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The Michigan Argus

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r-nbiislieu ever}1 Fnday thethird story of ik, briek bloot, ooruer oí Main an.l Hurón Sta., AXN AR"1' Wieli' Kiitrauceun Huron Streef, (ppoEitetqe ELIHÜ B. POND, Editor andPublisher. Ierras, l,5O a Year In AUvance. Jdvcrtlsliia;- One square ("12 Unes or less), one eet, 50 cents; and 25 cents for every insertion tliera,fUr' lws 'nan three montlis. One square 3 mos $3.00 Quarter col. 1 year SCO One square 6 mos 5.00 Half column 6 moa 18 0M square 1 year 8 00 Hall' column 1 year 85 Ï.OSQ'rea fi moj 8 00 One column 6 mus. SC j.,i-„ Bq'res 1 year 12.00 ][ One column 1 year 60 fs Advertisements unaceompanicü" by written or r[l direotions willbe pubhsbed uutil ordered out, nut cbargea acoordingly. Lf'il adrertisements, lirst insertion, 50 cents per fnlio 25 cent per fulio fsr each snbsequent rseption. ïi en postpt nement is added to an advertisemenl the „ij'olotviU bechiir-v" fheafle asfoi Brstiftsertion. Jftjb PHhtlng- Tamphleis, Hand Bills, Circnlam, cTda Buil Tickets, Labels. Knok, BUI Hekds, and „ieV variaties of l'lain and Fancy Job Frinting, execuKJVith pronïptBessjand in tbc be.t sjyle Oard-Vrc havea Ruggles RoiaryCard Prees. and .iMieTanetyof thelatest tylcsofCard type inch .öblesua w print Cards of all kinds in the neatest tmlble style and cheapcr than anj other house in the Jit, Business cardsforibén of all.avocations and pro f.sions. Ball, Wedding and Visitlng Caris, printed un „bortnotice. ruil aml see samples. BOOK BIXDIVG- Onnecieil willi theOiTice is a Bnok Bin lery in charge of tro competent worWn - Conotv Records, Le lge's, Journals, and all Blank Books „,je to order, and of the b. si stock. Pamphlets and &icals bound in a nea and durable jaanner , at De,'!it u-ioes. Eotrance to Bicdery ihrougn ;„e,l,-;üs Office. ._ I..IMIIH..-.J


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Michigan Argus