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TO THE LAO1ES OF AMERiGA ! MORE VALUABLE TIIAN GOLD ! MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD ! MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD ! MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD ! Dr. JNO. L. LYON'S FRENCH PERIODÏCAL DROPS, FRENCH PEBIODICAL DROPS, FRENCH PERIODÏCAL DROPS, FRENCH PERIODÏCAL DROPS, FOR FEMALES. FOR FEMALES FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES, Suffering from ïrregularity, or Obstruction of the Mensos, from whatever cause, IT IS STTRE TO CURE ! IT IS SUEE TO CURE ! IT IS SURE TO CURE ! IT IS SUEE TO CURE 1 lt is impossible to enjoy the bloora of health, and vivacity of spirits, unless the Menses are regular as to the time, tho quantily, 'and quality. When they are obslructed.r.ature makes her eíforts to obtainforio some other outlet, and, unless these effbrts of nature are assisted, the patiënt usually experiences Dospondency, Nervousness and 8nally CONU Mi'TION assuracsits sway, and prematurely termínate a miserable life. IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS! IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS! [T REMOVES Al.L OBSTRUCTIONS ! [T REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTtONS! IT TS A PERFFCT REGULATOR! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! IT ]S A PERFECT REGULATOR! BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIKD, BEAR IN Ï11ND, THAT I GUA.RANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE THATI GUARANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE My nROPS TO CURE Suppression of the Mensos from whatever cause, though care should be taken to Afleertainif pregnancy betht cause, as DROPS woul.l be sureto produce misearringe ; theywill ulso ci'rfainly PREVENT conception, if taken two or threo l;i vs bei'uio the monthly period ; tlierefore, I wish it distinctly understood, that I do not luild niyself responaible when u.sed under .such circumstanceg. BUY THE BEST ! BUY THE BEST ! BUY THE BEST ! BUF THE BES! BUY THE SAFEST ! j BUY THE SAFEST ! j BUY THE SAFEST! BUY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE SUREST ! BUY THE SUREST 1 BUY THE SUREST ! BUY THE SUREST ! WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. WHiCH IS LYON'S DROPS. "WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. THEY ACT LIKE A CHARM, by strengthening and invigorating, and restoring the syptem to a liealthy condit.ion. Itmoderatea all excess, and removes all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES, They are peculiarly adapted, as they bring on the monthly period withsuch perfect regularity. SURE TO DO G00D 1 SURE TO DO OOOD ! SURE TO DO G00D ! SURE TO DO G00D ! CANNOT DO HARM I CANNOT DO HARM! CANNOT DO HARM ! OANNOT DO HARM! I could furnish any quantity of testimoniáis of its efncacj from my own patients, but the practice of parading bought and fictitious ones before the public is so prevalent I do not deern it advisable. liy object is to place my medicine before the public, not alone to make money, but u do good. It is proverbially true of tho American I.adies, that not ten periectly hfialthy ones can be found in any one vicinity. BE WISE IN TIME ! BE WISE IN TIME ! BE WISE IN TIME ! BE WISE IN TIME ! Let not disease destroy yoiir con.titntion. Try :t bottlo of roy FSRIODICAL DROI'S, and you will be satisflea that I am no impostor. Teil your aillictod friend what restored the bloom of liealth to your cheeks. and thereby ennfer a favor more valuable tlirngold.- For painful or scanty Menstruation it is just the thing. I liri vc ii',w in my mind an instance of a lady wlio hail been suffering from painful menstruation two orthree years, eonflnin.ï her to her room cicb time ; slie had ippllêdto several eminent physic::ins, without relief, when one bottle of my DROI'S cutirely cured her. ONE BOTTLE cURES ! ONE BOTTLE CURES! ONE BOTTLE CURES! ONE BOTTLE CURES! In almost every case. D3 NOT BE 'MPOSED UPON ! DO NOT BE IMPO.SED II PON ! DO NOT BE IJIl'OSEDUPON! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! Bui citthisout and send it to your .Druggiat, and if he has not gót it , make him buy itforyouj oi-,itmay bu obtained of the General Agenta for the United Sta tel C. G. CLAGK & CO., WlIOIKSAlE DjtCGGISTS, Nkw Iïavex, Co.nn: For sale by all respectable Druggist. per bittlo, and by Stebbins & Wilson, ürmvillo & Fuller, Kbevbach & Co. Prepared ly J.o. L. Ltow, M. P, ly902. tílackwood's Magazine AND THE British Reviews. PRICES OHEAP AS EVER, TO THOSK WHO PAY PROtfPTLY IN ADVAVJE. Notwithstaniling the cost oi' Re print ing thope Periodicals has more tlian doubled in couscqucnce of tlie enormous rise in the prlce of Paper andof a general advance In all other and notwithstandnig otlicr publishevs ure reduoing ifio ."ze or increaxing the price oí' their publications, we shall continue, for the year 1868, to furalBkoura complete, as bflretofore, at the old rates, viz. : - 1 TflELONDON" QXJARTERLY (Conservativo), o TUE EDIXBURGII REVIEW (Whig) 3 THE NORTH MilTISII REVIEW (Free Church). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal) BLACKWOOD'S EMNBOROH MAGAZINE (Tory). TERMS. Per ann, Forany oneof the four Reviews, - - - $y 00 For any two of tliefour Reviews, - - 5 00 For anythree of the four Reviews, - - - 7 00 Forall four of the Reviews, $ 00 ForBlftCkwood'i Afagaxine, - - - . - 3 00 For Black wood and one Review, - - - 5 00 For liliLckwuociiuid two Reviews. - - - 7 00 For lilaclïwood and three Be views, - . - 9 00 For Black woud and the four Re views, - - 10 00 These wlll be our prices to all who pay prior to the lst of April. To who dofer payiug till after that time, the prices wlll bo increaned to such extent as the increased cost of Reprint may demand - therefcre, SEND IN YOUR ORDERS AND SAVE YOUR MOXEY. LEONARDSCOTT k CO., Publishera, No. 38 Walker Street, New York. THE EIEBEL1ION ON HIGH PRICES FOR CLOTIIING, CAS C0MMENCÍ5D AT THE 0L0 & EELIABLS b v i ti 1 ra u emporittm i No. 3 PIIGENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. TAM now o,í!)ía'í alargo and varied asBortment-of Spring indSummerGoodSj and in view of tho rcbell"11 on high prices generaity, will offer them tomyfrienáfl andcustoini ra at the very lowest figures for CasEi. - Tboseio want of a superior article oí Cloths, Cassimeres; or Beady-Madc Glothissg, -will cali onWflH. IáG N Ë R, who has just returnod from the East, with a largo assortment of r:: : c-, cr::.: ::■ :::. s ■which have been purchased at the late XuOAW PRICES! a-nd can offer them at alówer figure than ever before. Amongmy Assortment may bu found BROADCLOTIIS, UÁSSIMERES, DOESKINS, VESTINGS of iiil'lcscriptions, toethrr with a superior assortmont of Ready-Made Ciotlilng, jniMM n LTFTrTTTTn, CAltl'KÏ BAOS, ÜMBRELLAS, ana KlxpGeBtlenien'i FurnishiBj GrOOJD, withirameions other artïcles usually found in similar establislmieuts. Aa an EMPORIUM OF FASHION, the subscriber fiatters himself , that hia long experience and general success, will i;iablehim to give the greatest satisfaction toali who may trust him in the way oí 63P Mauufacfcuring G-armen ts to order. WM.WAGSER. AnnArbor, Apiil 9th 1802. 848tf Éypait!ij.imn ■ ... ;;-;f-frfiiinr.t(!l) CJ. BLISS Would take this method of informing his old friends and patrons and all others who may favor hím with their patrouage, tLat he has greatly eularged his 8tock and Assortment ! and haring adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BÜYING & SELLING is prepareil to sell Goods at learSOXla11 plo 3EX"XOCISIT Hla stock conslstsin part of the following: AMERICAN AND OTHER CgfNJi. WTatches ! fc 4Jfe TIie Celebrateii mSpS' SETHTHOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD CITAINS, TABLE AND POCKET OUTLERT ! Pazors, Shears, SofMomand Brashfti, ROGERS PLATED WARE, the best in mavket, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER and EXVF.I.OI'ES, Musical Instruments, Strings Sf BnoJcs for Instruments, IS I 32 C3 T Sl. Jli33S, of Gold, Silver, Slcd, and Plaled, wilh PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article Persons having diflicult watehes to fit with glasses eau be accomodated, as my stock is large anii complete, P. S Particular attetiünn to the 0'a1I"liuiJs of fino WatcbM, BUCh as Making and Setting new Jewels, PiiiioHS. Siajfs, and Cytindera. Alsn CLOCK8, Ss TEAATEIjIï,Z" upatly repaired and war-auU'd, at his old stanileast side of Main títi-eet. C. BLISS. Ana 4ruor,Xov. Í5, 181 2 826tl MANHOOU; HO WLOST, il O W RESTO RED .lus! Published, in a Sealed Envélope. PriceSix Cents. A Èectare on Natu re , Trea Iment an'J Radical Cure of Sper matorrheea or Seminal Weaknosa, Sexual DetIUty,NervouBnei(8) and [nroluntai v EmTsfiions, induolng [rapotency, Consumption and Mental and Physical Debillty. BY ROB'T J. CPLVEKWFXIii M. D. The importftui fad ilial tbe awful conBequ enees of Self-Ab-use may be efFectually removed wil hou í inter nal '; -tlirlarigerou8a.pplication oí caustica Inj trumentñ, medicated boiígips, and otlter empírica] devices, is here cïearlj demonstrated, and the entirely oew and highl ïuceessfal tteatmeni as adopted by ilic celeibrated author, fulJy explained, by mi whlsírevery oneisenabled to cure himRelf perfectly and ,í fehe leaat possiUle cost, Chereby avoíding di th advertlftpd nóf(truxa9of the day. The tecture will prove a boon to tho-uaands ;inil thouaandg, Seni auderseal,in api ilope, to any addreas , post paidon receipt of two postage stampa, by addressing the publitthciS' CHAS.J.O. KI.1XE & CO., OOOtf 1S7 Buwí-ry, New York, l'ohtüffice Box,4586 A Ui, .%uV oi'r.M.Mi, iliti-.c'i1 FliOM PUBLJSHERS AND Manufacturera, ft New aiul Complete -stock of L.AW & MEDICAL UOOKS, School Books, Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, dan js rv .&. t i o 3xr e of. s i Wall and Wlndow Paper, Drawing and Mathematical Instruments. Music, Juvenile Libravie, Kuvelopes, Inks and Cards. [jilj. -,■,■... l '■■.- S=- GOLD And all other kinds of Pens and Pencils Window Cornice, Kliades andFixture, POCKET CUTLEKY! Andeverything pertaining to the traile, and more to wllichthey wuuld invite the atteiition it the country. Inconductingonr business, we sliall ilu all that can bedonejso that uu rcasonable man, wuma'i orchilJ sliall flnd aiiy fault. Wv pessetft f.icilities tvhlch will enable us to supply ouratoiners at the Lowest Possiblo Figures. We propose tösellfoi; READY l'AV, alusmalladvance. We expóet a pro fit on our goode, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. The "EsjpjbkBoojí Store," is manned by aood 'crew,' ml tliey will always be found on the "quarter deck," ready and willtng to allcudto all witlipleasure, wko will favor them with a cali. líemember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & CoAnn Arbor, May, 1860. 7Jr SCHOFF & M"ILLËR i RESTILLOXlIANDattlieiroldStand, No. 2, Franklin Block, with the most complete asscrtment of Books and Stationery, PERFÜMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, EOLLEES, CORDS, TASSEL8, GILT CORNICES, CURTÁIN8, HOOKS AND PINS, STESEOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in tliis Martt ! and they would fiuggest tothose ín pureuit cf anyihingin SANTA OLA US' LINE that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchasing from this stock, as eaoh purchaser gefo. an üdditioiial present of Jewelry, te. , Ranging invalue irom 50 ets. to $50. JttST Theytrust that thcirlong experience in seiecting goods forthis mavket, and strict attention to the wants of Customers, may entitle tbem to a liberal sharc oi Patronage. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5. 1860 777tf Rifle F actor y! Beuíler & Traver, [Successors to A. J. Suthcrlanc),] Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Poiiihes Game Bags, and Everyother article in that Line. All kinds of done at tlic shortest notice, and in the best manner. a full assortment always kept on hand and made order. hopon Hurori street. Ann Arbor, Uct. 8, 1362. 873tf ■ET TUK PEOPLE For Providence has again Crowntd our Arms with Success ! -ANDA. te C. LOEB, OF THE CLEVELAND CLOTIIIKG HOUSE, are now offering to tbc citïzena of AVaslilenaw county , tná the ötate oJ Uichigan generaily, A LARGER AND B ETTER SELECTED STOCK OF SPRING & SUMER GOODS, tlip.n was ever before bruuglit Lu luis city, whicn wc ivüUoll Chcapcr than any House west of New York ! Our stock consista, of Heady-Made Olothing, HATS, TRUNES, VALI8ES, Gents' Furnishing (ioods, &c,, apd hi conclasion w lí who want tobuy QOOD GOÜDH AT I OW PRTCES, to cali i t the Cleveland Clothmg House, Qve il weal öf Cook 's Hotel, and you willAnva money by doiBgiio. A. & C. LOEB. ' N . I!. - Ion't faret to cali before purchasing elseAnn ArijOI, Ma} lst,1863. ."in' 02 üuctioireers Motice. BrRON GREEN, baving applïed for b I Ícense, now holds himseli in readfnesx to attend to all calis. - Haring h&dexpei i e, beis poaitlw lie can give good satisfactú a. ' calis promptly atteulcil to. ( . loasonable. Apply at the Franklin Hou e. BYRON .T,1T. Ann Arbor, Oct. 24, 1862. 87Ötf


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