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HBL5IBOLD-S EXTRACT BUCH HFXMBOLD'S EXTRACT BDCHÜ Ili-XMBOLD-S EXTRACT BÜCHO nicREna AndaPositiveandSpeciflc Reinedy lor Dieeasés of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Onranie Weakness. AndaUdiseasesof the Urinary Organs . See Advertisement nanother Co lumn. Cut it out, and sendfor the Medicine at once. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. 2jB08. S-T-1860- X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTEKS. Tliey punf.v, ütrengthen and is vigórate. They créate a healthy appotite. They arcan antidote to ehaage of water and dïet. They overeóme efleets of dissipation and late hours. Thoystrengthen the system anl cnliven the mind. Tbej prevent vniamatic and ntermittent feTers. Tlie.y nurify the breath ana a,cidity of the stomach. They cure dyspepsia atuï Constipatlon. They cure Diarrhea, Ctiolera and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Cumplüiin and Nervous Headache. They are the best bitters in tno world . They makt the wcakman strong, and are exhausted nature's grent reatorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Knm, the celebrated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasureof a beverage, without rezar i to age or tune of day. l'articularly recommended to delicate persons requlring a geníle stiroulant. Sold by all Grocera, DruggUts, Hotels and Saloon. P. H. Drake&Co. 282 Broadway, New Tork. BmS9i LYON'S KATnAIRON. Kathairon is from the Gretlc wori, "Kathro," or "Kal&air?," nígnifyiDg to cleanse, rej arícate aad restore. Tbin :;vtie;o is vh&t itfl n min si;-nilii;s. serying, restoring and bca-utii'yiug the human hair it is tbc most remarkable preparation in the world. It la ugain owned aod put up by the original proprietor, and is nov made witli the sume care, Bkill and attention which gave it asaleof over one mUlion botUesper annuni It is aostdelightful Ilair Dressing. Iteracicates scurf aod dandroïT. Il keeps the bead eoo1 atïl clean. It-make.s the hair rieh, softnd glossy It prevents the hair from fafling off and turning gray It restores hair apon bala heads, Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful bead of hair shoulj use I.yois Eatharion. It ia known oud uscl tliroughout the civilized worM. Sold by til j Bpectable dcals. 6m894 ' DEiíAP B. BARNES & CO., JPrpp'rs.N. Y. HEÏMSTRKETS Inimitable Hair liestorative. IT IS NOT A DYE, But restores gray haïr to itö original olor, by Erapply ing tho capiÜary tubs with natural BtwtonaBce, impaireé byge or diease. All instant&neous dijes are composcd of tonar taustic, def$roying the vitality ani beanty of tho hair, an I afford of i o área a - [n -. M .im r ■■ J.' [nimitabloColoring Dot only restores hair to its natural colur by an easy process, bat gires the huir a Tinxurlant Beaniy, prurao.tes itfl growth, prevenís its falling off, eradicatea Jandrnff, and imparta healtb and pleasantnesa to t'ic It hasstoodthe testof tirae, bemg the o Hair Colariag, and is constant i ín favor. Ufcod b both gentleman :nni ladirs. It is sold 1 all respecfcabU dcalera, or can be proenrod by them ol i ' ■ oomtn6rdalagota, D.S. Barnes & Co. Broadway Kew-Yorli. Two sizes, 50 cents and SI. üm8i)4 Trasses ! rJÜPTURE CAN BE Cl RED FÏY A T,:v, oí the V nghi kind, il' propei ly Bvted and duly attonded to. This haa been abuudantly demonstr&ted in innúmera ble ínatancoH by Lheuaeofthe Muilipcilnl Trusa of Dr. Rlggs, during tlie Inat few years. Thia Truss -.Mi l with Hard Rubber, fa perfecih ■ proof, m.'iy be ued in bathing, and is ahvays cleanly as wel] aa indestructible by ordinarj usage. Lf n t satis foctory aiier a fair trial of flixty dayt, it mny bt returneeï. It challenge 8 comparison hh any trust bnoft-n; Dr. RIÖÖS IKRcs, Ko, '1 BARCLAY Ötfeffi, New York. 68Ötf A CARD TO THE LA DIES. DR. TjUPOiWS GOLDEN TILLS EOK FEMALES. Infallible in correctlng, rcgulating and romoving all obstructions, Irura wlialever cause, and always successful as a preventive. The combination of ingrediente in Dr. Duponco's Golden Pilis for Females are perfectly harmleas. They have been usel in Lhe private practjce of Dr. Duponco over ÜOyear.s,and thousaada of ladies can testify to ' real andnever failing success in almost every correotisg irregularitiea, reliovm painfal and di&tressing menstruation, particulariy :it tlie chang-e of Ufe. From ílvc to ten pills will cure that connnon yet areadfnlcomplatet,the Whites Xcarly every female inthc land Buitere fr m this complaint. The above Pili has pcrmanently curcdthousands,and tliev will cure jou if yon usetbem. They can not harm on the contrary. they remove all obstvuctions, re etorenatoretoits proper chattnel, and avigórale tbe whole svstom. T.adies whoso health will not permit an of familv, will nnd these pills a successlul preventive. Ladies peculiarly sltuated, or tliose gnp. posing thcmselvei, fio, shomd not uee Pilla during ii„. Brst three mouths, as they are oertain t" produce miscarriagt , "aflrv which admonition" tbe proprietor asst íes no responsibility, althsugli thir mild; prevent an jury to henltli. Tbe ingredienta ngtheabo! i'iUs ara Jade Unown to every ,,; they willtell you they ave safe and will pexlaimc'illor them. Trice $1 per box Suld in ANN AKBOB, by fc mum . W. A. HÜNT, Dmggiat. living at a by sending them $1,00 through theAnn Arbor Postofflce, can have tbe Pills sent (conSdentially) bij mail, to any part of the counírv free o) posta _ X B. Beaare ufa i"" couvlerfeit of ihese Pilis. - Y,,,,' ..■,., iterfèltartiele at any pricfrom 28 to 76 cents a bo-; (dearat tb'at). LADTOyonflh'esand healtb ave of ton mucli valué to be trifled with, besided being Unposed upon with a woctblcss article. Therefore, ., ,lv ,,,,,. offering fou these Pillsíor less than $1 a box, avoidthem as you would poison. Tbey are bogus. None bine unios? tbc name f.r S. I). HOWI is n every tch has recej&üy beea aSád,oa account of tbe Pilla beinccouterfeitod, Sold aïso, by KINNE fe 3MWH, Ypsüanti. BLIS3 .t BEEBEJackaon, andby one drucc ist in every vfllage and city in the United States, andby FABEAND,SHEKJ F.Y& CO..GeneralState Agenta, Detroit. H. 1) HOWE, SolePropnetor. 8C7yv?2 Nkw York. AGOOD TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT. So is a good Physloian by lns Bnocessful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THEGEEAT AHD CELEBRATED I'IIYSIUIAN OF THE THROAT, LUN'G i AND CHEST, Knmvn all ovev tlic couni r as thc Celcbrated INDIAN IIERB DOCTOR! From South America, will be at bis rooms, RUí-SELL HOUSE, DETROIT, OntbelSIli and 19tb int. ,on the same dale of and every aubseoaent month during ]862 and 18IJ3, A Ni! IT l'AMI'IU.ET Of tlie lífe,atudy ana eïteoalve tnnplsiir Dr. T.yon can be proeured by alt whodesire ene, free of oh&rge. Or. i, wiil visit Aun Arbor, Jacksun, and Adri&n Mtch. , is follOWS : Ann Arbor. Monitor Honsn. ?Oth. Jad:-" ■ ,21st Adrián, Brackétl Hiuae,22d and 53-1. Mode of Examisation.- The Doctor discerne disease brtheeyea. He,ttierefore,a8ka no que-iions nor ro q -ireapatients to explain syinptoms. Alliicied, com andhave yoar aymptoma and the location of yonr di p;i-r explained free of charge. The Great French Eemedy! MADAM BOIVIN'S CELKfiRATED SILVER-COATE 1-KMALIÍ PIIXS. The Only tertainafidSafeRemedj for all PfcertoeO structions, íonthly Difilculfies, Irregulsritles, anda other dtseaaea to whfch tlie Woman, Wlh am Mothrr is peCllli lliy liable. Tbeae Pilla coutaio no deleterloua inredients, bat a aafe and certaín in their action. Tliey wj 1 be found to exert theaappieat cIToctinall canes of Prolapanit Uteri , in Leucorrhea, or tbe Wljites ; Iliey will be found the easiostanl most certain Cure that can be iound. It is un ncoount of thla certrinty they s'aould not be taken byFregnani Femalea (during thf. Jirst tjircr. months, at rriage is certain,) to be bronght onf but at otbcr perioda their uao ia perfectly saio. N. lí. - One Dollar enclosed to any autl.ori.cil Arnt , will anuiré packago of Pilis by return of mail. e. 0ROSBT, General Agent, Fort Eiin, C. W., BuHalo,M.T. Cactiox. - Beware of Counterfeits, the genuine have .naturoof, C. CRQSBY, on tha oulr-ide wrappw For sale by al] respíoúbl Prnggit. lyeonfSí LAND WARRANTS, GOLD, Silver, Canada AND DEMiLNB 3Ï O T E S, wantod by MIKLER DA VIS & WEBSTER, BANKERS. Ann Arbor, Juno 4, 1863. 4vCÖ7. First National Bank of Ann Arbor. MOTIOE. AN ASSESSMSNT of 40 per cent. on the Capital Stock of said Bank , will be duo and payable at the Banking Office, a fullows L0 per cent on tlie first dy of July, and 20 pgr cent. onthefirst day of August next. By order of Board of Pirectors. C.H. SULLEN, Clork, Ann Arbor, May 22, 1S03. Dissolution Notice. rpHE FIRM of linnt and Lorin haa this day dissolvea by mutual consent. AH unsrttled accounts will hereafterbe settled by Mr. Barnes Loriug, successor to the liria of Huntaud Loring. W. A. HCTNT. 007w6 BARNES LOKING. " N 0 S E S."- Their significance.- lllustrated with engravings of the Roman, Grccian, Indian, Negro, Celestial, Aquelinc, furn-up, and Pug Noses,with the charactor revealcd by cach. liYKS- blue, black, or gray. Lirs- thin and pale, or full and red, prim or poutiug, aco'.ding or loving. Morra- large or stnall. H.vir- light or dark, coarse or tino, straight or curly CHEXES- thin or plmnp, paloor colored. Teeth- regular or irregular. Kaes- large or small. Neck- long er short. SKiK-Moogh or smooth. All to bo amply lllustrated with ungravinga . The walk, talk, lanen and voice, all indícate chn.racter. We mny know an honest face ïrom a dlflhonest one, and we will show how, l'esi.les the a-bove, we shall treat on Ethnologï, or the Natural HistorJ of Man ; of I'iiySIOLOGY, and the Lawa nf Life and Health ; of I'iiysioo.vojiY.or Siïns of Cbanwter, and how to read Ihcm; of l'nüKxoi.ncv, tuo Pbilosophy l Mind : and of I'kyciiology, the Scienco of theoul Man, with refeience to all his relations of liié. sooial, intellectual, and spiritual and what each can do b"st, will be elucidated in the PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL AND LIFK TLT.USTRATED, Now volame commencea July lst. A handsome quarto, monthlv, at ouly $1.50 o yenr. Sample numbers, 15 cents. l'lease addrcss FOvVLKH AND WELLS, 308 Broadway, New York. 3w%7 FOB T -"JfHDY SCR0FULA AND SCE0FÜLOUS DISEASES. From Emery Eden, a well-knotat merchant of Oxford, Maine. " I have pokl largo' qunntiticsof your Sarsapabilla, liut never yct one bottle wfiioh faileil ot' the dcsired effect and full satisfaction to those wlio took it. As fast uk onr ]eople try it, they agree there lias been no medicine like it bet'oie in OUT conimunity." Eruptions, Kmplés, Elotolies, Pustulea, Uloers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skia. From Hev. llobt. Stratton, Bristol, England. " I only do my duty to you and the public, when I add niy testimony to that you publisli of tlie medicinal virtues of your Saüsapakilla. Sly daughter, aged ten, had an afflicting lnimor in lier ears, eycs, and hair for yeais, wliich we were unable to eure until we tried your SAUSArAiULLA. Sb.e ñas been well ibr sonie months.:' From Mrs. Jane E. Rice, a wellknown and rnuchesteemed lady of Dcnnisville, Cape May Co., N. J, " My daughter has suffered for a year past with scrofulous eruption, wliich was very troublesome. Notbingafforded any relief until we tried your SABbapakilla, which soon completely cured her." From Charles P. Gage, Esq., of the widely-lcnownfirm qf Gage, Murray # Co-, manufacturen of enamelled papers in Ñashua, iV. 11. " I had for several years a very troublesome hu mor in my face, which grew constantly woree until it disfigured my lèatures and became an intolerable affliction. I tried almost ererything a man could of botb advice and medicine, but without any relief whatever, until I took your Saesaparilla. It immediately made my face worse, as you told me it might for a time; but in a few weeks the new skin began to form under the blotches, and continued until my face is as smooth as anybody's, and 1 am without any symptoms of the disease that 1 know of. 1 enjoy perfect iiealth, and withont a doubt owe it to your Sarsaparilla." Eryaipelas - G eneral Debility - Purify ttie Blood. From Dr. Bobt. Sawin, HoustonSt.,Jv. Y■ Dr. Ayer : I seldom fail to remove Eruptions and Scrofulous Sores by the persevering use of your Sarbaparilla, and 1 have just now cured an attack of Malignan. Erisipelas with it. Ko alterative we possess equalstïie Sarsaparilla you have eupplied to the profession as well as to the people." From J. E. Johnston, Esq-, Wakeman, Ohio. " For twelve years 1 liad the yellow Erysipelas on my right arm, during which time I tried all the celebrated physiciansl could veach,and took hundreds of dolíais' wortn of medicines The ulcers were so bad that the cords hecame visible, and the doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. I began taking yourSAÍtSAPARiLLA. Xook twobottles, and someoi your 1'ills. Together they have cured me. I am now as well and sound as anybody. Being in a public place, my case is known to everybody iu this community, and excites the wonder ot all." From Bon. Henry Monro, M. P. P., of NexocastlC. W., a leading memoer of the Canadian Parliament, " I have used your Sarsaparilla in my family, for general debitity, and for purifying the blood, with very beneiicial resulta, and feel coufideuce iu cornmending it to the afüicted." St. Anthony's Pire, Rose, Salt Eieum, Soald Head, Sore Eyes. From JTarvey Sickler, Esq., the able editor of the Tunclhannock Democrat, Pennsylvania. "Our only child, about thrce years of age, was attacked by pimples on liis forehead. They rapidly spread until they formed a loathsome and virulent eore, which covered bis face, and actually blinded his eyes for some days. Askilful physician applied Eitrate of silvcr and other remedies, without any ap{larent sffeei. I"or ñfteen days we guarded his hands, est with íl.ein he should tear open the i'ostering and corrupt wound which covered hiswhole face. 11 aving tried every thing else we had any hope from, we began giviug your Sausaparilla, and applying the iodide ot potash lotion, as you direct. The sore began to heal wheu we had given fhs ürst boltle, and was well when we had fln&hed the secoud. The chiWs eyelashes, which liad come out, grew tigaiu, and he is now as healthy and fair as any other. The whole neiirhborhood piedicted that tUe child must die." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. From Ur. Hiram Sloat, of St. Louis, Missouri. "I find your Sarsaparilla a more effectual remedy for the secondary symptoms of Syphüis, and for syphilitic disease than auy other we possess. The profession are indebted to you for some of the best medicines we have." From A. J. French, M. D., an eminent physician of Laiorence. Mass.. toho is a prominent memier of the Legislature of Massachusetts. "Dr.'Ayek - My dear Sir: I have found your Sarsaparhxa an excellent remedy for Syphilis, both of the primary and secondary type, and effectual iu some cases that were too obstinate to yield to ether remedies. I do not know what we can employ with more certainty of success, where a powerlul alterative isrequired." Mr. Chas. S. Van Lieto, of New Brunswck, N. J., had dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by tlie abuse of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more and more aggravated for years, in spite of every remedy or treatment that could be applied, until the persevering use of Aykk's Saesaparii-la relieved fiim. Few cases can bc fonnd more invetérate and distressing than this, and it took severai dozen bottles to cure him. Leucorrlicea, Whites, Female Weakness, are generally pioduced by interna! Scrofulous Ulceratioit, and are very often cured by the alterative eftectof this Sarsaparilla. Some cases require, however, in iád of the Sausaparilla, the 6Kiliul application of local remedies. From the well-known and iridely-celebraled Dr. Jacob MorrUl, of Cincïnnati. "I have found yonr Sarsapaiïilla an excellent alterative in diseases of fcmalee. Many cases of irregularity, Leucorrhcea, Internal Ulccration, and local debility, arieing from the scrofulous diathesis, have yielded to it, and there are few that do not, when itseilect is properly aided by local treatment." A lady, unwilling to alloxo the publication of her name, writes: "My daughter and myself have heen cured of a very debilitating Leucorrhoea of long standing, by two boules of your Sarsaparilla." Kheumatiem, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia Heart Disease, lieuralgia, wlien causcd by Scrofula in the system, are rapidly cured by this EiT. öahbaparilla. ayTrs cathaiiïic pills possess po ïnany advantages over the otlicr purgatives in th market, and their superior virtnes are so univerially known, that we need not do more than to assuro tlio public thcir quality is maintaincd eqnal to the best it ever has been, and that they may be depended on to do all that they have ever done. Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. T., & Co., Lowell, Mass., and sold by STEBBINS & WU.SDN', Aun Arbor, E. 8AMSON, ypsilanti A EWIXG, Dexter, WHEliüON & HATCH, Ohslsea. Wholesaleby FABEAKPSIIELBT &Co., Detroit. '■ B. COBDKN, Travelling Agent. i&uctioneers Motice. BYRON GREEN, havlftg inplicd for a liconse, now holdfl tilmsell in readinese to attsiul to :ili oalts. - Havinghadexpetisnae, heil positive lie tan give pood satisfuction . All call proraptly aUeuütil to, Cbarges ieasonbh?. Apply :t tbf Tranklin Hou Q ■ JiVI.OV GREEN. Ann Albor, Ocí. 34,16O, ë'iott


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Michigan Argus