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1NTERESTING TO WOOL GROWERS. THE Suliscribfirs would respectfully nnnounce 10 t'ne VVool Growcrs of Anu Arbornnd i a viciniiy, ihat tliey continue the ' 8!l)?S9Of I Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing at ih'j old stand oi'J. IJrck ley & C., where ihey mny be l'ound at all Sttisoiiablfl hours to waii upon ihosc sviio uiay lavor ihem wiüi dieir patronage. They guaramee ihnt rlitr work will be done wílh nen mesa ;ini de?patch. Tö thrir olfJ l'nendsnnü' asmany new cuatonif-rs as leel disposed la ve iliein a trial, tliey would sa}'.cniiiu' on j'i'h yonr Woor. and Cloth ifid wa . sví'l ao yon niupTc jusiice in ihe rxeculion ofyonrwurk - the pricè and terms ol payment. Twenty íiaousand pounús oí Wool wnnfed in exchiiiijje. lor Full Gloih. FlaniH'l. &c. N. '}. - Give us a cali before purchasing t-lacwliere. SUMNER HICKS & CO. Ann Arbor Lower Town.Mnr. 26.1 8íf. 26-om I5'sicpsia of ícu years síaifiding. TfIF. Wife of CnDtait! Rol)ert3. on Vine Street, nen r VVa'.er. Cincinn;iti, hns been Hicted -witli dyspepsin n ts nuist aggrnvnted 'orín, fir the iast ten ycara. She wuareconiendd by celebrated pliysiciiins oí Boston, New York, Phüadclphia, Bulrinune and Cincinnau to ruvel, as ijjey couid do noijïng for hor. She id so, hut it done her no g'iod. She then omnuMiced i's:ug the most 'popular medicines of ie dny íor her coñipirfinf. Uut derived no benefit rotn tUeir uso. Seeing un advertisement ot Dh. (ith's Sugak Coatki) Veetablt. in the apera, she concluded to tiy inem. She sent o G. F. Thítr.a3. Main st. between Third and ■'oiuih sts., Dr. Smiih's Agent lor Ciacinnati, nd purchased a box. took tiietn according to the irection, nnd can witli heaníelt joy state iliat íc derivar] more benefit froni ihe use of one )ox oF Dcictor Smitífs Sur.Aii Coatrd Vegeta l; Pir.i.s than froni all other medicines she lias ver mmle use of for the last ten years. The a'oovtí wíjs sent to G. F. Thomns, Deemher 14tlt. 144. [TTPRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. No ilSL'GAR COATEÜ PILLS" can be genuine wíihouj ihe signature of tlie solé inventor. ':G. BBN.IAMKV SMIT1Í. Mi D." President of the N. Y. Gollëge of Health, tfponeven box. Ofllcos devotod exclusively to tho sale of this medicrné For sale !y W. S. & J. W. Mayjiard, Drnggis's. Aun Ailior. Mnrch. '2ö. 1.--Í5 49-tfDEftTlSTRY. E. G. BURGER, JJentist, , TTTTAS removed liis office to Crane &Jeweu8 JElBV''cKT-tïTsr-rmïTa on ïtre Second Floor. where being weil prepared to attend 10 iévefry brniicli of'his profession. would respect fully.siiy 10 all who have not had ihose necessary organs. THE TfcRTH. properlv at tended to. delay no longer. but cm! I upo bim und experience the ease ind durabiiïty of bis opernuonö. Tkrms aeoommodating and charges ia no case unreasonable. Ann Arbor, March G. 1845 47-tf. STOLEN, F ROM the Subseriher, abo ut four weeks since, a blnck sniin vest. It s supposed to have been lüken by an imemperate aian, a stranger whu was nbemt here at that time. and tas probably pawned it either for money or liqor. Any one who will give information concernng it. at this office, ís inform?l that I will redeem the vest and auiplv reward him ior bis trouble. S. E. BilüWN. March '21, I815. AI, WATS OW HAND. r J lilE 3itb&cnber has reg J_ move 1 his Siiop to Ma'n fifi "s Street opposile H. Beekif's.' '3('rs -Drick Store. where uh iS Mk) 'ie n)a e 1""' rendy to tV i KM wa'1 l)l" a'l ta' niay give SsS inn a cüHSíí Havingjust receivad direct from New York nn elegant stock oJ' JTP 127 TT! TT. Tí V and Fancy Anieles, wlilch he intends 1o selllotcer than has ever been sold west of Buftalo fjt Reudy Pat Only. Among wliich niay be lound a trood ssortment of Go5d and Common Watch Keys. Gold Finger R)rí;s and Bosoni Pins, Gunrd Chains, Süver Tea nnd Table Spoons, Suit Tüugs. Buiter Knivcs. Silver Pcncil crss. Silver and Common TAiLnibles, Lí ver Spectneles, Germán, do.. Steel. do.. Uuii I'rusites. Clolhes d., Tonth do., Lnther do.. Fine Rnzors nnd Pocket Knives. Fina Shears nnd Scissors, fTthfir boxes. Ruzor tíirops. Wallens. Purscs, Violiii8 ind Bows. Flutes. Violin and Bass Violin Sirinps. Clfirionet Reeds. Percussion Caps. Pofket Pistola, Brittnnia Cnndlesticks. Watehes. Letter Stnmps. Sten! Pens nnd Tweezers. Snuffand Tobacco boxee. Fine combs D'essing do.. Side do.. Back do.. Shell do..: N eed les and Cases, Water Paima, Tcy Watches, Kid Dolls. a prent variety of Toys too numerous to inemion, Beads, Necklaces, Fancy Boxes; &c. &c. Clccs? and Watchks of every do.criprion repmred and warramed, also. Jewelry repatred on tlwrt notice. CAÍ.VIN BLliS. N. Caíh paíd kor OLD GOLD AND SILVER. G. B. Ann Arbor. Oct. 24. 1S44. 2--if.LO3T on the Hih inst. probably feefvééii Cranes nnd Coons in ihe vicinity of t'lym oiuh a sitiall, bVfl'cK Morocco Pocket fttwK, eonrnining about .ód.O") bank notes on jCamdtt. - Añy psrsort findirvT 'le simo iimi iVsving it ni ihe öffiöö ofihc Signa! of Lilwi.y shnH receive tiie nbove reward. H.,t. KBAMEf'. Ann Arbor Dgc, 12. 3-35 iSïank Beeds'sad IVIorf rages, WHOLESALE W ÜKTATi., for s.-.!;J,y BK(.-a'LF:Y; FOSTEft & Co. ÏVbrri, '20. IS!.OfSSOLUTÏOIV. rriIIE CVP''1'1-"0111!' licretofore e.xistinir tin'der 'e iirm nnd siyle of Bi'cklcy éa H:cl:s is bv ui'"111' cpnseni tliia i'av dissolved. AI! persons flcbiol 10 snid finn. by noieor oiherwisé. -irc mnko inynieiH to Guy Beckley. wSo s npiijnxod lo it, and lns breóme obligau'! to nay all debtsdue f'om snid Hrm. GUY RF.CKLF.V. StJMNER HICKS. i Ann Arbor, Msrch C h. 1645. 45-3w TAKS INfoTÏCE. npFIF SubscribcrBhereby s'.vn notico tbajj thcy 3l will continue the Mercanrilc business at tlie Storo reccntly ocoupied by J. Beckley & Co. whfre tlipy. will at all time b fosnul roady to wait on those who may feèl di.spused to favor them with their patronage. SAJL BRATÜS, Of a superior quality nianiifnctured by (hemsehres and constantly toréale, Wholesale and retail. SIOAIi oiËMLIBERTY. AH buelness rclaüve to ;he Signal of Liberty will be atteiided to by the suhscribers. BECKLEY, FOSTKK. &Co. Ann Arbor, Lowcr 'lown.. Mar. G, HIT). 46-tf


Signal of Liberty
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