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MICHIGAN CMTRAL IaiÏÏOAD. Paasengertraius now leave Detroit. Chicago, and the severalotationsin thit-Uuunty ,as folloivs : GOING WEST. Leave Mail. Day Kx. Jack. Ac. NightEx. Detroit 5 30A. JI. 7.50 A.M. 5.00 p. ji 7.40P.M. Ypsilanti, 6 55 " 9.10 " 6.30 " 8.55 " AnnAruor, 7 15 " 9.28 " 855 " 9 15 " Dexter, 7.40 ' Í il. 7.25 " ■' Chelsea, 8.00 " " 7.45 " - " Ar.Cliicago, 6-30 " 7.30 a. m. The mail train goes only to Michigan City. GOING EAST, Ieave. XightEx. Jack. Ac. Mail. Day Ex. Chicago, 7.16P.M. 5X0A.M 7.30a. M. Chelsea. 5.35 a. 3.05. m. Dexter, 5.55 " 3.25 " Ann Arbnr, 4.45 a. M. 6 30 " 3.50 p. M. 4.43 p. M. Yp.-üanti, 5.05 " 6-55 " 4.15 " 5.00 " Ar. Dctruit, 6.05 " 8.15 " 5.40 " 0.20 " Traillólo not stop at.statioDS wlierc ligiticsareomittedinthe table. Traiuseonnect at Detroit wilh the Greal Tterp anil Grand Trunk lUnhva s 4 Casada, and the Detrnit anil Toledo, and Detroit anfi JliJwaukee Rai}roadBt anti Cleveland Steamers. At thf Companj'á Ticket Officos at Detroit, Chicigo, Joliet and Ijifayette, thi-onsli tickets can bc puvcliasefl toall the principal cities and towns in tbc United ftates and Cañadas. LUXUR10US SIEEP1NG 'AKS upon all night tniins. Ru-ttiin's eelebnifced Ventilatiiig Apnarotus upon all day trains- tlie best dnst preventutivc in use. H X. RZCE, General Superintendent. M. C. R. K. Office, 17, 1803. tSXptiieria. DR. DEGI.ÜBO'S DIPTHERIA SPEC1FIC. C3SKTAIN Cl'RE FOR DIl'THKRIA AXD CROUr. Inhepastyear over 200 CASKS 01' IHI'ïll.'iBIA in and around Roehosier, N. Y., CONSIDKKED II D'lv LF.SP, have been ciu-ed ffith tliis medicine. Ñames and resiflenees eau le given. AI.I, THE PIIYSICIAN3 THF.RE N'OW USE IT. It nevijr lias failed tfi cure ! Get a bottle ; it coBté 50 cents. For sale by EBKBBACH & CO. Freparrd and oíd W lj-013 W. E. SKIMNER, Rockestcr, N. V. .ELMBOLD-S EOTA.iT BÜCBU c IEUIBOIJVS EXTRACT BtfCHÜ, Jl IKLMIX.UVB EXTRACT BUCHU HELMBOLD-S EXTRACT BÜCHU.g pnJEimc And a Positivo anilSpocmc Remeüy für Piseases of the lllan.U'r, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness. And all di-eascs or the Urmary Organs. -'.■n Vlvertiseim-iit in anotber Column. Cut it out, and Send %%J%ZTERFEtTS. 2m908. S-T-1860- X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTESS. They purify, strengthen and invigorate. They créate a healthy appntile. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overeóme eflects of dUsipation and late hours. Theystrengthon the system and enliven tbc mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevtrs. They p-jrify the bri'ath nuü acidity of the stomach. They er. re dyspepsia and Constipation. They care Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. They cure Ijver Complaint and Nervous Headacbe. They aro the best bitters in to worl! . Tliey makt the weak man strong, and are exhaustcd nature's great r, They :ivc made of pure St. Croix Rum, tbc celebrated Calisava BÜ,f bots tCÚ6 horbs, aml are taken with the pleasureof a bevcrage, without reiard to age or tune of d4y. Varücularly reeommpnilod to dolicate persons requiring a gentío stlmul.uit. Sol.] by all Groccm, I)ruggits, Hotels aud Saloons. P. H. Druke&Co. 202 Broadwa.v, New York. 6inrf LYON'S KATHAIRON. Katbairon is from the (ireek word, "Katbro," or "Kathairo," Mgiiirying to olíanse, vejuvinate and resturi'. ThN article is nhat its n.ime signilies. For preserving, restoring and beautifying the human bair it s the mot rt markable preparation In the world. It s again owned and put up bjr the original proprietor, and isnow madewitli the same care, skiü and attention wliil_'i gaveit a sale of over one milllon bottles per an"Umit ,amostáHttfol Hair Dressing. It eracicates seurf ."nd dandruir. It kceps the head tóol and' ,"l(-':l"It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy It prevenís the hair l'rom fallin. pllun.l turn "'S Sr"J It restoi-eshair upun ball beads. Any lady or gentleman wlio values a beautiful bend of hair should use I.yon'n Katharion. It is known and used throughout the civiliicd world. Suld by all M Spectaftle lii'akirs. 6mSft4 DKMAS S. SÍRNE8 S:CO.,.Prop'rs,N. Y. The Great French Remedy! MADAM BOIVIN'S CKI.KIÜÏA Tl'.I) SILVËR-COATED FKMALE PILLS. Tho only certain and Safe Remedy for all Uterino Ob slructions. Munthly Iülliculties, lrregularities, and all t.ho other dijeases to wliich the Womm, Wift and Mothur is pèculiariy liable. These Pilla contain no deleterious ngredients, but are They wil be found to exert lïehappiest ciToct in all cases of Prolapsus Uterl, in I.ncorrhe:i, or the Whites : tliev will bc fo'und the i-.i-ivsl ind most certain Cure that can be fuund. It is on account of this certrinty they sliould not be taken by Pregnant Fimales (dar ing the firsl three montks, as mhcarrïa%e is certain,) to bc brouglit on, but at otber periods their use is perfectly safe. N.B. One Dollar enclosed to auy auttorized Agent, will ensure package of Pilis by return of mail. C. CROiBY, General Agent, FortEiie, C.W., Búllalo, N. Y. Cavtios.- Beware of Counterfeits, the enuinehaie thcsiinatureof C. CUOSBY, on the outside wrappiT. For sale by all respectable Drugirt. lyeowbST A CARD TO THE LADÏES. DR. KUPONCÖ'S GOLDEN PILLS FOK FEMALES. tnlallible in correctlng, regulating and removing all obstructions, lrora whalever cause, and always succtssíul as a preventive. The eombination of ingrediënt n Dr. Duponco s Golden l'ilhs lor Kemales are perfeetly harmkss. lhey have been used in the private practice of Dr. lluponco over 30years,und thousands of ladies can testiiy to their great and never failing success n almost every caseincorrecting irregularities, reliovlng painful and distressing menstruation, particularly at the change of ufe Krom ttve to ten puls will cure tb:it common yet 4readfulcomplaint,the Whites Neariy every female in the land suITits fr m this complaint. The ibove 1111 has permanently cured thousands, and thovn-illcureiouifyouusethem. They cannot harm „ntheco'ntrary.thcy remove all obstructions, re store nature to lts proper channel, and im'igorate the , l okv"-m,es whos healtli will aot permit au ' " 'Jo „fmilv, will Knd these pills a sacceSsful "rewntive. Ladics peculiarly situated, or these supE themselves so, shonld not aee these P.lls dur.og the frst three months, as they are certain to proÍ le miscarriaet "alter which admonition" the propriot - .n'fn'o responsihihty altbongh their mildSwill pn.ventaninjury to healtfi. The ngredlénti composing the above Pilis are .nade knownto every wit wl Ihev will teil you they are safe and wil perfofmaUcwldlorth. Trice SI per box S„ld in tm ARBOK, by gTEBB,Na ,, W1LSON . Druggists, TT A. HUMT, rVruggtot. living at a distance by sunding them $1 00 through the Ann Arbor Postofflce, can have tl.e Puls sent (ïonIMentially) Y. I"? !■"■ f the counlTJê2!S& - counurfe of these PilU.You can buy the counterfeit article at any pricefrom 25 to78centsabox(dearatthat). Ladiks your live and healtli are oF too much value to be trifled tvith, bea.des being mposed upo., with a worthlBM article. Therefore, any !ne olleringyou these l'illsforless than $1 a box, avoid them as youwould poison: Tliey arebogus. None Genuine unless the name of S. ). HOWK is on every boxwiichr.asrecently beenadded.on account of the PiUsbeingcouterfeited.,,lj;TïHjyps.!an(._ BI.ISS &BEEBEJackson, nndbv one drugs iat n every village and city in the rnítéd States and bv KARBÁND.SHEELEY ik CO.. General State AgenU, Detroit. h Solcrroprietor, 867yrs2 New AGOOD TEEE IS KNOWN SY ITS FRUIT. „_ , So is a good Physician by hiB Successtul Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, rHEGREAT NI CET.KHRATEl) PHYSICIAN OF THE ÏHKOAT, MJNGS AND CBBST, Knnwn all over the countr; as tbe Celebrated INDIAN HEEB DOCTOR! From Soutli America, ivill te at his rooms, RUsSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, 3ntlicl8tll and 19th inst.,on the samo dale of and jvery subseqttènt month during 1862 and 1863, A XKAT PAMl'in.KT Of the life.sturty and ettensive travel of Dr. l.yons ;an bo procurel 'by all ivlioilesire one, Iree of cljsrse. Dr. L will viit Anu Arbor, Jacliüoa.and Adrián, Mtch.,asfollows : Ann Arbor, Mooilor House. COth. Jackson. Ilibbanl House, 21fit Adrián, Brackvtt 1 1 use.aiJ and 23d. Mode ok Hxamisation.- The Doctor discerns diseasos bylkeeyes. Btt, ttierefore, asK4 no nue-ítion.s nor req '.ires patients to explain symptoms, Aíllicled, come and have your symptoms and the location of youv diseaseexplained tree of charge. HEIMSTREET'S Inimitable Hair llestorative. ET IS NOT A DYE, But restores gray bairto its original color, by üupptying thocapilUry tube witi natural ustenance, impnired ij je Of diseaae. All insla-itaneows dyes are. cofliposed of lavar causdr., destroyinjf tlio vitality an 1 beauty of the hair, and alïord of theioselvea no dressing. Heimstrwt'sluiinitablef'ol'iriii!; Dot onl.v restores hair to its natural color by an uany process, but gives the hair a _ Ij X Ui 'in il i ï;hsj', proraotes its grnwth, prcvents its falling off, oradicatea .Undruff, and iinpartshealtl] and pleasantness to the iicail. It luis stoort the test of time, benig the original Hair Coloring, and is constantly incieasing 'm favor, üsod tj bfith gi'nUoman and larties. It is sold lij all reapeotablo dealers, or can be prociired by tliem of rti commercial agents.D.S. Barnes & Co. 202 Broathray N'ew-Ym-k. Two, 60 cent and $1. fim891 Oj" TOBACCO- You enn buy the best grades of FINE CHEWING TOBACCO frt frnm 50 cenis to One Dollar. SMOKING froiri fourleer. to twenty centa at M DEVANY'8 TOBACCO AKD CIGAR STORE Siga Red Indian. South side Huron etreet, a few doors froru Cook's Hotel. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dcc. 11, 1862. 8f3tf Ayer's Ague Cur. GOOD One Shilling per Povind ! Eight Shillings per Pound BEST KEROSENE OBL 1SIIILLINGS PER GALLON! CHOICE ARTICLE OF COFFEE, Prepared of Coffee and Chiccory fatsh gronnd evory day, and warnmteil superior to mything in thifl marUet ar the mouey rei'unded, AT 2 SH1LL1NGS PER IB. CROCKEEY, GLASS TV ARE, TABLECUTLERY, LAMPS, FRUIT CANS. and all othcr goods at about old prices. A. DcFORKT. Aun Arbor, June 2T, 1863 fWtf. FOR T 'ïe.VHDY SCEOFÜLA AND SCEOPüLOÜS DISEASES. from Emcry lides, a m-ll-í-vmim merchant qf Osforrt, Maine. " I have sold large ijuantttlen ot your Saksapar ILLA, butnevcr vet one bottlc whicli failinl of the desired effect andi'ull satislhclioii to tliose wlio took it. As fast as our iieople try it, they agree tliere bas been no muflicine like it bi'l'ore in our miinmmiity." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotehes, Pústulas, JTloers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. ty"m-7ïet. Jiobt. Stratlon. Bristol, Englawt. u j .i lo my duty to you and the public, whea I dd mv testï''111 l' tlmt " Publisl ot' tlR' m,e" dicii aUtues'ofvC1"' Saksavaiulla. My daughdicinal vlitu es oi v .,,icling humor in lier car?, ter, ac-ed ten, hau an ai.. - . n. ,,„.,i,i„ t„ eyes, and liair for years, wi-:-" .- " s. B )im cure until we tried your Sak8ap &!■ hue uaa been well for some niouüis.'1 .FVom, ilrs. Jane E. Dice, a tccllknmm mil mucoesteemed lady of Dennisi-ille, Cape Mail lo., iv. "■ " My daugliter has sullered for a year past wltB a scroiu'lous eruplion, wliiuu was vcry troiiblrvome. Nothingaflbrdod any relief until wetrled your Sarsafarilla, which soon comult-luly cured lier." From Charles P. Gage, Esq., viihhj-knownfirm of Gage, Murray lf Co-, manujaclurtrs of (g elled papers in ISashua, N. H. th " I liad for several years a vcry troubleRome ftumor in my face, which grew constautly wffrce uiitil it disfigured my features aud became an intolerable áffliction. Itricd almost everytliinga man could of botli advice and medicine, but wnllout a u y relief whatever, until I took your Saksa3ai:illa, It "r immediately made my face, as yon luid me it A migbt fora time; but in a ffcw witks lije ire-w ekm began to form under tue bloti'hes, and coiiliuued until my face is as smootlt as anybudv's, and I am without any s niptoms of the diseaso that 1 know Jí of. lenjoy perfect healtb, nud wituouta doubt owe it toyour SAU8APAR1U.A' Erysipelaa - General Debílity - Purify tho 2 Blood. From T)r. Pobl. Sairin, Ifnwlnn S'.. Y. V. Dr.Aykb: 1 cvlduinliiil io hiiuh' jviíiojíind Scrqfulous Sores by tlie poi.-iM'i íiií iíS i ;"' H SAKSAPARII.I.A.aiúl I baie jli-l IM.rt ( lil !ll :tu :ittack of Maligmtni Lfncta wnli it. .No i li-t ative we po88í8 eqtiats I h Saisp Varilla ;oii Ii:i eupplied to tbe proio.-km " ui lo ihï [vi1-" ' FromJ. E.Jokns'an, l'q ■ f,'.nnn. ir:n. "Fortwelvc -:n s 1 I,-.h ihcxtilu Kr) iv-la on myriglit arm. iiu iím',' wlinh I ir..l nll I ebrated nhysiciaii I cuuiil rutrlt. awl i""k l.uinluds of dollaií' worth of medielnw i I' h-r .re so bad I lint tile cera hecaine l-'i-. nnrf Uw ilK-ti drcidt'd that my rm nin-l be muí unirti. I l'n takiiiR yorg4BAPAi:n i. 'I ""K ioUol:l. ana , orne of your Plu'l 8. l'o-:i-lhc i lliryliktc nic. J am now aá mhíi ainl mihih! a nn I ton?. l!llií 1 II a jmblk piuco, ni i Ln.. Ui nerjliqái iu luis comuimiity, auil exilies llie oiiiIit til all." ÍVnm fínil. ll-nnj M,,l,n M. l r..y' Snrrnllr, C. B W..l Ua'Hnri m-inh, ,■ i.) Ih laluulitni f'irli'itni nt. "1 haïf un-il ir Sai'.sm'ai:ii i a iu niv fHtnily, 1 for .-nrml ilrblliiii. aml liiï ■ ■■ - ■-.' " li'ood, WitllVMV Ih'1H"1UihJ ii-ii!!. :mh( ml tultlidi-Ucc ia couiinnndii'' it to tli' ulMícictl." St. Anthony's Fire, llosa, Salt Kheum, ücald Head, Sore Tyes. from Ifcrn:, .-.. ' r. .- ''■'- '■"■' "''''"■ "ƒ V.. .(■: .".'.,...., : ( ■ ■■■:,,,'. ;v, ,, xthwm. "Our onlv chilri. übullt tlll'i" nns ül a-jn. ' 3ttacl-pdbi liiuplf mi liis ionheaiU II.') rafidiy spread iiniil iln unnud a IoiLbio nd Miitnnl Borc, wl.icli covired lis tai i: niul acuially bliniii-d liiseveé lor ilajs. A íUMiiI iliykían a..licd nitra'lf nt .-ihtr aml olhrr i iihuk-. il.hmil au) PparputvHVci. i 'r ilfti i'ii liaisMi1 viiniilrd l" lianrts, lestwiiii tlii-m Iif fhoiiM ti-t'" i lio ütIuiíi) and corrupt wuuml -wln.-li co' ii il Ijnlmlc laio. tlavingtntdcvcry I luir.' wi' liailnnj liupf lioln, wa be-an civlu }ur Sarsa-pakili . i"l W'!! tbe iodiilr oí hM;i.-1i rtiiiii, :m y.m uirtrt. 1 1 -ore besian to tical li-n ve hml !;' " '' lirst bon'e, andwaí wcüwhcn ■ liad lini.-lu il tlicm ■iul,., i lie child's pyclashv-, wlmli liad cume out. gipw auain, and lie i. now a. bcjiiiiv aml luir :..- any mlier. The whole Btiliboiliood pituitU tLdt tlie tbiid íuust die." Syphilis and Mercurial Diseass. From Dr. Iliram Slntft. J' SI. livi'. MitMurt. "I flnd your sai:saiai:ii.i.a a inore clU-ctnal remedy for the scconUary ►ymptonis of aiphilis, and for syphilitio discase t'han any i.tlier we possess. The profession are indebled to you for sume of the best medicines we have:" From A. J. French, M. D-, an eminent physician of Lawrence, Mass.. u:ho is a promiiitut memoer of the Legislature ofMassachusetts. "Dh. Ayer - My dear Sir: I have fotind your SAEsaparilla' an excellent remedy for Sypliilis, both of the primary and secondarii type, and effectual in some cases that were too obstinate to yield to otber remedies. I do not know what we can employ with more certainty of 6uccess, where a poweríul alterative is required." Mr. Chas. S. Van Ziew, of New Brunswck, iV. J., had dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the abuse of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more and more aggravated for years, in spite of every remedy or treatment that could be applied, until the persevering use of Ayer's Saesapauilla relieved nim. Few cases can be found more invetérate and distressing than this, and it took severa! dozen bottles to cure him. Leueorrlicsa, Whites, Pemale Weakness, are generally produced by internal Scrqfulous Ulceration, and are very often cured by the alterative effect of this Sarbaparilla. Some cases require, however, in Kid of the Sarsaparilla, the skilful application of local remedies. From the well-knowm and toidely-celebrated Dr. Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati. " I have found your Sarbapaiïilla an excellent alterative in diseases of femalee. Many cases of irregularity, Leucorrhcea, Infernal Ulceration, and local debility, arising from the scrofulous diathesis, have yielded to it, and there are few that do not, nhen its effect is properly aidedby local treatment." A lady, unwilling to allow the publication of her name, writes: "My daughterand myself have heen cured of a very debilitating Leucorrhoea of long standing, by two bottles of your Sarsaparilla." Bheumatism, Gout. Liver Complaint, Dyapepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when caused by Scrofula in the system, are rapidiy cured by tbis Ext. Sarsaparilla. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS possess so many advantages over the other purgatives in the markct, and their superior virtues are so universally known, that we need not do more than to assure the public their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever has been, and that tliey raay be depended on to do all that they have ever done. Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., & Co., Lowell, Mass., and sold by STKIJBlNtj .v Wll.Sii , Aon Arbor, K. SAMSON, i'p-ilaiili A EWING, Dextor, WIIF.KI.0X Í; IIATCII, ;:helsea. Wliols-ale by FABRANDSUELBY k Co., 1 etroit. C. E. COBIJEN,. travelling Agent. Tï'u.sses ! RÜI'TURE CAN BR CURED BY A TRUSS of the riglit kii!l, il' pri.i'iiy Hilcd oud ' 1 1 1 i altomled (o. PhÍB has been ibumiantlv denionstratöd in iosumera bli instü.icrs by tbouseofült) Multliictlnl Truss nf lir. liigf#, ilunn.iï the last fo.v yiüiis. 'Jliis TruKs betnfr cnvoi el witb Ü:wi lïubbr, is perfectly waterproof, may be usoil in batbing, and u nlways cluanly as w :s iïiii'Hf rnciil-ir Uy oülinary usage, lt' not satisfaCtory ;i hiir tii:i! óf tttxty flay, it. nitvy bc ntii-roeil. lt cballcngts ctjinpaiison with any truss knowü. Dr KIÜCS' ufflce, No. 2 BARCLAY Strest. NewY„rk. . 88tf INotice. Washtknm-' CorxTv Ct.ubk's Offíce, ) .luly 2, 186Ü. J NOTICF. ISHERKBY GUN tliat tlie SiMSlun Livws of 1888 haa hea tecoivert aunare reatiy fnr diatnbnfion, also t&e School Blanks to bo distributcd by thtí Towiihhip Clerks. TRACY W.RO0T. Clerk. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral P . B A C H U s Is novf receiving { a a A. LAEGE STOCK ] (i c r -oi; i New Spring Goods, t i BOUGHT FOT? CASS Since the Late Pall, AND WILL BE SOLD VERYLOWFORCASH. Cali and See ! NEW BOOT SHOE . B. CÖLE, jccessortolloore."'1'"011118) has openeda store n ' FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, in street, Ann Arbor, and has on haQd a larSe assortiment of 0OÏ8, SHOES & RUBBERS, mufactured l'rom the best material msd warranted to ] give satisfaction, consisting of EN'S KIP, CALF AND THICK BOOTS, DOUBliE SOLED_ USJlFa BUFFALO OVÊRSnOES, of all descnptions. LADIES G-AITERS, oroeco Boolees, Balmorals, Feit Oversitoei, and Rubbers. Alsn, Soy's Kip, Calf &. Thick Jioots, together wilh a, variety of HILDKEN & YOUTH'S SHOES. I am also Manufncturlng PARRANTED BOOTS & SHOES. len's Fine French Calf Boots Peg-geel and Sewed. Give me cali before purchasing elsewhere. I will 11 my KOOda cheap Tor cafsh. EPAIRING NEATLY DONE AND ON SHORT NOTICE. N.B.COI.E. Anu Arbor, Jan. 13th, 1863. 8S7tf L863. M!ay. 1863. SPRING AND SUMMER GGODS, AT THE "Old Corner!" I am now receiving a well SELECTED STOCK OF NEW GOODS, FOR THE Spring and Summer Trade, CONSISTING Oí STAPLE DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, SHAWL8, HOOP SKIRTS, BOOTS AND SHOES, NOTIONS, &c, &c. Also u fu!l assortmerit of Family Groceriesl all of whtuh were boüght lovv and aro to ho SOLD GHEAP FOÜ CASE. Tbe liighest Mai'ket prico paict for XT O E X Z C. B. THOMPSON. At tbe Parmere' New Gush Store, Corner of Main and Washington sis. (!}04tf) Ann Arbor. tus Imerican Collecting Agency, No. 240 Broadway, New York. Claims of all kinds against the Generai Government, tate Govern uent, the City , or private parties, proaeuted and collected at my er.pevge and risk Agaiost private partías I poiaesa superior facilities ur collectitig claims everywhere in txi United Stalen ,nd Cañadas, rettovhig merfohants, assignoes, banker.s, ■ nd othefs, ol the. cm e and all respon si bility. Special attentiun given to oíd debts, liard caaes, di, ■oras, wills, estates, etc Being familiar witli allthe detailsof tho u Int mal levenue Z-dW," I will attend promjitly to the collection if drawbacks, and taxe overpaid through ignorauce f the law. Soldiers' pensions, pay, and bounly necurpd forlhem r tlieir heirn. For that purpose, and for prosecittint; ;laitns a(?ainst tiie (iovernrnent, I iiave a branch office it No charge made unless claims are col ected. All tloidiers dischargcd by reasnh of Sounds' - howïver short the time they have served - are tntitled to !)nt Hundred Dollars ííounty. All soldit-rti havingserred two yeara,are entitled to hv. s:iine. 0 The lilhesl marketprice will be pald for aoliiers' claims, and uther deinands against the Genera] jlovernment. Infonnntion and opinions pivcn, and invetisation made without charge, uon claims proprtScdtö be pl;icd in my hands. íof particulars, nddrr=s H. HITNTINGTON LEE, 900tf No, 240 lïroadwK.y, N. Y THE ROOÏS AND THE LEAVES WILL be for the Ik-alh g öf the Nations. Bible. Prof. O". X-.-YO1Srf3, THE ORHAT AND CKLKliltATKl) PHiTöICiAN of the THIÏOATjLUNGS, I1KAKT, L1V1-.R AND TUK liLO(íí), Known all over thetountry as the CIÍI.EHRATKD I3NTIDX-A.3Sr HEKB ÖOCTORI Oí' '82 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Will visit the. followmg ptaces, viz APFOINTMENTSFOR 1802, 18(3;iiul 1SC4. Prof K. J. L.von-i eau be coiisulteti at tlii !]lowing places every fflonth, WJ, Detroit, Hussel IJouse, ench rtïoith, 18th nnrl 19 th. Ann Arbor, Monitor House, each month, tfffitt. Jackson, hibbard HouBe, t-acli month, L1. Adrián, HrackcL House, eacli month ''M and 23.1. Toledo, Uliio, Colhns House. ach month 24th 25 tb and 2fiti!. HiUfdale, ifich. , Ilillsdale Housff, oach month, 27th Coldwater, Mich.. tíoutüera MicUiiran House each month, 28 th. Klkhart, Klkhart HoD8P,ftflh month , C9th. South Bend, lnd., ít. Jo. Hotel, each month, 30 Upnrtfi Ind., Tee Gardeu Hoaae, each ïiK.nth 3l'pt. Wooster, Uhiu, Ciatukll Kxchauge each montLi ith aodSth. Mausfitld, Ühio, Wiler House, each month flth and lOth. Alt. Veinon, Kenyon House, each muntli llth and lth . Nüwark, Ohio, Holton House, each m ntb lüth and Hth, raineRviIle,Ohio, CowIesHouso.each month 41 h CLKVKLAND, OHIO. RESIDEWOE AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET, Kast of the public square, opposite the I'ostoflïce. C fficedays each nn.uth, lst, 3d, 4th,5tb, Oth, löth - ffice hours froni 9 A. M. to 12 M, and from 2 I'. M.'to C l'. 11, OnSunday from 9 to 10 A. M.,aud 1 to a P. , C 4KS".Maximsstrictiy adhered to- I give sucta üalm as have no strife, With nature or the lnv".s of life, j With bloodmy hands I nu ver stain, Norpoisun mea toease theirpain. líe is a phytician indeed }who Curen. , The Indian Her., J'octor, R. J. LYONS, cures the fot wing compiaints in tbe most obstinate stages of their 3 xistence, viz: Diseases of the Throatj kungs, Heajrt, I.iver, Stomen, Dropsy intheCkeat, Rbeumatifim, Neuralgia, Fits. Í r Fallinji sjckiH,'s.s,aiitlal other nerveus rterangeiBeiita. Iso alldisease.of the blood. such au Scroi'ula, Krysiplas,Cancers,Fever rfores, Leprosy, aud all other ] licateö clirontc complainls. Allformsof female diliiculties attended to with the ' ' appie. fesnlta. It is hopeu Iljat nn one wiI1 deapair of a cure until I ' iiey hayegiveu w1111 erb iloctor'a Bfedicineti a ' lirandfailhfnl trial. í=luring tbe Öoctor't j Ih ia Eutope, West Indien, outh America, itnd the nited Staies, he hns been tht; f.sirument in (íod's j and. to reuturc to healtb and vigor thousanda M-ho ere given up ani pronounced incurable iy he most minentold .school physn;í;i ns; !i;iy, more, tliouands : ■hu were on the verge of tlie grave, are now iiviner ; loi.umonts to the Judien Herb'a Doetor's skili an'! ! viceessful t rea t ment. andará daily oxclairaiog: ed beiheday when first Me saw and partook of tlip , ndian Herb Doclor's medicine. " .atisfactory refereneesoi caires wiü be gladly and , lieorfully giTTi nnev'ftr required. The Doctor piedles his word find honor, that he wíl! ' □ no wise.diructly or indirectly, induce or cause anj nvalid to take bis medicine without Uiestrongesl paob ■bility of a cure. SLg" Mode of examination, uliich is entitfly ililiVrem rom the faculty Dr. I.ycn professes to discern di ,easfs by tl) e eye. ïle there!'tre isks nöquefitianR, doi loeshe require patiënte to ex pi ai n syipptonjs . ('all one uad all, ind have the symptoms and location of youi ïiseaseexplained free of charsre. JThe poor sliall be liUera Ily considered. j-Postolllceaddres, box 2663. R. J. LYpNS, M p. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25.1862. lyiSO WONDERFÜL SUOCEfcS. tfif The attention and research of the most dstinguislied Chemists and Pijysicians for yeri li. v beendevoted tothe prodnetion of a reniedv for th se mostdistre.ssing niabidies {ÜBUKAIQIA and RhkL'MAT SU . After long study ami mnny experimenta, a spevtjic, ■prtparatiov bas Ivcn diséoverod. WAÏÏSOJI 'euralgin Kin,au Interna'. He.mcdtj,] cujAñg thousands of caes where all other remedies have uttei ly faüei!. We .i rr assured that it is im mere 'l AMOUYNE," reheving fir the ronment whilethe cause rema i os, bt ia a pcrfeci si'KCIFICand CURE for thone painfu-3 dÖ!ép. the I vat number of IÁniments, Kmbrocniions tnofi Kxteraal Medicines, whicli act as stimulants of the surface onjy, are merely témpora) y In their efieets and oí dooMlul víríue The Nl-TKÁU.TA K1XC the sonríe of all tro li ble, and ellectually baniMu-s the difcease froni thesystem. Fricc - One Dollar per Iiottle, Prepined by C. R. WALKF.R, 1r87 TíufTaln.N. Y , ami Fort Frie. C. W. -Z FAIRBANKS' 1 Standard T SCALES! SKaipif=; Also, Warehoua Trueles, Letter Prestes, fy:. Fairbanlts, Greenleaf & Co., 1T2 Lake Street, Cliicago. Sold n Detroit b.c PAItfï UD & SHKL.1ÏY. &tf"Be cart'ful tn !uy nnlv the p'iimne.tTH 8031 Toba eco I Tobacco ! I AM SEU.1N GOOD FINE CÜT CIIEWING TOBACCO At f rom Fifiy cents to $1 per pound SMOKING TOBACCO, From 1 cents to 20 cents per pound ut rvtail. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbur, Micli., Der. 17, 1862. 8S3tf 3STE-W GOODS, FOR Spring Trade f I am iioh' reci'iviníí an entire Xcw Stock of STAl'LE ANDFANOY DRY GOODS STRAW GOODS CHOIGE GROCEUIES etc, BUYERS WITH CASH IN HAND are pnrticulnrly inyited to examine my Sook of PRINTS, SHRETINGS, I)F.XIV.. PTRIPE PHJRTINGS, T1CKIXUS and all DOMKSTIC OÜOUS All bought for NET CASH sinee tbe XOoliïio Xiai C3-olc3. AND RUMOHKD FALL OF CHARLESTON. JOII.N' II. MAYN.U'J). Ann Arbnr, April 2-'nl IPfii. JJigsoiUtlOU Ntitiee, THKKIRM OFTHAIMN, WoOPI k (O , ïvns .lissohert Jnmiftry lt, 16ti3, ly mutual consent. C. A.Cltapin anrl A. li. Wood will stttlo tlicaccüuntM of tht'firm. (' A. CiLn.v, A. ti. Woon, V Ciiahx, K. Wblls. Ann Arbor, June 24, lPf3. Copar .ut; -shlp. TtE üSTlEI'iXK.Il enlcred into ] artocvsh'J) .Jan. ii,18'J, by tlie ünn name of Clmpin Hl (o.,nn'l will odiiliinio t'ie btisiiipss of mnnufiLcturing pvinling nrl wrappiiiii paper. C. A. Chai-jv, -' CllAriO, v. ru.M'is. Ann ArSor, Juno 24, 18t8. O'Otf. Ayer's Catliartic Pilis, DR. RADWAY'S PILLS. NEWLY DISCOVERED PRINCIPLES IN PURGATION DR. RADWAY'S PILT.S ARE THE BEST PURGATIY4 Pilis in tlio World, imd ttao ouiy Vegetable Substiiute for Ca'omel or Mor. ury ever discovered. t'ompnscd of Vegetable Kxtracts of Knml, Plants, Iltrbs, Uoot-s and Plowèrs. Tbey i'nrgc - e - l'unfy - Heal - Soothe - Calm - ■ Sircugthcu- Invigoratc- and l:egalatc tho Syslom. 1JT SVnOEJT UTTÊCKS OF INFLAMMAT10N OF THE BOWELS, BILIOÜS CHOLIC. BILIOUS FEVER. ERYSIPELAS, COKGÜSTIVE KEVEK, aMALL POX, MEASLES, SCARLEÏ FEJER, SIS TO ElfiBI PÏIIÏ.S i parge tbe diiea-e from tho systcm iu SIX HOURS. Tf seiO'l wiíh eitbcr of tbo a!)ove-i):tntod diseaes, lt pix or ui" bt ui' Dr. I'.adwiy's I'lLli? bo taken at onSe. fhs sinrle dote will curry tho puient out of dangar. Ibcir ouuliiue l mi, in maller doses, will work a cur. COA.TED WITH GUM, rbev are pteSKMÍto lake. T'uoy opérale pteasantly, naturally, and ilutroujUy Every (loso tbat 3 taken tmparis' drenqlh to the cnfeeblcd pystein. Belng perfect pwgaiives 'thcy do not leave the bowels costive, or the patiënt weak. ONE OE TWO OF DB. SADWAY'S PULS WiH secure a good appetite and healtby digestión. TO THOSE WHO TAKE PILI-S, )R. RADWAY'S T1LLS will bc found an improvcment o ill purgative or cathartic pills in use. Oüe or two pilU ïill be found suffleiont to keep the bowels regular ana ,n cases wliere a brisk operation ij desirod, SIX to EIGHT ivill in six hours ihoroughbj purgt. ONE TO SIX BOXES WILL CURE :ostivi:ness, dyspepsia, onstifation, measles. 3ONGESTION, - MELANCIIOLV, 1EART DISEASES, HÏSTEKICS, MSEASES OF KI DNEY AMEN0RRHO3A, AND ELADD1ÏR, FAINTING, DISEASES OF LIVER, DIZZINESS, BILIOÜHMES9, RUSH OF BLOOD TO TYPIIÜS FHVER, THE HEAD, 3HIP FfiVfiB, OBSTRUCTIONS, MALIGNANT FEVER, RETENTION OF URINE LOSS OF APPET1TE, DROFSY, INDIGESTIÓN, ACUTE ERYSIPELA3, INFLAMMATION, IJEADACIIE, PALPITATIONS, BAD BKEATH, SCARLET FEVER, _INFI.AMMATION OF BILIOUS FEVER, TUE INTËSTiKES, JAUNDICE, APOPLEXY, CONGESTIVE FEVER, ENLARGEMENT OT SLEEFLESSNESS, THE SPEEN, GENERAL DEBILITY, SCURVY, DIMNESS OF S1GHT, WHOOPING COUGH, F1TS WORMS, LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, BAD DREAMS, QUINSEY, PLEURISY, As also all Complalnts of Women, sa M Ilystcria, L,eucorr3icea or AVhltcs, WeuUeiiIB Discharges, Chloroit, Irregularltles, Sifppicssioii of tlie Menses, Inflammatloii of the Womb or Bladder, Dlfflcnlt Menstruatlon.and all othor Diseaaea or Complaints produced bjr exoesfAve disotuwgéa or suppression of the Menscs. Ladics who ilesiro to avoid tho suffenngs and incon. veniences of these irregularities, or nrgamc obstr uolloiffl should not omit to regulato their systems by m "ans óf ono o, two of RADWA Y'ö PlUS, onco or twic. L woèkVand thu, be free from the many and great Inconveuiencea to which Mies aro generally subject, WEIGH FAtTS. DOCTOR RADWAY iavitos the attention of the intelligent reader to the facts uere presenteti, showing th mperionty of his PtLtS. as purgatives, over all uther pills or purgativo mediciues iu use. THEIR GREAT COMBIXATIONS. They are Aporieat, Tonic, Tx itivo. A torative, Stimalaut, Counter Irritant, üitdonüc. AS EVACU.',NT=!, Tliey aro moro certain aud tUorotuh than the Prastfa Pillsof Abeor Crolo;i an 1 HurleraOil, r Waterium ; and more soothing aud heaiiug thuu Senui, or Khubarb, or Taraariuds, or Custor Oil. AS ALTKRATIVKS, They exerc.HO moi-o pówerfill mum-nco over the livor Í and its seeretions than osluÉnul, mercury, blue pdl. henea i Iheir impoi tauoe iu c,i-:-s oí l.ivcr Coroplaiute and Spieon j Difflcultieó, Jauudice, Dyspepsii, Bilious Atticks, Headache,&c. In the Ireatmont of levers, eith:-r liiliou, Yeilow, Typiioid, and other redncpg Fover-;, they r superior to quim'ne. Their iiiQucuce extends over th entire system, eontiroiliag, strenglheninti, and bracini up the relaxed and wasting energies. nml reRulatig II 1 the secretions to tho natural perfnrin inco of their dntie. cleansing and purifylug th.: blool.aii.l Kirgin from tb system all diseased depoiu and iinpurc hum in. THE CAUSK OP PILES. A largo dose of the Drastic PilU will, hy irritalinjt the mucous membraue, produce a violent expulsión ol' tha ! coutents in the bfwols, but iu so doing other secretious are suspended. In such cases, the siools rMl lie found to heüght-colored and wilt ery, and attended withermnps, griping pains, natwa, sickuess. By t is increased unnatural actiun of the b wds. the J=bcretl(Jaa of the' kidneys and pancreas arivli: -liiiished.fiillowed ty anxjetion j of the kidneya, bladder, orethru, piles, tenesmus, geuÍ rul prostration, costiveness, and iudigesííou. Why Radway's Pilis Cure Small Pox. InSmall Pi.x. S.;rlet Fevor, i:ryipel:H, Yeilow, Typhoid and oLher redneintj levers, fljuïatio.v is iti'jhlt asenüal. But to ;ïtmini-tor a do-e i'l [Irasiie Pi IA tb irritation they wouM produce and tho i eluxaUou and depletion that would' fdluw, would be likely to prova ! fatal. If phys cians, iu these cases, would givo ltAD WAY'S PILLS, they wiulkl ahviys cure their pauents. In these disenso a miid, snothinrj, heaüug and gnnCly stitnulating lasiiive is requ,red, wiiich w seurcd by .aüWAY'S l'ILLS. Why Imperfect Grip. The canse of giipiug, na,lisea, si-knes-, tcnesmus and deb.lity, that is IndU'-.ed by adoso, f drasuo pilis,te owing to thoir imperfect openit ion If ihe facen, tht ! düeated humon, leftciiculatiüK In the system, wero erpelloü by tliose pilis, ihere woill-t le but little pain or i griping. It is the ahsenco of the büe and other humor which the imperfect piils fail t" rurge out of tho syftem : that occasions tho pain. By BXwfining tho stools ovacuated after severo griping they will be found thin nd' watery. THE TRT7E PILLS TO TAK3 The on'y safe pills to take aro Dr. Radway's, bocau they are the only pilis that securu purtnuliai without depietion, and expel aiseatied humurs froin the system. CASE ÓF DYSPEP3IA CÜ3ED. Por mnny ycars I havo boen allKcted with our nattonal complaiut, callcil Dyspcp.íi i - [ Huíforiiigá hav ben a consUut suocoiwiou oí horrors. I havo npent thousanda uf dullnr wiih fie hopo nf rosllílog a lutlo cmfurtand tr uiq'iillity. All mo.tieuti m faüed to relieve mo, uotil I commeuee.l 1 1 act up in llie jnclicinus aiivic J-ou gavo mn mi the (Hh of April, 1S5S. Añil llow, Ser i srarj your Pilis, 1 teel H'ko a now mun. Cod I) css yoo,and may this letter induce otlicr siilfriing victitm (o lui accursoJ malaiiy, to try the. samo mjnn-i. Yuurs fcrveiitly, Y. rARPEXtERCENTEl!Vili.E,N. .7. , .A(iril 16tli, 1853. Messrs. Iiadway iC Co. , Ar. Y. t üy. Letter from Dr. Salmón Skümer. Nisw Vokk, Jauuiiry, 18üO. Dr. Rad vxty ii Co. : I have, ilnring mo ia=t fimr yoars, uíod yonr'remodies, and have icco'nmendüü them ut others for Binous CO.MPLAINT3, IMIIUBSTI I.V, DlSPKH IA, kc I COUMÍdOI' til Keaily Rolief aud Kestnlatiiip; filis unoqiialed. The Heftotettog Pilis are m;M iu llieir uperatiu;];; aud thuruughly eCfoctiïe. The flrst doso sbnulJ bo laro cno''.'-'h to pnrjr ar four or live, aud eacli successive doc büiliuiini.shed unn pi T, nntil reduced Lo one, and tliew revoato I overy dty a week or ten dnys. A peruwueul cu e wül sureijr folluw. Youis. ie, DR. ?. SKIN'XEH. jlty IJr. ttadíTr.y'íl PIUs nr sold Druiglsts ana Siorc-Itecper Iu general. Knch Box contalns 30 P11U. Prlcc Ü3 cta. per Boi For Snle by STE15BINS& WILSON Dissolution Nctice. rmv. FIKM cii Kunt ai„i Irin.j ba t! 'l?y fl!olTi-d i lvinti(u;ii AU uns'Ulfd acoouniH will herphcr'"i seftlofthy '". Harin-s l.'Uiüi, Biir.oc-ssor to tlm lii-m cl limit an.: LïiuB-. flT. A. HUNT. 90TG BAKXKS l.ORIN'C. I áyer3s Ctory Pectoral


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Michigan Argus