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Recruiting Veteran Volunteers

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KMI Dlil'AKTMF.NT, A DJ T UEN. 'B UTOC1, I Wa-iunctoN, June 28, 18C3. ƒ General Orders, No. - . For Recruitinq Veteran Volu.nteers. - Hrst: In order to itcre;ise tlie armies r.ow in tbe field, volunteer infantry, cavalry and rtilhry inay be enlistad at anj timo witliin ninety days from tliia date, in the espootivp States,, under the regulations ïereinafter inentioned. Tho volunteers o enüsted aid suftli of the tliree years foops ïiow in 1 1)0 field as mny re-enlist, in ceordancfi witii tho jirovi.-ions of thia order, will eonstifutc a forcé to be desigiated " Veteran Volunteers " The ílattons íor enlistmg tlus torce are aa 'ollows : Second: The poriod of service for tlio nlistmonts above mérítioned sball be for lirco years or nurinc1 the war. Tli rl: All ablt'-bodied uien between he agos of 18 and 45 years, who have leretoforo been enlisted, ind have aerved 'or not les than niiie nioi.ths. nd can ass tl'O exnmination rcquired by t lio nusteriog regfflatiofos of tlic United States, may be enli-'ted under this order as veteran volunteers in accoi dance with lie provisión Lcreinafter Bet forth. Fourth : Every volanteer enlisted and raustered fisto t lio pervice as a veteran mder tliis order shall bo entitled to receive froni the United Stiltes one month's )ny in advance, and a bounty and preüium rf $402, to be paid aa follows: lst. Upon being mustrred into service ie shall bp p:iid one monlh's pay In advance, thirteen dollars ; first iustallment of bonnty, twenty fivo dollars; premium wo dollars; total payment on nnister, 'orty dollars. 2d. At the first regular pay day, or wo motiths after mufter in. an additional DStallment óf bounty will be paid of ifty dollars. 3d At the first recular pay day, after iix inonths' service, he shall be paid an additional installment of fifty dollars. 4th. At the first rega'ar pay day, after the end of the first year's service, an additional installment of bounty will be paid- $50. 5th. At the first regular pay dny after eiiïhteen months-' service, i additional instnliient of bounty will be paid- $50. 6th At Ihe first regular pay day after two years' servies, an aélditional installment of bemnty wil! be paid - $50. 7t!i. At the first regular pay day after to and a half years' service an additional insTalïment öf bounty will b? 50. 8tb. At the expiration of tbree yeara' service the remainder of the bounty will be paid- $75. F'fth : If the governraent shall not require these troops for tho full period }f tbree years, and they shall be museve] honorably nut of tbe service before tho expiration of their enlistmont, tliey shall reeeive, upon being mustered out, tbe wbole amount of bounty remaining unpaid, the same as if tbe futí term had been served. The legal heirs of volunteers who die in service sball ho tntitlud to receive tbe wbole bounty remaining unpaid at tbe time of tbe soldier's death. Gth. Veteran voluntiers enlited undor tbis order wül be permittcd at tbeir option to enter old rogmients now in the field, but tlieir service wül continue for tbe fnll term of tbeir own enlistment noWáthstuhátng the expiration of tho term for whieh the regiment was originally enlisU-d. New organiza! ion -will be officercd only by persons who have been in service, and havo shown theroselves properly qualified for oommand. Ás a badge of honorable distinction, service chevrons will be furnished by the War Department, to be worn by the vaterau volnnteers. 7th. OfEcers of regirnents whose terms have expired, will bo authorized, on proper applic:ition and approval of their respective Governors, to raise oompaniea and regimenté witliin the penod of 60 days; and if the company or regiment authorized to be raised sliall be fiJéd úp and musterod inlo service witliin thesaid ptriod of 60 days, the ofticers inay bo reoommifigioned of the date of tlieir original comiiiissioiis, and for the time engfrged in recruiting, will be entitled to receive the psy belonging to their rank. Eiffkih : Volunteers or miiitia now in prrviro, whose term of service will expiro witliin ninety dv?, ai.d who sliall then Iiave been in service ut least nne inouths, thall be entitled to the nforesaid bouuty and premium of $402, provided they repnlist bofore the exiiiration nf this present term for three years, from date of re enlist ment or for the war, and said bounty and premium shall be paid in the munner lerein provided for other troops re-en:erinfï the eereiee. Ninth : Aftcr the expiration of ninety days from this dr,t', vn'ut;tceiB serving in 'three years' ori;anizatiutis, who may rf)-enlit for thrco ye;:r?, frnni tlie datoif such re cnüstmciits, or for the war, shall b'! ei titled to the aforesaid beunty and premium of 6102, to be pnid in thomannor hroin provided fur other troops reentering the service. Tenth : Oflictra in pervieo jrbctM regtment8 or companie.1 inay re enlist, in aecordanee with the provisions of this order, beforo the expira! ion of their present term. shall have their eommisrion oontiuuêd, SJ M to preservo their date of rank ps fixed by their original muster info the United States service. F.lerenlh : As soon after the e.Tpiration of their oiiginal term of eulistment as the exigencies of the service :.ñll permit, a furloucrh of thirty days wijl begranted to men who may ro enlifi n aecordanca with tho provisions of this nrdcr. Tteelfih : Voluntoera cnlisted under this order will bo aeoreditod asthreo vears' men in the nuotas of thoir jiective States. Instruciions for the appointniont of recruiting ofiicora and for onJiKtititf vcterai) volur.tocrs vrill be immedistdy isued to Ujo Governors of S'ates. By order of tlic Sfcretary of War. $, D TowsscNi), Afisist. Adj't Gen.


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