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HELMETS ÍXTRA.T BÜCnü. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BÜCHÜ I „,,MDOLIVS EXTRACT BUCWH HELMBOLD-3 EXTRACT BÜCHÜ AndaPosHiroandSpecifie Remedy tur lüse.iws of the Bladder, Kidnèys, Uravel, Ilropsy, Organic Wcakness. Andall diseases of I]: Crina ryOrgana. See AdYertUemint in auother Co lumn. Cut it out, and ' 'BEWARE 'oí" C0UNTERFEIT8. CmOCtf. DSAKE'S PLAHTATION BITTERS. Thev purify, atrenythen and invigorate. They créate a healtby appotite. They are an antidote to chango of wr.tcr and (liet . They overeóme efiects of dissipation and late hours. Theystreugtben the system and enlivea the mind. They prevent miasmatic and n ter milten t fevc-rs. They p-urify the breath and acidity of the stomacb. Tbey cure dyspepsia ai?d Conatipation. They euro Biarrbea, Cholera anri Cholera Mnrhus. They care Liver Compluiai and Xervous Ileadaclie. They are tbe best bitters in tlie worlc . -They makt the ivcak msn stiong, and are exbausted nature's great rsstorer. Tbey are made of pare St. Croix Rum, the celcbrated Calisaya Bark, roots and hei ! -, (nd ■ re taken with the pleasureof a beverage, without resard to age or time of day. l'articulurly recomraenled to delicate penosa requirin? a gcntle stimuUnt. Sola by all Sroeer,DriggiitB, Hotels andsalooria. P. H. Drakei Co. 202Broadwa7, New York. Smi LYON'S KATHAIEON. Kathairon is frum the treek word, "Katbro," or "Kathairo," nlgnifjing to cleanse, rejuvinato and nstore. Thli artiolo íb wint Lts n une Forpreëerving, restoring and beautifying the luiman flair it is the most preparatiou in the world. Itis again ois-ned and put up by tbe original proprietor, and In now made with the same care, .skill and attention which gave tásale of over ono million bottlee per anIt [samoetdelightfal Hair Dressing. It eratientes scurf and ilandrutf. -It keeps tbe head coo! imd clean. It makes the bair ricb, suft and JlOSty It prevenís the hair from faUinjï olf and turning gray It restoi-ea bair upon bal 1 bèads. Any lady or gentleman who values a bcaiitiiiil head of liair sliould use I.yon's Kathalion. Tt is knnwn and usedtlirougbout the civilized wurld. Sold by all respectablo dealers. 6ni804 DEMÁS S. 3ARNES k CO., Vrop'rs, X. Y. O' TWEXTT-ONE YEARS AGO.31 JIb. 0. C.BalSTOl a diatinguished Chemist and Drugg!it of the c y of Bulfalo, N. Y., invented andmanufactured a oompoand known aa BBISTOL'S BALSAM OF HOAEHOÜND, which i- a .erfect tiT.nnc for C0UGH3, COIBS, or any KuONClllALor I-üNt; Mifinmn arlsing rr.;:a damp, c.-ld, or sutMen chango of the I ■■■-. Eti ry jrrion lio lias ever taken BKISTOL'f BALSAM OF HO4BHOUND, pronouncea it tho best ar'.icle ever inven tcd ; and so justly celebrated has it bocome, tlmt the jnarket is already full of imitations, couc andm'i. dangeroua coropoanis, under thenameof Balsatn of Iloaihound. Thereforc, alwayi bi to cali fnr Briatol'i Balsam, and eee 1hat hia WBITTEN Blgnatnre is on the outsido label oi fhc 1 - Thia invalaable Modiefne bas been now some twenty-one jeara before the public, nl with elfort on thepart of th pr] riel ir, itn aal haa become Tery extensive, and ia da'ly increasïnp, Tbe lo-.v 1 rire at which the Medicina la sol! f25 CMiTS; eu.ibles ALL to partake of it- bealing qualities. U. CBOSBY, BUFFAIX), N.T. Solo mmufacturer, to whom all orders siiould bi addresscd. For ale by all r esp . Iyeow888 Ayefs Cherry Pectoral A CARD TO THS LADÏE8. DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN l'ILLS FOR FEMALES. , [nlallible in correcting, regulating and remóving al] obstructioDS, from whatOTer cause, and alwaya sucoessful as a preTeuüve. The combination o' ingredients in Dr. Duponco's Golden Pilis for Peínales are perfectly harmlt ss. They have been uscil in Ihe private practico of Dr. Dujioaco osrar 30yars,and thoosanda of ladies can tcstify to their great and never failing success in alinost everv case in correcting irre.-ularities, relievmg painful and distressing menstruation, partiaularly al t lio ohange o) Y rin live to ten pill will cure that eommon vit 4readful,compteint,tUe Whiteí Xrarly every female in Míe land BufiferB fn m this complalnt. The above Pillhas pcrmanently curedthousands,and thcv willoúre.jou rfyou use them. They can notharm ..„.,. „„tlieoontrary.theyremoveall obstructions, re ;tor'enaturet.-itsprjorohanníj, and (vigórate the nm. whose health T 1 n olfámily, will Bnd taese pills ■OTeuUTe Ladies peculrlyituated, cr toóse supLsnethemselvesiio,8huidno1 use these Pills during the ttrst three months, as thcy aro certain to ]„-..- daceiniscarriag, "after whicl) admonition the pro. prietornme. no responsiDility, althongh their mtld, ininjurytoUealta. The ingrad.ents composins th above Pilis are .nade known to pvcry A-ont. and tbey wiU MI yon they are safe and iril perrorm all elaimed tor them. Priee SI per box sold in ANN ABBOR, by 8TEBBIMg f WILSON. Bruggists, W A. HONT, Druggist. liring at a distance by Bending them SI 00 through theAnn Arbor PostoBice, can hare the PitlS sont(c,,r!, „yraaii.toanyp-irt ui the countrsiU-H-nèiiare'rof a base counlcrfeit of Diese Pili.- Ton can buy the oounterffit ftrtiole at any pricefrom 25 to76oentsa box (dear at that). Udito yoor lives and health ave of tuo much valué to b trifled wlth, besjdes berng mposed opon witb a worthleüs art de. 1 herefbie, anflue ofteringyou thee PillstorleM than$l box, avoi.l them as youwoul.l poison. ïhey arebogus. None aí-e-enuine iialera tBí name of 8. D. IIOW K is on every ■'i hasrocently been adde.l.on account of the nUsbgcouterfeited. &'3Vh, YpriUti. IiLIírt & BKEBEJaokson, nnrtb7 one ilrv.ffist in every villnge anti city in the United "tel, andby KARKAND.SUECl EY & CO. .Gensral State Alrents, Detroit. cri1 ' E D IIOWE, SoloPrnprictor. 807yrs2 y'iW YoKKAGOOD TREE IS KNOWN SY its So is a good Physloian by hi Kuccesslul Works. rilOFESSOR R. J, LYOKS, THE GREAT AND CELEBRATED PHYSICIAN OF THE THftOAT, LONGS AND CHEST, Known all over the countr; as tlie Celebrated INDIAN IIERB DOCTOR! From Scuth America, will be at hls rooms, RTJSHËLL HOUSE, DETROIT, OnthelSth and 19th inBt..on the same dale of and every fiubsequent month during 1802 and 18ü, A NE L' l'AMrill.KT Of the life.studv nnrt eïtensive travels of Dr. Lyons can be nrocured by allwhodesireone, free of chcjge. Dr. 1. wül visit Ana Arber, Jackson.and Adrián, Mtoh.,aefollows: .Aun Aibor, Monitor House, 20tn. Jackson. Hibbard tloue,21t Adrián , Brackett li u-e. 2M nr.d 23.1. MaDic of Kx.vmixation. - The Doctor discerns diseases bytVeej refore,aslís no quetlon nor re q lires patients to explain symptom, Afflieted, come i i ima and the location of your diseaseexpbiined free of charge. HEIMSTREETS Inimitable lïair Restoratlre. IT IS NOT A DYE, But restores gray bair to ite oriiniil color, by Bnpplying the capillary tubci with natural eunteuance, im■ All initanlantoui tlyes are composed of tomar caustic, destroying the vitality nn.l erd of themselves no dressing. Heimstreet:sIntaitablCotoilng not only rentores hairtoits natural color by au easy procoss, hut gives the hair a L.uxurlant Bcn.utJ-, promoten It growth, provenís ts falling off, eradicate Jaxdruff, asd jnparU healtb and pleasantncH to the uead. It bas stond the tost of time, being the original Hair Colorlng, and a oonatently increastng in favor. ü i bj both gentleman ana ladies. It is Bold bj al] reBpeetable dealerx, or can bo prooured by thfra of H commercial agenta, D. 3. Barnest ('o. 202 Broadway Now-York, T-o siies, 50 cents and ij. 6ir.834 I Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, LAND WARRANTS, GOLD, Silver, Canada AXD DEMAND NOTES, wantcd by MILLER DA VIS ■&. VTEBSTER, BANKERS. Ann Albor, June i, 1863. 4w0O7. First National Bank of Ann Arbor. NOTIOB. AN A8SESSSTCNT of 40 per cent. on the Capital Stock of BakJ i;.mk, will boilui! and payable at the Banking Office, as fullows: 20 ni:r cent on the iirstday of July, and !iü uir cent. on the iirst day of August aVy ordr of Board of Director,. Aun Arbor, Hay 22, 1S63. Dissolution Notice. rpnR FIR1I of Ilunt and Loring haa thia day dissolvcd X bj mutual consent. AU nnsettled accounts wül hereaiterbe settledby Mr, Barnea Loring, Buccessor to the Drm of Llunt and Loring. WAHUNT 907 w6 BARNES LORIN'G. " W 0 S E S."- Tlieir Significaace.- lllustratrd v.-ith sngravtoga of the Koman, Greeian, In.lian, Kegro, Celestial, Aqueiine, Turn-up, and 1 ug Noses.witú tho charaotei rerealed by cach. I'.yks- blue black, or gray. Lir- ihin and pale, or full and red 'prim or pouttag, scokling or loving. MOOTB- Iaror ramll. HA- W or dark, coarse m te, Bttaight or curly CHKKKS- thin or plump, pale or colored - Tektii- regular or irregular. liiHs- large or ,,,.,;ln Neok- long or short. Skin- rough or Bmooth. All to be amply illastrated with ngravtogs. The walk, talkjlaaafa and voice, all mdioabs character. Wemay tnow an honcsl face from a dinhoncït one, and vo wIU show how. Eesides the above, va shall treat on ETBKOlOGr.or the Natural Hislory of Man ; of PHTsiology; and the Lawa of I.ifo and Health ; of 1 iiySIOGSOHT.or Sisns of Character. and how to read them; of PHBEKOIOGY, tlie Philosophyof Mind : and of 1 sYCHOLOGY the Scionco of the Soul Man, with relc-icnpn to all Uis relations of life. social, int lleetual, and spiritual, and whatpach cando bst, will be elucWated in the PHRENOL0GICAL JOURNAL AND I.1KK ILT.ÜS1RATED New volume commencefl July lst. A liandsomequarto, monthly, at only $1.50 ayear. Sample numbers, 15 cents. Please addreaa 1OWLKR A.ND WBLLS, E08 Broadway, New York. 8w907 ty The peculiar taint or JfeiUV. .-. infection which wc cali í.' - Scrofula lurks in t'ï'i l? '1C constitutions of s-. l Jlvr rnnltitudes of men. It -' ivMÍdf JU c't'lcr produces or is 5=1 igpi '1 produced by an en?ÈifS! fecbled, vitiated stato ."" 3ot' tlie blood, wherein -jmp jrt!int ihiid becomes in:"'"T 9 t ' o?sí competent to sustain c' : - itlio vital forecs in tlicir Sfelf f yiiM -'' Y'grous action, and .■■-■■).,-: 1. :,■!■■■; t'ie py.stcm to Sí--liill into disorder and - -v;Ci5a__ decíly fi,0 Scrofiilou9 contamination is-variously causcd by mercurial diseasc, low living, disordered digestión from uriliealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depreseiug vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. Whatevcr be its origin, it is liereditary in the constitution, descending " from parents to children unto the third and fourth frencration ; " indeed, it seems to bc tho rod of Him who says, " I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Tho diseases which it originatea take various names, accordinfr to the organs it attacks. In the langs, Scrofula produces tuberclcs, and finally Consumption ; in the glands, swellings wbich Eiippurate and become ulcerous sores ; in the Btomach and bowcls, derangements which produce indigestión, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on the skin, eruptivo and cutancous affections. These all liaving tho same origin, requiro the same remedy, viz. purifieation and invigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot havo hcalth ; with that " life of the ilcsli" healtliy, you cannot have serofulous disease. Ayer's Sarsaparilla i is compounded from tho most effectual antidotes that medical scieneo luis discovered for this affliating distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entaüs. ïhat it is far superior to any otlier roraedy yet devised. is known by all who liave given it a trial. That it does combino virtucs truly extraordinary in their effect upon this elass of complaints, is indisputably proven by thc great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has mado of tho following diseases : KÜlg'S Evil Or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Eose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspopsia or Indigestión, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female WeakEesseS, and, indeed, thc whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of tho blood. Minuto reports of individual cases may be found in Ayer's Amekican Almanac, wliich is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wliercin may bo learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkablo cures whieh it has mado when nll otlier remedies had fniled to afibrd relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all tions of the country, in ortlcr thiit evcry reader may have aceess tosomc one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depreeses the vital energies, and thuB leaves its vietims far more subject to disease and its fatal rcsults than are healthy constitutions. llence it tends to shorten, a-nd does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. Thia we now offer to the public under the name of Ayer's Sarsapaiuixa, although it is composed of ingrediente, some of which excecd the best of SaraapaHUa in alterativo power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the suffering and danger of these disorders. Purgo out the foul eorruptions tliat rot and fester in the blood ; purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous licalth will follow. By its peculiar viitucs this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or buist out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceired by many compounds of Sarsapariila, that promised mücii and did nothing ; but thcy will neither bo deccived nor disappointed ii? this lts virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and thcro remains no question of its suvpassing excellence for the euro of the afflicting diseases it is intended to rcach. Although undcr the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other wliicli has been bcforo the people, and is far more cffectual than any other which has over been available to them. AYEB'S CHERRY PECTORAL, The World's Great Eemedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Consumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of tho disease. This bas been so long uscd and so univcr sally known, that wc need do no more than assuro tho public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may bo relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by Du. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Anolilical Ciemists, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists evcrywhere. s ij,-.jN, Ai. ii Arbor, E. BAMSOK, yp„ilaoU, A EWJWG, Dexter, V!ii:i-:hO ii HATCH, ('ui ';■,. Whole alehy FAHItANDSlIELBY &Co., Detrolt. C. E. COBÜBN, Travelling Agfiit. DUÏCIIEli'S LIGI1ÏNING FLY - KILLER S ipplio a wnnt feit hyoTorr,iOOil hemsokeeper. Everj Bheet will kill nnnaitwhere Sie are thiolt RcmnmVwr th1 it 1; DUtCHÏR'S that iloos tilia, ad refute tho mthat nrpoffnriMl, Threal ardole is frir ■al by ui! roJpiotaWe DruRgisti. 8S0s.


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Michigan Argus