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PBINTIJÏG OF ALL KINDS Neatly Executed AT THE AEGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LINE OF PKINTING AT THE MOST REASONABLE RATES. We have recently purcliased a IRTTG-GKLCES ROTARY CARD PRESS, and have added the lntpst styles of Card Type, which enables us to print INVITATION CAKDS, WEDDING CARDS, V1SITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in the neatest styles, and as cheap as any other house in the State. We are also prépared to print POSTERS, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, CiKCULARS, PAMPHLETS &c TUS .AIEtG-TTS BOOK BINDERY is in charge of FIRST CLASS WORKMEN, LEDGEES, RECOEDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN [And Manufacturad in best sttle at ' New York Prices, Feriodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Ee-Bound, All "Work warranted to give entire satisfaction. E. 1Í. POND, Prop'r. Office and Bindery, cor. Main & Hurón Sts. JOval Picture Frames AIXSIZES.STYLES and l'KICES juat rcceived and forsale cheapat CHOFF & MILLEE'S. 1860.Dce.25, 780tf FOR SALE. Qf ACRES of excellent ttmbered lana-tlieS. Kof O' N, W. i of Sec. 2.Town 5 N. Range 3 V. , Clinton County. ltisinagood neigbborhood, about four miles from DeWitt and ten from LaiiBÍog. For terms nquire at or addross. ARGUS OFFICE. Jan. 20th, 1863. 8S8tf ' DWEULVG POR SAL, E I IF YOU wish to buy a good two-story brick dwPllinp:, convenientto the business part of the City, witli ground and yards well stocked witli choice Fruit ofall 'kinds, Apples. Pears, Peacbes,I'lums, Raspberries, Ornamental troes, yhrubber, &c. ,&c, inquirp at the Noy. 14,1862. ARGUS OFFICE. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. iïlackwood's Magazine AND THE British Reviews. PUICES CHE A.P AS ETER, TO TIIOS1? WHO I'AY PRO..IPTLY IN ADVANCH. Nutwitbst;ii)i!ir.i Ihe of Reprinting these Ferlodícals lias more than doublet! in consequence of the cnormons rise in tlio pnce of Paper and of a general :i(lv;nict' in ;i!l dlhci" cxpeiises- and notwithnla tiil'ii! ■ other pulïshèrs aro roclucing the size ör increasing the price of their publications, wc shall continue, for the year 18tui, to furuishours complete, as Ueretol'ore, at the oíd ratea, viz. : - 1 THELOSDÜX QUARTERLY (Conservativo), 2 THE EDIN'BURGH REVIEW (Whig) 3 THE NORTII BKITISH REVIEW (Freo Church). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal) BLACKWOOD'S EDINBÜRG1I MAGAZINE (T017). TERMS. Per ann, Foranyoneof the four Reviews, - - - $3 00 For any iwo of the four Roviows, - - - 5 00 Fdranythxee of the Reviews, - - - 7 00 Foi-all four of the Reviews, - - - . - - 8 00 Forlïlackwoud'a Magazine, - - - . 3 00 For Wackwood and one Review, - - - 5 00 For [JJaekwood and two Reviews. - - - 7 00 FprBïackwoodand three Reviews, - - - 9 00 ForlilackwooLÏandtUe four Reviews, - - 10 00 These wlll be our pi-ices to all who pay prior to the lst of April. To those who defer paying tül nfter that time, the prices will be increased to such extent as the ncreased cost of Reprint may deDiand - therefcre, SEÑO IN YOÜK ORDERS AND SAVE YOUR SIONEY. LEOXAKD BOOTÏ k CO„ Publishers, No. 08 Walker Street, New York. THE EEBEL1ION 0N HIGH PRICES POR CLOTflING, HAS COMMENCED AT THE 0LD & RELIABLE CLOTHING EMPOEIUM ! No. 3 PHGENIX BLOOK, MAIN St. IAM now opening a large and varïed assortraent of Spring andSumraerGoods, and ín view of the rebellion on high pricesgencrally, wlll o 11 er thom to my frieuds and oustomers at the very lowest figures for Casli. - Those in want of a superior article of Clotlis, Cassimeres, or Seady-Made Clothing, -will cali onWm. VAGiMER, who has just returned from the East, wlth a large assortment of SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS ivhich have been purchased at the late LOVV PEICES! and can offer thera at a lower figure than ever hefore. Among my Assortment may be found BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, DOESKINS, VESTINGS of all descriptions, togetlier with a superior assortment of Rcady-Madc Clotlltng, fflMfrt'VVft TRÜNKS , CARPET BAGS, JKfei4S UMBRELI.AS, and ■üiööentleraen's Furnisliing GrOODB, with numeious other artioles usually found ín similar establishments. As an EMPORIUM OF FASHION, the suhscriber flattershimself, that hls long experience and general success, will enablehim to give the greatest saüsfaction toall who may trust him intheway oí fdF Manufacturing Grarments to order. WM.WAGN'ER. Ann Arbor, April 9th 1862. 848tf O. BIjISS Would take this method of informing bis oíd frlends and patrons and all others who may favor híra with tlieir patronage, that he has greatl enlarged liis 8tock and Assortment ! and kaving adopted tlio CASH SYSTEM BOTII INBÜYING &SELLING is proparod to nell Goods at Xloai9OIVa lile PrioeS, Us stock coni,l5tsin part of the fohowing: 3 AMERICAN AND OTHER % W"atches ! " SETHTHOMAS ULOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD CEAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLE11Y ! Eazors,Sliears,Sc!itsorsard Brusliefl, ROQKRS PLATED WAliJi, the best in market, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER and ENVELOPES, Musical Instruments, Strings lf BooJcs for Instruments, SFEOTAOXiES, of Qold, Silver, Steel, and Plated, icitli PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article. Persons baring difficult watches to fit with glasscs can be accomodated, as my stock is largtítauú complete, S. Particular attention to the HBPAIHIWG of all kinds of line Watcbes, sucli as Making and Setting new Jewels, Pinions, Slaffs, and Cilinders . Also CLOCKS, Sc CTEWELIIY ni-atly rppah-td and 'warrantod, at his old standeast sido of Hain Street. C. BLISS. Aon 4rbor, Nor. 25, 18C2 82Gtf MANHOOD; HO WLOST, HO W RESTO RED Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price Sise Ccnls. A Lecture on the Nature, Trealmcnt in'] Radical Cure i of Sperma torrhoea or Seminal Weaksess, Sexual I)gtility,Nervousno-ss, and Involmitarv Kmissiojis, inluofñg Impotency, Consumption, and Mental and Physicnl Dettlity. CY ROB'T J. CULVERWELL, M. D. The important füctthat the awful consequences of Self -Abuse may be effectually removed without internal medicines or the dangerous applicfttion of caustics inftruments, medicated bougicH,ntid other empírica] dcvices, i.s here clearly demonstraícrl, and tlie entfrely new and highly successful treatment as adoptad by the celebrated author, fully jtxplamed, by means of wÉich overyono isenabled to cure himself prrfectly and at the least possible cost, therchy avoiding all the advertised noBtrums of the d;iy. The lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thoufiands. Sent uuder soal,in a plain envelopt, to iiny address, post paid on reoetptof twopostage stamps,by addressing the publislicrö. CHAS..T. 0. KLIXE & CO., 900ttf 137 Borory, New Vork, Tont Office Box, 4566 A SJáNOW -OPENING, 1MKËGÏ FROM PUBLISHERS AND Manufacturéis j a New and Complete stock of LAW & MEDICAL UüüKS, School Books, Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, dan STATIO3XTERY! ■ Wall and Window Paper, Drawing and Mathema'.icallnstruments. Music,Juvenile Librarás, Em-elopes, Inks and Cards. And all oiher kinds of Pens and Pencih Window Coruice, Shades and Fixture, POCKET CUTLEEY! Andeverythingpertaining to the trado, and moro to wh.icb.they would invite the attention of the countrj-. Inconductingour business, we shalldo all tliat can hcdone,so that no rcasonable man, ïTOiaan or cliild shall Qnd any fault. We possess facilities which will enable us to supply o ur stomers at the Lowest Possiblo Figures. We propose to sellfor READY PAY, ata smalladvance. ■ Wu expecta pro fit on our gootls, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. The "EíiriEEBoOK Stoee,"s manned iy agood 'crew,' nd they will always be found on the "quarter deck," ready and willing to attendto all withpleasure.who wil] favor them ivith a cali. líemember the "Empiro Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Arbor, May,18C0. 7Jg SCHOFF & IOLTeK A RESTILLONHAND attheir oíd Stand, A No. 2, Franklin Block, wítb. thcmost complete assortment of Books and Síationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT C0RNT0E8, CURTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in this Market ! and they would suggest totbose ín pursuit cf any thingin SAJSÍTA CLA US' LINE that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! bypurchaslng from this stock, as each, purchaaer gete anadditional present of Jewelry, &c, Ranging invalue írom 50 ets. to $50. J3 Thpytrust that theírlong expcrience inelecting gooöfi forthis market, and strict atteníion to the wants f of Cuítomers,may entitlo tbera to a liberal share oJ Patronage. " r Ann Arbor, Dec. 5. 1860 777tf Ri#e Facíorj! f.. Beutier & Traver, [Succossors to A. J Suthe:-lani!.] Manufacturer8 of and Dealera in Guns, Pistols, Ammuiiition Flasks, Ponches Game Bags, and Everjotlier articlc in that Line. All kinds of done at the shortest notice, and in the best mnnner. a f uil assortment ahvays kept on hand and made order. LT13?= Shop on Huron street. Ann Arbor,Oct. 8, 1362. 873tf LET THJí FEOPX.E H. ES JOÏCE, For Providente has again Crowntd our Arms with Succcss ! -AWDA. C. LOEB, OF THE CLEVELAND GLOTHIKG HOUSE, aronow offcringto the citizpns of Washtenaw county, and the State oí' Michigan geuoralJy, A LAEGER AND BETTER SELECTED STOOK OF SPRING & SÜMMER GOODS, ü was over before brought to this city, wbicli ive wül sell Cheaper than any House west of New York ! Our stock consista of Ready-Made Glothing, HATS, TRTJNKS, VALISES, Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c„ anil in conclwftion wo wonM fnyto all wlio want tobnv GOOD ÜOOns AT LOO' pRlCtó, tp cali ;it lbo Cleveland Clothing House, fiverloorswi'st ol Cook's Hotel, andyou willsavc mnney by flmnjfio. A. &O.LOKB. N.B.- Don't forgct to cali boíoro purcbasinir elseivhcrc. Alm Arbor, May lst, 18(i3. 3ra802 Üuctioneers Motice. BYRON CUEKX, lmvinjr apjlliftj for a licpnse, now lioliU biinself In readinesn (nattend to all calis.- Ilavint;' hadexpeiience, hois positivo lie can gw : satlsTaction. All callspnuniiHv attanded to. " Chaigea leasonablc. Apply at the Fraul-lm House. BVJÏÜN RREEN. Aun Arbor, Oot. S4, 162. 875tf,


Old News
Michigan Argus