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P. B AC H Ia now receiving A. LAEGE STOCK -OFNew Spring Goods, BOUGHT FOt? CASH Since Ithe Late Fall, AND WILL BE SOLD YERY LOW FOR CASH. Cali and See ! BOOT SHOE H. B. GOX.B, (Successor to Ifoore & Loorais.) has opcncda store in the FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, Mam street, Ann Arbor, and has on hand a large assortmcnt of BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS, manufacturetl frnm the bost material anrl warranted to give salisfaction, consisting of MEN'S KIP, GALF AND THIOK BOOTS, DOUBLÉ SOLED. MEN'S BUFFALO OVERSIIOES, of all dcscnptions. LADIES' GAITERS, Morocco Bootees, Balmorals, Feit 0ersAoe?, and Rubbers. Also, Boy's Kip, Calf & Tliick JJoots, together with a var ie ty of CIIILDKEN & YOUTH'S SHOES. I nm also Mnnufacturliig WAEEANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Men's Fine Frene h Calf Boots Pegged and Scwed. Givemeacall before piirchasing elsewhere. I will sell my jiOüds cheap lor casli. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE AND ON SHORT NOTICE. N.B.COI.E. Anu Arbor, Jan. 13th, 1863. 8S7tf 1863. May. 1863. SPRSNG AND SUMMER GQODS, AT THE "Old Corner!" I am now reoeiving a vvell SELECTED STOCK OF - NEW GOODS, FOR THE Spring and Summer Trade, CONSISTIDO OP STAPLE DKY GOODS, DRE8S GOODS, TKIMMINGS, SHAWLS, HOOP SKIETS, BOOTS ÁND SHOES, NOTIONS, Sus., &c. Also a f uil assortmcnt of Family Groceriesl all of wbich woro bought low aad are to be SOLD CUE AP FOR CASH. Tlio liigbest Markot prioe paid for XW O O $L l C. E. THOMPSON. Attha Farmers' New Cash Store, Cornor of Main and Washington sts. (D04tf) Ann Atbor. THJ! American Collecting Agency, No, 240 Broadway, New York. Claims of all kinds against the Genera! OovernmèLt, State Government, the City, or private parties, proseouted and collectetl ntmy expense andritk. Agalnst private parties I possess superior facilities' for collecting claims everywhere in thi United States and Cañadas, relieving merchants, assignees, banker, and others, ol the cai e and all responsibility. Special attention given to old debía, hard cases, di, I vorsos, wiïla, cstates, etc. Bojng familiar wttB all the details of tlie " Int-rvnl Rcvenue LanD" I will attend promptly to the collection of drawbacks , a ml laxes overpaid through iguoriince of the law. Soldiere' pensions, pay, and bounty socured forthem or their heirs. For tfiát purpoío, and for profiecutiüg claiins ngainst the (íovernment, 1 have a brancli office ai Washington, No charge made unless claims are collected. All soldiers dischargcd by reason of wounds - liowever shori tlie timethey bave served - are entitled to ' One Himdred Dollar liounty. All Fuldiera havingaerved two yearn,ai(i entitled to thá same. tj" . Tlie bigbent market pricè will be" paiiï fór soldiers' claims, and other demanda against the Geneiul Government. Information and opinions gïven, and inrestigation made without cïiargc, upon claims proposedto be placed in ïny bands. i For particular, nddress ' H. HUNTING-TON LEE, 300tf No, 240 Broadway, N. V j rpHE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES j -Í- WILL be fur tho Ilealiig of the Nations. Biblc. ' Prof. rt. r. :ïLj-"o:Nrs, THE GEEAT AND CKI.EüRATKD PHYSIO1AN of thi THKOATtLÜNGS, IIEAKT, JJVltfl AND TUE BLOÜ1), 1 Known all over tlie country as the CF.LEHIUTKI XKTIDr ADM" HEZR-B DOCTOB1I Of 282 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Will visit the following places, viz Í APPOINTMENT.s POR 1862, 1863 and 1S64. Prof R. J. I,)-ons can iju consulted at tho fnjlowiog placea evory jnontlj, viz: Detroit, Hussel Huuse, each month, 18th and lüth. Ann Albor, Monitor House, each month, 20th. .lacksim, Hlbbard House, each month, 21. Adrián-, Breoket House, each raonth 224 antl23d. TmI,(1o, Öliio.Colhns House, each month, 24th, 25th, andSBth. Hillsdale, Hich. , Hfllsdale House, each montli,27th. I Coldwatnr, Hich., Southern Jlichigau House, i-uoh l month, 28th. Ellih:irt, Elkhart Housp, each month, Í9th. YSouth Bendflnd., 8f. Jo. Hotel, eacli month, 30. ' Laporte, Ind., Tee Garden House, each month Ulst. W..i rr,Ohio,CrandullExchange, each month, "th and8th. Mansfleld, Ohio, Wilcr House, each menth, Oth and lOth. Mt. Vernon, Kenyon House, each month llth and 12th. j Newark, Ohio, Holton House, each month, 13th and . 14 th, Faincsville, Ohio, Cowles House, each month 4th CI.hVKI.ANI), OHIO. RES1DLN0E AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET. East of tbe public square, opposite the Poatofflod. ( Office days each month, Ist, '., 4tb, 5th, Cth, 15th.- Office hourB from 9 A. M. to 12 M, and from 2 P. M. to 41'. M. UnSunday Trom 9 to 10 A. AI., and 1 to 2 1'. M. ( jQQMaxims strictly adhered tü-iI givc Buch baim as have no strife, 1 With nature or the las of life, Witli bloodmy hands I nevpr stain, NorpolsoB men toease their pain, He is a physician indeed, wko Chores. The Iadian lier.' Doctor, lï. J. LYOXS, cures ful lowiog compiaints in the most obstinate stages of their 1 existence, viz: , Diseasesof theThront, Lunga, Heart. Livor, Stomach, Dropsy in the Chest, Rheamatiem, NewraJgía, Fits. í orFalliagSickne88,ancl all other uervu.sderangements.' Also alldiseasea of the blood, such a.s Scromla, Krysipelas, Canccrs, Fever tíores, Leprosy, au tl all other complic&ted chrouic compiaints. All forms of female diffioulties attended to with the ] happiest resulte. ] It is hoped that no one will despair of a cure until they have riven tke Indiao lerb Doctor's Me ticines a ■ i'airand faithful trial. fiC%-l'""? the Doctor'f - els iu Kurope, West Indi es, Soutb America, and the United States, he has been the instrument in God'fl hand, to reature to health and vigor thousands wLo were given up and pronounoed incurable by ihe most eminent oíd school pbysicians; nay, more, thoufands who were on the verge of the grave, are now living inor,i;iii"iits to the Inditin Herb's Doctor's skill and successful treatmentjftndare daily exchiiming;: "BJessed be theday when first we saw and partook of the [ndian Herb Doctor 's medicine." Patiafactory references of curea will be gladly and cheerfull.v given " henever roquirpd. Th Doctor pledges his word and honor, that he will in no wiao, directly or ïndtrectly, induce or cause any 'mvalid to take his medicine without the strongest probability of a cure. HCts" Mode of examinalioiij which is entirely different from the faculty. Ir. Ljon professes to discern diseases by the oye. He fcherefore asks aoquestions, nor doeshe require p atiente to expiáis symptoms. Cali one and all, md have the synaptnma nnd location of your dlaeaae órplained free of charge. jp'Tho poor shnll be tiberally considored. jtëff-FostoiHee address,'box 2663R. J. LTONS, M. r. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1862. ly?80 WONDERFUL SUCCESS. && The attention and research of the most d'"stinguisbed Chemïsts and Physiciana for yeara have been devoted to the production of' a remedy fot fhoae most d ist ressirg mala dies Nedralgfa and RheoxaTiS . After loog Btudy and many experimenta, a, tpeeific prcparatioi has )vu disoovcred. WA'IBON'S Neuralgia King, an InUrnal curing thousands of cases where all otber remedies have uttorly failed. We are assured that it is no mero ■- ANODYM1;," relieving for the moment whili'tho causo remains, but is a perfect SPECIFICand CURE for those palnful discases. The vaat nnmhejhof Liniments, Kmbrocations and Externa] Medicines, which act as stimulants of the surfaee. nnlv, aremerely temporat y ín their eiTects and of doubtful virtue The NEURALGIA KING reachea the sou ree of all trouble, and effectually baoishes the disease from thesystem. Trice - üue Dollar per Entile. Picp;ired by C. R. WALKER, Iy887 Buffalo. N.Y.,.ini Fort Erie,C.W. -5-. FAIRBANKS' Ip1 Standard L. SC ALES 1 KST Ako, Warehoust Trucks, Leltcr Presses, fy;. Fairfoanks, Greenleaf & Co., 172 Lake Street, Chicago. SoW in Detroit by PARBND & STIEIY. SrCü careful to buy onlj üie gonuine."" 88-r3'l Tobacco l Tjbacso! I AM BELLING GOODFINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Atfrom Ftfiy cents fo 31 per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, From, 1 cents to 20 cents per pound at retait. ir. DEVANY. Ann, Web., Dr?.. 17, 1S02. 8S31f FAEM FQBSAlY! I offer for Bate my farm situated in the Towmhip of Scio, in WH.iiLciiaw Couaty, on the niuin TOftd from Ann A"bor tö Jackson, about Five miles W3st of Aun Artoor, anil t-hroe anti a half miles Trom Dexter. The Farm conkU ui' ONB BÜNDREÜ & NINETY ACRES OP LAND eoniposed generalij t' a gravclly loflm, susceptible of bemg worked 'n wvi or di y u v,w lui-, is well watored by a Living Btrram, it Is mogtly undcrlmprovement, wood liitt'l sufficient for the Fa mi, building and ('onces tolerably good. orohardof fine fruit. All of whioh wül bo sold elimo, half of the puranase inony laj on bond&nd mortgage for a t. m t yeara. J.H. M. AX1KUSONT. Sc'.n, Marfil :V,K 1 fifiíl. ;ituí0S For Sale. Two Dweiling Houses ! 1 IVO STORT FRAMKmVKIiING HOUSK ana Lot 1 4 x 8, uowoccup'ed by J. ]I Burlcon. resse88hn givcnOii. 1. 1M-i. I 81ORÏ FRAME DWELLIN'G HOUSE, BAÜtH ana T,n'i i B, noM' ooouplcd by 1) li. Koilcy. poSKBiuii given April lat, 1864, god ceünrs, cisterna m.l nut buildings about the premises. Propertjr ndjniningtï e bouHC of I.. !:i-l"ii nu ilüiun si reet, Aua Arbor. - For lurther partlcalaw inqniro of AXPill.W Tliïl.I,. Ann Arbor,llij II, 1863. B04tf DUTCIIER'S LIGIITNING FLY-IvTLLEB Suppliff1 ii Kjrii feil hy overyjood lionclir'fjior. Fvory sheel wIU feil] n ftiai t where il nrci tliick ííeniombrr that U i-; )l;i''lfKli'S tnftt dooa W, aniiTefÖFO Iho 1bns' im't.'i-'.-.f Ma pr offerett. TL e it-n nr!icl( ip fnr sale bj al! rínppctablí' r'jiiftg.ísta. 8-a 0 !. DR. RADWAÏ'S PILLS. MEWLY DISCOVERED PRINCIPLES IN PURGATION DR. RADWAVll FILLS ARE TME BEST PURGATTVB 'ills in the World, and tho on!y Vcgctablo Substituto br Ca'outel (fr Moicury ever (liacovcrcrt. Comyoscd ofVegetahle Kxrocts of Gum, Plunts, Htrbs, Uoots and Flowcrs. Thcy I'urgc - Claanse - l'urify - Heal - Soothe - Galm- Jtrengthen - lu Vigor atc-nd Kegulatc the System. ur sunoEjr ttcxl8 oi1 ;nflammation of the bowels, bh ious g1i0lig, bilious fever, ertsipelas, congestivb fever, sjiall pox, measles, scarlet fever, SIS TO ElfiBT FZXiLS ■Vill purgo tho discae from the systcra ia SIX HOURS. Tf seized with cithor of tho abovo-narocd discases, lot ix or uight of Dr. Radway's I'ILLS bo taken at onco. ïj ingle dost will carry the pitient out of dangcr. 'hcir conlinuod use, in smaller doses, will work a cure. COATED WITH GUM, 'hcy nre picasant to lako. Thcy operato pleasantly, naurally, and thorougldij Every doso that is taken marts strength to the enfoobled systcm. Bcmg pereet 'iirgalives 'thcy do not leave the bowels costive, or tlio paient wcak. ONE OE TWO OF DR. RADWAY'S PULS V"ill secure a good appeütc aud healthy digestión. TO TIIOSE WHO TAICE PILLS, R. RADWAY'3 ni.LS will bofouudan improvementon ,11 purgativa or catbartio pills in use. Oae or two pilla íiíl bc found suffleient to keep the bowels regular: and n cases whore a brlsk operation is desired, SIS to ÖGHT fill in siz hours tkoroughly purge. ONE TO SIX BOXES WILL CURE 30STIVENESS, DYSPEPSIA, 3ONSTTPATI0N, MEASLES. CONGESTIÓN, . MELANCHOLY, IEART DISEASES, HYSTEKICS, SISEASES OF KIDNEY AMENORRIICEA, AND BLADDER, FAINTING, SISEASES OF LIVEIt, TJIZZINESS, 3ILIOUS.ES3, RUSH OF BLOOD TO TYrlIÜS FEVER, THE HEAD, 5HIP FEVER, OBSTRUCTIONS, VIALIGNANT FEVER, KETENTION OF UKINB LOSS OF APPET1TE, DROPSY, LNDIGESTION, ACUTE ERYSIPELAS, [NFLAMMATION, HEADACHE, PALP1TATIONS, BAD BREATII, 5CAB.LET FEVER, INFLAMHATION Oï" BTLTOÜS FEVER, THE ISTESTINES, JAUNDICE, APOPLEXY, COXGESTIVE FEVER, ENLARGEMENT OF SLEEPLESSNESS, THE SPEEN, GENERAL DEBILITY, SCURVY, DIMNESS OF S1GHT, WH00P1NG COUOH, FITS, WORMS, LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, BAD DREAMS, QUINSEY, PLEURISY, As also all Complalnts of Womcn, snen. a Hysterla, Lcucorrhoca or IVhltcs, Wenkentng Discharges, Clllorosis, IrreguLarltle, Snppresslon of lic Menscs, Inilammatlou of tlio Womli or Bladder, DïlHcult Mcnstruntlon.aad atl other Diseascs or OMnplolnta produced y eïcessivc discharges or suppression ff the Menscs. Iadics who desiro to avoid tlic süiToriogs and incon. vcuicnccs of these irrogularitics, or organic obstructions should not omit to recúlate their systems br mean's of on o or two oiRADWAY'S PILLS, once or twico a week and thm bo free from the m-uiy and preat iucouveuiences to which ladies are geucrally subject. WEIGH FACTS. DOCTOR RADWAY invites the attention of tho intelligent reader to the fac's here presented, showing tho Buperiorlty of Ma PILIS, as purgativos, over all othcr pills or purgativo mediciucs ia use. THEIR GREAT COMBINATIONS. They are Aperieut, Tonic, Laxativo. Alterativo, Stimulant, Counter Irritant, Budorlfto. AS EVACUANTS, Thoy are more cert-i;n aml thorouyh than the Drastlc Pilla of Abe-, or Cioion an.l Hurlein OU, or Klaterium ; and more soothing aud ht'aiing than Senua, or Rhubarb, or Tamarmds, or Castor Oil. AS ALTERATIVAS, Thoy exerciso a more induenco over tho livcr an 1 its secretions than calomoltiTiDrcury,bt!iepill,hcuca their importimcG In c.i-cs of 1-ivur Complainte and Spleen Difflculties.Jaandice, Dyspopsla, Bilious Attacks, Hoadacho.&c. In tho treatmctit of l'overs, either Biliou-", Ydlow, Typhold.and other reduolng Kevers, they ara superior to quinine. Their influence exteuds over tho entiro system, oontrolling, strengtbeoing, aud braciue up tho relaxed and wasting cnergies, nnd regnlatiüg all the secretions to t!ie n;it' performance of their duties, cleansing aud pui ifying the bloo l.aml purging from tho system all dise;ised dcnosili and impuro humurs. THE CAUSE OS1 PILES. A targc dose oTthe Drastlo Filis will, hy irritatinjr th mucous membrane, produce a violent expulsión of tho contenta in tho bowols, lint in si doing other secretion are suspended. In suoh cases, tho siools will be round, to be light-cjlorcd and watory , aud itteniied with cramoi, griping pains, nau-oa, sickness. By tlds increased unnatural actiën oí' tho b wels. the .secretions of the kidneys and pancreas arodlialni3h.'d,followod by auectioni of the kldneys, blnddcr, urethra, p-les, tenesmu.s, geural prostration, coslivenoss, and indigestión. Why Eadway's Pills Cure Small Pox. InSmall I'ox, Sairiet Fcver, Erysipclas, Yellow,Typhoi'l aud Other reducing Fei-ers, PDHOAnoN is highly essen'ial. But to adminlster a ot Drasiic PiUstho irrilation they wouiil produce, and tho lelaxation and dcplction that would follow, wouid be likely to provo fatal. If physlcians, in these casci, would g'vo KADWAY'S 1'lLlü, they wiiuld alwnya cure thoir patiënt. In these diseases a mild, soalhing, healing and gentijr Btimulating laxiilve is requirod, wiiio'a ió secured by ttADWATO PILLS. Why Imperfect Pi51s Gripe. The canse of griping, nausea, sitknes, tenesmus an-l debhty, that U indoert by a dose ut drastic pills, is orIng to their imporfect operatlon lt w.tli the acces, tht diseased humois, leftolrealating in the systoni, wero expellei by tlieso pills, thorc would bo but htlle pain or I griping. Itlí the absence of tlio bllo and othor hnronr which the imperfect pills fail to purgc out of tho systcm that occ.isions the fwiin. By eximining the stools evacuated afler severo griping thcy wlU bo Dund thin and watery. THE T-RUE PILLS TO TAKE. The on'y safe pills to tiko are Dr. lïuhvay's, hecaue they aro the only pills toot secure purgaü"n without depietion, and expel diseased humors fruni the system. CASE OF DY8PZP3IA CTTREIX For many years I havo been aülicted with' our' na'tional complaiut, called Dyspepiii- rtf sufferings uavo been a consUut Bucoes&lotl ot horrors, l havo spent thousands of dollars wilh fie hopo of realizing a liltlo comfortand tr.mquillity. A'U medicaflon failed to reticvo me, until I coiumenced ti act upim the judicious advico yougavo ma on the oth of April, 1S5S. And now, afler integ your J'ills, 1 fcel like a uew man. (ioïl biess yo,and laay this letter induce olher sull'oring victim'i to this accurseJ inalady, to try tlic sam= moans. Yüurs ferventlv, W. CARrENTER. CaRPESTEKVII.i.ï:, N. .L, April IGth, 1S59. Mwrs. Kadwayil Co.,X. Y. lüy. Letter from Dr. Salmón Skinner. NffW York, January, 1860, Dr. Eadioay t Co. : I hive, during tho past four years, used your remedies, and havo rccommcndcd them lo others fr Bmous CoxFUXHis. Indigkstion, Dyspkivia, &c. I considor tha Ready Relief aud Regulatlng Pilla unoqualed. Tho Rogulating Pills are mild in their operatiaus aud tbvoroughly effoctivö. Tho flrst doso shoiiM ho largo chomkIi to pnrga.aay four or flve, and taeh snocessivc dose bo diiniuishcd ono ])i 1, unlil roduced to ono, and then repeale 1 pvry day for a wook or ten divys, A permanent cu.e will surely follow. Tcnirs, h,, I)H. S. SKIN-XER. j$y Dr, Rntliray's Pills nro sold by Drngglsts mul Siorc-K-cpeis I giricrnl, Kach Box contalns 30 Pills. Prlcc 35 ets. per Bol. For Sale by STET5BTNS & WILSON FOK SALE : TWO of t'.io most ieilrable buildinc lots in tbe C'nj nf Aiiii .i b"r. contaialng eacb oue ■-' rr nid ;i quititf r nf grountl. Tbry are sitanted "n State Street, nfr tl' Soii"'h west corner of UnivritJ So,uar. Y'"X term, c.inqulreat the A.uua UiUCt. Nov. 14 18Hi. Ayer's Cathartie Pills


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