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THE AU SUFFICIENT THRBE. nm. GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES,"Kaïmn as " Hclmbold'" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, V1Z; IIEUIBOLD'8 EXTRACT " BUCHÜ," "■ " SARSAPARILLA, ' IMPBOVED ROSE WASH. HE LMBOLD'S. GENUINE PEEPARATIOIT,, "HIGHLY COI5CENTRATED " OJ1POUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHIf, A Positiva and Specific Remedy, For Diseases of the BLADDER. KIDNEY3, GRAVEL AND DROPSiCAL SWELLIlfGS. This Medicine mercases the power of DiVestion and excite. th ABSORBENT9 into heaithv actión bT which UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTsirTkA .. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesos, Habitiof Disaipation, Early Indiscretion, or Abuse, ATTEKDED WITH THE FOLLQWINO SYHTOMS : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss oT .Memory, Difficulty of Breathinff We i k Norves , Trmibling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, raiD in the Back, Universal Lassitmle of the Flunhiui of the Bodj. Muscular System, Kruptioni on the Face Hot Hand, Fallid Countenance. DrynesH of the Skin. These ymptoms, f allowed to (fo on, which thia medicine invariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY.FiTÜITT EPILEPTIC F2T8 Icone of which the patiënt may eipiie. Who can iay that theyare nt frequently followed by those "'dirofuV diaeases," Insanity and Consumption Manr are aware of the cauto of their sutferinir but none will confoss. The records of tho inian Asjlumi and themelanchilydeathsby Consumption, beirample witnesa to the iruth of the assertion. THE CONSTITÜTION', OXCE AFFECTBD W1TH OR. GANIC WEAKNESIS, Requlre the aid of medicine to strengthrn and inf Eiratc the yst em , which H E LM HOL VS EX Til ACT flüctft invariably does. A trial will conrinc. themost Bkeptical. Females, Females, Females, OLD OR YOUNG, SIXGLE, MARRIED, OR COK TSJIPLATING MARRIAGE, In many ffections peculiar to Females the Extraet Buchu is unequalled hy any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retcntion, Inegularity, Painfulooii or Supprcssion of Ihe Customary Evacuationa. Ulcérate or Schirrous state of the Uterus, Leucorrh.a or Whites, Sterihty, and for all complainta incident to' the sei, whethjrarising from Indiscretion, Habita of Diisipation, or in the Decline or Change of Life. 6EK BTMPToas BOT. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Takeno Balsam.Mercury, or Unpleaiant Medicine lor tnpleasant aud Dangerous Diseases. HELMBÖLD'S EXTRACT BLGHÜ CÜRES Secret Diseases. In all their stages ; at little expense ; little or no ehanj in diet ; no incuovonience, AND NO EXPOSUKE. It causes frequent desire, and gives strngth toUrina te, theroby removing obatructions, preventiof anti Wring Stricture of tho Crethra, allaying pain and inflanimation, so frequent in this clans of dineaBee, and "PfinK POISONOUS, DISEASED AUD WORM OUT MATTER. Thousands upon Thousanda WHO HAVE BEEK THE VIOTIM OF' QTJACKS, And who hive paid HEAVY FEES tobe curedinashort time, have found they weredeceived. and that the "Poison" has, by the se of "Povferful Astringints," been dried up in the system, to break out manage. vated ferm, and PERHAPS Afler MARHIAGE USE Helmbold's Extract Buchu For all Affections ajid Diwanflis of The XJrinary Organs Whether exisiing in MALE OR TEtóALSS, fro whatever cause originatiBg, and no matter OF HOW KONG STANDING. Diseaset of tliese Oigin require th aid of Diujutic Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE GREAT DIURBTIC, And it is certain to have tlie desired effect in all IK aeasca, for wbich it is recommended. BLOOD ! BLÖÖD ! BLOODT Helmbold's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparillai SYPHILIS. This is an affect:on of tbe Blood, and attacki theSexuil Organs, LiniDgs of the Nose, Eari, Throat,. Windpipe, aod other Mucus Surfaces, making itn appearance in the form of Ulcera. Helmbold's Extiact Öarsapiirilla purifies the Blood, and remorej all Soaly Rrujitions of the Skin, givinp to the Complexión a Clear and Healthy Color. It beinjr prepared exprMiljrfor this cliiKR of complaints, its Blood-Puriljing Properties are preservad to a greater extent tban anjuther preparation of Sarsaparilla. Behnbold's Rose Wash. An excellont Lotion for Piaeases of a Syphiltie Nature,, and as an injectinn in Piseafics of the Urinary ürganir arifíing frora habits of disdipation, used in conneetiottj with the Kxtracts Ruchu and Saraaparilla, ín such diseasefi as recomroended, Evidence of themst reBponsiblo and reliablecbacacter wïll accompnny the medicinea. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, From eight to twpniy vers standing, wi'th name known to SCIENCE AND FAME, For Medical Propertíesof BUCHUy see Ciapeneatorr the United States. See Professor VEJVEES' valuablo worki on thö Practico of I'hypic. See remarkb made by the lale celebrated Dr.J'ETSICK, Philadelpbia. ifce reraarks made by Dr. EPHRAIM McDOWXLtf a celébrate! Physician, and Member of the Boyal College of SurpeonB, ïreland, and published in tho Trantactions of the Kinf ñd Qupen's Journal. See Mcdleo-Cirupgical Review, published by BENJAMIN TRAVERS, Fulow of thB Uo-al College of Surgcons, See most of tbe late Standard Works on -Medjeina. Extract Bi'ciiu, $1 CO peb bottlb, or six jok $ï Cft " Sarsapariixa 1 GQ " " 6 00. Improved Rose Wash, 50 '( ' 2 5 Or half a dozen of each for $1200, wbieh will be suflicient to cure the most obstinate cases, i' dirccticns ar adliered to. Ielivered to any address, sccurely packed from obfiervatton. L3 Pcs cribe Bymptomj in all communicationi.- . Cureeguarauteed. Adrice gnatis A F f! D A V í T t Personally apppared before mean Aldermsn of tt ■ city of Philadelphia, H. T. Helmboi.d, who, being duly sworn, doth say, hig preparations contain no narcotic, no merciiry, or otherinjurious drugs, but are purblj vegetable. H T.HELMBOLD. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 23d daj of Novembir, 185. WM. P. HflïBARD. AMerman, Ninth-street, nbove fïnce, Phila. Address Letters for inforznation in confidence. H. T. HELMÜOLD, Chemiat Depot 104 South Tenth-street, below Chestnut, fhilii., BEVVAHE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, VTho endeavor to dippose " OT THKIR OWN " iijd. "other" articlegon the leputatinn att-' H!Sibold5 Genuine „ ft ,, Ertfist ïfiictm, ' ,, ''■'■1irspril!ii, e: n v. i, n ■ 'mprored Rose Wast, ASKFOR HSLMBOLD'S-TAKKO OTBBR


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