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peur JWMfewfljfe G-RA.NU Operatic and Bailad CONCERT! FOR ONE tilGHT ONLY. MR. TFIOMFSON respectfully announces tbat the distinguUhed artuts Madame Charlotte Varían ! (Ite Madame VARÍAN JAMES) the most popular l'rima Donna of the day ; and M. Edward TïofFraan, ;he Eminent Pianist after an absence of two }Oars, will give ONE UKAND CONCERT ONLY, at AT HANGSTERFEK'S HALL, "Wednesday Evening;, July 15th, 1863. A choice anl varied selection of Operatie Arlas, Engli h Bnlladn and Fantasías will be prenented. fétp Foll particular; 10 Programmes TICKETS;.5O CENTS. Iïestrved seats without exfra charge. TREES! TREES!! Fruit and Ornamental. 11BE unïersigned is engaged in selling Trees, Fruic and Ornamental, Grape Vines, hvergrsens, Shrubbery and Pïants, of all sorts and rarietip, and any _uaotity, from the celebrated Rochester Nurseries. - ie willcaíl on' m:iny of the inhabitants of Ann Aror as .practicable He is stopping temporarily with íev. Charles Clark. Orders lelt tberet or communieom addrsfted to hims]f, vrill receire at tent ion. 'hose unacqua.intd with him, he would take the libery to refer to %n. Martin, Iiorace Carpenter, or Her. C. Clark, of thii city. ROBERT McMATH. Ann Arbor, July tl, 1863. INotïce. Washtexaw Cocnty Clebr's Om ei, July 2, 1S63. ƒ NOTICF. IS HEREBY GTVpí Uiat the Sessum Law of 1SR3 li-are been recfñved andaré reay for disnbution, aleo the School BUnka to be diitributed by he Townahip Clerka. TRACV W.RO0T,Clerk. Ctancery Sale. IXPURSUANCE and by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Conrt, for the County of Washtenaw, in Hiancery, maiie on tte '2ith ay -of JanuaryA. P. Í62,in a cause thereín pending, whreín James M. 'orsyth , in complainant, and James Cargill, and David argill, are defendants. Noticeis herby given that I hall sell at public auction to the higtiest bidder at 12 'clock, noon, on Satnrday, the 13th day of August ext, A. D. 1863, at the iront door of the Washtenaw ounty Court House, in the city of Aun Arbor, Michgao, that certain piece or parce! of land known and escribed as íollows, to-wit: the soutb haif of lot umber two hundred and four, (204) in the vlllage ow city of Ypilanti, in the county of Washtenaw and tate of Michigan. GEORGEDANFORTH, Cir. Court Com., Wah. County Mich. Norbis & Viwdb, Solicitors for Complainants. Dated, Ann Arbor, July 3.1, 1S63. GOOD One Shilling per Pound ! TEAf Eight Shillings per Pound BEST KEROSENE OIL 18HILLINGSPER GALLON! CHOICE ARTICLE OF GOFFEE, 'repared of CofFee and Chiccory fresh ground evpry ay, and warranted superior to aiiything in this market r themoney refunded, AT 2 SH1LLINGS PER LB. CEOCKERY, GLAS8 WARE, TABZECUTLERY, LAMP S, FRUIT CANS. and all othcr goods at about old prices. A. DeFOREST. Ann Arbor, June 23, 1863. PlOtf. PROPOSALS FOR LOAN. W-ASIITENAW CoC-YTY TREASt'REK'S OFFICE, AN.v Arbor, June 15 tb, 1863. ƒ SEALED are invited lor $2,001 per month, for the next four monta, for wlncli the bonds of the County will be h.uued, drawing interest from the irae the money is received nntil Ihe first of February 1864, at which time principal and interest will be paid. 90w2 I1ORACE CARPfcNTER, County Treasu'-er. ïmm CEMRAL RMLfiOAD, Passenge) tiains nyw ltsare Detroit, Chicago.and tje several Station in tliisüountJ.aB follows ; GOING WEST. Letra Mail. Day Ex'. Jack. Ac. NightEx. netroit. 6 30 A.M. 7.S0A.M. 6.00 p. m 7.40 f. . Ypsilanti, 6 55 " 9.10 " 6.30 " 8.65 " Ann Arboi-, 7 15 " 9.ï8 " 6 55 " 9 15 " Ilexter, 7.40 " r M. 7.25 " ■' Chelsea, 8.00 " " 7.45 " " Ar.Chicago, 6.30 " 7.30 A. M. The mail traingoesonly to Michigan City. GOING EAST, Leave. NightEx. Jack. Ac. Mail; Pay Ei. Chicago, 7.15P.M. 5.00a. m 7.30 a. M. Chelsea. - r5.35 A.M. 3.01 P. M. Dextor,' 5.56 " 3.85 " Ann Arbor, 4.45 A. H. 0.30 " 3.50 p. . 4.43 f. M, Ypsilanti, 5.05 " 6-55 " 4.15 " 6.00 " Ar. Detroit, 6.06 " Sr15 " &A0 " 0.20 " Train do not stop atstations whereflgurefiareomitteHin the table. Trainsconnectat Detroit with theGreat Western and Graad Trunk Kailwajs of Canada, and tie Detroit and Toledo, anl Detroit and Jtilwaukee Jiallroads, and Cleveland Steamers. At thtCompany'n Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chicago, Joliot,and iJifayette, throiiRh tickets can bu purchased toan the principal cities and towns n tlie United States and ('anada.s, LUXÜRIOUS SI.ERP1NG CARR u,pon all nlght train. Ruttan's celebrated Ventilatinp: Apnaratus npon all day train? - the best duKt preven tative In nie. R S. RTCK,(ieneral Superintendent. M. f. R. B. Offlc.f, April 1T. 1SW. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. THE GKEAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BÜCHU. ÏHE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BÜCHU. TUK GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD-S EXTRACT BUCHU. THE GREAT DIURETIC. Anda Positiv and Speciflc Remedy for Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness. And all diseases of the Urinary Organs. Seo Advertisement in another Co lumn. Cut it out, and send for the Medicine at once. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. 2m908. S-T-1860- X. DHAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. Tbey punfy, strengthen and invigorate. They créate a healthy appetite. They arean antidote to change of water and diet. They overeóme efïects of diasipation and late hours. They strengtben the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. They cure Llver Complatnt and NervouBHeadache. They are the best bitters in tho world , They makt the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the celebrated Calisaya Bark, roots and herba, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate perrons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, DruggistH, Hotels and Saloons. P. H. Drakefc Co. 202 Broadway. New York. 6mH94 LYON'S KATflAIRON. Kathairon is from the Greek word, ''Kathro," or "Kathaïro," nignifying to cleanse, rejuvinate and restore. This article i3 what its n iineigni(ies. For preserving, restoring and beautifying the human hair it is the most remarkaWe preparation in the world. It is again owned and put up by the original proprietor, and Ís now made with' the name care, skill and attention which gave it aBaleof over one million bottlea per anQura. It is a roost delightful Uair Dressing. It eraciciitea scurf and daudrutT. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy . It prevenís the hair from faUingoffand turning gray It restores huir upon buil heads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair should use Lyon's Katharion. It ia known and uBedthroughout the civilized world. Sold by all respectable dealers. 6m894 DKMAS S. BARNES & CO.j.Prop'rs, N. T. TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO-Xfl Mk. O. C.Bbistol a diatinguished and Druggist of the ci'y of Buffalo, N, Y.( nvented and inanufactured a compound known as BRISTOL'S BALHAM OF HOARHOUND, which ia a perfect sritciFiC for joUGns, cotns, or any broncuiai. or i.uxc difficcltjes arising from damp, cold, or sudden change of the weather. Every person who has ever taken BRISTOL'S BALSAM OF HOARHOUND, pronounces it the b.t article ever nvented ; and a"o justly celebrated has it becomfi, that the market is already full of imitations, counterfeits, and most dangeroua compounls, under the name of Balsam of Hoarhound, Therefore, alwayv be careful to cali for Bristoi'a Balsam, and see that his WRITTEN signature is on the outaide label of Ihe boitle. Mark. - Thia ínvaluable Medicine has been now eome twenty-one years before the public, and without any effort on the part of the proprietor, its sale has becoroe vcry extensive, and is claily increasing. Tho low price at which the Medicine ia sold (25 CENTS) enables ALL o partake of it- healing qualitiet. C. CROSBY, BUFFALO, N.Y. Sole manufacturer, to whom all orders should bE addressed. For sale byall respeetable druggists. Iyeow888 A CARD TO THE LA DIES. DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN riLLS FOK FEMALES. niallible in correctlng, regulating and removing all obatructions, from whatever cause, anü always succesaful as a preventive. The combination of ingrediente in Dr. Duponco's jolden Pilis for Females are perfectly harmHss. They ïave been used in the private practice of Dr. Duponco ver 30years,and thousands of latlies can testify to ,heir great and never failing success in almost every ase in correcting irre?ularities, relieving pninful and stressing menstruation, particularly at the change of ife. From fivf to ten pilLs will cure that common yet readful complaint, the Whites Nearly every female n the land suffers frem thia complaint. The above Pili has permanently curedthousands,and hey willcure jou ïfyou use thera. They can not harm pou; onthecontrary.they remove all obstructions, re torenature to its proper channel, and in vigora te the vhole syatem. Ladies whoae health will not permit an ncrease of family, will iind these pUU socoeaaful treventive. Inrties peculiarly Rituated. or those suposing themselves po, should not use those Pilis during .he first three months, as they are certain to proJucemiscarriage, "after which admonition" the proprietor assumes no responsibility, although their mildïess will prevent an injury to health. The ingrediënt composïng the above Pilis are nade known to every Afffnt and they will teil you they are safe and will perorm all claimed íor them. Price $1 pr box áold in ANN ARBOR, by fc W. A.HUNT.DruRisist. Ladies living at a disUnce by sending them $1,00 hrough the Ann Arbor l'ostofflce, can have the Pilis ent (confldentially) by mail, to any part of the counry f ree of poatag. N. B.- Beware of a base counterfett of thete Puls. - fou can buy the counterfeit article at any pricefrom 25 0 76 cents a box (dear at tliat) . LIDIES your live and lealth are of too much Talue to be trifled with, besides jeine imposed upon with a worthless article. Therefore, my one offering you these l'ills for lesa than íl a box, ivoidthem asyouwould poison. They are bogus. None iregenuine unlcss the name of S. D. HOWE is on every jox which ha recently been added, on account of the 'illsbeinecouterfeited. Sold also, by S K1NNE 5MITH, Ypsilanti. BI.ISS Í! BEEBE Jackson, ndbv one drugcist in every village and city n the Jnitea States, andby KARRAND,SHEELEY& CO..Genral State Agents, Detroit. S. D HOWE, SolcProprietor, 867yrs2 New York. i - AGOOD TREE IÖ KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT. So is a good Physician by his Buccessful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THE GREAT AND CELEBRATED PHYSIUIAN OF THE THROAT.LUNGS AND CHEST, Known all over the countr; as the Celebrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! "rom South America, will be at bis rooms, RUbSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, 5nthel8th and 19th inst. , on the same date of and very subsequent mooth during 1802 and 1863, A NEAT PAMPHLKT Df the life,study and extensive travels of Dr. Lyons an be procured by all whodesireone, free of cbarce. Dr. L will visit Ann Arbor, Jackson, and Adrián, Vltch., as follows : Ann Arbor, Monitor House, 20th. Jackson, Hibbard House, 21st Adrián, Brackett H use, 2'd and 23J. ModkofExamixation.- The Doctor disceros diseasss y the eyes . He, tlicrefore, asks no quetionR nor reilres patients to explain symptoros. Afllicled, cerne mdhave your symptoms and the location of your disHeeexplained free of charge. HEIMSTREETS Inimitable Hair Restorative. IT IS NOT A DYE, ïut restores gray hair to its original color, by supptyng the capillary tubB with natural sustenance, impaired by ape or discase All inftantaneous dycê are :omposed of lunar caustic, destroying the vitality and eauty of the hair, and afford of themaelves no dressng. Heimstrññtrs Inimitable Ooloring not only restores hair to its natural color by an cay process, but gives he hair a Tuxurlant Benul y, iromotes its growth, prevenís tu failing off, eradicates Jandruff, and imparts healtb and pleasantness to the lend. It hasstood the test of time, being the original lair Coloring, and ia constantly increasing in favor. Jsed by both gentleman ana ladie. It is roW byall espectable dealers, orean be procured by them of tl-i .ommtrcial agents, II. S, Bay nes k Co. 2Q2 Broadway Vew-York. Two sirea, 60 cents ai,d $1. 6m91 ET TOBACCO- Tou enn buy the best gradea of FINE CHEWING TOBACCO at rom 50 cen;B to One Dollar. ' SMOKING from fourleen to twenty cents fit M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE Sign - Red Indian. South eide Hurón street, , 1 few doorn from jQook'i HoteJ. I M. DEVANT. ! Ann Arbor, Doe. 11, 1862. B83j,f t i Ayer's Cathartic Pilla LAND WARRANTS, GOLD, Sil ver, Canada AND DEMAND NOTES, wantcd by MILLER DA VIS & WEBSTER, BANKEHS. Ann Arbor, June 4, 1863. 4WJOT. Dissoiiition Jotice. mHE FIRM OF CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO., was dissolTed Ajanuarv lfi, 1868, by mutual consent. C. A. Chapín and A. B. Wood will settle theaccounta of the firm. C. A. Chapi.v, A. R Wood, V. CniPix, E. WsLts. Ann Arbor, June 24, 1863. Copartnership. TTE UNDERSIGNED entered into partnership Jan. 16,1863, by tho flrm name of Chapín & Co., and will continue the business of manufacturing printing and wrappinff paper. C. A. Chapín, N. Chípin, V. Chapín. Ann Arbor, June 24, 1863. 910tf. "NOSE S."- Their Significance.- Ulustrated witli engravings of the Roman, Grecian, índian, Negro, Celestial, Aqueline, Turn-up, and Pug Nosestwith the character revealed by eacta. Kyks - blue, black, orgray. - tliin and pale, or full and red, prim or pouting, scolding Or loving. Mouto - large or snlall. Haib - llght or dark, coarse or fine, straight or curly Cueeks - thin or plurap, pale or colored. Tgkth - regular or irregular. Earp - largeor smal). Neck - long or short. Skin - rough or smooth. All to be amply Ulastrated with engravings. The walk, talk, laagh au voice, all indícate character. We may know an honi'st face from a dichones! one, and we will show how. liesides the above, we shail treat on KTHNOLoGY.or the Natural History of Man; of Phtsiology, and the Laws of I.ife and Health ; of Phy8lOG.OMY,or Sigos of Character, iind how to read thern; of PHRENOI.OOY, tlie Phllosophy of Mind ; and of PsYchology, the Science of the Soul Man, with refereuce to all his relations of life. aocial, intellectuRl, and spiritual, and what eflch can do b"st, will be eluci'lated In the PHREXOLOGICAL JOURN'AI. AND LIFE II.l.USTRATED. New volume cnimencos July lt. A handflome quarto, monthly, at only $1.50 a year. Sample numbers, 15 cents. Please address FOWI.ER AND WKLLS, 303 Broadway, New York. 3w907 J . The peculiar taint or 'VsQfU _ƒ■ infection which we cali iLjjÍ {% Scrofula lurks ia TJ V?. 'ie constitutions of 2 S Jlfer mu''''t"'es f men. It 'TSÊmM e't'lcr produces or 3 mSvv Pro(l"ccl '.v nn cn" -iSSNgLSj iecblcd, vitiated state fiLLS3bgpS$IVtof the blood, wherein BwB }i8'tliat fluil Recomes inJïèSSm í' jáYwsÍcomPctent to s"sta'i ffiíKyiR. ísKffiilJ'''" vita' f'0ITCS '" their JP;iM?bL" ,1 Swffi'1 v'""r"'r"1 action, and S!ceÍLBl leaves the system to ïi L SSèC'f'1" 'nto disorder and ""v: - decay. The scrofulons contamination ivariously caused by mercurial disease, low livinp;, disordered digestión from unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy haliits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending "fromparents to c!;ildren unto the tliird and fourtli peneration ; " indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, " I will visit tho iniquities of the fathers upon their children." The discasos which it originates take various names, according to the organs it attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption ; in the glands, swellings which ■nppurate and become ulcerous sores ; in the Btomach and boivels, derangements which produce indigestión, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on tho skin, eruptive and cutaneoua affections. These all liaving the same origin, require the same remedy, viz. purification and invigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corruptcd blood, you cannot have health ; with that " life of thé flesh " bealthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayor's Sar sap ar illa is compounded from the most effectnal antidotes that medical science has discovered for this afBicting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far superior to uiy other remedy yet devised, is known by all (rho have given it a trial. That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect apon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and rernarkablo cures it has made of , the following diseases : King's Evil Or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Ernp. tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Eryúpelas, Roso or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposite in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, ! Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Syphilis and Byphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in Ayer's American A.LMANAC, which is furnished to the druggists Tor gratuitous distribution, wherein may bo learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkablo cures which it has made when til other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader may have access to some one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far more subject to disease i and its fatal results than are healthy constitutions. Henee it tends to shorten, and does ïreatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast impor?íee of these eoRsiuerations hefi lerl us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This re now offer to the public under the name of A.teb's Sabsapakilla, nlthough it is romposed of ingredients, some of which exceed tho best of Sarsaparilla in alterativo power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the suffering and danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blood ; purge out tho causes of disease, and rigorous health will follow. By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus cxpels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceived by many compounds of Sarsaparitla, that promised rnueh and did nothing ; but they will neither be deccived nor disappointed it this lts virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence Cor the cure of the afflicting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same Dame, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more effectual than any other which hag over been availablo to them, ATTEB'S CHERRY PECTORAL, The "World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Oolds, Incipiont ConBumption, and fbr the relief ] of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. i This has been so long used and so oniversally known, that we need do no more than sssure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may bo relied on to do all it has ever done. Preparad by Dk. J. C. Ayeb & Co., Practical and Analylical Chtm$tt, Lowell, Mftsa. Sold by all druggists everywhera. ble.u81.N8 ; Wli.sov, Ann Arbor, 15. SAMSON, rp-ilanti, A HWINU, Dexter, WHEÜDON & JIATCH, :Uieliief WTiolesaleby FARRANPSHEUSY 4tCo, Dobrult. C. F.. COBURM, Travelling Agent. DUTCHEK'S LIGIITNING FLY'KILLEE SappiiM a wnnt feit, by evnryood lionsekcoper. Every theet will kill a quftit whcre ilios arp. tliick ïemerabtr . ihat it is nUTOHfclVS thnt fines this, nnil refuse the ÖBRfi m'tntionslhat nrcoffererl. The al aïhele is for iale by all rfcHjieptable DruggiatR, 8wi:0S. Ayer Cherry Pectoral. P. B AC H Is now reciving J LARGE STOCK! -ofNew Spring Goods, BOUGHT FOT? CASH Since the Late Fall, AND WILL BE 80LD i VEKYLOWFORCASH. Cali and See ! 1STEW BOOT SHOE 6S3 &f CDLS23JB3 N. B. COLE, (Successor to Moore k Loomis.) has opened a store in 1 FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, fam street, Ann Arbor, and haa on hand a large sortment of BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS, ! manufactured from the best material and warranted to 1 give saüafaction, coofiisting of MEN'S KIP, OALP AÍÍD THICK BOOTS, DOÜBLE SOLED s MENS BUFFALO OVÍéSHOES, ! of all dcflcriptious. ' LADIES GrAJTTRS, Morocco Bootees, Balmorals, Feit Overshoei, and jj Rubber. Alm. i Boy's Kip, CaJf & Tlilck Boots, ' togetherwith a variety of CHILDKEN & YOUTH'S SHOES. i I urn also Manufacturlug }l WAERANTED BOOTS & SHOES. f Men's Fine Frenen Calf Boots " l'egged and Sewed. GiTe me cali bcfore purchasing elsewhere. I will ;e]l my noods cheap for cash. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE AND ON SHORT NOTICE. . . . N.B.COLE. Anu Arbor, Jan. 13th, 1863. 887tf 1863. May. 1863. isTTTj i SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. í i AT TIIB í i j "Old Corner!" j I am now reoeiving a well SELECTED STOCK OF IMEW GOODS, POR THB Spring and Summer Trade, CONS1STINO OP STAPLE DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, TEIMMINGS, SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRTS, BOOTS AND SHOES, i NOTIONS, &c, &c. í Also a full assortraent of Family Groceries! ü] of whioh were bought low and are to be SOLD CHEAP FOR CASE. The highest Market price paid for "WW O O X 2 . . V v f C. B. THOMPSON. A.t tl) 6 Farmers' Ney Csh Store, Corner of Maio an.d WaBhjngtor, sta, t (904tf) Apo Arbor. TUS American Agency, No. 240 Broadway, New York. Claims of all kinds against Llic General Government State Uovernmenr, the City, or private parties, prosocuted and collected at my cipense andrUk Against private partiea I possess superior facilitiea for collectinuclairaaevcrywhere in the United State and Canada, rolieviug merchants, asaignees, bBnkers, andothers, of the caie and all responsibiüty . Special attentlon given to old debts, hard casta d vorzan, wills, estafes, etc. Being familiar witti all the detailsof the " Int mal Rcvenue Law," I willattend promptly to the collection of drawbacks, and taxe ovorpaid through ignorauce of the law. Soldiers' pensions ,pay, and bounty aecured forthem ortheirheir. For that purpose, and for prosecuting claims against the Government, I have a branch office at Washington. No charge made unless claims are col lected. All soldiers dischïirged by reason of wounds- however short the timethey have served- are entitled to One Htindred Dollars Bounty. All soldiers bavingserved twoyears,nre entitled to the same. The highest market prico will be paid for soldiers' claims, and other demands againat the General [jovernment. Information and opinions given, and nvcstigation made without charge, upon claims proposedto be placed in my hands. For particulars, address H. HUNTINGTON LEE, 900tf Xo, 240 Broadway, N. Y TPIIE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES -- WILL be for the Heaüj.g of the NationB. Bible. Prof. n. O LTOWS rilROAl , LUN'GS, HEAKT, LIVHR AND THE BLOOD, Known all over the country as the CKI.KBRATED risriDiA.isriiEiiB dootob-i Uf 28.' Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Will visit the following places, viz APrOIVTMENTFOIU8„2, 1863andl804 rof R. J. Lyonscan be consulted at the fnílowine jlacesuvery montli, viz: nowing Detroit Hussel House, each month, lsthand 19th Ann Arbor, Monitor House, each month 20th Jackson.hibbard House, each month 21 Toledo óïrnClrt,.H0U,f' each mOnth iadBil, nd Mth'. ' Hoise.each month, S4th, S5th, HilUale,Mich.,IIills,lale House, each month 27th L3& Süuthern "'"" "-" - SS Elkhart Klkhart House, each month, 29th. South Bend.Ind., St.Jo. Hotel, each month, 30 Importe, Ind., Tee Garden House, each month 31 t .nJmn ' ' d0UKXChangl'' each month, 7th MansáoM, Ohio, VTiler House, each month, 9th and Mt. Vernon, Kenyon House, each month, llth and [4Newark, Ohio, Holton House, each month, 13th and l'ainesville.Ohio, Cowles House, each month 4th CLLVKLAND, OHIO. REsioFNOK AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET, Kast of the public square, opposite the Pcto!Be' Jfflce dayaeach month, Int, 3d, 4th, 5th (th l".h - 3fflc ihour from a. M. to 12 M. and from 2 1.M 'to 11'. M.' M iWMaximsstrictlyadhered to- ■' . I give such balmas have no strife With nature or the Iaws of life ' With blood my hands I never stáin Norpolson men toeasetheirpaln. rit is a phynctan indeed, ivho Cures The Indiun Her.. Doctor. R. J. LY0N8, cures the tolxTsU.nw'T"1'"1'' 'n 'he mSt obstiLate sta8es uf theit DiseasesoftheThroat, Lungs, Heart, I.iver, Stomich , Dropsy in tlie Chest, Rheumatism , Neuralgia Fits ■ rtallinKSickness, and all other nervousderangements Usoalldiseasesof the blood, such asScrulula Krvsin. las. Cancera. Fever Sores, Leprosy, and all other comHicateci chronic complaints. All forms of femnle difflculties attended to with the ïappiest resulta. It is hoped that no one will deapair of a cure until hey hare given the Indian Herb Doctor's Medicines a H.randfailhfiil trial. flaDuring the Doctor', travis in Kurope, West Indies, South America, and the Jnited States, he has boen the instrument in God's .and. to restore to health ;ind vigor thousands who rere given upan.lpronounced incurable by die most minentold school physicians; nay, more, thousands fhoivereonthe verge of the grave, livine aonnmsota to the Indii.n Herb's Dóctor's skill nnd uccessfu 1 treatment ,and are daily "Bles etl bethpday when first e saw and partouk of the ndiahHerb Doctor's medicine." .-atislactory referenoesof cares will be gladly and heerfully given u henever required. The Doctor pledges bis word and honor, that he will n no wise.directlyor ndirectly, induce or cause any nvahd to take his medicine without Ihe strongest nrob blllty of a cure. Mode of amina tíon, which ia entirely different roin the faculty. Dr. I.yon professes to d'iscern dieases by the eye. Ho therefore asks noquestions nor ocshe require patientto explain symptoms. Callone ,nd all, ind have thefij'mptoms and location of your iisease explainedfree of charge. J-riie poor lm 11 be liberally considered. S-Postofflceaddresn, box 2C(Í3. R. J. LYOXS.M. !■. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. Ï5, 1862. ly88O WONDERFUL SUCCESS. ff" The attenticm and research of the most d'Siüguished Chemists and IMiysicians for years have leen devoted to the production of a remedy for these noat distressing maladies NEfHArGiAand fter long study and many experiments, a epcnñc 'reparation has been discovered. WATSON 'S Neuralgia íinpr, an Internal Remedy ,n curing thousands of e;iMs vhere all other remedies have utterly failed. We are issuredthatit is no mere " ANODYNK," reheving for he moment whlletho cause remains, but is a perfect jPKCIFICand CL'RE for those painful diseases. The -ast number of Lfniments, Embrocalions and Esternal Medicines, wliich act as stimulants of the surface only, ire mercly temporal v in their eiiects and of doubtluí ■irtue The NEURALGIA KINÜ reachea the source of illtroiible, and effetually banishes the disease from hesystem. Price- One Dollar per Bottle. Prepared by C. R. WALKER, Iy887 BuiTalo,N. Y., and Fort Erie, C. W. jFAIRBAÑ3P ljl Standard LSCALES! UPËÊpill} 0F ALL KINDS. &ESigíjgBSf% AUo, Warehoiat Trucks, Letter Presses, tfc, Fairfoanks, Greenleaf & Co., 172 Lake Street, Chicago. Sold in Detroit by CAKRAND &SHEIJT5Y. tyBe oareful to buy only the genuine.- 88öyl Toba eco ! Tobacco ! I AM SEI.L1NG 300D FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO At from Fifly cents to $1 per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, From 1 (■ cents to 20 cents jier pounè at relail, M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec.17, 1862. 883tf ISTEWGÖÖDST FOR Spring Trade f ara iiow recpiving au entire X xr Stock of 3TAPLE AND FANOY DRY GOODS 3T11AW GOODS CHOICE GROQRIES fco., B0YERS ■WITH CASH IN HAND iré particularly invited lo esfumine my Soek )f ■itlN'TS, SHEKTISGS, DENI.Vg, BTRH B SH1RTINO8. TICKIN'liS and all DOM1CSTIC (,'OODS UI bought for NET (ASH the IDeolino Xix C3-olc3. ANDRUMORED F ALL OF CHARLESTON, JOON H. MAYNARD. Ann Arhor, April 2?ntl 1P0T. Trusses ! RUPTURE CAN BE CURKD BY A TRUSS of the rigbt kind, if prnperly fiiled nnd duly attondod :io 'his bas b?n abundantly deraonstriitorl in funumera ile fnstances by theubebfthe JUulUpccIal Ti-uss f Dr. !ï i--s, dunne: the lust few years. Thís Truss eing coveicd with Hard Hubbtr, is pwföctlT WEt6r roof, mfiy be uscd ïq bathin, and is alwiiys cleanly U rell as indestructible by ordinary usage, lf not Rntisie tor y Hfter a fair trml of sixty d.ayf, it roay bc r urned. It challenge comiaii -on with auy fcrut-f Dr. RIGGR' Office, No. 2 IÏARCIY Htret, Newrnrk. 8S5tf Dissolution Notice, TTTE FIRM nt linnt and Lnring liai thin [ny Uso1t3 X by mutual consent. All u nao tl led accMintn will nsrpaiterbr Rsttied by Mr. Barnes Loiinjj, successor to h Pi-m of Hunt anj Lering. W. A. HTTNT. 907wfï BARNES LOTUN'O. PAIN CURED! EADWAY'S READY RELIEF l.i the most important medicinal curatiVc- for the intmediale relief of the suflerer- -of all varielies ofPAlVS, ACHES and JNFIRMITIES, and the prompt c.urp of th sick wliere PAIN, either internal or externai, is a coiicoirúiaii t of tho disenso, that has over been ülscovrd. Ii A FEW MINUTES After (he application of the KKADY RELIEF externa] ly,or iuadininistration intürually, the patiout-seiiwd wilh tho most exoniciating PAINS, ACHES, CRAMI'S, KHEU II ATISM, NEURALGIA, GOUT, LUMBAGO, FEVER AND ACUE, aPASkS, SORK 'IIIROAT, INFLÜKNZA, DIFrHERU.CON&ESriON or INKLAIÜUTION, will u(oy easu and comfort. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF o%jeS pafor to adtniuister, and wit stop pain quicktr, J'K than all proparattiim of Opium, Horphiiie, VerafL) trine, Hyoát;iamu3f Árnica, Valonan, Chloroform es or Kthur, under whatever ñamo diistingunbed ; either Linimento, Pain Killers or Soothing Lali'm3t which roerely suspends the feelinr of pain by benumbing th liercojitivo fjculties mul kil l ing thenervex. The surgwon &■ ministers Chloroform, 0[ium,&c , to ronder insirwll the nervefl of perception- KADWAY'S RUADY REUKF btops the most lïxcruciutiüg pain, and securoé tho p-tni tlicfull poesession of h i-i Beoses. Thm.-i themily remad y i i general use will stop pain, BO quick, that i fro froin Opium, Morph'no, or houio otber kiudred druf, hurtful tJ the general heulth. BX3 WXSE TSR TIME. Guard against sickue-53. Oq Iho flrst liidfcKtitifl of paii or iiiieaMiiess, if in tho STOMACH or BoYVKLS, tako a teaspoonful of tho READY RELIEF ia a wint glass of wnter. ]f in tho UMB, JOINTS, HKA1), TEtHOAT, CHEöT, BACK, or oth'r part of the body. apply tho RkLIEF KrfnouuUT - in a few minute all paiii and discomfort wiU cave, 'i'lúi Sunple applicatiun m:iy break up a formidabU' distase. It U mucïi oasler to prevent disca-jo than to cure il, . WEALTH FOR THE POOR. MËAITH Is tlio working man'.s ciipital Ttiö pöör man can ill atlortl tu bear tüo UurdonH offidcIiossorpayd.Ktor'dbills. ON'ETWIC.NTY F1VB CENT BOLTtJCOF RADWAY'SRKA'OY KEUEF will, i f Kick, euro hini(iuicli,and enablo bimlo resumo hii labors withouiloss of time - aud,if usod whon pain ij firH expertenccd, willstop it iramo'iiatüly. Keep tuis Remwdy always in tho house, and use it wben you foei paiu ; yu wiU not lose ouü day in a yoar by sickucas. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS And otbers, re.íiding in sparso!y.uett!ed districis, wber it il dilüeul'. to securo tliü services of a phytííoian, KADWAY' j RK VUY K1ÍU1-J? id Invaloable. It cm b usetl with positive assurance of doinj; good in all c&iet wlieropa.Tior discomfurt is cxpcriencpd, orif teistdwitb INKLUKNZA, IiIITHERIA. SORE THROAT, BAU OOOGHS. HU RÍRNES, IÍII.IOUS CHOUC, INTLAMHATIN OF THB BOWEL3, STOM ACH, LÜNG3, l.IVKR, KIDN'EVS, or with SMAIX l'OX, PCAHI.ET FKVEK, MEASLES, TYPHOID FJ5VEB, WUOUS KEVER, FKV R AND AGUR, or with NEURALGIA, HEAJ) ACHE, TIC DOLORF.UX, TOOTHACHE, EARACHE, or wilh LUHBAGO, PAI.V IN THE BACK or RHEUMATISM, or with DIARRHCEA, CHOLKRA MORRIM or BYSENTERY, or with BUUN3. PCAI.I1S or BKUISBS, or with S-TKAIN'.-l, CHaSÍP or SPASM8 The application of ñADWAT'9 READY REI.tKF vñl cure you of the worst of tuoso Conplaiots In a few hours. RHE TJMi ATISM. yyIUS paiüful diseaso has bafQcd the most sküful 'vi' pliysiciana ani popular remedies. It 11 tba ma-4 GlJV difflcult of diseaea to treat- yet HADWAY'3 JK IÏF.ADY REUEFbasnoverfailed inaffirdiug tiamediato relief to tbosufferer : aud in all cases of Aut, Iüüimmatory or Nervous Rneumatism, to effoct % prmanent euro. (In Chronic Rheumatisra and Gout, RADWAY'S CLEANSING SYRDP, called Rmovaiing R+ tolvent, should be taken tu au adjunct with tua KKAIiT KIüJEF.) ACUTE CHRONIC EHEUMATISM. Tlio following is wrilten by th woll knowa correapwudent of tho New York Herald, I)ndon Times (England), New Orleana Picayano, Delta, Charioaton Marcury, 4. ; WM. SIDNEY MYERS, ESQ f HAVANA, CUBA. Hava-N-a, Cuba, Jau. 2, JSÖ&. Mestrt. Radway & Co. : Gentlemen - Ihavobeon fisufferer frora Acuto Chrwild; Ehcumatism for the last twenty years of my Jifb ; my suITeriugs during that period , nciLhor tougno uor pen cut express. I havo spent a liitle fortune ou Doctors' billa. without doriving my substantial benefit, llecently I batí ono of my frequent periodical attacks. I waa very til for a week, and had not stopt an hour ut any ono timo. A Spanish frierid, to whom I rolatod ïny siiOeritigs, Iol4 me ho had a remedy whir.h wou l il givo me relief, and' ho kindly preseulcd me with a bottío of " RADWAV3 RKAUY RhIJEF." AlthoughskeRtical of deriving auQdrantago fiom its use, i that nigiit applied it f.wlf on going to bed, and, to my great amazement, feit r lioved , and slept sound ty. Tho next nigiit I agalu applle4 the Kkadt Kelief, and awoko in tho moruing fre frow pain, having ouly used about half tho bottlo. Heartily do I return Vou my humblo acknowl4gtnents for your invaluublo medicine, wliich niay wU U called " a blessing to ; Tbanking you, from my bouI , for your womierful rml 4 l bav tUO lioüor to subscriha myself, Yours. rospsö, W. SIDNEY MYKRS NEUE A.3LGI A.. TIC DOLOREUX, TOOTH-ACHE, FACEACHE, SHARP SUDDEN TAINS. Persons snfforíng with Neuralgia experienco the acm of excruciating pain. The paroxysms aro sharp, auddon f plunging, stabbing, luduced inetautly- Uko an oloctri Bhoclc. MADWAY'S READY RKLTKF Í3 tbo only remetí? hithertoknown, that willafïbrd inirnodiateroliof to thoso who suffer with tuis torturiot? Com plaiut. (In cases of chronic Neuralgia, tho cU-ausi.ig Syrup, culled RENOVATING RE301.VENT, will expodito the cure.) In recent attacks, tho RKADY KELIEF, appliod extcrnally to tlio parta whnre the p iin ttrihts, and a teaspoonful of KKLTEF to a wino giaas of water, when tho paroxysma appear, will effecta euro. HOW TO CUH.S A BAD COLB BETWi'KN BKD-TI5ÍE AND SüNRISE. If seizcd with SOUK THROATt II'ar3enos3 Bad Congh, (UfQcuiL Rreathing, Heud-acho, Watery Dischar(e3 f,ron lbo Noso and Eyea, Paiu in tho Back and Joints, 4c.t batho lbo Ihroat, Clicyt, Road und Joyiü with th ÜEADY KFJ.11.F, hitI Mq a HOT READY REUSF SliING, Py adding to half a Uimbler vt hot water, Rwoeteniï w.iUx Rugar, a (tcssoit-spoo:ifiil of HADWaY'S RfiAOI? RELIEK, and drink Litis on going to bed. In a few minuien yon wIM pecspire freoly, slcp soumiiy, and' wake in iho morniug curod of your cuid. (From the Chrisiian Attvoca'e.) 0 Wö beg to prf'sent to the readers of the AdvncaU Ihe followiug letter addressed tJi Dr. Hadway. Letthos affliutod wi WKAK LUNG:S ANDTHKKATKNED WIl'H CONSÜMPTIOX, raad 'i;he.vritor, Mr. JAMES SA;ii, well küuwn va IicniGAwas a wpular hotel-kooper." MEMPFWf, llacomb Co., Micb., Sept. 4, 1803. PR, Radwat- DearSir:-A]Mnl four yoara sinc, I w very mnch aflfocted with DI3$AgLD l.UNtiS. My friend thoughtAad ihe Consumptton. I wa-i ontirely uuiU f' huiness, raised blond, aud had every bymptom of ih ■ abovo fatal diáoase. üuenight.on going to bod(lthoughl I would lako a Bweut, and toolc ynur Rkady Hhjv (in hot water) ts a stimiilaut to sweatmp. It did io. Tho porspira'iiii was of a sliaiy nuh-tance, and offonulT ■ Bmell. I l'ollowed la. ing tho Iírady Hkli-f everr oltaerv night for Tour weoks.und at iho end of tli a limo wm entirolv wnll.. ThU is a truo bttement of fcti, .whiohf-if wilfteatify to under oath. Tourfi, etc,, JAMlS SAGE, Sage' ilotcl, MomphiMkh FEVER AND AGTJB. A tabla-spoonfu! of RADWAY'ri RKADY KKUEF, in a tumblur of water, taken tivery inorning bofore breakfast, will prevent attack? of Fever and Aguo, if expod to U malaria. If seized wiüi this comlaint, tako th samo dosc, and batho tho Hcad, Nock, Hndi and Spine ono hour boforo tho Cliills nro cxpcted ; thi wlUÏ break vip and euro tho wor t forni3 of Ague. ' '■ ; í&n. PwVDWAV rívos vou, for 2S„cent,ii mínJloín -lyffi th it wiü provo iu'cnicacy in a few hours, and fQR euro you i fcki disoase that,uuder thoordiuarx dAJr trcuMiR'nt oL plïysiuiaus, would lay you up,forv thty-, weeks and tnoulhs. í-eo that evory botile i completo ffhen you purch:ise, and purchaso no READY KELIEE unless tnti fac simiie signaturo of RADWAY ie, CO. U ou tho outíiíio label ;nd tb.e naiqe of RADWAY & CO. b' on tiio rIhss of oach'bottle. IT i yo!-ï BY 'lFtt;GISTS aN'd sToRE-KFFTERS TS EVFRY VUJ:a;E ANU TUWN l.V THE UNU'ED STATBS AÜD CANADA BDWAY & CO., fe7 Malden Iaho, N. Y. For Snle by STEBIUNÖ& WILSON Ayer's Cherry Pectoral


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Michigan Argus