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THii American Collecting Agency, No. 240 Broadway, New York. Claims of all kinds against tho General Government, State liovormuent, the City, or private parties, prosecuted and collectiid utmy cxjienat andriek. Against private partjes 1 posteas SURgriot faeilities for collecting claims everywhere in the United Stalos and Cañadas, relieving merchants, awsignees, bankersj andothers , oí tlie caí e and all responsibility . Special attention given toold debt, hard cases, di, voros, wills, estates, etc. Being familiar with alltlie detailsof tlie " lat, mal Revenue La-w," I willattond promptly to the collection of drawbacks, aud taxes overpaid tlirough ignoraüco of the law. Soldiers' pensions, pay, and bounty necured forthem ortheirheirs. For that purpose, and for prosecuting claims against the Government, I have a branch ollice at Washington, No charge made untess claims aro collected. All soldier discharged by rcason of wounds- however nhor'. the tilnethey have served- are eutitled to One Hundrcd Dollars Bounty. All soldiers liavingserved two years, are entitled to the samo. The highest market price will be paid for soldiers' claims, and other demands against the General Government. Information and opinions friven, and investigation made without charge, upon claims proposed to bc placed in my hands. For particulars, address H. HÜNTINGTON LEE, sooit No, 210 Broadwuj, N. Y PHE EOOTS AND THE LEAVES fl'ILL be for the Healiug of the NatioiiB. Bible. THROAf,LU.'GS, IIEART, UVKR AND TUE BLOOD, Known all over the country as the CKr.EIUÍATKD I3NTI3IA.3Sr HEIRIB DOCTOB I Of 282 Superior Stiejt, Cleveland, ühio. Will visit the following places, viz p , A!pOIMTSIENTSPOR18o2, 1803 and 1864 lrot. K. J. Lyons can be consulted at the followin" places overy month, viz: nowing Detroit, Hussel House, each month, 18th and 19th Ann Arbor, Monitor House, each month 2üth Jackson,Hibbard House, each month '"'1 Adrián, Bracket House, each month 22d an,123d. and 26th' ' S Hüuse'oacl1 '"""'", 2u, 2ólh, Hillsdale,Mich.,HiIlSdale Houw, each month 27th monU8eth. ' SUtóera Mtíg" ' F.lkhart.Klkhart House, each month "9th South Iiend, Ind., St. Jo. Hotel, each'month, 30 I.aporte, Ind., Tee Gardtn House, each month 31st an Jeth '' ' C'"nile" JiKhan('. each month, 7th 10t'rSr'eI(1' hi0' WÜer H0USC' each month. 9' and 1nJ"'Vmon'Keni House, each month, llth and lia""'' Ohi' Hlt0n IIou8e each month, 13th and Pai'nesyille Ohio, Cowles House, each montl,,4th CLLVELAND, OIIIO. RESIDENCÉ AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET, East of the public square, opposite the Tostofiice Office days each month, l.t,S,I,4[li0ih Oth lith - Office houis from 3 A. M. lu 12 M, aud from 2 P M 'to 41'. II. OnSundayfrom .and ltuap'M 8-MaximsstrictlyadIieredto- .' I give such balm as huve no strife With nature or the Ut of life, ' With bloodmy hands I never stain, Norpoison men tocase theirpaiu tleis a phijsician indeed, who Cures. The IndianHeroHoctor.R. J.LYONS, cures the fol lowing compiaints in the most obstinate states of their existence, viz: Diseaseaof theThroat, Lungs, Ileart, I.iver Stomach, Dropsy in the Chest, Rheumatism, Nura!gia Kits orFallingSickness, andall other nerveus deraaements' Also alldiseasesof the blood, such as Scrolultt? l'rysiii clas.Cancers, Fever ores, Leprosy, and all other comphcated clironic complainU. Allforms of female difflculties attended to with the happiest results. It is hoped tliat no one wil! despair of a cure until they have given the Imliaa Herb Doctor's Medicines a fairandfaithful trial. 3,During the trav?r 1.nJcro?e'VKe"t Intlis South America, and the United States, he has boon ihe instrument in God's hand. toreetore to health and vigor thousar.ds wlo weregivenup aod pronounced incurable by ihe most eminent old school physicians; nay, more thousands who were on the verge of the grave, are now livinc to the lndian Heib's Dóctor's skill and successfu 1 treatment ,and are daily " B'essedbetheday wheniirst -ne saw and partook of the Indian Herb Doctor's medicine." Satislactory referencesof cares will be cladly and checrfully given t henever required. TheDoctorpIedgeshis word and honor, that he will in no wise.directlyorindirectly, induce or cause any invalid to tuke his medicine without Ihe stroDgest probability of a cure. j9= Mode of examination, which is entirely different from thefaculty. Dr. I.yon professes to discern diseases by the eye. He therefore asks no questions nor doeshe require patientsto explain svmptoms. Cal] one and all, md have thesym'ptdms and location of your diseaseexplainedfree of charge. lieïhe poor f liall be liberálly considered. ÍS-PostolIce address, box 2C63. R. J. LYOXS, M . Cleveland, Ohio,, 1802. . lyS80 WONDERFUL SUCCESS? #5 The attention and research of the most distlnguished Chemists and riiysioians for years have beendevoted to the production of a remed y for fióse most distressing maludies Neuralgia and RhbumaT.SM . After long study and many exnorimnts, a spcc.ific prcp.vation has been discovered. WATSON'S Neuralgia I"lcrnal Remcdy, curing thousands of cases where all other remedies have utteiiy faik-d. Weare asaured that it is no mere "ANODYNE," relieving for the moment whiíetho cause remains, but is a perfect SPECIFICand CURE for thoso painful disensos. The vast number of Liniments, ijnbrocations and Externa1 Medicines, wliieh act as stimulants of the surfacc only, are merely temporaiy in thoir effeeta and of doubtiul virtue The NEl'KALGIA KING reachas the source of all trouble, and effoctually baaislies the (iisoaiie from thesystem. Price- Üne Dollar per Bottlc. Prepared by C. R. WALKEH. Iy887 Buffnlo, N. Y., and Fort Erie, C. W. j-- FAIRBANKS' Jpi Standard S CAL ES! --ÊBsP - 5 jiï Warehmae Trucks, Leder I'7'esses, ffc. Fairbanks, Grcenlenf & Co., 172 Lake Street, Chicago. Sold in Detroit by PAIIR A 1VD & SHEI.TSY. ÍS"Be careful to buy only the genuine.-ffia S8öyl Toba eco l Tobacco ! I AM SEI.L1NG GOOD FINE Cüï CIIEWING TOBACCO Atfrom Fifly cents to % per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, Fr om 14 cents to 20 cents per pound at retail. M. DEVATY. Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. 17, 1862. 883tf FAEM FQR SALË! I oflfi;r for salo my farm situftted in the Township of Spío, in Washtonaw County, on tho ïuaiu road from Au n Arbor to Jackson, about Fïve miles West of Ansí Artoor, and three and a half miles from Dcxter. The Farm consists of ONE HÜNDRED & NINETY ACRES OF LAND compused generally of a gravolly loam, susceptible of being workedin wet or diy weather, is well watered by'a living str-am, it is mostly under mptovement, wood land sullicient for the Farm, biitldinga tini fences tolerably good, orchardof Hoe fruit. All of whioh 11 b sold oheao, onolialf of the purohase money lay on boudaud morigagi! for a term of yr;irs. J. il. II. ANr'ER.-ON. Se o, March S0, 1863. Sm89S For Sale. Tvvo Dwelling Houses ! 1 TWO 8TOET FRAME DWELUNQ HOUSE mil I.ot l 4x8,nuwoccupied by J. II Burleeon. PoeseBsioc givcnOct. 1,1863. Ui SlOIUr FRAME DWEl.l.IXd HOUSE, BAEN and LOT, 4 x 8, qov ocenpiea by I) 11. Kolley, possessloa givcn April Ist, 1864,gooá oollars, oisterna and out building about the premlses. Property adjoining the hom i 1.. C. Risdos on ilüam Street, Ann Arbor. Fof lurttier partieulars inquire of ANÜREWBKIX. Ann Arbor, May li, 1803. B04M DWELLIXG POR. SAI.E ! TF YOU wlh to buy a good tiro-atoiy brick dwolllng, X convtiuient to the business paitof the ('it. , ii!i grouudf and yards wel] stncked with cholee Fruit ofall kinds, Aiples. l'ears, PeAches, Plums, Raspberrlcfi, OrDameotaltroes, SUrubber, &c.,&c., inuiro atihe Nov. 14,1862. ARGUS OFI 1( K. PAIN CURED! RADWAY'S EEADY RELIEF Is tho most important medicinal curativo- fbr the ímmedíate relief of the BufTorer - of all varieties of l'AIN'S ACH ES and INFIRMITIEd, and the prompt cure of the 8lck where PAIN, citlier internal or externa], te a concomi&uitof the discase, that has ever beeu discovored. IX A FEW MINUTES Aflor tlio applloatloo óf tho READT BELIEP cittor. nally,or it-sadrniuistratiou int'.'nially, iho paMeot - suizud with tlic most excrnclntlag PAIKS, ACHES. CKAMI'S, KHKUMATI.-iM, NEURALGIA, GOUT, I.UMBACO, FEVEB AND AGÜE, BPASMS, BORE 1HR0AT, INFLUENZA, MPfHERIA, CONGESTIÓN or LXt'LAMMATION, will ODjoy casu and comfort. RABWAY'S READY RELIEF M 3 f-'afcr to rulmiui-tcr, and will stop pain giticker, than all praparalwu.-s oí' Opium, Morphiue. Veratrine, Hyosciamu.s, Aruica, Valerian, Chloroform or Ether, under whatever namo tfistinguished ; cilhor Linimenfs, Pain Killers or ÍZooíhing Lotims, wtiich merely vutpends the fetling of pain by beoomblng tho lercoptivc! fienlties and Uilling the nerven. The surgetm ndminUlcrjs Chloroform, Opium, kc , to ronder in-; -1 iole Lheaetvfis of percoption- RADWAY'd KKADY ItEUEF -tops the most txcruciating pain, and secüren thepntlent the ful! poááCásionof lm seosea, Thi ilá t m un y rc:nely 1 1 general uso that wíH stop pain, f--o (jnicfc, ii frue from Opium, MorphiDo, or sumo oiber kindred drugy hurtful t j the general hvaliïi. Ba wisn im asáis. Guard ogainst slckness. O& the íi.vt i;dic:aiun of pait ur uüefciaess, U' iu the STüMaí f[ or BoWKL-, take a toaspoonful of Iho itEATïV H KLIEF in a wino glaa of wntor. If ín tho LIMB3, JOIXTS, UX.M), THiiOAT, CIIÜST. BA' K, or tfhr parts of the body, ;Lpj)ly tlio lii.LIKlr extkrjully - in a few minutes all pain and discomfort will cease. Thi.s simple applicati'-n inay braak up a formidabla lístase. It is much casier to prevent tliau to cure il. WEALTH FOR THE POOR. MKAI.TH ïs the working maa's capital The poor inan eau i!l oflord to bear tho btirdens ui si kncssoipaydnct'.r'sbills. ONKTWENTY FIVK CENT UOiTLKÜFRAilWAY'SHKADY REUKF wi!l,ifíck,cnre tiiiuqtick)an.iea;iblchi:uto resumu bis labora wWioutlosso time - and, i f uscil wlton pain is f.rst experienced, wjllatop it imraediatcly. Keep ihi.s nmody always iu tho honso, an'l uso it whun you feol puiu ; yuu wi.l uot I050 One day iu a year by siolino.. niPOKTANT TO FAEMEKS And others, rcsiiiing in sparsely =ettlcil diátriets, whore it i clifflcuh to seuuro tlie serfSooj ot' a physicinn, RAUWAY'á RElDY KEUÖ' ia i.iv.iluablo. It' eau bo used with positivo ssauranee of dolñg good in all cases whero palnQt tíico)í"ríri.5oxpcrii'nccd,or if seizedwük IMl'LUKNZA, UUTHERIA, HÜSK THKOAT, BAL) COL'HHS, HOAR-EMBS8, EÍLÜ CM CHOLIC. IN'KLAMMAnlN OF TUK BOWELÍ, Sl'OMACH, 1.UNUS, L1VKK, KIDXEVS, or with PMAI.L POS, PCAR1J5T FEVRR, .MEA-I.KS, ÏYPHOII) FKVER, Iill.IOUá KEVER, KLVi.R ANO AGÜE, or with NEURALGIA. IIEA1) A' TIE, TIC DOLOKEUX, TOOTHACHK, F.AR-ACHE, or with LUMBAGO PAIN1 IN THÉ BACK or RHEU5IATISM, or with DIARRHCEA, CHOLERA MOR BUS or DYSENÏERY, r with PUiiNS. fCALUS or iüiüBES, or wilh ST1ÏAIX-!, CRAMP3 or SPAiiiS ïlio applicalion of KAIlWAY'8 READY r.EUfF vilt cure you o! tb.o worst of tüee Cou piauits iu a í'cw liours. EHEUMATISM. esflHLS painful dlaease lias bafllcd tho raoat skilful li. phvaci.;iis au 1 popular remedies. It i-s the mot Gwp difflcult of to treut- yet KaDWaY'S esto RKAUY ÏÏKLIKK has nevcr fHiled Inaffirdiag lmmedíate reliel'to tiiotiiillbrer ; aüd i:i a!I cases of Acute Inflimqaatory ot Nervou3 Rheumatiam, to efloctapermaiientcure. (Iu Chronic RhoamaUSK and (out RADWAT'S OLEANdlNG SYRÜP, clled Rmovaling Rto'.venty shouldbo taken a au adjunct with tho KEADY KLUEF.) ACUTE CHEONIC EHEUMATISM. The folio wing la written by thi wcll known correspondent of theNow York Herafd, Loadon Time.s (Kuland), New Orleans Picayune, Dolti, Ctiarlestoa Mercury, &c. : Wil. SIDNEY MYERS, BSQ , HAVANA, CUBA. EUvjtfA, Cuba, Jan. 2, IS58. Messrs. Radwai L Co. : Gemliímen- I lrive bcon asuObrcr from Acute Girooio Bbeumatism fortïie iast twenty years of ray lifj ; my sullerings tl uring tbatperiuï,neiiher toug;ie nor pen can express. I havo spent a little fortune on Doc'ord' bilis, wi'hout doiiving auy sub=tantiaí beneüt. líecently I liad one of my frequent periódica! at ack. I was very il) for a week, and bad not Blept an hour at any one time. A Spaiiisb frieml, to whom I relatol my si.nerjug.f, toidme he bad a reraetiy which wou ld givo tno relief, and bc ktndly pre-enled me with a bottle of " RADWAY'3 RKADY KKLIKF." Althon'h skcptical ff deriving any' adractage from it3 use, í ibat mg t applied it foely on going to bed, and. t my great amazement, feit rclievcd , and slept souudly. Tbe nest niglit I agaia appliodthe Keady ReiüT, and awoke in the morniog freo from: pain, haviiig ooly uáed about half the bottle. Hoartily do I return you my bumble acknowledj-monU for your invaluable medicino, which niay well b# callod li a blossiug to mau.'-1 # # Thauktng you , froio vay soul. for your wonderful remedy rI have tiio honor to subscribo myself, Yours, respecifu Iv, W. 8IDNKY :nettr algia. (EXQUISSTE PAIN,) TIC DOLOREUX, TOOTH-ACHE, FACE-ACHE, SHARP SUDDEN TAIXS. Persons Boltering with Neuralgia experience tho acim of exuruciating pain. Tiio Pharp,sudde:i,plyngtug, staUbiug, induced iuctaiitly - íikc an decirte ' shock. MADWAY'S BEADY RELIEF is tbc only rémedy' luthertoknown, that will ilïuvd i inmediato relíof to who suffer with this torturiug Complaint. (In cases of chronic Neuralgia, tho cleansing Syrup, called RENOVATING REáOLVEXT, wlll expedito tlie cure.) In recent ftttettka. the RKAUY REÍJEF. appliod externaliy to tho porte whcrcíAe p-in strikes, aud a teaspoouful of RELJEJT to a wino glass of water, when tho paroxysms appcar, will effect a curo. BOW TO SÏÏR A BAD CO LD BETWXEN BED-T1ME AND SUXKISE. Ifscized witli SOIÏKTlIRO.VT,I[oarseiie.s=.Bad Cqugh, difïïcult Breathing, Hcad-acbe, Watery lUbcnarges from the Nuso aud Kyes, Pain ia tlio Baok anl Joints, &c, ballio ihii Ihroat, Chcst, Hoad and Juliitd with tho READY RE1.1KF, and in ike a HOT REAÜY RBUEP STJ.NG, ' Tiy adding to half a tumblor ut hot water, sweetcned with silgar, a desso.-t-spoo.ifal of RADWAr'S REAOY RELIEIT, and drink this o;i going to bed. In a few minutes you wilt perspirö fieoly, sleep souudly, aud wake iii the morning curod of your eoid. (From the Cliristian Advoca'e.) M We bcg to present to the readeri of tho Adcale the fuliowiug letter nddressed to Dr. líaáwAy. Ijctthue alllicted with WEAK LUNGS AND THREATKNKD W1TH COXSUMLTIOX, read The writer. Mr. JAMÈM SAOK, jk well kuowii in Iichigax aá a popular holcl-kccper.'1 MEsmns, Wacomb Co., Midi-, Scpt. 4, 1862. Du. Rapway - DearSiri Abnut four yoara since, I was - vory mooh itffectod with IHdEASED LU.VGS, Aiy fricuds thoiight had Ihii Conmmytxm. I tij cntiroly' unlH ftw business, raised blood,a;id had eveiy symptom uf tho abovo fatal discase. Ononight.on golug tu bed,Ithought I would take a SWflfit, and took ymir Rsady Iïeukf (n hot water) BS a stiimilaut to Bweat nv1. It did so. liio pcsBptrftdon was of a slioiy aubstancö, and offonsivO stncll. I folloirod tak ing tho Iïeady Rru f cvery othernight for four weeks, and at the end of'thnt time wueQn tirely well. Tbta te a true Btateinent of f.icts, whicU ; will tcdtiiy to uudcr oalh. Yoárs, etc., JAilb SAGE. Sage's Hotl, Metnphis, Mtohv FE VER AND AGÜE. A fcible-Bpoonful ofRADWAV'á IiKADY KKL1KF, ina tun)l)ler of water, tikoa every uoralng beforc brcaJcfast, wilt prevent attactu of Kever and gue, if exwsod to its malarii. II" uefzod wi:li this omploint: take tho samo doso, anil batliu tho Head, Nock, llumls iuit SplnG ono hour beïbro tho Ciiills are ox)jeoted ; thy wiU broak up and euro the wür. t forras of Aguo. ts&fyW. RADWAT giveí yon, fnr 25 conts,a me.Iic.ino fjjjA that will provo its cfï:-.;t(;y in a fidW IVHirp, aw tifCíií curo ytiiu.f oM diseasua that, umlor theürdiaAry e&sf ti-eatmont of pliyicians, iouhi Iny you up for daB, werk.s and mnnths. r oo every bot1 lo 5 complete wiien youpurohase, and purcUaso no.REAbY RELIEF unleas the fac simüe signalure of I!A[)VAY & CO. la on lbo outsiikt aUol,auit th name of.iiAÜWAY & 00. bluvm mi the gluss hottlo. Il' [3 SOI.D BY DRUGGtóls AND -TUBK-KERPER8 W EVKRY VILUAGÏÏ AXD luWX I.' T1IÜ UXU KD SÏA ÏE3 AÍJD CAÑADAS. BADWAY & CO., 87 Maidca I-auo, N. Y. For Sale by STEBBIN8& WILSON hjefñ Cathartic Pilis


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Michigan Argus