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WAHTED CORBESPONDENTS. nriHñK.E youtig nepliews of Únele Saín, wi.-Oi to corresJ- pond witfa the same number of young ladlss, with a view to fan, love or whatever may arise therefrom. Any young litdy wlio wishes to clieertlie lífe oí' a soldier will neud hesít;ií3 to wriie, as nll coitpb pondenee will be strictly coníídential. Photographs eschanged if desired. AddL'ef . GEORGRSt. CLIR, SAMUEL SWIlrT, QHARLES HORTON. Chicago Boai-rl of Trale Eattery, Murfreesboro Tenn, The Laciies' Soldiers' Aid Society, of Dexter, Wili give adinner for tlie benefit of said Society on Fonrth sf July, 1863. Services to ccminf;ne at 11 o'clocfc, A. SI. Oralion by %v. D. C. JACOKES. Singlo s by tlie Choir. Dinner at 2 o'clook, I'. U. Tableaux Exhibition and Libeifj Tree in the prening in the Uniou School lïall, with Tce Crcam, fzc, S:o. Jjissoiutioii Notice. miIRFinM OXriIAI'IN, WuOn k CO., vrMdissoUed XJanuiiry li), ISi'íí, by mutual coneent. C. A. Chapin ai:d A. B. Wood will setlle theaccounts of the firm. C. A. Chapi.v, . A. B. Wood, V CbAPIK, E. WELL3. Anu Arbor, June 2-1, 1863. Coparínersliip, TTE UXnERflGN'ED enterefl into -partnership Jan. 16, 1863, bj the ürm name of Chapin k Co., and will continue the business of manufacturin printing and wrapping paper. C. A. Chapín, N. Chapín, V. CnArix. Ann Artor, June 24, 18C3. 910tf. GÖOD One Shilling per Pound ! Eight Ehiliings per Pound ' BEST KEROSENE OIL 4 SEILLINOS PER GALLON! CHOICE ARTICLE OF COFFEE, Prepared of Co fice and Chiccory fresh grouml evpry -x and warranted superior to anythiug in this market or the inouey refunded, AT 2 SHILL1NGS PEK LB. CROCKEEY, GLASS WARE, TABLECUTLERY, LAMPS, FMÜ1TCANS. and all otlier goods at about old prices. A.DeFOREST. A mi Albor,. Tuno SI, 1863 lOtf. üuctiorseers ETotice. BYKON QRKEN, baviog applied for a license, now holds himaelf in readiness to altend to allcalls. - Having hadexpcïiencc, heis positive lie can give good Batipfuctton. All calis promptly attended to. Cbaiges leasouable. Apnly at llie Frauklin House. BYEON GREEN. Arm Arbor, Oct. 2, 1S62. 87ótf (ET TOBACCO - You can buy the best grades of FINE CHEWING TOBACCO al froBi 50 cen;s to One Dollar. SMOKING from fourteen to twenty cents SI DEVANY'3 TOBACCO AND OIGAtt STORE Sign - Red Ijidian. South side Huron street, a few doors from Cook's Hotel. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Deo. 11, 1862. 883tf Trusses ! RürTL'RE CAN DE COHED HY A TRUSS of the rifflit kind, it' properly tiltcd and duly attendcd ,to. This lias baen abunilantiy demoDstrfttftd in innúmera bl iiislanccs by tüe use oT tlic Alultlpcdnl Truss of Dr. !{ISSS during the last few yn.irs. This Truss belngcoveiea with Hard Rubber, is perreclly water] of, may be used :i batlung, and is ahvays cleanly as wnll as indestructible by ordinary usage, lf r.ot satisfaotory after a fair trial of sixty day, it may benburned. It chaliengts compariHon with any trusa Dr KIGGS' uffice, No. 2 BARCLAY Street. NewYorli. 'f MÏCÏÏIGAN CENTRAL KAïLROAD Passende! trains now leave Detroit. Chicago, and ti ïoveral Stations iu thiü follows : GOING WEST. I.cavo Mail. Hay Kx. .lack.Ac. NightE Detroit 5 30a. m. I.íOj.í. 8.00 p. I 7.40 p. M Tpsilanti, 605 " 9.W " 8.30 " P.55 " ua Arbor, 7 15 " 9.-8 " 6 55 " 0 15 " llexter, 7.40 " r x. 7.25 " Chelsca, 8.C0 " " 7.45 " " Ar.Chicago, 6.30 " f.SO 1. M The mail train Roesonly to Michigan City. GOING KAST, Lcave. Niglit En. Jack. Ac. Mail. Hay Ex. Chicíieo T.1ÍP.K. S.00i. ■ 7X0 a.m Chelma 5.B5A.M. 3.05 p. m. Dexter ' 6Sö " 3-25 " Aun Arbor 4.45 A.M. 6.30 " 3.50 p. M. 4.43 r. M Ypsllanti, 5.06 " 6-S5 " 4.15 " 5.C0 " Ar. Detroit, .06 " S.15 " 0J0 " C.M " Trainí do not sto' at stations where figures ar e om i tedin the tableTrain connect at Detroit, tvuli the Great estern am Grand Trunk Railwajsef Cunada, and the Detroit ai Toledo, and Detroit umi MiJwaukee Railrosdt, au Devela'nd Steamers. ' ,„,.„,. At tht Company's Ticket OiTices at Detroit, Chicago, j,.li't and Lafayctte, through tickets can be purdiasod toall the principal oiUes and tuwns in the United ttatcs and Canii'l:i p . I I SUR1OÜS SLEEPING CARS upon all night tvfiins. Ruttan's oelebrated Ventilátlng Apnaratus upon al] day trains- the bast dunt prevcutative in o. K N. RICE,Genral -uporiotendent. M C.V.. R. Offlep, irül7;lS. THa ALL SUFFICIErïT THREB, THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," Knoivii ns " Helmbold'" &ENUINE PREPARA! IQNS, VI Z.: HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT " BUCHÜ " " " SARSAl'ARII.I.A, IMPKOVED EOSE WA8H. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PFEPARATION, " HIGHLY COJVCEXTKATED " eOMI'ÜUXD FLUID EXTRACT BUCHÜ, A Positive and Specific Itemedy, For Dïseases of tlie BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROP3I0AL SWELLUfGS. Thlg Medicina increases the power of Dwstinn n,i excite the ABSOBBKNTS toto hwiti v actión br í ELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excessea, Habita of Diesipution, Eariy Indisoretion, or Abuse, AITENDED WITH TUE FOIiOTPTNS SYMT0K3: ImlNposltion toExertion, Loss of Power w!" 2 „"""■' DMBeultj of Brcathinij, WkNT, Trembling, Horror of Disenso, Wakefolnok, Ihinncs of Vision, rain in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Fluthing of the Body Muscular System, Kruptions on tbc Face, Hot Hands, Fallid Cuuntcnance. Drynew of the Skin. These symptom, f alloweil to go on, which tïis menicine invariably removes, soon follow M POTEN CY, F4.TUITT EPILEPTIC FIT8 c one of which the patiënt roay expil e. who can bt "■%" nJt followed by those "dircfiil Insanity and Consumption Manrareawarsof the cause of their siifrcrinir but one i o-ill confMS. The records of the insane Asjium nd the mclancholy deaths by Consuraption bearara Ie witneee to the iruth of the assortion. DE COXSTITUnoy, OWCE AFFECTED WITH OR. GANIC VEAKXE=S, equires the aid of medicina to strentrlh nd iní?m. !yi"'m ' lïllich ílELM F-OLVS EXTRACT BUHU invariably does. A trial wiH convince th most skeptical. Females, Females, Females, I.D OR YOUNO, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CO TEJIPLAÏIXG MARRIAGE, In many affections peculiar to Females the ExtratV luciiu is unequalled by any otlicr romedy, as in olorosia or Keltntion, Irreularity, Painfulness or uppression of the Customary Evacuations. Ulcérate r iicliirrous state of the Uterus, Leucorrhea or hites, Sterility, and lor all complaints iacldeut te' th ex, whetiiorarising from ladiicietion, Habit of Dissi)ation, or in the Declino or ühange erf Lile. SEE SYHPTOUS ABOVR. NOPAMILY SHOULD BS WITHOUT IT. TgMlo Balsam, Morcury, or ünpleasant Medicine íol L'npleasant aud Danijcrous Uiseases. DELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHll CURKS Secret IDiseases. In all their stages ; at little expense ; little or no chng in diet ; no incuuvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. It causes frequent desire, and gives strength t Urinate, thereby removin obiJtructious, preventin? aní caring8trictora of the Ureihra, allaying pain and inSammation , so rVeqnent in this c!a?s of fiiseases, and eipelling POIaoyoUS, D1SEASED A3D ll'OMf OUT MATTER. Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE TICTIM OF QUACKS, And whfï hiv paid HEAVY FEES tobe enredinff short timp, hare found th?y ireredeoeired,and tha! th"Pois'jn" has, by the ose (.f "Powerful A-tringent,"' heen dried up in the system, tu break out in au aggravated iorra, an 1 PJERI5APS Afiev ARRIAGC Helmbold's Extract Buchu For all Affections and Diseases of Tiie XJrinary Organs Whethrr existing in MALE Ott FEMALES, froiff whatevc-r cause originating, and no matlcr OF IIOW LOSG STANDING. Diseases of these Organs require the ald of a Piubktjc, Helmbold's Extract Bnchu IS TIIE GREAT DIURETIC, Aud it is ceriain to hare the dealred effect in all Diseases, for whiofa it is reeommended. IÏLOOD ! BLÖÖD ! BLOOD! HelmboM's Iliahly Conceniraled Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. Tbïfl is an aflect'on of the Blood, and attacka tli Bexul Organs, Lininga of the Nofle, Ears, Throat, Windpipo, and oí her Mucus Surfaces, making ts appttranoe ín tbe form of Ulcers. Helmbold's Extict Barsaparilla purifica the BUiod, and remove í all Pcaïy Urnptiona oí tlMfeShin giving to the Complexión Clear and HealtbColor. Il beinp prepared exprei f(,r lliis cVass of coraplaints, its Blood-Purifying Pro pertíea are rreserved to a greater exteiit tl-au nj ylhor p repara t ion of Saivaparilla. Helmbold's Kose Wash. An excellent Lotion fnr Dineases of .1 Sypbïltffl Nature, aii'l as nn injoction in Plsê&srfl of the Ürïnary Organs, arisíng frora habita of diawpation, nseel ia connecticm wiih the Kxtracts Bucliu and ïrarsaparilla, ia sueh diseases as recommenrlpil. Evidonce of the most responsible anti reliable cbcact er WÍH accompany tbe medicines. certifícate of cures, From eigbt to tvinly reirs standing, with name" known to SCJENCE AND FAME, For Medical l'ropeiticsof BUCHU, Pee Eispensatorj of-the United Staten. See Professor VEWEES' valuablo Works on t Practice of Pbysic. Se rmmrlis made by the lale celeDrated Dr.FExSICK. PMludelphia. !iee remarkü made by Dr. EVIJRA1M McDOWT.ll, a celebrated Physician, and liember of the lioyal College of SurpeonB. Irelaml, and pnblislied inlbeTrait saotioos cf thp Einjcasd Queen's Journal. Sop Hedieo-Cirur(rlcl Koview, publisbed by BErtJMIN TRAVERS, Fellow of tbc Boyal College of SW' "cons. Pee most of tlie late Standard ffoiks on MediciK. E.tTnAcr Brciiü, $1 CO peu norrm, oR s)X ros $5 O " PARMPArJIU ICO " " W ImpkotedHosbWjjih, 60 - " S6 Or half a doien of eacli fop $"2CP, wliirh will be si ciont to inrc tbe most obstinate cases, i' diiecticns flr adbered to. . .'ldivercd to ony address, socurcly pncled Iromo' servation . g DeflCabe Bymptomi ín all Communications. CurMguaranteetl. Advioe jiraüs. A F 1' 1 1) A V I T . Penonally ppered before mean Alderman cf tt' city of Philadelphla II. ï. Hïijcboio, who, being on1) swörn. dotb say, his preparations contain no narOOtKi np mcrriiry, op'other injurious drugs, but are purtl Ve6etab:CH T.HFXMROÍ.P. Sworn and subscrilied bcforc me, tliis 23d day November, )■ Wil P. H1BBARD. Alderraan, Ninth-streot, abore Hace, Pbil' Address Lettere for Informatior in confidence. II. T. HELM BO LD, Chemist Depot 1C4 South Tentb-street.below Cheftnut, Pbi BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND CNPKIXCIPLED DEALERS, ! Wbo endeavor to dipoe " OF THEIR OWN " ; "otber" artiekj?on tbe jeputation attainrd by Helmbold's Gtnuine J'rrparations', ", ", Kiteac.t BiiQbu, (i ' " P.irsapfiril'a, V "i ImproTed Rote Wash. 1 Sold by all Prafffrifitfl evrvyvhere. ASK FOIt IIELMBOLD' S-TAKE NO OTITEIt('ut o-it the afWertiaemADt. mvl Rfrd fr il ?U AVÜID IMFOSITION AND EXFO&VRE.


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Michigan Argus