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The correppondonce of the Albany Patriot, hne the fullowing noliceof JVlr. Polk's cabinel. We cannot vouch f'or the nccuiucy of theportraits. "Mr. Büchanan was formeily an able lowyer and has been fi stron man n the Senot - a good debater - stands well in bis own State, but bns f believe no pretensión to any corisidoruble liter.-iry acquirpments- hns not the confidence of the more discerning Democrats out of his State, and is altogether as supple r tooi as the oligarcby could wish. R. J. Walker, a nativa of Pennsyivnnin, is not a man of much originality or strengt h, but he has untiring induslry - ambitious and not over scrupnlons, !ie is fruntically devoted to the cotton and sugnr nterett and will l e the ruling spirit of Uie adminislration. He mana ges hid own financial affairs badly it is said - perhaps he'll do better for the public. Wm. L. Marcy is a man of talent, and will discharge the dulies of his station ubly, bui he brings no stre:igtli or popularity to the administralion?. He is a faded, by-gone.olitician, the representative of nobody and no-thing except the scaltered fragn:.e.')ts of the old Albany Regency.George Ba;crofi isa man of fine genius and splendid scholarship tna it is & shame to him to bo wiliing" lo leave his appropriale work as a teacher of mankind-, (o subrnil to the pi;iful drudgery of watchiiiff the villanies practiced uppn the Navy Depnrtmrnt by officers, and contractore nnd jobbers of al! sortu which a shrewd, practiced merchant would do a great dea! more sncoessfully than he can. John if. Mnaon is of the oíd Virginia, elaveholtling- oriytocrocy - tt rrran of nbilhies ond obüg;ing manners, bot unhappily steeped in brandy np to the eyes. Ctive Johnson is as dead blind and perverse on the subject of sluvery as any overseer in W. Tetinetsee, but he is sharp eighted, active oud honest. He'll cut ihecontroclors to the quick, nnd keep every tliing square up to the line - is opposed to cbeap postage for fear of a burthen upon the treasury. On the vvhole oíd Cave is far the most sensible select ion of the fix, 1 gness! So Mr. Polk has got his team lmrne.csed nnd starts ofl - his reinmanship is yet to he tested."(CfA correspondent of one our exchanges writès f rom theSoulh: "During my stay in tl)is región, I have passed severnl times through the nortliern part of Delaware, which you know is a slavc State - but there is none or ne.xt or none o bout ihere. and that in the main for two reasons. In t he first place they don't ':stay put" there - they can either List slip over the river where there are those who will feed and hide them in the woods of Jersey, till they can take care of themsclves, or just step over the line. and find fricnds and helpers under the broad brimmed hats of Chester Co. Few, [ am told for this reason. think oï risking much in this kind of proper ly. And secondhj) slavc 'labor is not projitahïe there. This is true not merely f rom the fact jusl alludcri to, but that it is, in itself cien re r than free lnbor and cannot compete with it. 100 will procure more labor, and with less perplexity of the man who puts it into his own pocket, than can be oblained of ihosewho have nothing to expect. Why should not this be the case? It accords entirely with all my conceptions ofthe matter. I can seo no reason why it sliould not be so the world over; cerlainly it must be soin those places where the íbrmer is not disgracejul. It is believec that Slavery would díe oul in the bordet States from these causes alone at no ástantday."


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