In this city, on llie 13th of July,CHARLlÈ N. P., only son of A. P. and Louisa M. Mills) aged 3 years and 18 days. " Gently and tenderiy lay him to rest, Tiny hands folded apon the white breast; Sunny eyes closing, their light is all fled : Straighten the darling limhs - Cbarlie is dead! Fold the robe closer about the still forrrf, 'ress the cold lips wbjch loves kiss cauit warm ; 'ears droplike ïain on the boaiitiful head, Vilil sobs are bursting, for Charlie is dead! "Dead to the wncping eyes watching him hereDead as ye follow beliiiul the black bier ; Darknessand silencc within the cold graye: Have ye forgotten the Hand which can save1! " Never like this hath thy mother-heart Wed Witb anguish that would not be comforted; No sorrow before but thy soul could say, 'Thy will be done, Fatlier, not mine, always!' 'Wait, mother, in patience! - God pitieth thee, Vnd watcbeth thy struggles all toiiderly L'ill at last from tliis fearful cloud shall shine A beautiful faith in bis love divine. 'He was needed there, in the home of light, Where liever is pain, and tliere is no night; fie is waiting thee mid the shining band Of the ransomed ones in the better land." Of his wonnds on the battle-field at Gettysburg, July 4th, FRED. A., second son of the late George Corselius, long connected wilh the press of this place. Fred. was a kind and thoughtful son and brother. He was a young man of more than ordinary abiüties, and his family and fviends looked fonvard to the time when his name wonld be ranked with the great ones of tbe land. Answering his country's cali for aid he enlisled as a private in Captain Clark's company, and never shrank from duty. AVhen the battle-cry was sounded he brarely faced the fire. fighting with almost superhuman strength, and received his mortal wound.- The last of three brothers to enlist he was the fitst to fall. A trae patriot, he yielded up his life for his country. In this City, on the 12th inst., after an illness of bnt two days, AUSTIN RILEY, ageè 77 years. Mr. Riley was one of onr most industrious, respected and worthy adopted citizens, a kind husbnnd and father, and a good neighbor.- lie leaves a large family - two sons being in the army- and to his family an unsullied name. Coji.
Old News
Michigan Argus
Fred A. Corselius
George Corselius