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S==OÜNTYBIBLB SOCIETY. rvFPOirOP.y of Bible and Testamenta at the So Jj ciety pnces at W. C Vuorheis'. ?rT" t. d. tooker." nK3fTOM PHOTOGRAPHER. Exchange Block, Ann Pifbor, Michigan. ___ " JUT WATTS & BH O. VALERS in Clor.ks, Watches, J-welry anl Silvcr J) f are Block, Ann Arbor. " C BLISS. tneU.ER in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silver l) WareNo.22, New Block, Anu Arbrr C. H. MILLEN. TSiIiKR1 By GooJs, Groceries, Crookery, &c. ie. JJ Mainitreet, Ann Ai bof. BACH & PIERSON. TEALEKS m Dry Oood,Orocle Haplware, Boots _J Shoes, fee, Main st., Ann Arbnr. ' " O. COLLIER. MANUFACTURÉIS and dealer in Boots an-1 Slioes, one door north of the Pos O:fice. ' N. H. COLE. DEALER in Boots & Shoes, Rubbers, kc Franklin Bloct, Main Street, Ann irbor KÏSDON & HENDEll.-ON. DEAI.BR3 ín HmU-aro BtWl, fciiM f-.irnisliing 5oo Is, TinW.iru. kt , kc , New Blonk, lijm st. Z O.C. SPAFFORD. MASÜFACTUKtK of 11 kmrfs of Cooojier Work , Citï Couper Shop. Cutm ivork doue on i,hort notice. Detroit Street, Ann Aitor. A. J. SUTHERLAND, AGEMTfor the New York Life lnsurauce Compnnv. O.Ice on Hurón street AUo has on hand ü stock uf the raojt approio I sewing machines. 88ltf ' GEORGE FISCHER. MEAT MARKET- Hurón Street-(íeneral dealpr in Fresb and Sall Meats, Bief, Mutton, I'ork, Haros, Poultry, Urd, Tallow, kc kc. SCUOFF & MÍLLER. DEALERS 'n Miscellaneous, School aüd Blank Books. Statiuoery , Paper Hangings , Sc. , llain st. , franklin Block 11IRAM J. BEAKES ATTORNEY and Counsellor atLaw. ..nd Sulicitor in . Chancery. OSee ín Oltj Hall Diock, over Webiter's Bnok S:ore. VM. LEWIÏT, M. D. PHVSICMN an.l Surgeon. Office ut his residenee, nortli ide of Huron „treet. and second house west of Dimisión street. M. GUITERMAN & 00. WHOLESALE and Itetail Dealers and Manufacturers ÜMdy-Kld Clothiug Imponers of Cloths, Cas iimeres, Doeskins, Sc, No. 5, Pooenix Bliick, Main st. ' VVM. VVAGNER. DEALER in Rearty Made Clothing, Clutbs, Cassimeres, and V..,tngs, U.its, Caps, TruDka, Carpei Bags, &c, Plioenix Block, .Main s treet. SLAWSON & GEER. pROCURS, ProTisionand Commission ilercliants, na U Dealers in Water Lime, L;iml I'ia.ler, and Plasttr üf Paris, onedo'ir eat oí Cook's Holel. T. B. FHEEMAN. BARBER and Fashionable Hair Dresser, Main street, Aan Arbor, Mich. H.iir front s anü Caris kept c-onstantly on hand. J. M SÜOTT. K MBROTYPE and Phntngraph Artisi , in tlie rooms A over Cainpiou'g Clotuiug alore, Phoeuix Block. Perfect satisfa.ttoDgiven. W. WEEKS. SÜRVEYOR and Uivil Engineer, continúes to gíve imuiediate attention to all orders. Office a-t his resi dencenttlie cornerof Catherine and Thayer sts. 819;1 0. B. PORTER. SURGEON DENTIST. OSce Corner of Main and liaron treets, over B,ich & l'ierscn's Store. All calis promptly attend-d to Aprl859 J R. WEBSTER & CO. DEALERS in Uw and Medical Books School Books, lilaiik Books, Miscellaneous Books, pcug. ink. and ery varicty of SUUonery, Harun st. , City Hall Block. 0. B. 'ÏUOMPSON. DEALES ia Dry GoodaWd Grocerie. Boots and rfioes, 4c Proluce boulit and soU, at the old stand of ThompioQ ie Millen, Corner Main aud Washington sts. MACK & SOIIMID. DEALER-3 in Foreign and üoiuestic Dry Good. Groce ries. tl lts and L'aps, Boots and Öhoes. C'rockcry, 4c, Corner of Matu & I.ibi'rty st. O. A. KELLEÏ, DHOTOfiRAPilUK- Oornei Konrlh .; Huron streets. I Au i O. iraines an.l l'ii .tcijiraph Albuoi' t"Q!tantly on haud, and al lowcr ratea Uian can be íouoilelBfwhere. 1 ï 891 ANDREVV BRLL. OKALKR ia Grooericü, Provisions. Finar. Produces, Sc,, fce,, corner M.iin ;uul Wisbingion ötree , Anu Arljqp. 'f [ Itiglit'.st iiii,i!u:t piices Uc country I. O. O. F. WAStKKNAW Lolge. N 9, of the Independent O-der ot O Id r'elloivs meet at their l.oilgc Room,: írery Friday Kvening, at t % u'cluck. S. SivniíKiM. N. ti. P. B. Rose, Secy KfNGSLEY & MÓUGAN. ATrORNEVS, Uounsellora, g.jlioilur, and Nutaries t. Pjblic, luvo tíú.tk :mil PUUssnuwiní tilU-s ol al! UnU in tiio 'Imuiu'. anl utiiii-l to convoyaucinir uud lksttog '.eiinii N.and to payinfr taxefi and HCtlool in'erejtinany part of the átale. 0Ice east o f the pftrk. WilOIjEíALE and retail dealer i LunjllPr, La(h, S'nn;les, Saíb, Uoor. lilind, Water I, me, Jrand Ri'erWiister, bister Puna, and N.üls ofallÍK A fWl I pucfeit niorto}at uf the ivbove, ;.ii'l ai: other kialnof btUiag 'uaei-taU onhac"1 at the Jowej injsiblo ratos, on Detroit flt ., a few rodsfrojn the R-iiho-! Depot. Also operatiog fxtensively in the Psfcrat Oraent Rooínj;.


Old News
Michigan Argus