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WLw %ímtwmmt#. CO 5D Chancery Sale. TNPDRSÜANCE and by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court, for the Connty of Waehtenaw, in Chnncery, male on the i4th Hay of JunuaryA. D. 862, ÍQ a cause thereio pending, wherein James M. Forsyth, is complainant, and Jamep Caigil] , and Dsvid Cariill, are defcndants. Notice is herxby pventhatl hall sell at public auction to the highest bidder at 12 'click, noon. on Saturday. the 15Jh tey nf August nolt, A. D. 1863, at the ront door of the Washteraw ounty Court House, in the city of Ann Avbor, Michpan, tbat certain piece of parcel of land known and etcribed as follows, towit : tlie eoulb haif of l"t niwnber tito hundred and four, (50t) in the y,liage now city of Ypwlanti, in the councy of Washtenaw aud State of Michigan. GEORGK OANFOBTH, Cir. Court Com., Wash. County Mich. NRBI3 & NlNDH, Solicitors for ComplainantB. Dated, Ann Arbor, July ïd, 1863. The Ladies' Soldier3' Aid Society, of Dexter, Wiligiveailinner for the benefit of said Society on Fouith of July, 1863. Services to commonce at 11 o'clocfa, A. M. Oration by Kev. D. C. JACOKES. Sicgin g bj the Choir. Piuner at 2 o'clock, P. M. Talsieaux Exhibition and Liberty Tree in the evoning in the Union School Hall, with Ice Cream, ie, c. jjissolution Notice, mHE FIRM OF CHAPÍN, WuOD & CO., ws dimoWed : ljanuarv 16, 183, Uy mutuaiioiMent. E. A. Chapín anj a. B. Wood will Bettle theaccounts of thefirta. C A. Chapix, A. B. Wood, V Chahn, E. Well. Ann Arbor, June 24, 1863. CopavtiierJiïip. TTE ÜNDF.RSIüNEO ontored nto partnership Jan. 16,1863, by tbe flim najne of Chapín & Co., and wRl outinue tbc businss of manufacturing printing and wrapjiisg piper. C A Cains, ■ Chípin, V. CRJffts. Ann Arior, June 24, 1863. 10tf. GÖÖD One Shilling per Pound ! Eight Shiliinga per Pound ] BEST KEROSENE OIL 1SHILLINGSPER GALLON! CHOICE ARTICLE OF COFFEE, I'repared of Toffee nnd Cbiccory fresh ground cverf day, aud ivarranted miperbr to anjthing in this mrlift or tlie money refuaded, AT, SH1LLINGS PER LB. CROCKEEY, GLÁSS WARE, TABLECUTLERY, LAMPS, FRV1T CANS. and all other goeds at nbout oíd prices. A. DcFOUEST. AnnArbor, .Tuno 23, 1863. lOtf. M1111IGA CENTRAL KAltROAJ, Passenge) trainsnow ltave Pctroit, Chicago, and the seteral stations in ttisliuunty, a follows : GOING WEST. Leave Mail. Uay Ex. Jack. Ac. NightEx. Oetroit S30JI.M. 7.50 A.M. fi.OO p. sr 7.40 P. M. Ypsilanti, 6 55 " 0.10 " 6.30 " 8.65 " AnnArbor, 7.15 " 9.1:8 " 6 55 " 9 13 " Dexter, 7.40 " P M. 7.25 " ' CheNca, 8.00 " " V.45 " " Ar. Chicago, 6.30 " 7.30 A. M. The mail train goes only to Michigan CityGrOINO EAST. Leavc. Nigbt Ex. Jack. Ac. liail. Day Ex. CbicaïO, 7.15 P.M. 5.00 a. Ï.LOA.M. Chelea. 5.35 A.M. 3.05 r. M. Deiter ' 5 55 " 3.85 " Ann Arbor, 4.45a. m. 6.30 " 3.50 r. M. 4.43 p. m, Ypsikmti, 5.05 " 6-55 " 4.1Ó " 6.00 " Ar. Detroit, 6.05 " 8. 15 " 5.40 " 0.20 " T.-ainí do not "top atstatioD wherefigureeareomit. j" Xi t hl ' c51"'1 aï1( ffitfE'? il.lwkpp KailPoad,, and {áSfttoírtSísssw "a towns in tbe UDited fcttf; ""Í'uxSbIODS SIXEP1NG CARS upon all night tralnK ■ï. truJc-tho Wrtt dust preventatl in uc. d7 trams jfáJ Gmjnt 8ofU(B K . .--.- ! !.''! -5 HELMBOLD'S EXTRAOT BUCHU. HKLMBOLD'S EXTRACT. BDCHU HELMBOU)3 EXTRACT BÜCH HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BOCHU And a Positivo andSpeciflc Remedy for Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, tírarel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness. And all diseases of the Unnary Organs. Soe Advertisement in another Co luinn. Cut it out, and sondfor the Medicine at once. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. 2m908. S-T-1860-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTEES. They punfy, strenjthen and inrisorate. They créate a healthy appetito. They arean antidote to chango of water and diet. They overcoino eftocts of dissipation and late hours. Theyitrengthen the system and enliven tho mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent feTera. They pnrify tbe breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera anü Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complalnt and Nerous Headache. They are the best bitters in the worli . They raake the weak man strong, and are eïhausted nature's great restorer. They are ma do of pure St. Croix Kum, the celetirated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommeuded to delicate persons requiring a gentle stlmulant. Sold by all Gro cers, Druggikts, Hotels and Saloons. P. H. Drake Co 202 Broadway, New York. 6ralJ94 LYON'S KATHAIKON. Kathairon i from the treek word, "Kathro," or "Kathairo," ignifying to cleanse, rejuvinate and restore. Thii article is what tañóme ignifles. Forpreserving, reitoringand beautifying the human hair it is the most reioarkable preparation in the world. It is again owned and put up by the original proprietor, and inow made with the same cara, skill and atteDtion whichgaveitasaleof over one million bottlesper anIt is amostdelightful Hair Drossing. lt eracicates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy . It prevents the hair from falling off and turning gray It restores hair upon bal I headí . Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair should use Lyon's Katharion. It is known and usedthroughout the oivilized world. Sold by all respectable dealers. 6m894 DEMAS S. BABNBS & CO.,.Prop'rs, N. Y. The Qreat French Eemedy! MADAM BOIVIN'S CELEBRATED SILVER-COATED FEMALK PILLS. The onlycertain and Safe Remedyfor all Uterine Obstruotions, Monthly Difficulties, Irregularities, and all the other diseases to which the Woman, Wih and Müther is peculiiirly Hable. Theso i'lHs contiin no deletcriou iogredient, but are safe and certain Ín tbeir action. They wiil bsfoundto exert thehappiest effect in all ses of Prolapsus Utcri, in Leucorrhea, or the Whites ; thej will be found the eaaiest and most certain Cure that can be found. It is on account of this certrinty thcy hould not be taken bj Pregnant Females (durivg the Jir$t tkret. montki, as miicarriage ia errtain,) to be brouglit on, but at other pcriods thcir use is perfectly sale. N.B. -One Dollar enclosed to any autliorized Agent, will en?ure package of Pilis by return of mail. C. CROSBT, General Agent, Fort Eiie, C. W., Buffalo, N. Y. Cjiutio.v,- Beware of Counterfeits, the penuine have thesignatureof C. CROSBY, on the ouUide wrapper. For sal by all respeoiabl Druggiita. Iyeow887 A CARD TO THE LA DIES. DR. DUPONCÖ'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR TÉMALES. Intallible in correotlng, regulating and rernoTing all obstructious, trom whatever caufie, awi always succcKöful as a preventive. The combination of ingredients in Dr. Duponco's Golden Filis for Tcmalea are erfectly harmltss. lne have been used in the private practice of Or. Duponco over 30years,andthousands of ladies can testify to their great and never failing success in almost every caaeiucorrecting irres-ularities, relieTiDg painful and distressing menstruatiun, particularly at the change of Ufe Vrom ftve to ten pilla will cure that cornmon vet dreadfulcomplaint.the Whites Ncarly every finíale nH.cland suiTers fci m this coraplaiut. Th,boTC Pili has permanently curen thouaand, and nós'na tkemselve ,0, hoiiU Dot use tbese PiU. duriog n(!s6W,npreTentaninjury own eve composmg : the bo e F Is are e ANN AHBOR, by STEBBnl9 ft WII.S0N. Bruggists, W A. I1UNT, PrugKist. L.d,,S IM. at ij-5fi rrtCXiís nrnrlttpan of thecoun. You ïTbuTthe OTimUrfeit article at any rncefrom 25 Pili boing couterfeited. 6oWl. J YpEÍUnU_ BMSS BEKBK Jackson. eral Stat. Ag, Detroit. SoIeProprietor. New York. 867jrí GOOD TREE IS KNOWN BY S'is'aV'1 Phyuioi11 y Wfl Sccesfnl Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THE GREAT A PHYSMAN OF THE Kno.wn all over the countr; as the Cplebrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! From Soutii America, will be at his room, RDsSELL IÍOÜSE, DETROIT, nthel8lh and 19Ih nut. , on the same dale of and every subsequent month during 1802 and 1863, A NE.1T PAMVHLET Of tlie life,study and etenaive traveln of Dr. Lyons can beprocured by all who.lesiieone, free of chr.rgc. Dr. L will visit Aun Arbor, Jackson.and Adrián, Mtch.,asfoUows : Ann Arbor, Monitor House. 20th. Jackson.Hibbard House, 21st Adrián, Braoketl II' UBe,2Jd and 23ü. Moue or ExAMiWnoN.- The Doctor Ulsocrns diseases bvtUceyca. Be, therefore, asks no quesüon nor rnq,ireSpaticntstnplainSyrni,ton:S. Aillictfd, come indhave your symptoms and the location of yur diaeaüeeiplained free of charge. HEIMSTREETS Inimitable Hair Restorative. IT IS NOT A DYE, But restores gray liair to its original color, by ítlpplying the capillary tubes with natural sustenance, impaired by age or disease. All imtavtantons dya are tmnpoMd of lunar tunUe, destroying the vitaüty anJ beauty of tbehalr, and afford of themiwlTe no dressing. Heimstreet's Inimitable Colorlng ook only restores hair to its natural color by an easy procesa, but givos thehalra . Beallly, promotes lt ennvth, preventsits falling off, eraflicates Jandruff. aivl imparts healtb and pleasantncss to the nea.l. It haüetood the tost of time, boing Hie pri(rinal Hair Coloring, and Is constantly increasing in favor. Used bj bolh gentleman ana ladieí. It ia old by all respecUble dealer, be procurod by them of H, commercial agents.U.S, Barnes & Co. 202 Broadway tJew-Yörk. Tw'o , 50 cent and SI. Cn:894 TOBACCO- Tou can boy the beat grades of FINE CHEWING TOBACCO al from 50 een! t.o One Dollar. SMOKING froDi fourteen to twenty ceDts M DEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE Sign-Red India. South 8ide Uurou .treet, '-om Cook's Hotel. ft few doors i DEVANY. AnnArbor.Pco.ll.lSeS." iLyer's Oatjfiartio Pül j LAND WARRANTS, GOLD, Silver, Canada AND DEMAND NOTES, wantod by MILLER DA VIS & WEBSTER, BAN KERS. Ann AAor, Jane 4, 1863. 4WC07. ?irst National Bank of Ann Arbor. NOTICE. AN ASSESS1KNT of 40 per cent. on the Capital Stock of saiü Bank, willbedue and payable nt the bankiaj? Office, as fullows: 20 per cent on the lirst diiy of July, and 20 per cent. on the first day of August ""y order of Board of Directora. Ann Arbor, May 22, 1S03. Dissolution Notice. mnj FIRM of Hunt and Loring has tlii day dissolved I by mutual conseut. All unsettlad account will herealterbo settled by Mr. liarnos Lorinff, auccessor to the Brm of Hunt and Loring. HUNT 907 W6 BARNES LORING. 1 N O S E S."- Their significance.- llustrated with engravings of the Roman, Groemn, [ndian, Negro, Celestial, Aqueline, Turn-up, and 1 ug doses, with the character revealcd by each.fc.YKS- blue, black, or gray. Lirs-tbin and pal, or full and red, prim or pouting, scolding or lovmg. 90Inrgeor mail. Hitt-light r dark, arse or fme, rtralght or curly CHEEKSlhm or plomp, pale or oolored. Testh- regular or irregular, tílis- largo or mall. NECK-long or short. K.N-rough or sn.ooth. All to be amply illustrated with eugraving. Tl" e walk, talk lauKb and voice, all indícate character. We ola know an honest foco from a dishonesl ono, and we i will Bhow how. I'eside the above, we shall treat on Kraxoi.OGY.or the Natural Hiütory of Man ; of insiology, and the Laws of Lift and Health ; of 1 Y3lOGXOMY.or Signs of CTliacacter, and how to read them; of PBBBNOLOQY, the rhilosojihy of Mind ; and of 1 syfHOLoGY, the Science of the Houl Man, with releienco to all hls relations of life, nocial, intellectual ani spiritual, and what each can do tf.t, wllllbi ehlcWatw the I'IIKKA'OUjGlCAI, JOURN AI, A.D Ml'E Il.l.LS TRATED New volume cnmmences .luly löt. A liand lome quarto, monthly, at only f 1.50 a ycr. ""pl numhera, 15 cents. heaM addres FOWLER AND WELLS, C08 liroadway, New ork. Jw. .FOK. r Ï1TSDT SCHOFULA AND SCBOFOLOUS DISEASES. Front Emery Edcs, a well-known merchant qf Oxford, ilaine. " I have sold large quantities of your Sarsaparilla, but nevcr yet one bottle which failed of th desired effect and full patisfaction to those who took it As fast as our people try it, they ngrec there has bean no medicine like it before in our commumty.'1 Eruptions, Pimples, Blotohes, Pustules, ülCflrs, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. círe until we tried your Saksaparilla. Sbe ta been well ior some moutbs." From Mrs. Jane E. Rice,a wellhnnwn and muchesteemed lady qf Dd'.n'svtlle, lape May Co., N.J " My daughter has suíTcred for a year past witb A crotülous Iruption, which WM very troublesome. NothitiKaflbrded any relief until wetned your Sab8APAUILLA, which soon completely cured her." from Charles P. Gage, Esq., of the widely-knownfirm f Gage, Murray f Co., manufacturen of enamelled papers in Nashua, N. H. " I had for several years a very troublesome humor in my face, which grew constantly woree until it disflRured my features and became an intolerable affliction. I tricd almost everything a man could of both advice and medicine, but without any relief whatevcr, until I took your Sarsafarilla. It immediately made my lace woree, ae you told me it mi"ht for a time; but in a few weeks the new skin befan to form under the blotches, and continued until my face is as smooth as anybody's, and 1 am without any eymptoms of the disease that 1 know of. 1 enjoy perfect health, and without doubt owe it to your Sarsapakilla." Erysipelas -General Debility - .ruriiy ine Blood. From Dr. Itöbt. Sawin, Houston St., N. f. Dr. Ayer: I seldom fail to remove Emphons and Scroïulous Sores by the perstvering use of jour Sarsapariixa, and 1 have just now cured an attack of Malignant Erysipelas with it No altcrative we possess equalsthe Sarsaparilla you have Bupplied to the profession as well as to the people." FromJ. E.Johnston, Esq., Wakeman, Ohio. " For twelve yeara 1 had the yellow Er ysipelas on my rieht arm, during which time I tried all the celebrated physiciansl could reach,and took hundredi of dolíais' wortta of medicines The ulcers were o bad that the cords became visible, and the doctor decided that my arm must be amputated. I began takiugyourSAUSAPAitiLLA. Took tvvo boules, ano (.ome of your 1'ills. Together they have cured me. I am now as well and sound as anybody. Being ma public place, my case is known to evcrybody in tms community, and excites the wonder oí all." Fram Hon. Henry Mmro, M. P. ., oNewcastle, C. W-, a leading memberqf the Canculian Parhament. " I have used your Sarbapakilla in my famjly, for general debility, and for jjurifijing the blood, with very beneficial results, and feel confidence in commending it to the afflicted." St. Anthony's Fire, Eose, Salt Kheum, Scald Head, Sore Eyes. From Iarvey Sickler, Esq-, the able editor of Aa Tunckhanitock bemocrat, Pennsylvama. "Our only child, about three years of oge, wa attacked by pimples on bis forehead. They rapidly Bpread until they formed a Ioath6ome and virulent Bore, which covered bis face, aud actually blmded bis eves for some days. A skiliul phyeician applied nitrate of silvcr and other remedieB, witbout any apparent effect. For fifteeu daye we guarded his banda, lest witli them be should tear open tbc iestenng and corrupt wound wbicb covered hiawhole face. Having tried every thiug else we had any hope from, we besan eiving your Sarsaparilla, and applying the iodide of potash lotion, as you direct. 1 he ore besan to heal when we had given the nrst bottle, anrt was well when we had flmshed tbe secoud. The phild-8 eyelashes, whicb had come out, grew again, and be is uow as healthy and fair as any otber. Tbe wbole ceisbborhood prcdicted. that the chjjd roust die." Syphilis and Mercurial Disenso. From Br. Blram Sloat, f St. Louis, Missouri. "I find your a more effectuu remedy lor the secondary Bymptoms of Syphtlu, and for syphilitic disease than any other we possee. The profession are indebted to you for eoms Pt the beet medicines we. have." From A. J. French, M. D., an eminent physieian of Lawrence, Mass.. who is a prominent memoer of the Leqislature of Massachusetts. "DR. Atkk - My dear Sir: I have found your SAhbaparilla nu excellent remody for Syplulu, both of the primary and secondary type, and eflcctual in some cases tfiat were too obstinate to yield to other remedies. I do not know wuat we can employ with more certainty of euccess, where a powerful olterative is required." Mr. Chas. S. Van Liew, of New Brunswck, N. J., had dreadful ulcers on h3 legs, caueed by tlie abuse of mercury, or mercurial dieease, which grew mor and more aggravated for yeare, in spite ot eyery remedy or treatment that could be applied, until tb perseverjpg use of Ayer's Sabsaparilla relieved fiim. Few cases can be fouDd more invetérate and tistressing than tbifl, and it took several dozen bottles to cure hiin. Iieuoorrhoea, "Whltos, Female Woakness, are generally produced by internal Scrqfitkmi Ulceration, and are very often cured by the alterativa effect of thia Saksaparilla. Some cases require, however, in of the Barbapakilla, the eküful application of local remedies. ïrom the well-known and widely-celebratcd Dr. Jacob Morrill,'of Cincinnati. "I have found your Saebaparilla an excellent olterative in diseases of femaleg. Many cases of irregularitv, Leucorrhoea, Internal Ulceration, ana local deb'ility, arising from tbe scrofulous diathesis, have yielded to it, and there are few that do not, wben ite effect is properly aided by local treatment," A lady, unwilling to allnw the publicatim of her name, writes: " My datigtater and mys elf havo heen euredof very debilitating LeueorrhoB of Iode standing, by two bottles of your Sarsaparilla." Büeumatism, Gout. Livor Complaint, Dyspepsia, Heurt Disease, Neuralgia, when cauBed by Scrnfula in the system, are rapidlf CUied, by tliis Exx. Saköa i'Abilla. ayTrs CATHAIITIC PILLS pessess so niany advantages over the other par gatives in the market, and their superior virtue are so universally known, that we need not do more than to nssure the public their quality U maintained equal to the be6t it ever has been, and that they may be depended on to do all that they have ever done. Prepared by J. C. AYEB, M. D., & Co., Lowell, Mass., and sold by MLIH'.INS x ulLSOs, Aun Arbor, E. SAM'O, Vn ilanti A (EWINÖ, Dcxtet, WHEKUON S BATCH, Chclsea. Wholsjaleby FARBAN08HILBY fcCo, Detroit. C. E. COBUHN, Travelling Agent. DUÏOHEK'S LIGI1TNIKG IFLY-KILLEE abnltm B ir' fclt h' "-y-K"'1 liou.ekBf.r. Kvory ihiet wlUkiB H fliuntwhere Uw are tbiok Remo.nb,T Í I m ntlliR'S hat An thla. and rcfuse tbs Êk


Old News
Michigan Argus