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P. BACH I Is now receiving A. LAEGE STOCK -os- New Spring Goods, BOUGHT FOB CASH Since Ithe Late Pall, AND WILL BE 80LD VERYLOWFORCASH. Cali and See ! BOOT SNOB fe; ï &a M. 3. COLÉ, (Successor to Mooro & Loomin.) haa oponed a store a 6 FKANKLIN BUILDINGS, Main street, Ann Arbor, and has on baud a large assürtment of BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS, manufactured from the best material and warranted to give satisfaction, consisting of MKN'S KIP, CALF AND TH1CK BOOTS, DOUBLÉ SOLED. MEN-S SUF FALO OVERSEOES, of n'tl 3escnptons. LADIES C3--A.ITEIÏ-S, Morocco Bootces, Balmorals, Ftlt Overshoei, and Rubbers. Also, Boy's Kip, Calf & Tliick Boots, togetherwith a variety of CHILDKEN & YOUTH'S SHOES. Z nm also Mtuiufacturlng WARRANTED BOOTS & 8H0ES. Meii's Fine French Calf Boots Peggert and Se wed. Give mo a cali before pnrcliasing elaewhere, I will Bell ni y itoods cheap t'or cafh. REPAIRINO NEATLY DONE AND 0N SHORT NOTICE. N.B.COLE. Anu Artor, Jan. 13lh, 1S63. 887tf 1863. May. 1863. SPRING AND SUMMER GODOS, AT THB "Old Corner!" I am now reeeiving a weíl SELECTED STOCK OF KIEW G OODS, FOR THB Spriug and Slimmer Trade, C0N81STINQ Oï STAPLE DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, TEIMMINGS, SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRTS, BOOTS AND 6HQES, NOTIONS, &c., &c. Also a full assortrnent of Family Grocerieaï all of which woro bogght Jovy pncj pre to be 80LD CIIEAP FOB ÜASIZ. The liighest JJarket piico paid for ■?cr o o x i C. B. THOMPSON. At the Farmers' New Cash Store, Corner of Main and Washington sts. (O4tf) Ann Aibor. American Collectïng Agency, No. 240 Broaclway, New York. Claims of all kiads against the General Governmcct, State (ovomment, the City, o r private parties, prose;uted and collected atrzy expeTiae andriak. Agaiuat private parties ï possess superior fncilities rorcollectine claims everywhere in th United Stales md Cañadas, relievlng merchanti, ssignee, bankerb, a,ndothers,of thecaie and all responHlbility. Special attentiongiventü old debts, hard pases, dj, yorzds, wills, estatee, etc. Being familiar with allthe detailaof the ll Intrrnal Revenue Lawt} I will attend promptly to the collection of drawbacks, and taxe overpaid thruugb ignorauce of the la w. Soldiers' pensions, pay, and bounty secured forthem or their heirs. For that purpose, and Cor prosecutíng claims against the fJorernmoDt, ï "nave a branch office at Washington. No charge made unlcss claima are collected. All Holdiers discharged by rfiason of wounds - however short Ihe time they have served- are entitled tü Onfi Hnndred Iiollars Bounty. All Roldiera havingserved two years,are entitled to the same. 5fc_ The highest market price will be paid for boItliors' claims, and othor demands against the General Government. Information and opiniona given, and investigaron made without charge, upon claims proposedto b placed in my hands. For particular, address H. HUNTINGTON LEE, ÖOOtf No, 24Ü Rrnadwuy, N. Y THE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES WILL be for the Healii.g of the Nations. Bible. Prof. 3JTTC33NTÖ, THE GREAT AND CELÉBRATE PHYSICi VN of tlio THKOAT,LUNGS, IIEAKT, LIVhB AND THE LJLOOD, Knuwn all over thecountry as the C1ÍI.EBHATED I3SriDIuA.KrHEK,33 DOOTORI Üf 282 Superior 3tret, ClerelABu, Ohio. Will visit the foUuwing pltcta, via APPOI.VTSIENTÜÏOU1862, 1863 an 1S64! Prof R. J. Ljooa can be consultad ut the Mlowing places every montli, vi7: Detroit, Rus sel House, each moiath, 18 th and 19 th, Ann Arbor, Monitor House, each month, 20th. JackfiüQ, Hibbard House, tacli raonth, 'Z. Adrián, Bracket House, eoch raonth 22dand2S4. Tnledo, ühio,Culhns House ,each month, 21 th,23th. and 20th. Hillfdale, Mich. , Hillsdale House, each month, 27th. Cüldwuter, ilieh., iáoutUern Michigan Huuse, each month, 28th. Klkhart, Klkhart Housp, each month, 29tn. Suuth Bend, Ind.( tít, .lo. Hotel, each inouth, 30. I.íil-nrte, lnd-, Tee Uardeu House, each month 31st. WooBter, Oho, Crandell Exchaugt' each montii, 7th andetlj. Mausfitld, Ohio, Viler House, each month. 9th and lOth. Mt. Vernon, Kcnyon House, each monlh.llth and 12thNewark, Ohio, Holton House, each month, 13th anu 14th, Pttine.sville, Oliio, Cow le House, each month, 4th CLLVU.AND, OHIO. RE.SIDhXC; ANU OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET, East of the public square, opposíte the P etoTice. Office days each month, 1-it, üd, 4th, ütb, 6th, 15th, - Office hours frwm 9 A. M. to 12 M, and (rom 2 MI to 4 t M. OuSunday from 9 to 10 A. M., and 1 to - í M. jgy-MaximHstrictly adhered to- I give bqcU balín au have no strife, With nature or the lawa of life. With blood'my hands I nuvrr staij Nor poison iqen to eaae their pain. líe is a })hysician indeed, ivho Gure. The ludían Doctor, K. J. LYO.WS, cures the fol lowing compiaints in the most obstinate siamés ui' their existence, viz; Diseases of theThroat, Lungs. Hcart, IJ ver, Siomach, Dropir in the Chcst, Kheumatisin , Neuralgia, Kits, or F:iUingSickness,a,ni3 ;ill uther nervio 'orantírraerits. Also all diseases of the blood,such asScruiula, Krysipelaaancers, Fever rfore, Leprosy, and all other complicateü chronic complaÍDÍs. All forms of female difiicultïes atiended to with the happiest results. It is hoped that no one ïvill dcspair of a cure until they have pivcn the Herb iíoctor'a Nfo licines a fair and failhful trial. Uuring the Doctor1 travelti iu Kurope, West Indien, South America, and the United States, he bas been ihe instrument ín God's hand, to reatore to heaHh and vigor thousanda who we re given up a ml pronounced incurable by ilie most eminentold iOhool physicians; nay, more, thousands who were on the verge of the grave, are now living moLum"!11 to tlie Indisn Herb 's Doctor 'a ikili and succeo2'"Hreatment,aI'ire dnily exclaiming: t(Blestíed belheday when first ve Bar and partook of the Indian Herb Doctors medicine." Satisfactory referencesof cures will be glaclly and cheerfully givenw henever rcquired. The Doctor pledges his word and honor, thnt he ivill in no wise,directly or indirectly, induce or canse any invalid to take his medicine without Ihe atrungest prohability of a cure. jgar Mode of examination, which ia entirely different from the faculty. Dr. I.yob professes to discern diseases by the eye. He therefore asks noquestions, nor doeehe require patiënt to explain symptoms. Cali one and all, md have thesymptoms and location of your disease exphiined free of charge. ["Thft poor shall be liberally considered. S-Fostoillce address, box 2CG3. R. J. LVONS.M I'. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. ?5, 1862. lyi=80 WONDERFUL 8UCCESS. #$" The attention. and research ofcthe most distiuguished Chemísts and PhysicianE for years liave been devoted to the prnduction of a remedy for tbüse most difltressing raaladies Nbukai.gia and RueusutíSM. After long atvtéy and many experiraents, a gpectfic preparation has been diseovered. WATSON'S Neuralgia King,an ínter-nal Reñir dy,a curin thousauds of cases wheroall otber remedies have utterlj failed. We are assured that, it is no mere " ANODYNE," relieving for the moment whiletho cause remains, but ia a perfect SPECIFICand CURE for those painful diaeasöa. The vast number of Liniments, Embroc.uion.i nnd External Medicines, wbich act a.s stimtilantK of the Burface only, are merely tempnr:ny n t.heir effect s and of doubtful virtue Tho NEURALGIA KING leaeho.H the source of all trouble, and etTectually baniahe tbo dísease from tlie syatem. Price- une Dollar por Bottle. Prepnred by C. R. WAUÍER, Iy887 Buflfalo,N. Y.,And Fort Erie, C. W. .__. FAIRBANKS' 1 [4 Standard (RíwÍÍS5 Uo, Warehouse Trucks, Letter Frases, f(C. Fairtoanks, Gi-eenleaf fe Co., 172 I.ake Street, Chicago. Sold in Detroit by PAKR SD & SHEMÏ. SBe carefal to buy ony the jnnuine." SSSjl Tobacco ! Tobacco ï I AM SELI.1NG GOOD FINE CÜT CHEWING TOBACCO At f rom Fifi y cents lo $1 per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, Trom 14 cents to 20 cents per pound at rctail, M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, llich., Der. 17, 1S62. 883tf 3STIB-W C35-OO3DS, FOR Spring Trade '. I ara uow reeemnsc au entire Nut Stock of STAl'LE AND l'ANCY DRY GOODS STRAW GOODS CHOICE GROCEKIES Ac, BUYERS WITH CASH IN HAND are jjartioularly invited lo examine my Sock PKIXT3, PHKETTNG8, DENIM8, PTRII'FfiUlKTlN'GS, TICKIXiiü anü all DOMKSTIC UÜOJBS AU bought for NET CASH since tlie Declino In C3-olc3L AND RUMORKD FALL OF CHARLESTON. JOII.V 11. JIAYNARP. Ann Arbnr.Anriia.'ni 1P6.1. Trusses ! RÜPTURK CAN BÍ5 CURF.D HY A TRÜSR of the rigbi Uinrl, if pr(perly fnted and (luly attcndi'il -to. Thin bas Ven abundantly demonntratefl in iiimimora bic InsUnces by lhuenfthe Hnltlpedal Tram oi Dr. [ü'i". diirini? the Ustfew yeRrtf. 'l'liis Truss beiiig covcied with IHrd Rubber, is MTfeelïy waterproof, may be used in batlmisf. and is aHvays cletiiily n.s ell as indeKtruc-iiblfï by orrlinuiy llfttgf lf nut stit-s1fartnrv after a fair trial of wity day, it niny }■■ r - tnrred. It challengip compjui iön with nuy iriihH Dr KICiGS' uflict, No. 2 BARCLAY Stret. NewYnrk. f SS! f FOR SAIE I ipWO of the buildinElntp in tbe City ri 1 Ann Arbor. wltttainlug raeli (me acre umi .1 qunrter i.fïr.mnd. Thi'varci.Mtuatoili.niitlite Street , n(Jur tbc Boath wi-t corner of the Uulvtrtity Square. Vnr trm .■'■ .iiiqiiiruattU Alitilïd OFK1CK. 7.v', lí 188K. ' ■ut j..iU -■■.% DR. RADWAÏ'S PILLS. NEWLY D1SC0VERED PR1NC1PLES IN PURGATION DR RADWAY'S PIIXS ARE THE BEST PURGATIVA Pilis 'in the World, und thn ouly Vegetablo Substituto for Calomel or Merrury ever discovered. Composed oí Vegetable Kxtracts of Guma, Plants, Werbs, líootí and Flowers. Tlieyl'urgc- Clcansc- l'urify- Hoal- Soothe- Calm- Strcugthcn- Iiivigorato- and Regúlate tbo System. jjr sunoEjr íttcks of INFLAMMAT10N OF THE BOWELS, BILr IOUS CHOLIC, BILIOUS FEVER. ERYBIPELAS, CONGESTIVE FE VER, SMALL POX, MEASLES, SCARLEÏ FEVER, SXX TO EiaBT PHiïiS Will purgo tbo disease from tho systcm iu SIX HOURS. Tf BCized witti eithor of the a'iovo-named disoa?es, let ebt or eight of Dr. Raclway's PILLS be taken ut occo. T.Ms, single dose will carry tho pitiont out of dangor. Tlieir contíaued use, in smaller doses, will work a coro. COATE D VVITH GUM. rhey are ploasant to tako. opérate pleasantly , w3 and fcwjHj Eery do.o that ta taren - iaHsstremjth to the enfoebled system. perfect purgalives thoy do aot leavo tHe boweb coihK, or the palieut loeafc. ONE OR TWO OF DS. EADWAY'S PULS Will securo a good appoUto and healtby digestión. TO THOSE WHO TAKE PILIS, ■)R PADWAY'S PlLLSwillbefoundanimprovementon ill purgativo or cathartic pills In use. Ono or two p.lU Millio found suffleient to keep the Dowels reeular ; ai d in cases whore a brtok oporation is desired, blX to aGHT will iu six liours thoroughly purge. ONE TO SIX BOXES WILL CURE COSTIVENESS, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, MEASLE9. CONGESTIÓN, - MELANCHOLY, HEAET DISEASES, HYSTEKICS, DISEASES OF KIDNEY AMEN0RRH02A, AND BLADDER, FAINTING, DISEASES OF LIVER, DIZZINESS, B1LIOUSNESS, RUSH OF ELOOD TO TYPHÜS FEVER, THE HEAD, SHIP FEVER, OBSTRUCTIONS, MALÍGNANT FEVEH, RETENTION OF URINE LOSS 'OF APPET1TE, DROPSY, INDIGESTIÓN, ACUTE ERYSIPELAS, INFLAMMATION, IIEADACHE, FALPITATIONS, BAD BREATH, SCARLET FEVER, INFLAMMATION OP D1LIOUS FEVER, THE INTESTINES, JAUN.DICE, APOPLEXY, OONGESTIVE FEVER, ENLARGEMENT OF SI(EEPLESSNESS, THE SPEEN, GENERAL CEBILITY, BOURVY, DIMNESS OF S1GHT, WHOOPINQ COUOH, j.TS( WORMS, LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, BAD DREAMS, QUINSEY, PLEURI3Y, As also M CompJalnts i Women t as HvsUrla, Lieucoirlioca or Whltes, WO1Wí,, Dlscliai-cs, CUlorosis, Irr.giilailtles, ,lo„3, Bhould not Dgpg,0&2 riUck0 ";. , froXmto mary .nd freat inwveulis tt, whioh ladioB are generally subject. . WlilUH FA0T8. DOCTOR RADWAY hvitos tho fittenüo'i of tho Intellloent reader to tho fac's hato presonted, Bhowlng th fcuperlorily of his PILIS, as purgativas, over all t-thsr pilla or purgativo msüicines iu uso. THEIR GREAT C0MBIXATI0N8. They aro Apfirlent, Tonic, I.ixitive. Ait.rativc, Sliinulant. Counter Irritant, Suclorilio. AS EVACUANTS, Theyaro moro cortan ana thoroiiíh than tlio Dr.tlo Pülá of Aloo-, or Crotón an l H:uletn Oil, or UateriQtn; and moro sootliing and bealinjj tluu Soana, Kiiuburb, or Tamarinds, or Castor Oil. AS A1.TIÍRATIVF.S, They oxerclso a moro powsiTul inSuenoa over t'.io livor Rn :1 its secretions than calomcl, moroury, blue pill. lici-.e tUoir importance in cases of Livor Complaliits and Splcfii DifiicuUies, Jaundice, Dyapepsla, Bitioos Atfcicks, Htiadaoho Sc. In tho treatment of Kevers, eith-r liihou', Yellow,Typhoid,and otUpr rduoi-g Fevern.thuy aro Buperior to qumiuo. Huir InHuonuo eslends ovor tbo entiro systom, contrnlliuü. strangthBnlng, and braciui up tho relaxed and waaliog eacglej, and ros'ilaii g al' the secretions to tho natural perftirmwiso of theli diitisa oleansing aud purifying tho blool.anl pQrgln? fro u la Byiitem all diaeadcd deposita aul impuro ham ïd. THE CAUSE OP PII-ES. A large doao of t'io Drastic Pilb wi:l, iy Irrltattng 'h tnticous membrant, produce fiyieleut expulsión of tbs ooutents in the biwels. bnt in so doing othor Beoretiooi aro fiuspended. Iu suoh cases, tho aionh wiil be fouod tobehght-colorodandwatery,:indatt.:ivl"dwitlii:ranl, gripin'g pain, nausea, sicknivs. Ey t ta Inorwiscd uunatural aetiou or tho b iweb, tho seorotionn of tho kidnoys and pttnoreas arödiminteUou,folïowen by ifletioui of tho kidimys, hlidder, urcthra, p'.los, teuainKls, goneral prQstwiiou, coiüveuess, au.l iadlgcstiou. Why Eadway's Pilis Cure Smail Tos. InSmall ros, Baurlet Fever, Ervsipeh--, Vcilcw.TyphoW and other re-ltirtmj ftm, ithóatioji te iifjll asmtial. But toadmiliister a du.-o t Drasse TiiiStlio Irrltution they wouhl produce ■'! thn rclixuüon aml deplction that would fullov, wuu'd bo llkely t iï fatal. If physicians, in these cases, would give RADWaY'S PÏLIÏ, thsy wonlü lwiys euro Ihair pationla. luthcao dlseasee a mild, snoihing, haiiling amlgoiltir Btimulatins laxiuvo is roqulrèd, ufhich is socuriH by .UDWAY'i I'IIXS. " Wby ïier;.erf5Ct PiH GripeTho ca'0 of griplng-, Ba8CR,slcltin-',iiemM nut 'íuirtjr, that is iuducc.l toy a duóo il' drairtio pilinj w wjinK to tlioir imperfect oparatioa. t witli thooceo, " dtóeiwwi Aumora, luftcireuiHtii.g n ihu systcm. wuro uxpelle'; by tlieso pills, üioru wnulil be but lutlo pain or grining It i the absence or ifie biio and otlier humor which the imporfect pilla fait fn rr7 out of tho Bj-tcm that oceasloua tlie pain. By ex unlnhig tlio Btiioh ovaouated after severo jrJiíns tuoy will bs fjaud Uuu au4 watery. THS TRUB PILL3 TO TAKS 4 The on'y safo pilN U Uko aro Dr. Radway's, lineando they aro the only pltlB thut rasuro piirsation wnhoui dupletion, aud mpel diseusud Uuiuuió [rom tlie eyswm. CASE OF DY3PEP5I. CURED. For many yeará I have been atliictofl witli our nv tloml oojnplamt, calleü Hy.)Jitói i-iuy nufTufiuga havo been a ooneunt Buuoession tl liorrora. 1 havo speut thousandsof dollari wilh hO]in nf realinag a Iluta oumfortand tr.inquillity. AH tneiltaitlral r.iiieil loreBuvo me untll I commnnceil tn act np ui tho jndicions ailvioü you gavo m. ou the 61h C April, ISüS. Aud now, aflor ii6iag yoar l'ills,! foei liken now man. oud btass yu, and may this letter induce other snlLning viaiim lo Uiu aocurbeJ uialady, to try tho saine moau.-i. Youra l'ervonu', W CA.EPESTÏR. CARnmTOTiLU!, N. J. , April Hlh, 1359. Messn. itadtuay L Co., f. r. Ü'J. Letter from Dr. Salmón Spinner. Nbw YokK, Jmuury, ÏSOO. Vr. Jlaöway Co. : I havu.üuriiig me paft fmir yam, mcd j-onr remedies, sud havo reconmieniiwl them U) othera fur Biüum COMPLAINTS, IDIBrtTl!)., PVíiPNíNU, XO. 1 (WUï-itlor tllO Keaiiy Koliof and KeiiulatinR Huls um (jualod. The Keulatinj? I'iIJs aro ïuild iu ihuir üperatious uud thtnuugljly eCfectivc. ïlie Hrst rtoao sbovlM lio'liirtto cnmiRh tl pvire, pay four or live, and racli suoooasive close lo .inninisliea "n. ViU, until reauceil to ouo, uud tlien ropeiito l ovory ilny a week or ten d:iys. A permureut tuio wiH bureiy 1 ' PK. S. SSIXKER. BS JOr. Ilndvray' Plll nrt: oll !)" Siore-Keepcrs In general. Kacli Box eontaln ao P1U. Prlco 33 ets. Boi. For Sal lv STEI5IUNS& WÍLOOÍS "proposals tor loan. VAMirE.vjw ('nrn Trwtki;' flFiin;, 1 anvarüor. luie ïaiii, i8sa. . OTlAI.F.PprnpoBnisare invitf.l lor }2,fl01 permonth, 'V for tlif m'xr fmir niontU, folr wlne.ll the bonds of tl ('iitnity will be issaeri, draw'ng tert fr"m '!j! ime tlio moncy is received nntil (iist of VinHjfU-y lbr-4. at whlob tiiueiirincipal and lntmat vill be [nlil. o0iw2 i;c,ack rA!:P!'KTY:i!, f,'.i,; ril;.' Tl'i'liii'c;


Old News
Michigan Argus