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"coüntyible society. rvETOITORY of Bibles añil Teatiments at the So D ciety pnces at W. C. Voorhsin'. T. D. TOOKER. T)REMR'M l'IJOTOGRAPHER. Exchange Block, Ann rArbor, Michigan. WATTS & BEO. VEAtERS in Clocks, Watchus, íjwelry and Silver ■ No. 22, New Block, An Arbor. C BLISS. DEAI.F.Il ia Clocks, Watelus, Jewélry anii Silver No.22,Nev Block, Ami Arbor C. H. MILLEN. DEALER in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, &c. &C. Haittgtrtet, Asa A !,or. B ACH & PIERSON. DKALER8 in Dry Con ! ;. Croccries Hardware, Boots S Shoes, Se. , "Main .i'.., Ann Albor. O. COLLIER. MANUFACTURE!! and dealer u Boots and Shoes, ono iloor north of thu Post Office, N. B. COLÉ. DEALER in Root-; 8c Buhaos, Rubbers, &c. Frftnklio Block, ilaiii Street, Ana Arbor. "" I1ISDON & HENDERrfOíT" DEALERS in Hir.hvaro. StOTCT, l:ousc faro goods, TinWiirc, te , be , Kew Block, Mam sí; 0. C. SPAFFOKL). MANÜFACTriiKK o f all kimis of Coooper Work, City Cooper Shop. Costóte wori done on short aotice. Detroit Street, Ann Artor. A, J. ÖÜTHEKLAND, A6KNT for the New Y:-k Ltfa lusa raneo Comp;i:y, Ollice on Harón Also has on haod a stoc f the most approve i sesVin. mach S85tf 0-EORGE FI8CHEH. MEAT MARKET - Hurop Street- Cetera] dealer ia Fresh and galt Meats, Bi ef, Mutton, I'ork, Hams, Poultry, l.ard, Tallow, te, &O. ' SC1I0FF & MILLliK. TiEALERS 'n MielhiniMins, School and Black Books, J Stationery , Paper HangjnE,&c. , :.laint , Frankliji jilock ' ' HI11AM J. B E A KE S A TTOltNEY an.l Counsi Hor üt T. ;■.. ml Solicitor in Cliancery. Office in City Huil Biuck. over Webster' gpok Store, " wm7lewitt, m. d. ■pHYSICIAN and Surgeon'. üffi.c at his residence, X iinrllï side of Huron street. aud seconil house west of División stréet. M. GUITEllMAN & CO. WHOLESALE ajad RetailITjalers aod Maaafacturera of Ready-Mada Gíothiní [mgprters of Cluths, Casíimeres, Doeskins, ico.., No. 5, Phoeñix ülnck, Main st. WM. WAGNKK. DEALER in Rcalv Mide Clothtng, Cloths. Cossimetfea, and Vostings, Hatí, Cps, Tcucks, (Jarpev Bag4, c, Phoeiiix Block, .Main streefr. SLAWSON & GEER. fiROCERS, Provisión and Commisíon Meichaata, and u Dealers in Water Lime, Lr l':i-ir, and P:ast(r of París, ono 'loor f a-t oí ÓoíTk'd tí T. B. FU EE MAN. BARBER and Fashionabie Hair Dresser, .Main stfeet, Aun Arbor, Mich. Ilair Fronts and gurlskept onitaníly on Uaod. J. M. 800TT. 4 MRKprYPK anl Photograpli Arti&i , in the rooms f. ífflf Campion'ti ClutÜíngstorej Phoetiix Block, Perfeetsatislaction given. W: WEÈKS. St'RVEYOR and '.vil Engineor, continnee to give iminediato attentiOD to all ordéís. CFffice at nis resi lnce at earaaroí Cathijriue nríd Thaj i-r uta. 8üü;-l (3. B. PORTEE,. SURöEüM DENTKT. OfficeCoroei ol Slato and Hurón Btreets, over Bacb. & Piucsq] atore. All calis Promptly atlundcd to Aprl85'J J R. WEBSTER & CO. DF.AI.IÍUS in Law and Medical BookS Bfchool Books, Blank Bookn, Miscellancnus Bunk. pï-ns, ink, and ery varixty of SUUIontry , Hmon i(-, City JlallBlock. ■'C.B. THOMPSON,'' DEALER ti Dry Go ids and Gr'KKtrta, Boots aml sim'.-. &c Pro luce bought a ad sold, ;it the oll stand of i "HümpAon & Stillen, Corner Main inl Washington sts MACK & SCHMID. DE.ii.ftk-; in Foreign and üomestic Dry Güoü, ! ii-. iUis ;i ii 1 CapR, Bouta fnd ■iiiue.-i. Crockery, ., Corner of Main .ï I.üj rtj st. O. A.' KELLEY, pHOTOflRAPHEK Cornet Fonrth Iluron !lN(■.s. taa Xrbor. Cuses frames anl PíiotorSph Albums f'imtantly on taaod, and at lower rates thafe can b founil elsewhere. 1)'891 AND11EW BELL. DKAI.KR in Grpceries, Provisions, Flour, Pfoaucesj &c, Jtec., corner Main ana W.isliim"i(in 8 Ann Arbor. The highestmarket priees paid fbrcoüntrj íroluce. St6 I. O. O. F. WASIKF.NAW Lodgia, Nu il, cl' the (uáopenden Or' of QJd Ptlowa meet ;it thaiv Ludgü Uooni , very Priday Kiening, atïj-i o'clóck. S. BoxDBtiM, . :. 1'. I!. r.osi!, Sccy KTNGSLEY & MORGAN. ATTORNErs, Counsalloi Soliojtorsi and Notarjefl iV P iblic, naTe Books ná Plat shoirii) ; titlea of sll landsin the Counbr, aa l atu-u.l t . eontreranctng and -ollecting demands, and to payin? t ts 's ánq school interest in any part of the st;ite. O'.li-'v easi i.l' tli" park. D. DeFORE.ST. WHOLRSALE an.l re'tall dalr in Lumher, I.ntli, Shmgles, flash. Doori.BiindR, Watfer Line, Grrfnd W'er Platet, Piaster PM, Sails qfallaizea A foliant purfact i .. r :ti ■■ ; ■ the aoove, ind all otlei (inda of building meteríais constantly on'hand ai tlie Ifiircs i i . -r,i.. rat is, on Detmit st .. :i few rode mm the' RailiiMl I);it M) u;)oratii)g cxtensively iu tlie fitent Cement Kooiing.


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Michigan Argus