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P. B AC H Is now rcoeiving : A. LAEGE STOOK -OF- New Spring Goods, BOUGHT FOB CASH Since gthc Late Fall, AND WILL BE SOLB VERY LOW FOR CASH. Cali and See ! NEW BOOT SHOE 3 0 CD IS2.iSla K. B. COLS, (Successor to Moore & Loomis.) bas openeda store in FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, Main strect, Atin Arbor, and lias on hand a largo sortment oí BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS, manufactured from the best material and warranted to gfiya satisfaoticui) eonsisting of JIEN'S Kir, CALF AND THICK BOOTS, DOUBLÉ SOLED, ME2T8 BUI FALO OrÈRSHOES, of all descnptions. LIDIES G-AITEES, Morocco Bootees, Balmorals, Feit Overshoei, and Rubbers. Also, Boy's Kip, Calf & Tliick Boots, together with a variety of CHILDKEN & YOUTH'S SHOES. I nm also Manufactuilng WAERANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Men'g Fine French Calf Boots Peg-ged and Sewed. Givemeacall befnre purchasing elsewhere. I wil! stil my kOOds cheap for cat;h. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE AND ON SHORT NOTICE. N.B.COLB. Anu Arbor,. Jan. 13th, 1863. 887lf 1863. IVTay. 1863. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, AT THE "Old Corner!" I am now receiving a well SELECTED STOCK O F NEW COODS, FOIt THB Spring and Summer Trade, CONS1STINO 0Ï STAPLE DKY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, TEIMMINGS, SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRTS, BOOTS AND SIIOES, NOTIONS, &o., &c. Also u fu!l assortment of Family Groceries! all of which were bougbt low and aro to bo SOLD GEEAP FOR CASH. The highest Market prico paid for W O O 3L 5 C. 13. THOMPSON. At the Farmers' New Cutsh Store, Corner of Main and Washington sts. (904tf) Ann Atbor. ti;,: American Collecíing Agency, No. 240 Broadway, New York. of all kinds acainst tho General Gorcrament, State Govern nPiH, the City , or private partí, proseBiitert and oollected &tm$ expense, andrisk Agalnst prívate partiea 1 poséesa superior faciUtiea for collcc(injcluíms cverywhere ín th United iátaleB aurl Canadan, reUeving merchanta, ussiRiieos, bankerb, and others, of the caí e and all responaibility . Special attention given to oíd dfbta, hard cases, di, voríis, wllls, estafes, etc.. Beiog familiar wlth allthe detaïlaof the " Tnt Revmue La," I will attejid prontly to í lie cOíefit.ion of drawbacks, and tax'es overpufd through ignorauce of the law. Soldiere' pensions,pay, and bnunty secuted forthem or thoir lieirs. For that purposo, and for jroseouti8 claims against tlio Government] 1 nave a b ranch Ófilce at Washington. No charge mude unía; ís eiuií.u ure col lecied. All soiiliprs cHscharged by reason of wouncle- ho"WeverBhortthe Ihnethev huve sc-rved - are cntitled lo Onp Ifunlrcd Dotllaofl Boimtj'. Al) moWici a. l.avnigserved two rearq, arfi eiii üU-il tu tlic samo. tï, The highest markít p?jcí will be paM for ko.1diers'leíoM, and other ' : ■ Ihe Goneial Goveiriment. Information and qninlons siven, and [nvestlgation made without charge, upan claims proposfedto bo placed in ray hands. i For particular, addtws H. HT7JSTTINGTON IíES, 900tf No, 240 lïiuadwa.v, N. Y THE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES AV1LL be for the Ilealii.g of the Nations. BiUc. THE GKEAT AND CEr.KBRATED PHYSlClAN of llio IBROAT,LUNGS, HEAKT, LIVKR AND TJIE BtdDD, Known all over the country as tli iisriDiA.iir;i3:Eis,B doctobi Of 28' Superior títreet, Clovelaud, Ohiu. Will visit the following placea, viz A?POI.'IMEXTS1-Üi: 18Ü2, 1803 and 1804. Prof. R. J. Lyons can bo cousulted at the fnllowing places every moüth, viz: Detroit, Kussel House, each mnntli, ISili aml lOth. Anu Arbor, Monitor ÍIouso, eacli monlli, 20 Lh. .lackson, lubburd Houso, c-ach nionth, 21. Arhian, Bracket House, ach nidrjth 2LMandí33a. Toledo, Ohio, Colhns House, each month, S4th,25th. and26th. Hillfdale, Mich. , HillsJale ITonse, each month, 27th. C'olilwatcr, Mich., Boutliern Michigan House, each month, 28th. Elkhart, Klkhart Ilousf, each month, -ítli. South Iiend, Ind., St. Jo. Hotel, each mouth, SO. Laporte, Ind., Te Uanlcn lloutte, each rooLitb :31st. Wopter,ühio,Craadellli.iLchange, oach montli, 7th and sih. Manafield, Oliio, Wiler Rouge, each menth, Oth and lOth. Mt. Vornon,Kenj'on House, each month, llth and 12th . Newark, Ohio, Holton House, each nion-th 13th and 14th, l'aineaville.Oliio, CowipsIIousí. each monlh 4th CLliVt.LAND, OHIO. RE8tOEN3fi ANU OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET, East of the public square, opposite the Postoffioe. Office daya each month, lst, Sd, 5th, 5tb, cüi, 15th.- Office hours from 9 A. M. to 12 M, and from 2 1'. M. to 4 1'. M. OnSunday trom 9 to 10 A. M., aud 1 to 2 P. 21. JÖÊSMaxira.s.strictly adhered, to I Rive sHch bahnas have no strife, Witïi nature or lbo lawg of life, With bloodmy hands I never t-iain, Nor poison men their pain. He is a phy, ician indeed, who Cure&i The Indian lloro Doctor, R. J..LYUXS, cures tbe following compiaints in the most obstinate etagea of their existence, viz: Discasesof theThroat, Lungs, Haart, Liver, Stomach , Dropay in the Chesf, Rbeumatism, Neuralgia, Fits, or FaningSicknesH,andaUothern,ervoas(1evaagements. Also altdiseasea of the blood, such as ScroHila, Krysipelas Cancers, Fever riores, Leprosy, aud all other compücated cbronic compialnts. Ail forma of femalo diiliculties attendcd to with tbe h&ppieftt resulta. lt is hoped that no ono will despair of a cure untrl tliey have Riven the ludían Herb Doctor's Medicines a fair and fatthful trial. O Dn ring the Doctor! travel iu Kurope, West Indien, South America, arM the United States, he lias been the instrument in God's b.ind. to restore to health and vigor thousanös who were givenup and pronounced incurable by the most erainent old school physicians; nay, more, thou-anils who were on the verge of the grave, are pow living mommrnts to the Indi;-; n Herb's Doctor's flkill and successful treatment, andaré daily exclaiming: "Biesed be the da y wben first we saw and partook of ihe Tndian Herb Ooctor's medicine." Patiafactoryreferencesof carea will be gladly and checrfully giveu w henever required. The Dootor pledges hifl word and honor, that ho will in no wise, direct y or Indírectly, induce or cause any invalid to take hiü medicine without the strungest probability of a cure. j&g5" Mode of examination, tvhich is entirely difft-rent from the faculty. Hr. [yon professea to di.scern diBöftaea by the eye. He therefore asks noqueatïons, nor doeshe require patieotsto ezplain symptoms. t'allone and all, ind have thesyinptoms and location of your diseaae exp!ainedfiee of charge. jThe poor shall be libera Hy considered. JKf PostofDce address, box 2663. R. J. LYONS, M. . Cleveland, Olüo, Nov. SS, 1862. 0 ly880 WONDEKFUL SUCCEKS. jfS" The attention and research of the most d"Stlngnïshéd Chemists and Pliysicians for years hare been devoted to the productum of a rcmedy for fhGse most distrossmg maladiee Neuralgia and Bhri After loiïg etudy and many experimenta, a specijic preparate has been disco vered. WaTSOM'S Neuralgia King, an Tulernal Rem-edy ,'m curiag thoilsüiidsoï eauea whereall otlicr remedies have utterly failed. We are assured that t is no mefe ( ANOÖYNË,' relicring for the moment whiletho caase rem.uns, but is a perfeci SPECIK1C and CURE for those faiaful diseases. Tlie viflt Dumber of Liniments, Embrocationa and Esternal Medicines, wliich act as stimuIaRts of the purface nnly, 'are merely temporal y En tbeir effeota and of doubt ful virtue The NEURALGIA KING reachea the source of all trouble, and effectually baniöhes the diseaae from thesystL'm. Price- One Dollar per Eottle. Prepared hy C. R. WALKFR, 1.T887 Buffrt1o,N-Y.,and Fort Ene, C.W. FAIRBANKS7 BJ Standard J,J_SCA_LE8I .'Iifes3 Alto, Warehouse Trucks, Letter Prenses, êfC. Fairtranks, Greenleaf & Co., 172 LakoStroüt, Chicago. Sold n Detroit by FAGRAND & SHEIIY, HSg7r careful to buy ouly the gcnuine.'S S8-Jyl Tcbacco ! Tobacco I I AM SKI.L1NG GOODFINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO At f rom Fifty cents to % per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, From 1 cents to 20 cents pr pound at retail. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec.17, 18 2. 8S3tf IMIErW GOODS, FOR Spring Trade ? I !m ïiüw reoeirlng na entire Xcw Stock of STAl'LB AND FANCY DRY COODS STRAW GOODS CHOICE GROCERIES &c, BUYER8 V7ITH CASH IN HAND are jjarticularly invited to examine my S.'ock of PRINTS, SHEETIXQS, DENIJ'S, ?THIPE SHIRTINGS TICKINGS it'nrt all BOMBSTIC COODS Allboughtfor NET CASH since tho Uoclino lia. Q-oXca. ANDRUMORED FALL OF CHARLESTON. JOHN' H. MAYN.VRD. Ana Arbor, April 3'nl IPÍ3. PSOPOSALS FOR LOAN. Wabhtïxjw County TüRAStníKit'a Officp:, ANNAiEOR, Jnue 16th, 1803. ƒ SEALED proponals are ínvlted lor Í2.00) permonth, for the next four tnonth8,fot irhich th boncis oi the County will be IttEued, drawing interest frono tbe iino tho money is reoeired nntH the first oT Februarj 1864, :it uhicu timo principal and interost will br paid. 90w2 IIORACE CABPENTEB, 0ranty Tro;isurcr. FOR SAT.E ! npWO nf the moRtdesirable buildinglota in tiio City o J. Ann Arbor, contatningeachone aero and aquartei of jroiinii. Theyaw eituated on State Streel , near tht Boath west corner of the Univcrsity Snuni-p. Foi term?, tc.lnqtaire at the ARGUd OFFICE Not. 14 1852. PAIN CURED! EADWAY'S KEADY RELIEF Is tlifi DiK-t important medicinal curativo- far the imitfiwm'i'""! thé suftorer- of all v:i noties ofPAIPtS, . and 1 I nd tlio prompt caro of tho loli where PAI.V,eltber Internal or extornal, ts a con: of the di&ease, Iliat haj over becu discoveied. IN A FEW MINUTES After (ho app ' READY J'.FI.ÏEF oxtoralty.orilaadfDinistralioi] idtarBalty, tno patiënt-- gelw viih tho mo t, ecruci:iting PAIN'H ACUES. CRAMI', (HEDMAÏISM NEUftALGlAVGOI r,I.ÜSBA(iO, ! I.Vi.K ANIl AGPE, RPASMS, SORE 1HROAT, INFLUENZA, )!l'rHKli!A,C(JN'GKST10N or IN'rLAMMAÏION, Wlll cuoy eaaí and comfort. EABWAY'S READY HELIEF MS safor to ftdminister, and viW. stop pain gatckgr, Ihin all preparaties of Opium, MorphiDo, v.-in■ ■ ilóroform ut. i : i uama di jthiguished ; nherïim I '■'■ i"Mfwljlch ncrcly msiKiidúk,: frelinu of pain by benurabing tbo : ■ irgeon ilministors Chloroform ■ :' :"'' rccpti in- RAUWAY'S BtíADY REURF mostexcrnciatlng paiD.and Becürcs tlio i it ent lefullpoasassionofhisi (n es. TbiiUtheonJyreinedy general uso i iat will stop . I t, thai otlior l.indrea drug, mrtful lo the gel BS wisa s!3 szaoa. Gnnrd agninst Blcltne53. On tho ilnt ladiattina oï' If n th-i STOM i II or BOWKLS, mfal of tho KEADV RELIEF In a wluo daas of watr. I!' In tha L1XB3, JOINTS, HEAD, CHHOAT, CHEST, CA' K, or oíh-r partí of lic body, apply tlio Kt' LI i " - a few minuta I ■nínand dicomfort wilUm-e. l'hia siroplo appliraiticm ;11:lv break npi ' ■ ■ ft 's inaoü easier tu prevent dioaye Uia Vv'EALTH FOR THE POOR. Mig man'3 mpital Thepor ,„., , , lob ar tii" bordona trfsi . : ! WAV'SREAtlYllEUKP . ,,, teüablehimto resumo h3 Uknut hmof time- and, if uaedwoen pain Is lrji ewertenced, witlsbip it mme iiatoly. Keon P.cnu:Jy . ai uso itwheftyou foei pain ; you i-c o ie il-'.v in yoar by siultiioiJ. IHPORTANT TO FABMERS AndotherOjresddingi i ■ victs.whsn H y difncul t' ■ b.tIm of i physicum-, RADWAVd REMÍY KELIEE la M caobo use ( Wj ■ of duillK good i: iill ca-iOJ ■ f scixedwUli : I .DAT, ]IAU HOVKSENK-S.BILinL'SCilOUC.I.VFLAMHil"[ (,-, THK i..),.'.!.-, STOMACH, LUNOS, UVKK, -, or with PM Vli FOX, FCAKI.ET FKV1CK, t, BU.lOüá FEVER, KI-.V. 11 ANLA '■ tlEAD-ALHE, TIC nOLORF-UX TOOTHACHI? EAR ACÍIS, or wlthLUMBAG ), PAIN IX THK f! iCK nr RHIOJMATISM, nr with IIRi:iICE CITOLERA HORRUi or DYSBNTERY, or . nr u;ll. STRAIJÍj TI i a ipil k: m of R.nVA'3 RKADY RELIi F '"'-'I cure %m ui' the wurst of tnose CoksIt II E IJ AI A.TI SM. f .., ,;i iscao lins baffletl tli mnst fikilfi]l pbvti'd iih á:i I popular remedies. It iuho mo-t U trast- y et liADW'AY'd RKADÏ r.KI.ü'l' baa never faíle i iaalf irdngimQitiiiiat? réliel I ; and in all casea of Acute, lüfUmmatory or Neryoua Rüeumatism, té elfec&aperm mei tcur. (In Cbronlc Rh umati m and Co it, RADWAY'S CLRANSINQ SYKUP, called KmmxUing Reto ven', should bo Ullion ai au adjunct witk tho ilKADY KtlIEF.) ACUTE CHRÖKIC EHETJJïïATISM. Tho fo'.lowta ; ■ ■■ tliitfoll feoown orreapnBdent of rtiaN ■ York Hora! 1, Lbndou Times (EnIand), New üriuiuis Picaysoe, lX4n, Cnarxston Moccury, kc. : YM. SIDXEY HYKRS, ESQ , HAVANA, CUBA., Caba, Jan. 2, 1S58. Hersrs. 7?l7ïra ' (L■ Co. : (.iLNii.KMKN - 1 ti ive boon apufferoT Trom Acute Chronirc r.liL' I r the last twenty jrcara of mr lifu ; my sufforiligiiliirinpttliat !' , totigoe l :;;icau express. 1 liavoípeitt a litt o fortuno ou Doc'oh' 1 il -, wi h mLdei ivinganysr.bstantial beneüt. liecently Ehail oneof mfreq mi ataclu. I was vory ill for a wet , i : '''■ 'iOlIr &t any oue time. A Spanish friend, to whom l related ir.y sufferings, tvUl me he had a remedy whicli taou'.d give mo relief, snd lic kiii'liy preseuted mo i:ii a botUe of " RADWAY'd REAüY tll'XTEïV' ' lical of derivingany adrantage from its use, i Ihat n ■ 't applied it lVecly on going to bcJ, ;u:!, t my great amazsment, feit relie ved, and lept oundly. TheuextnightlugaiaappKéd fiH! 1',e.i: , awoko Ín tho morning rei; lVom pain, h ivlng oliiy used about half the bottle. Heartily do I -return y-ni my ïiumble aoknovHedjïmonts fr your invaiiuible medicine, wbich niiy well b;i called " a blesstog to man." " Ttianliing yon, from my soul, for your wonderful remedy , 1 havo tuo honor to subscribe mysolf, Yours, respe W. SIDXEY UYEE3. NEUR ALGIA. (EXiitJISÏTK PAI;,) TIC D0L0EEUX. T00TH-ACHE, FAGIÍAGHE, HHAUPSUDbN l'ALXS. Persons sufiering with Neuralgia oxperienco tba Km of excruciating pain. The paroxysms are sharp.suddo i, -, sUibbing, iud'iccd iu--tantly- liko au oieculo ülioük. (V., ADWAY'S EEADY RF.LIEF is the onlj' (T-iX hjthertoknown.tliatKillaBb.dimroedlatoreli -i CtRv l0 lll"'i0 "'lh) pul!';1' "'llh tni9 "rtnrmg #% 4 plaint (In casos ff cbrome Neuralgia, tn: cleaiisiugSyrup.called RENOVATING RESOLVENT, will la recent attacks, lbo RILAbY ÜKI.IEF. applied extemally to tha iarts here the p in tfrikes, nd n teaspoonful of RELIEF to a wlnegias8 of vator, wbfiB ihe p.irüxy.sDis appear, will cHecta-tHirn. ISOWSG CÏÏREA KAO COLS BETVhENT BED-TIMB AXI) SL'XRISE. Kseiïed wuli SOEE THJ5QAT, B reene1, Bad Cougli, difficnlt ñreaUiing, Hcsd-ache, W tory amargos l'rom i!' Back :i'"l Joints, tt., b:u!io the 'ihroat, CUest, Rcad aud JjílU witú thu READY IlF.l.Ill', hikI miko a HOT RBADY RSLIEP SLING, ny adtllng to In;; a tumbler i f hot water, sve tened with sugér, a. doásort-spouüfal of'AY'S READY RELIEF, an8 drink this on ■ . Tu n feY niimites yoa will perspira Ere . ■: jimilly, ami w;vc Lu üiü paoroiog cureil of your cold. (Fi-on Ihc Clirülian A'dmca'e.) lt We beg to present lo tlio rcaüer-s oT t'io 4dj'G0(i thn followiog letter addresSed to Dr. Radwny. thosn afflictod nilli WEAK LÜNGá AN 0 THKKATKSEf) WITH eONSUMFÜO . ■ . ; e , ', Tlie writor,Hr. JAHtM SAGB, a wollkuowa in MianoiNaa a popnlar hotel-teeper." Msamda, Maenmb Co. , Mich., Pept. i, I802. Dr Iíapway - DearSir: About four yeara siiroe, ïwas vcry mucli ulT.vto.l with UISEASEÜ LUNGS. MylrieiuH tbougbt ï had the CmStotnption. I was eutlrely unlit fo ■ business, ïaisod blooil.aud had every symptotn of tlio abovo fatal di ica e. Öuenight,oti goiog to betl,l tbo I u-.mM la!io a Hweit. o id took yonr Rjudt Rkuef (in hot water) as a. Btimuiant to sweat me. lt di t so. The perspira'iun was ofa si. . i, aadi (fousiye Bmell. I followi-.l tavingthe KbadtRku f evcry otlier lligbt fir four weeks, an. I aL Ulo end of til 't time Wna elitiroly v.eü. This h a statomenl of l'.itt-i, wliich l willtesüiy to uu Ier ■ - etQ., JAil.-rj tíAiii:, Sago's tl ilOIIllllliri, üllcll, PEVEÏl AUD „AGUE. A tftble-spoouful ofRAUWAY'S Í1KADY KM.' a tumbler cif water, taken evory morning betbr'o breakfp t, will provent attauka ofFever and Ague, Ifezpiianl ti ii i malaria, lf seiaod with tliis complakit, taiv(. tbe samo cl. we, an l batho I ...II inda an-1 Ppino one beforo the Ch ';-; are expected ; tbU wiU break up aud cure tliu wor t furmá ui .'..u. M];, RADWAY gtvea yc.x, fop C5 ccnts,n molicino -of)% will provo il ; -'.:;,■ icy ia a few bours, and rvCjf. curoyoüffol i t,undortbeordlnary ürf!' treatment of physicians, vrould lay you up ruc dayit, weeks and montlis. : ee th .t every bot lo is com nloto -iitMi yo purchas, and purebuse no RRAUY KELIF.F unlo'i.i tlie f ■ of HAOWAY & '"O. i ; Kil llHMiüt-i.le i:il !,;.!' d UI ' lia in: ut' RAÜWAY & CO. blown on tlio ;:' IT I-J SOLO BV DRi Gl ifORF-KEEPKrtS IN' EVERY VILLAGE AND 1OWN IN Til A NirEDSTAHH Aííü CAÑADAS. KADTAY ft CO, 87 Mai : i Iado,N. T. For Sale y STEBBINS & WILSON Arrala Loi''foLti'fir "Pilis O.JC1 ö vdtilai tío A íjI&


Old News
Michigan Argus