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THE ALL SUFPICIENT THREE. THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," Ktifitvu ng Hclmbold's " GENUIKE PREPABATIOWS, VI L. HEI.MBOI.D'S EXTRACT " RLTHÜ," ." „ " SAKSaHaKILLA, IMPROVED ROSE WAÜU. HELMBOLü'S GENUINE PPEPARATrON, "HIGHLY CO1VCEJVTRATED EOMI'OUJD FLÜID EXTRACT BUCHU, A PositiTC ad Specific Remedy, For Diseases of tbe BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSrCAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine mareases the ,., „f rv ii excite the ABSORBENTE in ó heJth P}'- lbo' WA TF.RY OR CATCFnnï'l , ; "' b-v "hicl HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BüCHü FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesee, Habitsof Dissipation Eariy Indiseretion, or Abuse, ATTENDED W1TH THE KOLLOTTING STMTOM Indispnsition to Exertiun, I„,SS of Power, Universal Lassitude of the Flushinf of th. Body IMPOTENCY,FTUITT EPILEPTIC FITS In one of whichthe patiënt may epi, e. Who on ,„ Insanity and Consumption Many are aware of the cause of their uirerinf W none wiU coOrass. The records of the in.aóe AlZ, and the melanch„ly deaths by Consumption be„ ple w.tness to the Iruth of the assertion. " THE COfSTITÜTI0y, ONTE APFECTED WITH OR. i GANIC VSEAKNESS, Requires i the aid of medicine to strenMhen nd 1 which HELMROLisKXritAcï Females, Pernales, Females, OI.D OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR COX TEMl'LATING MARRIAGE, In many allections peculiar to Females the Extart Buchu ia unequalled by any „ther remedv „ Í Chlorosi, or Relention, Jrregilarrty, PainSe"!, bupnreSSi„n of the Cusíonwy Kvacíatms uZZ Decline or Change of Life. BEK 8VMPT0MS non. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT OËLMBOLD'S EXTRACT BCCfill CURES Secret Diseases. n d!èttbeir S-tage' ; a' 'iUle eXpOnS' ' mtl' Ba ch"P ín diet , no inconveniencc, AND NO EXPOSURB. It canses frequent desire, and gire sttenjtii t Thousands upon Thoutands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, And who hare paid HEAVY FEES tobe cureím short time, haTefound they wererteceivtd.and tha th 'l'oison ■ has, by the „e of "Poerful A,trn,Vnt " 'aLVfcrm.Tn'd11 Ule SÏStem' ' tok Ut n '■ PERHAPS Afler MAHItlAGC USE Helmbold's Extract Buchu For all Affection3 and Diseases of Tlie TTrinary Organs Whether exisíing in MALE OR FEMALES, fron wliatever cause originating. and no matter OF IIOW LONG STANDING. Disesses of these Organs require the aid of a Dicmim. Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE GREAT DIÜRETIC, Aud it is certain to have the desired effect in all Di seases, for which it is recomniended. BLOOD ! BLÖÖD ! BLOOD! Helmbold's Highly Concent ra', ed Componnd Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. This in an affect-on if the Blood, nnd attack th Pexuil Organa, Lin-.Bg f the Nose, Enrs, Throt, Windpipp, and other Mucus Surfaces, making ts ippearancin the form of Ulcera. Helmbold'n Eiuact Sar'iaparilla purifies the Blood, aod remore} all Scaty Rruptions of the Skin, giving to the Complexión Clear and Healthy Golor. It beinpr prepared forthis elass of complftis) ts, ita Blood-I'urilying Tropertie are preserved o a greater extent tn bt otherpreparation of Saraaparilla. Helmbold's Rose Wash. An excellent Lotion for Prseases of a Syphiltïc Natiiï. and as an injection in DisMWeq of the Urinarj Orgam arisinj? from habit- of clissipation, uned in conneetion witb the Extracta Buchu and Sarsaparilla, in such di' seaes as recommrnded. EvideDce of the most responsiWe. a.ijd rcliablechac' acter vrill acconjpany the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, From eight to twentr veir tanding, with nam known to SCIENCE AND FAiVE, For Medical Propertiesof BUCHU, Boe DipnMtorT oftheünitei Statea. See Professor HEWEES' raluable worka on th Practico of Physic. See remarks the late celebrated Dr. PITSICK, Philadeiphia. Hee remarks made by Dr. EPMIAIM McBOWT.LL a celebrated Physiciau, and Member of the Kots! Cellege of Surgeons, Ireland, and published intheTrtosactions of the Kingand Queen's Journal. See Modico-Cirurgical Review, published by BENJA MIN TRAVERS, Fellow of the Koval College of Sorgeone. Se most of the late Standard Work on Medicine. Extract Buchü, $1 fO pee botti.b, ob six for $5 Ofr " 1 00 ;t 6 00 Improved Rosk, 50 " " 2 60 Or half a dozen of eaeh for $-12 OP, which will be nufficient to cure the most obstinate canea, i' directie as are adhersd to. Delivered to any addrefiB, seeurely paclitd fromobservation. Ej(P Pescribe symptonvi in all communicationi.- Cures guaranteed. Advine gratis. AFFlDAVtT. Personally appcared before m an Alderman of ttcity of Philadelpliia, II. T. Iïeimbolp, who, beïng dulf.Hworn, doth say, liis proparations contairi no narcotic. tío mercury, or other injurious drugs, but are pureljt vegetable. H T.HKtMBaijD Sworn and ubscribed before me, this 23d dy tí Novcmbfr, 1854. WM P. HTBBARD. Aldermnn. Kinth-street, above Race,Phil. Address Letters for information in confidence. H. T. HELM BOM), Chemifft Depot 104 South Tenth-street , below Chestnut, Phi1fc BEWARE OF COITNTERFEITS AND UNPRIXCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dinpnite " OF THEIR OWN " ná) "other" articlcaontbo leputatin attained bj Helmbold's Genuine I'rcparatioon, " " Extract Buchu, " " SarsaparilU, 11 ' ' Improvcd Rose Wash. PoM by all Dniypistd everywherr. JSK FOR HEL,MBOLD'S-TAKirOOTnERflut out tb1 adrertipement, iind FCtd fnr ft, áP& AVOTD TMPÖSlTJOIt PW BXP09im%. %


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