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The Removal Of Dr. Tappan

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Fi'oin the proceedings of the Board of Rogents of the University of Michigan, nt n session held Thursday, June 25th, 1863, as reported for the Detroit Free Press, we extract the following : The following preamble aad resolutions woro taken up : Whercas, It is deemed expedient and for the interests of the University tbat sundry changos be made in its officers and corps of professors, thorofore Resolved, That Dr. Henry P, Tappan be and he is hereby removed from the offices 1 President of tbe University of Michigan and Professor of Philosophy therein. Resolved, That John L. Tappan be and he is hereby removed from the office of Librarían of the University. Resolved, That Rev. Lucius D. Chapin, of Ann Arbor, be and he is hereby appointed Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy in the University with a salary of $1,500 per annum. Resolved, That Dr. E. O. Haven, of Massachusotts, be and he is hereby appointed Professor of Rhetoric and Engüsh Literature in the University. Resolved That Datus C. Brooks, A. M., be and is hereby transferred from the place and dudes of AHsistant Professor of lïhetorie and English Literature in the University to the office and dutiesof Librarían at a sulary of $800 per annum, he to furnish at his own ex pense any assistance he may require, and the said assistant professorship be and hereby is abolished. The resolutions were taken up tim, and Mr. Brown moved the adoption of the first, romarking that he did eo feeling it bis dnty, and with tho kindest feelings toward the present incumbent. President Tappan said : Gentlemen - Beforo you pass this resol ution I have a few words to say This is the first special intimation I have had oí your intentions. I have, indeed, heard some rumors about them this morning, but nothing more. Thus sprung upon me suddenly, I cannot bat regard it as an extraordinary proceeding, Of ïts constitutionality I have some doubts; of its impropriety I have no doubt. After having been as soeiated nearly six years, it is eotnewhat remarkablo that just at the close of your administratton you should have arrived at the conviction that my connection with the University is inconsisteut with its interests. After having been repudiated by the people, and when a new board is just abcut to ooine into office, it would have been more proper and graceful to have referred the matter to them. If thiswere done, and a new board ehould express the opinión that my connection with the Uuiversity is inconsistent with its in tersts, I would cheerfully hand in m; resigDation; but this proceeding, com ing at this time and under present cir cumstances, strongly induces the be lief that malice is at the bottom of it But. gentlemen, you will act your pleas ure. I hope you will be able to mee your responsibilities to-God, and to th State, as fully and as clearly as my conBcience has met mine. This matte belongs to history: the pen of historyi heldby the hand of Almighty justice,ant I fear not the record it will make o my conduct, whether private or public in relation to the affaire oí this Univer sity. I have nothing more to say, anc here I leave you. Regent Baxter was oalled to th chair. The aves and nays were callee on the first resolution, and it was adopt ed by the following vote: Yeas, Regenta Bishop, Brown, Brad ly, Mclntyre, Whiting. Regent Bdx ter wished to be excueed frotn voting He sincerely regretled the step, but i was a f'oregone conclusión, and h would not make faetious opposition b; recording a negativo vote. Regent Spalding and Ferry were absent. The resol utions were each and a unanimously adopted. Regent Bishop then moved that th Board proceod to the election of President of the University, Regent Baxter nominated Erastu O. Haven, of Boston. He was unan mously elected by viva voce vote. The Secretary was directed to fur niah a certified copy of the resolution to all the persons named therein. MEETING OF STÜDENTS. Immediately on the above aotion be coming public, a meeting of the alunan and students of the University presen in the city was had Thursday eveniag at whioh the following action was taken The committee appointed for that pur pose, reported the following resolutions whichafter discussion, were unauimously adopted : JFhereas, The present Board of Re gents of the Uuiversity of Michigan, ap parently with a desire themselves of the opportunity to give expression to their loug-standing and uufouuded hos tility to (Jhancellor Tappan, have driven him from the Presideucy of the University, therefore, Resolved, That the opposition to Dr. Tappan, on the part of the Regents, Las been not only uureasouable and unfounded, but oharacterized by the grossest iojustice and downright abuse; and that this removal is, in our opinión, more from spite than with a view to benefit the University ; Resolved, That we, students and alumui of the TJniversity, Aiho have her interests and prosperity at heart, have heard of this action of the Board with the most unfeigned astouishuient and sorrow - Haviug never even heard it hiutod that this step was proposed, it comes upon us with a suddonness that inakes our sorrow the more deep. The history of the University under bis adinioistration is one whioh he mustreview with pride and satisfaotion. From an institution of do reputation and a bare existeQce, it bas attained a rank next to Harvard and Yale, and among the first Universities u America. lts number of students has ncroasod fivefold, its reputation has ■eached foreign countries, aud its career ïas been watobed with interest by learnd men in Europe, and roceived le raontion in European journals. It ïas become known in every part of our wn country, and gatbers in its halls tudents froni every State in the Uuion, nd from otber countries. Thnugh not gnoring the earnest labors of others conlected with the University, we believe hat by far the largest share of tbis buo cess is due to the learning and reputaion of its honored President, Henry P. Tappan. Knowing these thinga, as we do, wo beliove that the bighest wisdom dictates that he should be retained at the head of this institution. Resolved, That we sinoerely trust that the present Board of Regents will undo this wrong which they have done to the Univoruity, and, if uot, that the new Board on taking their seats on the first of January next, will reverse tho actioD, and restore President Tappan to the position which be bas HO long filled with notbing but advantage to tho University and honor to himself. Resolved, That we, his former and present pupils, have over found in President Tappan a true gentleman, a kindhearted aud sympathiziug friend, and, if neoessity should so require it, would part frora him with the deepost regret. Remarks were made by Messrs. Cramer, Ladue, Dennisou, Untley, Peck and others, after which the meeting adjouined. Later in the eveoing the students procured a fine baud of niusic and serenuded Dr. Tappan at his residence. His appearance was the signal for three rousing cheers. Ile spoke briefly, thanking thein for the exhibition of their sympathy and kind feeliug. He loved them as a father loves bis children, and wished them the bnst success and prosperity in future. - His record witb the Univensity was made, and he was willing to abide the calm judgraent of history. Ho did nol Beek the place, but was called to it by the unanimous voto of the last Board o: Regents. Before God ho could say tbat he had had but ono object befora kim and that was the success and prosperity of the Universicy of Michigan. MEETING OF CITIZEN. At a meeting of the citizens of Aun Albor, held at the court house, on the evening of the 2Oth of June, 1863, pursuant to a oall numermously signed for the purpose of taking consideration the removal of Dr, H. P. Tappan, as President of the University of Michigan, by the Board of Regents, on motion of Geo. Danforth, Dr. E. Wells, the Mayor of the city, was elected Chairman of the meeting, and Dr. S. Grisson was elected Secretary. On motion, the Chairman appointed E. C. Seaman, G. Daoforth, O. Hawkins, J. M. Wheeler and G. D. Hill a cotnmittee to draft resolutions expressive of the views of the meeting. E. C. Seaman, the Chairman of the Committee on Resolutions, presentod the following resolutions, which, on motion, were adopted : Whereas, Previously to the election of Dr. H. P. Tappan as President of the University of Michigan, that institution was in a languishing condition, owing to tho want of a permanent and competent hcad to direct its affairs; and Whereas, Imraediately after the eleo tion of Dr. Tappan to the Piesidenoy of the University, the number of students largely increased, and have contiDued to iucrease ; and Whereas, Not only in tb is State, but wherever the University of Miohigaa is kuown, the name of its President is identified with its growtb. and prosperity, bis character and reputation having largely contributed togive itpermanency at home and reputation abroad: and Whereas, The educational and material interests and prosperity of the city of Aon Arbor bemg mtimately conneete with the University of Michigan as great seminary of learning, the oitizen take great prido in tliat institution, fee a deep interest in its ooutinued prosperit' and success, and were taken by surpris by the report yesterday afternoon tha the Board of llegents had removed Di Tappan from the Presideney of the Uní versity and made other changes in th faeulty and officers, and Whereas, The University having bee eminently prosperoua during the last te years under the administration anc management of President Tappan, fa outstripping all other iustitutious of th Westera States, the citizens of Ann Arbor generally feel that its prosperit.y to a very great extent, is due to tb talents, acquireraents and eminent fitnes of Dr. Tappan for the Presideney of suc! and institution, and to his popularit' among the students, therefore, Resolved, That we deprécate the removal of Dr. Tappan as unwise and improper, and as a severo blow at the prospenty and usefulness of the University. That his removal at the present time, in the niidst of bis usefulness, by a Board of Regeuts who have but a few nioutlis to serve, and are to retire on the fiist of January nexfc and give place to suecessors reoently oleoted by the peopie, has the appearanoe of being prompted by impropor motives. That it would have been proper and much more gracious to have left to the new Board of Regents the duty properly pertaining to thera, of making remováis and new appointments if they sbould think the interests of the University demaud any ; and that there is not even any plausible grouud of pretence, of necessity or urgeney for such chauge at the present time. Resolved, That the recent extraordinary action of the Board is a fit finale of the warfare whicb several of the lle;ents have been making on President Tappan during the last four years, in whiuh h has been iuost nobly sustained jy the people of the State. Hesoked, That the removal of Dr. Tappan frora his positiou as President of ,he University by the rctiring Board of legents, without cause, no individual of ,he State or student of the Uuiversity haviug requested tbe saine, is an ou trage and a direct iusult to the friends of the Jniversity and to the students attendiug he same, and in our opinión dono to gratify the personal feeliugs of severa! f the Kngents Retobeé, That in Dr. Tappan we ecognize the tru6 patriot, the finishsd cholar, the noblo-minded man in whoso leart there is no guile, whose manly , )earing, cultivated mannera and freedom 'rom all sectarian prejudices, endear him ;o the hearts of all who know him best, nd eminently fit him for the Presidency f tho University. Resolved, ïhat while we cherish a high espeet for Professor Haven as an able and eloquent divine, we cannot believe bat as a hightoued gentleman he will 'eel at liberty to accept a position made vacant by secret conspiracy, animated by mproper motives. After which the meetingwaseloquently addressod by H, J. Beakes, E. C. Seaman, O. Hawkins, E. A. Frazer, and jtev. M. Day, Chaplain in the army. Mr. Hill offered the following resoluion which was also adopted : Resolved, That the action of the present Board of Regenta is a usurpation of, and unwarranted interference with, the rights and duties of, the incoming Board of Regents, and that we recommend, and will join in such an expression of the will of the people of this State, upon the subject as will be most likely to secure a speedy restoration of the President to lis foriner position. On motion the Secretary was directed to furnish copies of these proceedings to Doctors H. P. Tappan and E. O. Haven, and also to the Detroit and Ann Arbor papers. At the close of the meeting a motion was made and carried by acclamation, to adjouru to the residence of Dr. Tappan. On arriving there the doctor wascheered by the immense assembly until he made bis appearance. He was introduced by Judge Vancleve, on behalf of the citizeus of Ann Arbor, after which the Doctor addressed them for about half an hour, setting forth the effort he has ever made, to build up our noblu institution of leariiing in bid usual eloquent manner, after which Major Barry proposed three cheers, and three times threo were given which made the very heavens reveberate with the sound. ALUMNI MEETING AT DETROIT. An Alumni meetiug was held at the Michigan Exchange, Detroit, on Monday evening laat, at which the following resolutions were unaniniously adopted : Whereas, The regenta have removed Dr. H. P. Tappan from tho presidency of the Uuiveraity, a position which he has occupied for ten years with honor to hiinself and credit to the State, and have assigned no reason for their action, altliough it has been dcmanded by the presa and people, therefore, Resolved, That the recent action of the Board of Ëegents in this removal of Dr. Tappan under the circumstances, at the time and in the manner it was consummated, meets our hearty oondemnation, is unjust to Pr. Tappan and a severe blow at the procperitj and best interests of the University. Resolved, That in the action of the regenta we believe we discover the culmination of a deep seated and long cberished eomity, which some of the Board have exhibited during thcip official existence, and that we cannot but believe that personal n.otives rather than the " best interests of the University," have occasioued the removal. Resolved, That in President Tappan we recügnize a fiuished scholar, a true patriot, a 110W9 man, under whoao fostering oareand universal labora tho University of Michigan has risen from a feeblo iostitution to one thathaa become an honor to its children, a friend to our commonwealth und glory to our country. Resolved, That we oherish townrd Dr. Haven, the kindest fecliugs, and knowing him as we do ss a ripe acholar and cbristian gentleman, wo are confident, that the action of the Board under such cireumatances will meet hls disaproval as it does ours. Resohed, That the alumni of the University should unite in a memorial to the Board of Regenta for the reinstating of President Tappan in the place irom which he has been so wrongfully removed, and in this labor we earaestly invite the cordial co-operation of the citizens of the State. The resolutiona were aupported by Dr. Duffield, Messra. Pond, Porter, Eldridge, Cheevcr, Willets, and others, and much earnestness and fceling was manifestad. The meeting adjournsd to meet in this city, on Thursday, July 9th, and invited all the alumni of the Univorsity to bo present.


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Michigan Argus