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HÏNIGSTE ÍfÍRisT H AU! SECOND AND LAST GMAHB CONCERT, By the Celebrated Artists Madame Charlotte Varían! The Favorite Prima Doñea, and Mr. Edward HofFman, The Distingnished Pianist. Tn ansffpr to repeated and urgent solicitáronte! m:inv citizens, the mnairer lias the horror to acncuuc! ft MOomd and pos.tively l;ist fonceit for thí síísod, with an entire ehange "f pregramme. l'rtiticulars n jirngrammrs. Tickets 50 cents. Reserve eats without extra cbsri Present English Opinión on the War and its issues. -A. LECTUEE will Ie ...-, i-i ,,-., n ihe CONGREGÁTIONAL CHÜRCH (ann aübor.) Monday Eve , July 20, 1863, BY Thomas Coates, For 9 years an EpgJísh nx'w.-ïpaper I'ublisher, SUBJECT = The turer's eïpérreniT! at Fnuv Mouths of Prïeori Life in Richnioml, Sis Days under Fire in the Weeli's FigM, State of ihe Federal Hospitah, and The present state of linglish Opinión on the War. ADMISSION. : : : 25 CENTS. Tickets to be had at the Book Storen, the News Dfp1 and at the door. The chair to be taken at 8 P. M, TESTIMONIÁIS FEOM M 1 0 II I G A T From. the Students af Ihe, White, Pigeon Branch $ƒ' Michigan Univirgity, We, Students of the White Pigeon Branuhoftbi Michi.Lran Un i-iorsi ty, do, with pteasure, recommemift-' friend and fellow-studtnt, Thoniafl Co4Éea, to tb con fidence and courtesy of every lover of lieving liim to possess a moro than oratnary ( tor aoquirlsa koowldge ; knowing, that ïjurmg ftttendance at this institution, he lias made rapid;: piOfreiBpnt in loarntng j that by his zeul and ener;. seldom eqaallfd, lie has pressed hiB way thraui.'Ii" merous d fíiculties,anil obtained by his personal eff' a respectable place among hia fellows. And byk; kind and generous deportment has won the esteem' lus assocíates. Henee we have no hesitation in sayinl unsolicited, these few words, hoping that thoy '"-,1 of servic to hïm by removing all grounds of d and facilítate his prosperity in wbatever he unde: tak es. Wm. T. Sackett, ROSWSI J). IMKKEÍ. C. A.TifOMfos, Wm. J. Üodfkot, J. II Rowk', K.Hbalt, Jr., James -Catiicart, Wm. Catiicart. White Pieon, March 2Sth, 184(5. J. GREEN & E. BROWN, have purchafiod the Horses and Cajriages of B. Gre ui,! li;ivc ;iUo added Home very Que Borsw h Carri to the abóve stock, in the saine barn, so thatthejcí suií yon all on reasenatle terms. Oall and See! Ann Arbor, JulyHth, 1S63, 6m31i Por Sale. Q CT ACRES of veryebuice land. within half ft"'1 O O of the city of Ann Arbor, about half of it pro ved and enelesed with a good f ncef tl%e tlmbered. and well watered. Enquire at this office ■Jm913. Eetate of James J. O'Brien. STATE Of MIOHIOAX, County oí Waehteiflfcf. f?' At a sesaion of tho 1'robatP Courl i"r the G Washt naw, holden atthi Probatcïffice in tiie Ann Arbor on Friday the tenth day of -Ii ■'■ year one thous.-vnd oiglit luiniíred a nd sixty-thrW Present , Thi'n:is Nindt1. Jadg6 pf Probate. tn the matter of the Kstate of James .1. O'Bricn,11 ofsaid County, deceaei. On readinjr and filin-i Ihe petition, duly veriflw.Tnanirt O'Hrirn, prayfog for the probale ui' Rn ment now on file in this Cour t, purpoptmg to bet' last will and testament of aaitl fleceaj , , Thereu pon it Ís ordered Mondny, the teDth of August net, at ten o'dock n the forin"'n. assigned for the hearing of said petition. nul th-[} ■ deviseen, legateen and hcirsat luw ofsaui deceas"1uil olhcr persona Interested in said estáte, arerej1 toappp'ar at a seasion of sai-i Court, tht'n t'benV at the Probate the City of Ann AiImt '. County, and show oaufe, Ifany Hiero be, why the lraof the petitïoner should not be granted: And it is further ordered," that said f.ive noticp to the poraons Bterwted in pftiH "? -ajl the pem'cncv of raid petition, and thfi hearing 1!" u,bv eanstngs copy of tbïB Order to be publishi ! Michigan Argusn, newspiipcr jirinftMl and ciioi'1'1 in said County of Washtenaw, tliree successive c previoim to sawi day of hparincr. ( true Copy.) THOMAS NiNDBj ,, 1 Judge


Old News
Michigan Argus