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I ara Bound for 1. bUliMiMAW Hilo! Q Dispulo the fact if yon can, It takes thc TAILOlí after all to givei appearance to t!ie outer man. íf you wish to ajvjer.r well You uiust ttbcordlngly 5iïss VTell. oq. Go to 21 Guitsrmai "i L'o':1,, Thero you will "rd thinga exautly SO. SONDHEIlf always ready to tahe yonr measura, GÜITEEMAN will sell you Goods with great pleaíwe, At figures LO VÜitl than you will find in tho otate, Take heed - cali, early, else vou are too LATE. The INDUCEMEKTS are now graater than ever, Our Cleiucs you will find obliging and clever. We will show you g'oód CLOTHING of our own getting up, Filling our Store f'rom Boitom to rop. STUDENTS especially will find it to THEIR ADVANTAOB, Por it takes but L1TTLE MONEY to i"epleuish. KCO OVE3RC0ATÍÍ óf Cloth, Beaver, and Bear, Warranted for al most ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMPORTAT1ON, . Forwarded through our New York relations. Frorn England, Belgium, Germany and France, Such as you can stand up it, or wear, at the dance. Pa&tts ! Pasta ! ! Pants ! ! Fancy CA33IMERES and DOE3XIN oí everv grade, Wa sell thena from ONS DOLLAR up to eight. T7KSr"7,3, &C. of every descripción, You wili 'ad it ao without f otioa, Füroishing ArPAuaLS Fem &HIETS to UMBR3LLA3. ïhlB ia all vre ay Kovr, Tiierc-br3 we uake our bov?. Yonrs tmly, ever oo, H. G-ÜITaSMiM". fe C., RIS DON & HKÑ DËRSÖS 23 "O" CJ r SL'3B1 "ÉP 3S and S-ráss Beed iöwsy? Manufactured at Springfield, öhio. rriHE VERY LATESTIMPROYEMENT, and botter than i all otJ'ers; adapted to sowing Wheat, Rve, Oats, Bsrley and Grass Seed . lst. It has a Rotary Fiedev. 2d. Wïll sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. JSiever c anches the Grain 4. Never breaks the Grain. 5th. Sows. Grass Seed Iroadcast 5ehindthe Drill. of-h. HasMgh wieelsand long Hoes. 7th. Has long and wide steel points. 8tA. lt has a land measure or Surveyor. . 9tA. It kas doiible and single rank drilla. lOiA. lt has a self ' adjusting shut off' fiide. It is neatly and substantialty made, There is hardly a Drill oiïeredin the marktjt but can JoaMt of more or less "FJRST PREMIUMS?' They are nboutas iiKlitcriminately bestowed as the title of " Prcfessor," hich is sometimes applied to the "fiddkr" or "boocblack." Thcy cense to convey the idea of mi. J The Bückeye Drill has been on Exhibition at quite a aumljer o' State and County Fairs, and without (meklng favor at the hands of any Commitlee, has received its full share of Premiums TESÏIMONIALS : We give the folloirmg Dames of a few Farmers in ths vicinity vráo have bought and used the Buckeye Drill : Godfrey Miller, ScJo, JaoobPülhefQus ' Jacob Trem per, f' Thomas White, Northfield, John Brdkatr, " ('liristïan J-Capp, ' Edwni-d Bovdon. Wohotm Jamos Treadwell, AnnArbór, Daniel O'Hara, ■ '. ' John G . Cook , Lodi. O. A. Marshall, " L. ÈdmonJs, Saline. Georgs Cropsey, Green Ouk, Oy.Co. We arealso Agents for the Qhio Be apea & Mower, acknowledged tobe the very bost d use. We are just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Which we will sell Clienp. Also alargeassortraont o G-rass Scythes. Ana the largost and best selected stock of BEIST STUFF FOR CAIÍRTAGKSever before offered in th8 market, lieep íl largo aud full haïis, glass, purry, taint, and linseed oil, A complete .%ssortment of STOVES, TINWARE, XI) KA VE TEOCGIIS ahvnys on hand and put un at the shorteht notice. RISDON & HENDERSON. Ann Albor, June 3tli,lS62. 80!)tf 1868. 1363. SPRING COODS! AT Heduced P rices! Just receivin" at O. H. EffilLXifcN'S MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR. April 17, 1863. 4w900. IC 33. SPRING. Z3% o We ïïotv ojïeiaii?g ü Iaige and Beautiful assortiment of STAPLE AND FASCY örL G o ás ! LADÍE3' DRÊSS OööOS in great variety, i, i 33 o rr s , oreas Triinmingo, ?3;c. A!so a Iurge stock of Goodsforleuo' Weár, Cassimeres, Gloihs. &c. and a f uil assortment of Ladies and Childicn'3 HATS, OAPS, GR0CEE1ES, OEOCKERY, All of which we will sell at the LOWE3T POSoIBLE O A. L3 SC ÏSIIOM! &1ACK.& SCHMID. Ann Arbor, March 19, '63. 896 tf 02T GCKKP&R SHO?. Tholcsaleand Retail, O. C. SPAFFORD Would refspeotfuHy announce to the citizens oí Anji Arbor and vicinity, that he is now iranufacturing and ksep3 coustantly on hfjnd a Large Assortment of Cooper Work ! sucli as f orli and Clcler Bai-ruis, KeTá, Firkius, Ohurns, Vell Buckets, &c, Wliich wüi besold cheap for cash. 0 TT fej 'Z1 O 3S.2: VsTOBK: Made io order on ihort notice, Itepairing doae with ueatne.-:s and di-patch, 1 would cali particular attenüon to Merchañts in want of Butter Firliïns lammanufaoturlng the Wtivïorli State Flrhlli, wliioh sa bettor Firkin th.'in lias ever before beon of I ferod icthis markot. I would invite all v.-lio want Kirkius to Cali and exanine for themseives before purelnisiu;; elsewhrc, aail I irill convince you thatyou have culled at the right place. 1 would also cali the attention of "Brevrors in want ui -13EER KEGS, I am now propared to manufacture ights, Quarters and half Bbls. injarge or small lots, and of a Beíter f&uality taan can be had n Detroit orelsewhere. -ïirAll work warrauted to give entire satis 'action. Thanklulfor pastfavors and by a strict attention to tmiiness, I hope to meril a contlnuec'. liberal suimly of the fubiic patronage. S. Do not forget tocallat the City CooperShop. O. C. SPAFFORD. Detroit St. Ann Arbor, Mieh. gSByl ; GKAï.SrïlEATEïtGREATEST ! BAKGalNS EVER OFFERED 18?' illQ1859' In this City, are now being offered at the CHEAP,CLOCK,WATCH, & Jew7Olry StoxOTHE Subscriber wouldsay to tbe citizensol Ann particular, and the rest of Wnsblenaw Tremendous Stock of Watches! AU of whichhe binds himself to eell CHEAPEB than can be bought west of New York City. Open Face Cylinder Watches trom $6 to $10 do do Lever do do 8 to 21 HuntingCase do do do 14 to 35 do do Cylinder do do 9 to 28 Gold Watehes from 20 to 150 I have also the OELEBRATED AMER7CAN WAT CHES, whichl wlll 611 ttr $35. Every Watch warrantbd to perfonn well, orthe monoy i'etunded Clocke, Jewelry, Piated Ware, Fancy Goods. Gold Peni, Musicallustruments aD,j strnga Cutlery, &c, and in fact a varleky of everything uaually kcpt iiyjewelers cnu bo boughtforthe next ninety days at your O W N P RICES! Pemoiis buyinganything at this well known establistimw titean rely upon getting goods exactly as represented, ortbemonBy refunded. Oallnnrly and secure tho best bargaiiis ever oöeredin this City. Ono word in regard to Ropairing : Wo are propared tomakeanyrepnirs onfine or com. moa Walches.ovenloinakinsoer the eotlre Watch t necessnry. Rppnirln? of Clocka and Jewelry a usual. Alsotho HiHiiufacturlnc ot RINGS, BKOOCHS or auythinK dos ired.frum California Gold qnshortnotlce. Ensravipe in allits branchesexeentoi withoeat. negs atiddiapntch. J C WATTfl Anti Arbor, Jan. 28thl859. ' 7L4w Ayer's Agüe Cura Chancery Notice. STATE OF flCHIGAN. The Circuit Court for tho County of Washtenaw, in Chancery. At Chnmbers before Hun. E. Lawrence, Circuit ivtjgt!, at the Court House, in Ann Arbor, on the (wènty-sevénth day d Marcli 1863. Alümzq Clark, ■ I..ABAN A , Sargkaxt, .m.l others. j It appcai)j ly ïffidarit to satlsfaciion of tbe j court that subpcena and reupondradum lias been issued in thiscase, directed to the defendants h-rein and tl at the same cnuld not be served upon the snil taWnA &urgant, by reason of his continucd ibsmce froin the State of Michigan, or concealmeut thcrriu. und Utf court bdag satisnert tha'tsaid I.abanA Sarieant is not no%v a resident of the Slale, and t!i;it lus present residencei unknownr On mntioD f E. Ii. Wond. Policitor For complainant, itiaotdeied ihat Ui said Liban A ! i cause hB-apyoajnoo ki be mum1 in thú cause, ana nolici tliereoi f. bc's'eifftl'dncfiínplamant'ii solicitor, witl m i],,,,. n,,,retha tb liaré i,,.,,, i ■""' lll:t' "' oase of bis appenraiuy tl:,i ko.cussfthií lo cotapiaiuant's bilí lo l i'fl ind a cópj thereol !■ be serve,! 0,1 cnmplaüiiitttfs Jinlor withiñ ',"",' '■' (lvaíl',v,,i acjauj p said liülandin default tl.creor !.ii,lliill nía, teULéi s confessed by Ihm It. m 1 ■n-tln-r oréere; i],:u wltihlu tneuty Jutb cmi,UHi,:in caupe .tllid ord.r t, he pnbliheil in li.i. Michtrav Argní, a pMbllc fomsjfaper i.nMM.ed t A,,n A:bir, m saiil Couuty, anJ tlmt such publicatiim b continued in Baid paper af lfeast í.noe. in e:ic7i ved f,.r eight 8ur,ce89ire weel.s, or tUat he oanac a tu ihereof to be personallv served un suid La han A Saroeant at Uu'.ily devs bolore the expiration oi the tBi above presenbed for hís appearáncer. „.,,.w 1C.LAWKKXCK, Circuit .ImlSe. t,. tí. Woon, Complainant's Solicitor. 8w898 Adininistrator's Sale. OTATE OF MICI1ICAX, County of ackaon ss. kj In the matter of. the Esta tl of John w. Fisher ieceKBid : Notice is liereby given, that hy virtue of a. hcense to me granted by Joseph E. Beebc, Judge of th 1 róbale Court for the County of Jacksun in the State ol -Miciignn, I shail exposé lor sale on Saturday tha sixth (6) day of June ten o'clock in -tho fore' noon, on the premisos in the County of Wáfhieriaw, Uiefollowing described parcel of land to wit : The tast half of theNorth west quarter of the North-wett Iractional quarter of section four, Town euSoutü range three East, containing twenty seven acres of land more or les.s. 4J r, ALONZO FAR;0, Administrator. Dated, Grass Lake, April 18th, 1863. Mortgage Sale. p EFAUT.r having been made in the condición of a cerLJ tain mortgage, cxecuted by Nioholas üoody and. Bridget Doody, lus wife, of Ilexter, Michigan, to John' liabbit, of tho same place, clated tbe thlrtieth day of June, A. D., echteen hunclred ana sixty, and recorded the thudday of July, 1860, in the office of the fie-ister of Deeds of the County of Wash tena w, Stafe' of flienigaii,inLiber27of Mortgages, on page' 93, at two' o clock in tho afternoon, which said Mortgage vas du: ly assigned by said John Rabbit to Richard bw deed olassigrimcnt,btarin!; date the 22d day of Janruary, A. D. 1863, and recorded in the said ,fl;tl. j the Register of Det-ds for said County of Washteuaw on the Hlth day of March A.D.lM, at two and a half OCkck in the afternoon, in Líber i; ol Moitgap, on page 93 ; upon which mortgage there is claimed tobe due, at the date of this notice, the -sum of o.,e huuiir ■{ eighteen dollars and sevnty tooi cents ($118.74). auii no suit or proceediug at law having been ujsli'tulfd to recover any part thereol : Notice, is therelore hcreby Riven, that on Saturday, thel8th day July next at 12 o'clock, noon, I shall Bell at pubhc auctii n tó the highest bidder, at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, County oí Washtenaw, the premises contained in faid morlgage, or sn much thereof as sliall be necessarv to satisfv the amount" due on said moitgagé wïth ten per. cent interest and legal costs, tcgetlier with all reasouable ch-.rges asan Attorneyfoe covenanted for therein, "that ie tosay, alltknse certain tracis or parpéis of land situ ated in the village of Dexter, County and State átorcsaid, knowu, bouniied, and described as follows to wit; One parcel bcginning at the north-west cornerol landsoldbj John block 18 of said village Hy a contract írom Samuel W. Dexler to the said "ji'.hii Waldo,and bearing date the 28th day ofjulv, A U 1843 ; thence south-easterly on lie Aun Arbov rond '8 feet; thence south 39degrees west 81 feet to an allrv 16feet wide; thence ivesterly on the north line ol said alley to th v tlio of said Wahlo's land thence nortliorlj on said W-ldo's west line to the place of be gining; being the same lol cimtractod In the said faamuel Y. üexter to John Van Fieet, hy contract bear ing date the 21st day ofMay, A.D., 1S44. Also tliat other parcel of land, commencing at a stakc on the Ann Arbor road, 28 feet south easrerly from the northwest corner of the tract of land, on block 18, which the said Dexter c'ontracted to John Waldo, on the 28th day of July 184.3, and running thence .-outli Si degries east 25fectand 7inches on the south line of said Ann Arbor road ; therce south 39 degrees west 81 feet to analley 16 feet wide ; '.henee along said alley north 64 degrees west 25 feet and 7 inches ; thence north 39 degress east 81 feet to the place of beginning." Dated, Ann Arbor, April 23d 1863. RICHARD WALSH, GEO. M. DAXFÜRTH, Assignee of Mortgagee. Attorney. 901td Chancg' Sale. IN PURSUANCE and by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for the Ccunty of Washtenaw in Chancery, made 034 the second day of February, A. I). 1863 ia a cause therein pending, ivherein Alfred B. Wood is oomplainant.and John W. Mayuard. Mary J. Maynard, William S. Maynard, Luther Dana, Abijah V jarrar, Georn-e Hyde. Alnnzo Fan-ar. Henry V. Cbanctter1 Washington Warren, Kdward Lanibertj William H. Ma-" jor, KenryStone, Williain W. Wright, Dwi;lit M. iabcoek, John Nickolson, James J. I'erry, Aridrew Ketcharn, John R. JalTrav, Arthur W. Jaffray, Kdward =j. Jat fray, and Richard W. Jaflray are delendants. Noiicii is ïiereby given, that I hall sell at public auction, to ' the lugliest bicider, at tvyelve o'clock, noon, on iaturday.thcSOth day of June next. A. I). 18li.'t, at the front door of the Washtenaw County Court House in the city of Ann ArWir, Michigan, tUose certain pareéis of land K-nown and describedas follow.s, to-wit: sitúate iu tbe city of Ann Arbor, Coutiiy ai 'A'as tenaw, cnmi menciag onehundred sfxteen and a half feet north frorrv the onth-east corner of block number one north in raniïc' (hree east: thence west one hundred and two feet; thence north Uftern and a half feet to the south line of lot nnmbereighteen in said broek; the-aoe west tliirt.v fee! to the west line of said lot; thence jwrtb nine and a half feet; thence east along the bouüi line of Charles Thayer's land and alom the south line of Dhar s Th yer's toj-e, on Mnndys Block, tj Main st._j thence south to the place of begrinnirg; xaeptfsg so mach of saitl laml as is covered by James T. Allen's store, beinp: a strip about two feet four inicies wide, the lengtli of said Allen's store; the premises hereiii intfniUMl io be described being the same eonveyed by R. Parsons and wife to H W. Hyatt, bv said Hyatl to, John Lockwuod, and by Ixickwoodto John W Siav, nard. ' GEORfiE PAXFORTH, Cir. Courl ('om. Wush, Alich Q. HAwtOHH, Cotnplainant' Solieitft. JlateJ, Ann Arbor, May 7, 1863. 903td Chancery Nol i ce QTATE OF MUHKJAN, F urth Judicial Circuit, Ín O Chanci-rv, sitif pending in the Circuit Court for tho Címnty of Washtenaw, in Chancery, in the City of Atm Arbor, on the 27th áay of May, A. I). 1863. In the cause wherein . Thusnolda F. Bochman is complíiinant. ;ui.d David Bocbman ía dvífcotl&iifc, ií asearing on ehe ttffldavit of 1). S Twitchell, that the defen iinnt Dnvitl Boekman is not a resident of the State of Michigan, but s noiv, or was. nut long siiice a resident of the State of Missouri, on motion of Twitchell fc Frazer, Sülicitoi-p for complainuut, it is ordereri that the sid Pavid Bochman cause lus appearance to bo en tered and notice thereof to be servtjd"on tlie copljunanta BOHpitorfe, within two months frw thedateof th is or Ier, and ín case Of his appearance that he, cause. hisanswer totlic complainant's bill to he tiled yoda copy thereof to be served on the complainat's ■ tors within twenty days aftera service of a cnpy of said bill, and in default thereof, tliat the snid bill of complaint may be taken as confessed neainst Mm. And it is further ordered, that witiiin twentv days. trom the date hereof the said complainant cause a copy of this order to be publislied in the Michigan Argus, a newspnper prmted and pnblifhed in the city of Ann Arbor, in theCounty of Wasliteuaw. aud State ot Michigan, at least once in each week, for sijc suecessivé weeks, or that the complainant cause a copy hereof tu be personally served on the said defendant David Bochwian, at least twenty ijays before the time prescribed, for his appearance. (Atruecopy.) GEORGE DANFOUTH, Twitchku. & Fbzer, Cir. Court Com. Solicitors for Complainant Tkacy W. Root, Register. Iated,May 27th, 1863. OABPETS, OILCLOTHS, CANTÓN MATTINGS, Largest & Best in tho city, Just Received at HENION & GOTT'S. Ann Arbor, April 23, 1803. 901tf. DISSOLUTJOIV. THE COPAKTN'ERSHIP hertofore rastinp betwceu the undersigüed , under the name of Bach & Pierson is dissolved by mutual ccuifient. The business i)f Ihc lattflrm ivillbesettled by Fhüip Baoh. I'IIII.IP BACH, I. S. PIEBSOÑ. AnnArbor, April 29, 18S3. 902iv(i Notii-e ALL PERSONS iptk-bted to tbc Jntc firm üfB.-ich& Pierson, oithcr by note ortbook account, are requestedto cali and settle without, dclay. FJlILirBAfH. Ann Arbor, April 29, 18(53. OoSwG Ayer's Cherry Pectoral


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Michigan Argus