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TO THE LADÏES OF AMERICA ! MORE VALUABLE TIIAN GOLD ! MORE VALUABLE ÏHAN GOLD ! MORE VALUABLE TIIAN GOLD ! MORE VALUABLE ÏHAN GOLD ! Dr. JNO. L. LYON'S FRBNCÏÏ PEBIODICAL DROPS, F B E N G H PEBIODICAL DROPS, F REN OH PER1ODICAI DROPS, F ft E N C II PEBIODICAL DROPS, FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES FOR FEMALES. FOR FEMALES. Snfferlng from Irregularity, or Obstruction of tho Mensos, from whatever cause, IT IS SURE TO CURE ! IT IS SURE TO CURE! IT IS SURE TO CURE ! IT IS .SURE TO CURE ! it la imponible to enjoy the bloom of hcalth, and vivacity of spirits, iinless the Mcnses are regular as to the time, thoquantily, 'and quality. When they ure obsmicted, sature makes her eflbrts to obtainforiu aomeotheroutlct.and, unless these efforts of nature are asisteted, tfce patiënt usually expertencM Dsspondency, Nervnnsness,1 and Bnally CONSCmPHON agrames ita sway, and prematurely terminates a miserable life. IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS! IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS I tT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS! [T REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIKD, BEAR IS MIND, THAT I GUARANTEE TH AT I GUARANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE THATI GUARANTEE My DROPS TO CURE Suppression of the Menses from whatever cause, thoogh care should be taken to ascertainif pregnancy be the cause," as these DROPS would be uure to produce miscarriage ; they will also ceriainly I'P.fcVEXT conception, if taken two or three days before the monthly period ; thereforc, I wish it distinctJy understood, that I do not hold myself responsible wheu used under such circumstanceg. BUY THE BEST [ BUY THE BEST ! BUY THE BEST ! BUY ;-2.BEST! BUY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE S &FEST ! BUY THE SAFEST ! BÜY THE SUREST t BIJT THE SUREST ! BÜY THE SUREST ! BUY THE SUREST ! WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. WHICH IS LYON'S DKOPS. WHIOH IS LYON'S DROPS WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. THEY ACT SAKE A CHARM, by strengthening and invigorating, and restoring the Bjetem to a heaHb} condition. It moderates all excess and removes all obslructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on, TO MARRIED LADIES, They are peculiar!? aaapted, as thoy bring on the montbly period withsuch perfect regularity. STJRE TO DO GOOD1! SURE TO DO GOOD ! SITRE TO DO GOOD ! SURE TO DO GOOD! CANNOT DO HARM ! CANNOT DO HARM I CANNOT DO HARM ! CANNOT DO HARM! I coul(J furnish any quantlty of testimoniáis of its efficacj from my on patlents, but the practico of parading bought n-J fictitious ones before the public is so provalent I do not deem it advisablo. My object is to place my medicine before the public, not alone to make money, but te do gcod. Jt s proverbially true of the American I.adies, tliat not ten perlectly bsalthy ones eau be found in any one vicinity. BE WISE IN TI1IEI BS WISE IN TIME ! BE WISE TN TIME { BE WISE IN TIME Let not dlseaso ilcstroy your constitution Try a bottle of my PEKIOI1ICAL WiOPS, and yon will'be ntisfied lliat I am nu impostor. Ï..]I you'r aillicïed frienfl wliat restured the bloom of Iwsltb toj-oor oheefc, and thorcby coufor a favor more Talttablfl tln 11 gold.- For paiuful or soanty J[onstruation it is just the thing. lliavenowinmy mimi nn instanco of a lady who had beensulTeringfrom jninftil menstruation two or throa ysara,. flonflning hor to room each time ; sbe had üliplicd to sovcral eminent physicians, without relief when one bottleof my DROPS enlirely cured her. ONE BOTTLE OTJRES ONE BOTTLE CURES! ONE BOTTLE CURES I ONE BOTTLE CURES! In alwost every caso. DD KOT BE IMPOSED UPON I DO NOT BE IMPOSED TTPON f DO NOT CE IMPOSED UPON I DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! But out this out an-l Kond it to your Draggfot, and f behasiiotgotit.malrebta "'y t forjo,, : may bv nbtiii uo.l of thcCcncral Agent fnr tlm Dnited St tes ' C, G. CLARK & CO., Nrw IJave.v, Coxh. Forsalo by all rospeoiablü Dru.ïgists. Pricc, $1 00 per bcttle, aml bjr gtebWw & Wilaon, GrcWville & i Pullor, Eberbach A Co. riepared by J.o. Lfoy, fl. t, Jv902 - - - -!r?TÜrü! THE ALL SUFFICIENT THHEeT" THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES Known ns "IlelmboUl's'' GENUINE PREPARAIIOWS, VlZ., HELMBOLD'S EXTKACT "BÜCHTJ " HELMBiOLD'8 GENUINE PBEPARATIOJÍ, "HIGIILY COHTCEJiTllATED eunpouxD FLUID EXTRACT BUCHü, A Positive and Spccific Kemedy, # For Ciscases of tlie BLADDER, KIDÜTICTS, GRAVEL An DR0P3ICAL SWELLITOS WOMEN, OR CHILDltEN ' gOOd for HELMBOLD3S EXTRACT BUCHü FOR WEAKXESSES Ansing from Excesse., Habita of Diaaipatio üany Indiacretion, or Abuse, ATTENDIÍD WITH THE WOLUOWjM SÏMTOMS' Inaispositinn to Exerüon, Loss „f Power liiranes.3 of Vision. pnrn „ ,,,„ {,. . ent ; n,t, Si stem' ff ? h r Irynes.s of 'the Skin a"'J Coun'"noe. IMP0TENCY.F4TUITYEPILEPTIC FIT3 Insanity and Consumption THE COSamOIION, ON-CK AFFECTED WITH OR GAMC WEAKNEs, Requires i the aid of medicine tó itnaMbn n4 I Females, Femaleö, Females, OLD OR YOUNG, SI.VGLE, MAIUUFD, OR COH TEIIPLATIXG JUIÜÏIAGF llillliilli Decline or Chango of Life. SEE SVJIPTOMS AI10VE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BS WITHOUT ir HELliBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCiö CLIiES Secret Diseases. AND NO EXPOSURE. Thousamls upon Tliousan.Js WHO HAVE BEEIÍ THE YIÓTIM OP QUACKS, And Tho lwve paid HEAVY FEES tobe cnw short time have found they weredeccivt-d.anti th.i' th. IW.B-has.bjr tho useof fowerful Astriñí. "Stomen" th0 SySkm' t0 bleak out in " SgrL. PEKHtPS Afíer MARRIAGE, TT S Tfï Helmbold's Extract Buchu For all Affeotions and Diseases of The TJrinary Organs' Wlietber existing in MALE OR FEMALES, from, whatever cause originating, and no raattcr OV HOW LOSÍG STANDING. Diseases of these Organs require theaid of a DlUBJJTIC, Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE GIIEAT DIUREÏJC, And il is oertain to liavo the desired effect in all Diseases, for wbich it is rccommended. BLOOD ! IÍLOÜI) ! 13 LOOD' HelniboM's Ilighlj Conceniraled Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. This is an affoct'on of the Blond, and attacks tha Sexutl Orsnns Uninita of the Nose, Kars, Throatj Windpipe, and other Mucus Surfaces, making its appearance in the form of Ulcors. Helmbold's 'Ext. act Sartaparilla purlEei the Blood, and removej all Scalr Ernptions of the Skin. giving to the Complexión a Ciear and HeaKhy Color. It bcing prepated cxpressly for this class of complaints, it= Blood-Puritying I'roperties are preserred to a greater exteut tLan any oiher pnpantlon of Sarsaparilla. Helmbold'sïose Wash. An excellent Lotion for Disease? of a SyphiUic Natr.rcl and as an injoctinn ín Siseases of the ÜriiKirv Organs arising from tlfrbitsof áüflipatioo, used in connection with tho Kxtracts Buchu and Sarsapariüa, in such d; seascs as rcconimended. Kviiloncc of themost responsIblB and reliablecbaoacter wül accoinp.iny the modicines. CEHTIFICATES OF CUHES, From eight to twenty venrs slandinp-, with namen known to SC1EXCE AND FAME, Fkt Medical Proporties of BUCHU, see Dispenatorr of-th United States. Bee Professor UEU'SES' valuable werkt on the Practico of Physic. See remarka made by the late celebrated Fr PEYSICK, Philadelphia. i-'ee romarks made by Dr. EPH11AIM McDOWELb, a celebrated Phystcian. :1n.l Member of the Royal ('olleire of Surgeons, Iteland, and publislied in tli'e Tran-. sacUons of the Kinand Queen's Journal. Sop Medico-Clrurgical Review, published by BENJAMIN TRAVERS, Fellcw of the Kojal College of Surgmnt. Sec most of the late Standard Works on .Medicine. Exteact BucHn, $1 fO peu üottle, ok six for $5 06 " Sarsaï-ariil.v 1 00 : ■' 5 00 Improvei) RoSB ash, 50 " (i 2 50 Or half a dozen of eneh for S1200, wbich wil] be su!5 c-ii-nt to '-Mire tiie most obstinate cases, r directitns are adhored to . Dclivert'd to any address, ecurely pack ed from obi serTatlon . Cp Icseribe symptoma in all communication.- Cures guaranteed . Advine i ratis. AFT. 1 I A VIT. Personally appeaced befoiB maan Aldermnn of thij. city of Philadelphla, H. T. tlEIXBOU wlio, beijig duljf Rworn, dotli gay, Im' paeparationa coataizi no narcotic no mercury, orotherinjorious ilrugs, but are luirel? voge tabla. II T.HELMBOLB. Svnrn and nabscribed before me, thls 23d rtay o November, 1851. WM P. HIKRARD. Alderman, Ninth-sti'eet, above Rapo, PLiJ?,. Addresa Letters for information in confideneo. II. ï. HEI.MBOLD, Chemlit Depot 104 South Tenth-street.below Chestnntj Phila, BEWARE OK POÜIÍTERFEITS AND npPRINOPLKE DEAI.l.RS, Who endoayor to dispose "OFTHEIBOWN" and 'lotlier" articlesoutho ipputstion nttalned by " lirlnibol(r.s u'cnuiiR1 Prepara tiong, " Extract lïiichu, " Sarsaparilïa, " Improvo.l RoseWaah. Foln by all Drnefrisf.s ivrv'. 1,.m .'. ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S-TAKE-NO OTHEK, Out nnt ihe R'lvprtlBomcnt. nnrl ürrd for it 4yR A VOID 1MPOSITION AND EXFpSVUE. 1 yCOS.


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