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Good Butter

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ltóve-is procubly noíhrng thatÖje faiiit.' i ird so uia. 'ij behind in l)il irii;.; as Li yaod articl'e of imirJíotal'JRÜ-'üi 'er. Thero appcara to bc no getie.riri! adoplcd in tiiisj tíUte for ita ímtfííí'aoture ai i g, as pearly eveclri' bs aud packs it in so care'iJmGNiuauuor that it will UOt bring so m:) by 5 and -(3 oents per puuud in the uas ís, ás will tiio butter which is c ■ iteuiatically prepared, ■■■ ohe of tho prinoipaí aii ■ öösheu (UrV.,) Butler ia eelebrated all u . . i iiitry. We annex a;i ucoí i t s iiijiiuhiuture, fiüui n icliiiblo fe uree j aud wc lujie that to iuitisu; . . , ■ will piaotise thoiji . . it, as u takea WTiAi-j tiiiiu te !Habuoi baü f ihan pwir.-, nor of tPausportatioo gpPiu-v, :.:l' íu pitee, ii is Vfortb '20 oï j"fèl-. ceiit tnoru on tiic dollar tliau au Ui!l r tti ti'iile : ■ feêilaf v,'!iero tho milk is kept fttkl bc truolj Vï'ull veutilated aai cluau. 'öreniU'S pugjit to bu strainod iuto paus c . m t ; i i : ■ : : . c bun of twelve (Juaarts. If tho ; ; vury warm tho ptms ouyht to be set bti ttiö 9ujilar bottouj- otheiwisa uuijtivesi nu ni',; ougiil to bo cliui-aeïï iiü ijycomBS tiiick ur loporod - tha nu. k i d ;:,-. -iiü are tiie:i ehuroed togethji ,: íá.j.iio diiu-ynien skiin o'l ' tho oream e milk aüd ?hurn that, but :i is cliurned froni the Tho csuru uacd ia the Mftjqsuti ■ daititor oliora," driveti by dog, lj5Jfüü, or iwer, accöidiag tu tha stfit! of tho tlairy-. The ehurn muy be half ur tv all, wuh mük, and a pail fuWf :r added béfore starting the cliuni. In c;!d weather warm water i.iputrin: 1% éhiirinug shouldbe with ui il' motion - and to mako i!1: uttor will take from one liour to oï:é Üoiir and a half; bafore tho fhui anothcr paiifal of water oigHt te be pilt in. When tha butter i.s dore take ii Sut, vyash tbroügtt one water iu a IWge tvay; thon salt thu buti-i- u.s;.k,' fttw'ut oüc ounoe of pure Liverpool ( Abitón) átü t,i each p'ound of butter. AVoik ihs salt through the butter -put iu :i eool place, and kt it atand au hoor; EKen work it carefuily over, afil set it iside for iivo or six hours w' ■ ágaíii and set it aside untii the i.cxt moniing, when it is pacfeed rking batter great earo óüght to be takeu to work ut all tho milk, hut not te-vork it too mach, so as to break tho gran and make it salvey. If any mi!k ■ in, the butter wiil soou become id if worked too much, will bo ■yor salvey, and not suüd. Butter worked just eiiOögÜ', will bs aolid-swee -3%elob- and tbe dropa óf briue ou i will bo as olear as crystal. O"u;ige eounty butter is paoted in v.l.ii-j OLik firkins - the staves seleoted so as not to leuk the briue; thu ürkins wili v.eigh about eighteen or twenty Iseuipty The firkins are soaked ü eold water for some days bcfore ;, by bciug fillüd with water- they Jiolil froüi eigbty to one bundrod pounds of bulior. VVJiöD the firkia is iull, a JüiLii cloth is placed over the top of 'the Lutter, and on this cloth a layer of salt in iiieii in (lu;::h is laid, made a Hule damp with eold water. The butter stands uutii marketed ; then tho salt and e!ot!i are taken off, a fresh eloth wet with W-i: - put on, and the flrfciu beaded up. Great eare Bhonil bc taken to havo the iirkhüs pcifüctly dcan. The outside otSglit to be as bright as when turned out by tba cöoper. No leaky ürkin, or any tbat will filter the least partiële of brine d __'!it to be used. This is the way Goshen butter is mades And this is the way the farmers of Michigan should wake it.


Old News
Michigan Argus