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ÍCHIGAÍT CENTRAL RAfiROAD. Passengertrains now leave Detroit,Chicago,and the several Stations in thÍKCounty ,as follows : GOING WEST. Leave Mail. Day Ex. Jack.Ac. NightEx Detroit. 5-30 A.M. 7.50 A.M, 5.00 p. r 7.40 r. .M. Ypsilanti, 6.53 " 9.10 " 6.30 " 8.55 " UD Albor, 7.15 " 9.28 '■' 6 55 " 9 15 " Dexter, Ï.40 " P.M. 7.25 " ' Chalosa, 8.00 " " 7.45 " " Ar.Chicago, 6.30 " 7.30 A. M The mail train goes only to Michigan City. GOING EAST. Leave. Night Ex. Jack.Ac. Mail. Pay Ex, Chicago, 7.16 P.M. 5.00. M 7.30 A. M. Chelsca. 5.35 A. M. 3.0." p. M. Dexter, ' 5.55 " 3.25 " - - Aon Arhor, 4.45 a. m. 6.30 " 3.50 P. Jl. 4.43 P. m Ypsilanti, 5.05 " 6-55 " 4.15 " 5.00 " Ar. Detroit, 6.05 " 8.15 " 5.40 " 6.20 " Trains do not stop at stations where ligurcn ai'eomit tedínthe table. Trainseonnect at Detroit with the Great Western an(i Grand Trunk Ballways oí' Cenada, and the Detroit anc Toledo, and Detroit and Müw&úkee Railroads, and Cleveland Steamers. At thf Coínpanv's Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chicago, Jolietjand Lafayette, throngh tickets can be purchased toall the principal citíetí and towns in the United States and Cañadas. LÜXL'MOUS SLEEP1KG CARS upon all night trains. Rntt:in's colebratfd Yentílating Apnnratus upon all day trains - the best prêventative in use. R N. RICE,Oneral Superintendent. M. C. R. R. Office, April 17. 1863. HELMBOI.D'S EXTRA1JT BUCHU. ÏHE GREAT DIÜRETIC. HELMBOI.D'S EXTRACT BlTIIi'. THE GREAT DtüRETIC. HEI.MBOI.D'S EXTRACT BÜCHU. THE GREAT IlIÜRETIC. HELMBOLD-S EXTRACT BUCHU. THE GREAT PIURETIC. Anda Positive and Specific Iïcmedy for Diseases of the Bladder, . Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Orgapic Woakness. And all diseuses of iho Urinary Organs. See Advertisement in another Column. Cut it out, and send for the Medicine at once. BEWARE OF COVNTERFEITS. 2m608. S-T-1860-X. DRAKE'S PLAÏÏTATION BITTERS. Tliey punfy, strengt hen and invigorate. They créate a heaUlij' appetite. Tliey arcan antidote to cbange of w;iter and diet. They overeóme efïects of dissipation and late hours. They strengüien the systein and enliven the mind. They prevent mïasmatic and iotermittent fevers. They purify the brt-iith and acidity of the stomach. They cure dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. Tbey cure Liver Cumplaint and NervousHeadache. They are the best bitters in the worlc. They raake the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's grent restore:. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the eelebrated Calisava Bark, rootsand herbs, and are taken with the pleasureof a beveragt-, without regard to age or time of day. Tarticularly recommended to deliGate persons requirinp: a gent!e .--tiraulant. Sold by allGrocers, Urufii.-ts, Ilo'als and ?ialuuii,s. P, II. Drake íc Co. 202 Broartway. Nlmv York. CmtiH LYON'S KATHAIROIí. Kathairon is froni the Grcek word, ilKathro," or "Kathairo,"' oignifying to cleanse, rejuvinatc and restore. This article is what its nunesigniíies. Forprcserving, restoring and beuutifyiug the human hair itis the .most remarkabla preparat ion In the world. It is &gain owned and put up by the original proprietor, and is novr made with the same caro, si; i 11 and attention which gave it a -sale of over one mülíon bottlesper anQura It ís a most delightf ui Itair Dressing. Il erfbcie4M senrf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and elcan. It makes thc b&tr rích, soft and lossy . It prevenís the hair froxn Callíng oíTaud turning gray It restüt-eshair upon bald heads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of liair should use Lyou's Kathavion. Tt la known and sed throughout the civilized world, Sold by all respoctible dealers. 6m894 DEMÁS S. BARNE8 & CO.Prop'rs, N. Y. NEIMSTREETS Iiumitalle Hair Restorative. IT IS NOT A DYE, Bnt reatorefl gvay h&lr to its original color, by supplyng tbe capillary tubes M'ith natura! sustenance, impaired by r,go or disease. A1I instantáneo us dijes are onmpof eá of lunar 'cauatie, destroying the vitality and beauty of thc hair, and afford of them.selves no dressing. IIeimstreet;s Inimitable Colorijjg not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the hair a Imxurlaiit IScauly, promotes lts growth, preventsits falling oíí, eradicates Jandruff, and Imparte healtli aad pleasantness to the iicail. It lias-stood the testof Unie, being the original Hair Coloving, and is constantly increasing in favor. Ust'd by botli gentleman and ladies. It is sold by all rospectible dealers, or can be proenred by thora of H" commercial igentH, U. S. Barnen & Co. 202 Broadway New-York. Two sizt'-, 50 cení.. i and SI. Gm894 Trusses ! RCPTÜHB CAX BE CURE BY A fHÜSS of the nght kiud, if properly fivtod and duly attemled , to. bas been abundantly demonstrated Id tnnuipera ble in.stanct-8 by theuwenftiio Multipedal of pr. Rlgíís, dnring the lastfew years. This trusa beingcoveied wfth Hard Rubber, Q perfecllv waterpfoof, ;n.' v 1m used in bathiog, and ík aïways cleanly aa trelj afl indestructible by ocdinary usage. lf not satisfactory after a fftlr trial of nlïty days, it may be rcturni.Tl, It challtíiigía comparison wiih any teuss known. Da IÏÏCGS' uüicc, No. 2 BAILCLAY ütn-ct. NewVorfc öSótf


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