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To Put Up Strawberries, Etc.

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Wo liave had iill Winter, i;nT are stiil usuig, some of last y ars erop of strawbenies, in excellent order and flavor. They werë chiefly kept in Potter & Bodino's Jura, thè most convenient, and everythirig considerad, tho best of the twen'.y odd kinds we have tried thii8 iar. (Many patent jars promising ,vell havo cost us loss of time, fruit, nnd sugar, tö iind out that they were n)or. Ttie porcelain-lined rori jars are the best of all, but aro raíher too cosily for general ubo, ihough possibly cheapest in the long run.) The best plan is, to fill tho jars vvith stravberrien, then pnur in ti Hvrup made by boiliog % tb. to 1 ít."vhito sugar to a guarí oí wn ter. ttie jars aro thon set down nearly to tlieir necks in cold or lukewarra water in a wash boiler, and tlie water hoated to boilinp'. When tho berriea havo had barely time to cpok throngb) the j:us aro lilted out, and onu is ased to üll up 'all ahrinkage in the others, so that thev shall be quite ful!. Wipe the top clean with a damp clplb while they are stijl hot. The covers are then put on and histenüd tiglitly. Set into the collar or any coy] ro in. Vo put up 144 quart jara last year, of different kinds oí fruit, and only lost by formen tatioti two boítloS oí feonï-atoes. When the nbove, or good jara are not accessible, coinn;on junk bottles, thoroughly eleuned, or other g'ass bottles or jaré, 'mají lío ueed, as vvo know by manv succe-ful trials. Tightly ñtting soft eorks, tied in, answer woll for covers. It is böt to muke theso surely air tight, by dippíbg the corks and uecks w'hen dry, but sti,l hot, inlo a ceinont mudo by nielting togeíbeí an ounco of lard and ibout a pound of rosin. Simple beoswas, or grafting wáx, will answor. The fruit inay be firiBt cooked vyith a sir.ali quantity of syrup, in a Borcélain linea', or even a tinned vsbscI, and thon dippcd intg the pruviously wanned ]ars (ir bot) los. essting u p as Ronn as thü air bnbbles have neen and their place sfi!teJ w.ith more coked fruit. This modu is more eonyenientj.bnt does not preserve the shape apd Bavor of ihe fruit aa weH an the other way. Th.o smaller the amonnt of sngar, the better will the natiwal flavor be presorved. We use }iist sugar enovi-;h to fit lbo fruit for tho tüble. The abovo directions answer for other bérrjes, uherriëa, peaches, and f r other fruit.u, except that pears, quinces, ctionies, etc., require Jonger cooking to heat thein lhrouh. Toir.atot s ueeil boiüng down pno half, both to save room and to makn them keep well. - The above metliod is inliüitcly better and cheaper (han the oíd modo oí pro serving wilb a largo and unuecessary quantity (f sugar. SiST" T'SOSJ Tea will l;ccp off bugs from tba vines of squashes, pumplsins, cncumbers and melons. Btecp tlio tansy plants in a kettle of strong tea, and then pprinklc it over tho vines with a brasil. ' The bups cuvl up and drop off, and ceaso tu troblo tho vicos. A seoond or tliird dose should be appiied after a rain, or when a ncw erop of bugs comes out. A I tnbfull of the tea can be preparcd at one j timo, and kept on haud for use rs . y'ahted.


Old News
Michigan Argus