Adrián, Bracket House, each month U'2dand23il. T(jledo, ÜUiOjColhns House, each month 2-ttli yjth and 26th. ' Hillsdalo, Mioh. , HilUdale Houso, each montl] 27th Cojd water, Mich., Soutuern Mioliigan House' eaci month , 28th. Klklmrt, Klkhart Houkp, each month, 29th South Bejid, Ind., St. Jo. Hotffl, each month, 30 Laporte, ]nd., Tee Garden House, eaeh month 31st Wooster,Ohio,CrandellISxcluuge, each monll! ïth and 8th. ' Mansfield, Ohio, Wiler House, each month, Oth and Mt. Vernon, Konyou Houso, each month, lllh and 12th . Newark, Ohio, Holton House, each month 13th and Wth, Fainesville, Ohio, CowlesHfmse. each montli 4th ULE.VÜLAND, OHIU. RESIütNOfi ANli OFFICE, 282 ÖTJPÜRIOE STEEKT. East of the public square, opposite the PostolHce Office day oach mouth, lst; Bd, 4ih,5th, Oth, lötli. Olluie hour-s from Í) A. M. to 12 M, and Irom 2 P, M.'to 4 I'. M. Ontíunday from 8 to 10 A. M. ,,uu 1 to 3 P M S-Maxims strictly adhered to- I give such balm as have no strife, With nature or the la'vs of üi'e. With uloodmy hand;, l m-vcr staln Norpolson men toease their pain. Se U a phiaiciun indeed, whu Curen. The Imlian Hito Dooto'r, K. J. LYONS, cures the fol lowing compiaiuts in the most obstinate v.;r ;ea ui tiieir existence, viz: Diseases oi' the Throat, Lunga, Heart, T.iver, ftomach,Dropsy intheChest, Hheumatism, Neuralgia, l('it.s. orFallin,;Sickness,:indaHother nervcuM'era igemtnU. Also alldiseasenof the blood, such as Scrolula, Erysipelas, Caucers, Fovor Sores, Lsprosy, aud all uther oomplicated clironic complaifats. Ail forms of female diliicuUies attended to with the hafipiest results. H is hoped that no one will despair of a cure until they have given the Indian Hterb lloctor's Medicines I fair and faithful trial. 4gs_During the travels in Europe, West Indies, South America, and the L'uited States, he has been ihe instrument in God's hand. to restore to health and vigor thousands wïo were given up and pronounced incurable by ihe most emiueni o'A school physicians; nay, more, thouRandi who were on the verge of the grave, are nuiv livintr mor.uments to the Indian ÉUrb's Doctor's skill anTl successful treatment, andaré daily exclaiming: "Blessèd be Ihoday when first we saw and partook of the indianHerb Doctor's medicine." fatísfactory references of cures will be gladly and cheerfully given w henever required. The Doctor pledges his word and honor, that he willin no wise,directly or indirectly', induce or cause anv invalid to take his medicine vithout the strongest irob ability of a cure. $fö Mode of examinatinn, which is entirely different froni thefaculty. Jli-, I,yon professes to dfsern di seases by the eye. He thérefore asks noquestious, nor doeshe require patientsto explain Rymptonj. (all om and all, tnd have thesyinptoms and location of your dlsASse i'xplained free of charge. ryThf poorsht.ll heliborally conidered. JPostoineeaduress, bo 20h'3. E. J. LYOX.S, M I'. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 55. 18C2. 1yS80 WONDEItFUL SUCCESS. iff The attention and research of the most distinguished Chemists and Physicians for yenrs have been devoted to the production of a remedy for fhose most distressing maladies Necraigia and RiibcïutlSM. After long study and raany experiments, a spcafu; preparación has been discovered. WATSON'S Neuralgia King, an Internat Kemcdy, U ourinj; thousawls of cases where all other remedies liave utteily faiied. Weare assuredthat it is no mere "riNUDYXE," relieTing for the moment while tho cause remains, but is a perfect JpwnnC and CURE Lor those painful diseases. The vast number of Liniments, Kmbrocation and Kxternal Medicines, which ftCt as stimulants of the surface only, are roerely temporal y In thelr effects and ot ciouoiiui virtue The NKURAI.UIA KING reacties the aonrea of all trouble, and ell'ectually bauishes tho disease from the system. Price- One Dollar per Bottle. Prepared by C. R. WALKER, Iy887 Buffalo,N.Y.,ind Fort Erie, C.W. j- FAIRBANKS' rJ Standard SCALES! -:W$gfifí=% Also, Warehouse Trueles, Letter 2yresses, ffc. Fairbanks, Greenleaf & Co., 172 Lake Street, Chicago. Sold in Detroit by FARRAND & SHEIilSY. 4"Be careful to buy only the genuine.=3ïl 88"vl Tobacco ! Tobacco ! I AM SEI.L1NG GpD FINE Cüï CHEWING TOBACCO At from Fifly cents to $1 per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, From 14 cents to 20 cents per pound at retail. . M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec.17, 1862. 883tf FARMFOR SALË! I offt-r for sale my farm situated in the Township of Scio, in Washtenaw Countv, on the main road from Ann Arbor to Jaclwou, about" Five miles West of Ann Arbor, und three and a half miles froin Dextcr. The Farm conaistfi of ONE HUNDRED & NINETY ACRES OF LAND composed generally of a gravelly loam. susceptible of being workedin wet or diy weather, is well watered by 'a living stream, it is mostly under improvement, woQd land suffleient for the Farm, buildingH and feuces tolerably good, orchard of fine fruit. All of which will be sold cheau, one half of the purchase nioney lay on bondand mortgagefor a term of vears. J. II. M. ANDERPOH. Scio, March SO, 1863. Sm898 For_Sale, Two Dweiling Houses ! I TWO STORY FRAME HWfXUNO HOUSE and l.ot 1 4 x 8, nowoccupied by J. H Burluos. I'ossession givonOct. 1,1888. 1Í STORY FRAME DWET.I.1XG HOUSE, BARN and LOT, 4 x 8, now occupied by D. R. Kelley, posession jfivnn April lst, 1804, good cellars, oiile'rns md out Imilding about the prernises. Propsrty aájoining tbe hou of L. C. Rlsdon on W illiam btteet, Au Arbur.- For lurther particulars inquire of AXDKKYT HFI.L. Ann Arbor, May 11, 1863. 904tf DWELLING FOll SAL.E I IF YOU wish to buy a good two-storj btlok dwolling, convunioiit to tho business part of the Citv with 4'oundt and yards well stocked with cholee li!ilr.( nl Kindn, Appres. l'ears, l'eaches Plums, üasBherr-ies Oriiaint-ntal traes, t-livubber , ic.,ikï., fnouire r( tna Nov. 14,1862. A):i;rs OFFirÉ. Ayer's Sarsapaiüla. DR. HADWAY'S PILLS. NEWLY DISCOVERED PR1NCIPLES IN PURGATION DR RADWAY'S PILLS ARE THE BEOT PURGATIVA Pilis in the WorM, and tbfi only Vegetable Substituto for Calomal or Mercury ever discovered. Composccl ofVegctalile ICxtracts ofGumg, Piants, ïlt.'1-bs, Koots and Flowers. Thcy Purge - Clcanse - Purify - Heul - Soothe- Cairo- Strengthcn- luvigorate - and Kcgulatc the System. mjt s unoEjr itticks of INFLAMMAT10N OF THE BOWELS, BIL1OUS CBOLIG. BILIOUS KEVER, ERYSIPELAS, CONGESTIVE FEVER, SMALL POX, MEASLES, SCAELET FEVER, SIZ TO EIGBI FII13 Will purge the diseaso from tho systera iu. SIX HOURS. If seizcd witli of tho above-named diseaes, let 6ix or uight of Dr. Radway's PILLS bo taken at ouoo. l'his single dose will carry the pitient out of danger. TliL-ir coutiaued use, 'm smaller doses, will work a curo. COATED WITH GUM, They are pleasaut to tako. They opérate pleasantly, nalurally, aud tkoroughly Evcry that is tiken imarts strength to tlio enfoebled ystein. Being perfect puigatives they do not leave the buwels costive, or tho patiënt vjcaJc. ONE OR TWO OF DR. RADWAY'S PILLS Will secure a good appetite and heallhy digestión, TO THU3E WHO TAKE P1IXS, )R. RADWAY'S PILLS will be fonnd an improvement on il purgativo or calhartic pilla in use. One or two pilla ■vill bc füuud sufficient to keep tho bowels regalar ; and u cases wbere a brtek oporatiou is desired, SJX to EIüUT ft-ill ia siz honra thoroughly purge. OKÉ TO SIX BOXES WILL CURE COSTIVENESS, DYSrErSIA, CONSTIPATION, MEÁSLES. CONGESTIÓN, .. MELANCHOLY, HEART DISEASES, IIVSTERICS, DISEASES OF ICIDNEY AMENOERHCEA, AND BLADDER, FAINTING, DISEASES OF L1VER, DIZZINESS, E1LI0ÜSNESS, RUSH OF BLOOD TO TYPHÜS FEVER, THE IIEAD, SHir FEVER, 0BSTRUCTI0N8, MALIGNANT FEVER, ItETENTION OF URINE LOSS OF APPETITE, DROPSY, INDIGESTIÓN, ACUTE ERYSIPELAS, INFLAMMATION, HEADACIIE, PALPITATIONS, BAD BREATH, SCARLET FEVER, INFLAMMATION OP BILIOUS FEVEU, THE INTESTINES, JAUNDICE, APOPLEXY, CONGESTIVE FEVER, ENLARGEMENT OF SLEEPLESSNESS, THE SPEEN, GENERAL DEBILITY, SCURVY, DIMNESS OF S1GHT, WH00PING COUGH, FITS, WORMS, LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, BAD DREAMS, QUJNSEY, PLEURISY, As also all Complalnts of Women, such as Hysterla, eucurrJicea or WUites, WcakenIng IJlMlinirs, Chlnrosis, Inrguliirltles, Stippresglon of tle Menses, Inflttinmatlon of the Woinb or Bladder, UiiBcalt Menstrnatlon,aiad a.l ütliiü iJiíoaseá or Coioplaiñte jirüduccd by uxco-sivo di-charge or snpprcsíiion ofthe Menses. lalios who desiro to avuid tlie sulfcriQgs and iiicon. veuiences of ttiese irregularities, or orgauic obstructioiiB, shoald not omit to reuníate tlieir systemi by ineans of One or two of RADWAY'S I'ILLS.orjcoor twica a week, and thll be froc from tbc m:uiy and (rreal inconmiienoes to whioU ladios aro gouorally eubjeci. WEI9H FACrS. DOCTOR RADWAY invites tlio arttention of the tntelllgent reader to th? facts her presented, showiog thb euperiority of bis PILI 5. as purgativos, over till otber piils or purgativa-tneJicines üi usi. THEIR GREAT COMBIXATIOXS. Thcy are Aperient, Tonic, Lix ;tive. At rative, Stiinjlaut, Couuter IrriUnt, SudonÜc. AS EVACUANTE, They are more cert:n and tborough than the Drastio Pilis of Aloes, or Crotón and Harletn Oil, or ríatcriuin ; and more sootbing aud bealing timu Boomt, or Hhubarb, or Tamarindo, or Castor Oil. AS ALTP.RATIVRS, They exercise a more powerful inilui'nce over the üver an l its secretions than calomel, mercury, bl ie pill, henee thcir importancc in cases of IJvor Coinplaiuls and Spteen Difücultiüs, Juuuiice, Dyspepsi i, Bllious ,Aitacks,-Headache,&c. In tito treatmeut of (fevere, etii.r BlÜolih, Yellow, Typhoid, and other redocitg FevörittHiy nre superior to quiiiiuo. Xhait iuQuence cxtcudd over the entiro systoin, controUinj;, strengthcninii, and braciu? up the relaxed aud wasting enefjries, nu l regulati'ig all the secretioiis to the natural performanca of thcif duties, cloansing and pnrifying the blood, and purgiug from int systcin ali diáoased deposita nul Impuro üutn jra. THE CAUSE OF PILES. A large dose of tho Drastic Pilis will, by irritntïnff the mucous membraae, pruducc l vi)leat oxpuUion of the contente in tbc bowelö, but in eo dolüg other spcrctions are suspended. Iu sucii pases, the siuuls will be fouod tobe light-colored aud watery, and itteii-ied withcramps, griping painrf, nausea, sickuess. lïy t is i&cfeased uünatural actiën of tho b wcls, tho seorationa of the kidneys and pancreas arediminished,lol!owöil by iQbctioo of the kidneys, bladder, urethra, piles, teuoáuiui, general prostration, coátiveness, aud índigüstíoa Why Radway's Pilis Cure Sinall Pox. Iu mail Pox, Scirlet Kever, Erysipela, Veltow,Typhoid and othur reducing Fecersf i'uhoatïo.v is highlij essential. But to admintdter :i dse cl DrasOc Plüa tUHfe irritíition thcy woflld produce and the retax&tfon aurt deplction that wculd follow, wuuid bü Hely tn prove fatal, lf physicians, in these cases, wonld gve RADWAY'S PILLS, they woutd alwiyd cure thfir tleaU. In these dlseases a mild, suothing, beuiltig aud geuitly stimulating laxiiivo is reqmrcl, ffhich Is sccureU by „lADWAY'á PILLS. Wliy In&perfect PiBls Gripe. The cause of gi'iping, nausra, slckaoa., tescdmvs ani deb.hty, thut is iiidu'-ed b-y a dosu f drasüo jtills, is ov ing to their imporfect operaiion )f with üutacces, Ihe diseased humors, leftciroübtiog In tliu system, were expeHed by these puls, Ihere wutikJ be btit htile pain or griping. It la tho ahséuoo of the bilo and oihor hnmtrs which the imperfect piüö f'ail to purge out of Üie systom that oooaslons the pala, By ex tminlig thö s'tools bvbcnated alter severo griping tUcy will bc found thiü and wutcry. THE TRUE PÏLLS TO TAKE The on!y safe pills to take are Dr. R idway'.s, becauae they aro lito on ly pills that socure pur uti ö without depletiou, and uxpel uiseased bumurs from tlw system. CASE OF DYSPEP3IA CTJRKB. For many yoara T have been afBicled vvith our natiuual c,(jnplaiut, aal led Üyspop.i i- m sufifól-'Uigá havo been a eoüsUut Buuoession ot horrws. I bftve spent thousand3 of dollars wilh i'ie hopo f roalizmg' a littlo Cüinl'ortand tranquilliiy. All me Ij cal i id feiifiü to relievo me, until I commencod to act up n th:1 ju licious advico yougavomo on the ftbt orÁpMI, ffo&. vud tiow, ifier nsing your FIUb, I icol like a new mau. {tod biess you, and raay this lottcr i'iducc othei' inToring victima ti ihu accurscJ maludy, to tiy tiiu som : naBiim. Vours furvontlv, W CARPEXTER. CARFRNTKJ.VTLLK, N. J. , ApHl 1 6t!) , 1859. leasn. iiadway d) Co., N. X". lity. Letter from Dr. Salmón Skinner, Nkw Vokk, JíUiuary, 1S60. Dr. Raáway d) Co. : I have, durmg the pa?t four J'.aar, iwed your remodies, aud have roco nmendod tliuia iu othera fur Biijtuus COXPLAXCTS, Imiiük.-UX, DVBPKf Ia, üc. 1 uunsidcr tho Ueady Relief and Kagfuiatlng PitU uAequaled. Tho Regulatüig Pilis aro lüild in their upcratiouü and tUoi'uu-hly cffective. Tho ürst doso sbovilil be largo enrvi.uh to purge. aiy four or Üve, and taoU succossive doso In; diüiiuished ouo pDl, untii reduced to otia, aol theu ropoatei cvi.Ty day for a week or leu days. A permanent cu.o will surely follow. Your, fiüs., DU. B. SKINXER. &&- Dr. IïndTny'1a Pilis nvu aolil by DrugRlsts and SiorcILeccrs It g;onernl Ench Bo coïttaliis 30 riUa. Prlcc '3 ets. per Box. For Sale by STEBBINS& WILSON iluctioneers Hotice. BYRON ciii'X, hiivluj applied fW a licunse, noi holdj liim.seJf in rndiin'ss to al tc'rnj to ;ill calis. - Havinc liíidi'xpci "nep, liyi-i popitive lie cn give goo BatiqfttCtioH , All c;il.s [iro uní; l ;i I ít''ii C'haig1 ïeasonable. Apply at the Frnnkhn ll'-n e. ütKON' GREEN. Ann Arbor. Oct 24, T663, HTtl Ayer's Cathartic Pilis,


Old News
Michigan Argus