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THE ALL SUFF.ÍCTDP7T THREE. JIJÜ liiïEAT "AMIiRICAN REMEDIES," ILovrii ns ' Ilc-Imboltl'a" GEïïfUfWE PREPARAIIONS, VI Z.: UKI.MUOI.U'S EXTRACT " BÜC1IÜ," ' ■' SAÜSaI'aíULIaA, l.MI'KOVKDKll-, W.U11. H KI.M BOl.D'S GENUINE PFEPARATION, "IIIGHLY CO5TCESTÍS.ATED " COMl'OUXD FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positivo and Spocific Rcmcily, For Diseaaes of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GKAVEL AND DROP3ICAL SWELLIÏfGS. This Medicine im-renses the power of Destion and excites intn hmlthr action bv wimU VSNAruiUL ENLdRGKMBSTS aro reducen, a,s w'll ;i pun ;tnd mlliimnnuion and is coüuïor MFN WOMEÜ, OR CH1LDREN. ' HELMBOL&'S EXTRACT BUCHÜ FOS WEAKNESSKS Arising from Excesoes, Habita of Disaipation, Eariy JntÜBcrotion, or Abuse, ATTENDED WITH THr FOLLQWJNG SVMTOMS: Imiiapositlon to Exertion, I,ossof i'.nver, L&as of Sliniory, J.iiEcuHy of Hreathing, We k Nenes, Trerabling, Horror of Discus, Wakefslues, [limneSs of Visioo. l'ain iu tbe Had;, universal Lassitude of the Flushin; .f tlie Body Muscular System, Kmptions on the Face, "t Hands, Pullid ('uuntenunce. Dryness of the Skin. These s.vmptoms, f nllowod to go on, which tliis medicine imaiiably removes, soon follow IHPOTENCY.FATUITYEPILEPTICFITS Iconeof whichthe patiënt njaj exphe. W)i) tn aay Unit theyme n it frequentlv followed by thosc "direful diseaes," Insanity and Consumption Many areaware of the causo of their sufleriiTjr, but none will confoss. The recotáe of tlio idmiio Asj huns and the melancholy.dea.ths by Consumptitm, beárain pie witness to tht; iriith of the assertiin. THE COXSTITÜTION, OTrE AFFECTED WITH ORGAXIC WEAKXES, Requires the aid of medicine to strnngthen and nrijt ■ratetliej8tïm, thioh HELM I.OLh'S EXTRACT BU, HO invariably dues. A tria' will convmce the most skeptieal. Fcmales, Femalos, Females, ULD OR YOUNG, SIXGLE, MARRIED, OR CON TEMI'LATISG JIARRIAGE, In affections peculiar to Females the Extract Bucbu is unequilied by any other remedí, as iu Llilbrosis or KeleiHion, "inegularity, PainftlluB m Suppression of the Customary Evacuations l'lceraled ar Bohirrous state of the Uterus. LeucorVlu-n, 01 W hites, sterihty, and lor all ctmiplaiiits incident to tlic ïex, whethsrarising IVom lndiscietiou, llabits of Dissi[lation, or in the Declina or Ohange of Life. PKE SYMPTOMS IÏOVK. NO FAMILY SHOULD BK WITHOUT IT rake no Balsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant Medicine for Unpleasant aud Dangerous Diseases. HEUIBOLD'S EXTRACT BLCUU CURES Secret Diseases. 'a all their stages ; at little expense : Intle or ro change a diet ; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSTJKE. Tt causes frequent desire, and gives strength to Jrinate, therebyrvmoving obstructions. preventm and uringStrictures of the Urclhra, allaying pain and inlammatiou, o frequent In ibis c a.s of diseases, ann ■xM.lli:i2 PMSONOUS, DISEASED AND WORN Tbousands upon Thoupands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, Ind who h v'e paifl HEAVY FEES to be tured in a hort time, have fo'und they weredeciMved.and that the 'l'olson" has, by the use nf "I'owerful ABtringents," 'een dried up in the systein, to break out iu an ao-graated ferm, and PERHAPS Aflpr MARRIAGE. iTsIe Helmbold's Extract Buchu For all Aífectious aad Discases of The XJrinary Organs' Vhetber existing in MALE OR FEMALES, from vvhatever cause origirntting. and DO tnatter OF Ht)W LONG STANDING. iseases of these Organs require tbe aid of a Piuretic. Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE GREAT DIURBTIC, Lud it is certiiin to have the desired effect in all Di seasos, for which it is recommended. [iLOOD ! BLÖÖD ! BLOOD! Helmbnld's Hislily Concenlraed Corapound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS: Thft is an afft'ctTon of the Bloed, and attacks the fuii Orgftas, Llèf of the Nose, EaMl, ïhroat, Píwlpipe, and other Mucus Surfaces, makingits ap$a ranee in tlie form oí' Ulcera Helmbold's Ext act ;i i ■ ; ]i;i lilla pu rifies the Blbötl, and remove i all Scaly .raptions of the Skin, givïng to the Complexión a Ücar and Healthy Color. It beinjf prepared exjiressly dr this clas.s of cumphiiu tn, iLs JJieod-Puiilying Iro tvrties are preserved to a tïreater extent tuan any ther preparatitjn of Sari-aparilla. Helmbold's Uose Wash. ui r-xccllent T,ot.ion for Diseases nf a SyphilMc Nature, ,nd as nn injectum in I i.irasts of the Urirdlry OrjjcanH, riin from habits of dissipation, uscd in connecti'on rfth the Kxtracls Ruclm and Sarsaparilla, ín such di 6fcset a-; rfcommended. Kvidence of them st responsible and reliablechaceter will accomp my the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CUKES, i"rora eight to twpnty resra standing, with names .nownto SCIENCE AND FA ME, For Medical l'ropeitieKof BUCHU, see IHspcnsatory ir the Tiníed Staies. Profesan DEJFEES' valoable worky on the 'ri'ctice óf I'h.VMC Ff rema rks made by the late celebrated Dr,PEYUCK, i'liiladf-lphia. Hee remarks made by Dr. EPTFRATM McDOWKLL, , colebratcd i')iysiri:ui , and Memher of (lie Royal Colege of Surgeont. Ierland, anl puTüisfied intheTranactions of the Kinganl (neen 's Journal. ftie Kei ieo-Ci ru rgioa Review, published by BEPfJAVfLV TRAVERS, Fellow of the Uoyal College of Ëur;o'ds. Pee most of the late Ftandard V'orks on Medicine. EXTRACT HlTIIÜ, $1 00 PBB ROTTLK, OR tilX FOR $5 00 " Sarsapaidïia 1 no '; " o oo MPROVKD RMB WASH, .10 " t( 2 5U tr half ii dozen of pa ch Tor L1200, wbicli wil! be iuffltent to ifUTO the most obstinate cases, ic directie ns are iilhered to :telivercd to Btry address, securely pacbed iromob;ervation. CW describe pymptoin.5 ín all Communications.- uresguaranteed. Advine gcatis. A F F 1 1) A V I T . Personallviipiieared befnre mean Aldermnn of the iityof rhiladeljih'a.H. T. Ukimboih, wlio, bcing duly (wnrn, dotb say. big prparaiionn enntaiu no narcotic, 10 mcivury, or other injurious drugs, but are purcly ees-tabl. II T.HELMUOU). Bwprn and subscribed before me, this 23d d;iy oí Novembt r, 1894. WM !'. HlHIiAfU). Alderman, Xinth-Ktreet, ntfnvp Race, l'bila. Address Letters forinftirmntinu in c.'.riüiiencc. H. T. HELM B0 LI), Cbemnt Depot Y 4 South Tenth-sireet,belov Chestnut, Phila. BEWARE OF fOUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLEI) DEALERS, IVho eTideavor to diñóse " OF TITFJR OWN" and 'other" articlesonthe ïepntntinn attained by Helmbold's Genuine l'rt'parations, " " Extract Ruehu, 'í t " Saraparilln, ',' ' ' Improved Rose Wash. Sold by all Dmerpists everyvhere. ASKFOR HELMBOLDS-TAKENO OTHER. Cut out the ftdvertisvment. nnd srd for it, 4TW AVOW JMPOSTTION AND EXPOSVXK. ly9W Blackwood's Magazine A NI) THE British lïeviews. I'ItlCESCIIEAI AS EVER, TO THOSS WHO PAV I'U: .IPT1.Y [N AI1VA V 1'. Noi vHbstasdicg i lio cosí of Repriütlng these PoriocU iealri has tnoTe llian doublet! n eon.iequence of tlie envrmtm.i v[sv in the price of Pnperandof a general u1v;nice in al! olher iml Hntuithstanduii;o1!im- pubHsh is aré rrduriri the .si.c nr iiicreasiiiK Ihd price of t hoir pubücati'Mis, u-e shall continue, for the year 1863, to oius cumphte, as heretofore, at tlie old rates, vil. : - 1 THE LONDO.V QUARTERLf (Comürrativo), o TIIHKDIXBl'MH REVIEW (Whig) 3 THE NORTH BKITISH HKVIET (fc'iee Church). 4 THE WESTMINSTER REWEW (Liberal) BLAOKWOOW'? EDIKBUlííJH MAGAZINE (Torj). TER MS. Per nnn, Fomnyoneof the four Rci'iews, - - - :; 00 i For anytwo of thofour Reviews, - - - 5 00 For aiiv-tfciree.of huv lifïiuns, - 7 co Forall of tlie Reviert, 8 00 For Blaokwood s M-ïazmo, - - - , 30 Fur Ulackwoodniid one Kmiew, - - - 5 00 For !lacIiwHH!aud two Kfvifws. - - 7 00 ForRlaeliwoo'lanil throe Hev&g, - - - 9 00 For Black wood and the fcur Reviews, - - 10 00 These wlll be our nricea to 11 who pay prior to tbe lst of A);ril. 'J'o tliose who deft-r payíng lili afterthat time, the prises will be in(;reaed to such oxtent ;is tho nercased c'osf of Reprint may domani] - thereicre, SEND IN YOUR ORDERS AND AVE YOUR MONEY. LEOXARDSforr i:CO.,Pub]is]]prs, No. 38 Wulker Street, New York. THE REBELLION 0S HIGH PRICE8 POR CLOTHIXG, HAS COM.MENCED AT THE 0L0 & RELIABLE CLOTHING No.3 PHCENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. rAMnow openin-; n large nnl varied assovtment of SpringandSummerGoodii, aii'l in view of the rebellon on high prices -ciurally, will offer tbem tomj frienda ind custum r at the very luwost. usures fur Oisli. - jBiose in want of a tsupertui articie oí Clotlis, Cassimeres , or Ready-Made Clothing, -will cali enWIVI. WA.CN ER, wbo has just returned from the East, with a large assortment of SPRING & SU MME R GOODS which hare been purchased at the lato LOW PEICES! and enn offer them nt alower figure (haa ever before. Among my Assortment may lie fouml BROADCLOTHS, (JASSIMERES, DOESKTNS, VESTINGS of all descriptions, topethr with a superior aasortment o( Ready-BIade Clotliing, ■UHpr-r-TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, mJLJ ÜMBRELTAS, and HEBiJeiitlenien's Funiishitis with num Pions othor articles usually fouud in similur establishmentfi. As an EMPOETUM OF FASHION, the subscriber flattershimself, l!at hi.s long experience and general success, will etiablehiin to give tlie greatest satisfaclion to al) wlioraay trust him in tlie way of iy Manufiicturing Garments to order. WM. WAGSER. AnnArbor, Aplil 9th 1S62. S4Sif C?. BIiISS Wovild takp this mthod of informinpf bis old friends and patrons and all others who may favor hira with their patronage, tliat hehas greatly enlarged bis 8tock and Assortmeut ! and li;i vïn aloi)tcd the CASH SYSTEM BOTÍI IN BÜYING & SELLING s lrparedjo sell Gnods at lOLl-S011Ala tXo Jtrlï OGÖS Hls slock CODslstflin pftrt oi the foUowlng: g- AMEKIOAK AND OTIIER v Watches! ' iyií? -á! ' The CeIrtratc(1 a SSa SETH THOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD CTTAINS, TABLE AND ' POCKET OUTLÊltY ! azors. ShcarR, PciRorsand Rruphefl, EOGERS l'LATEÜ WARE, tho best in market, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER and ENVELOPES, Musical Instruments, Stringu V Bnoks for Instruments, JSIinOT ACIjES, j of Goldt Silvcr, Steel, Platcd, with PERISCOPIO GLASS, i a superior urticlo. : Persons having diflicult watches to ftt with glassw can be accomodated, as my stuck ia la.rge"anil comlto, P. S. Particular atteution to tlie R33PAIRING of all kinds of üne Wat ches, sucli as Making and Setting new Jewels, PiniovB, Siajfs, and Cylivders. Aleo CLOCKS, Sc TZETWEIl-IRr neatly repaired and "war-anted, at his old standeast side of Mitin Street. C. BLISS. Ana Vrbor.Nov. 25,18f2 82Ctl MANHOO1); ÜO WLOST, 110 WRESTORED Just Publishcd, in a ScaUd Énvdepê. Price Six Cent. A ï.ecture on the NTatnre, Treafinfñt and Radical Cupe , of fïpermatorrhoea or Seminal Weíkaesa, Sexual DehiUty.Nrvousaess, and Involuntary Emïssïonn, (■iiiy hnjiotcncy, Conñiimption and Montaland Pityaical Üebtttty. BY ROBT J. CÜLVKKWKLL, M. D. The important f act that the awful fff , gelf-Abuse may lo eífcttiuvlly rfjimvt'd withooi j nal rnediciftéfl ov ib daigergas appUcátion ot cansí i es inMrumonts, medicated bougies, and other empirical , de vires, is here clearly demonstra tod, and tho ent i re ly ntv and mjjhly stiécessful tio:dinfnt as a.iojitod by the cclebmtt'd jiuthor, fully expUinod, by mcnns l which everyone isonabU-d to cuii? bimself porfectly and nt the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all th . advortined nostrumsof the day. The lecture will prove a boon to thousnnds md thousand. Sent nuderftoal,in a plain envelop, to any jiddress, l pont paidon receiptof twopostage stamps,by F ine tbe publítihcrs. ' K CHAS. J. C. KIJN'K & CO., 900f VXl Bow#ry, Nw Vcrk. Poi Office Rs ,4'W A Üil -UW UFJüMMr, LícihCT FlíUM ITllI.TSJTKRS AX1 Manafacturírsj a New and Complete atöcÉC of LAVV & MEDICAL HüüKíi, School Books, Miscdlancous Books, Blank Books, dan stationery: AVallauc] W'indov Paper, Drttwing and Music, Jtinile Ubnu-io, üuvelopes, luks and CardH. [-rrÏTaffln- - Mi f muil lm' GOLD And all otlter kinds of Pens and Pencils Window Corniee, Hilados andüüxture, POCKET CUTLERY! Aadevorything pertaining: to tlië trade, and more to whichtbey wmiM ii.vite the atteulion of the country. Inconductingour business, u i shall do all that can be done, so that no rcasooaMe man, woman or cbild shall find uny fault. We poscss fiicilities ■which will cnable us to supply our stomers at the Lowest Possible Figures. We propose tosellfor UEADY PAY, ata smalladvance. Weexpiicta proíit -onotir goods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. The "Kmi-ueBook Store, "s manned by afcnoí 'crew,' w tlu'V will alwaya be fnund un the "quartfr deck," ready and willing to attend tü all with pleasure, wko wíl] ravorlhem with a cali. líemcmber the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Arbor, May, 1800. 7Jp SCHOFF &1OLLËR A RESTII.I. ONIIANDattheirold Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block, with the most complete assortment of Books and Stationery , PERFUMEEIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, EOLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNIOES, CURTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever oífercd in this Martet ! and they would tothose in pursuit cf anythingin SANTA CL A US' LINE that they can secure & Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchaaing from thia stock, as eaih purchaser gete tin additional present of Jewelry, Are , Ranging invalue iroin 50 ets. to $50. tC& Thpytrust that theirlong experience insélèctlög joods forthis market, ainl strict attention to the wants :f Customevs, may entitle tbem tv a liberal sliare oj l'atronüge. Ann Arbnr.Pec. 6. 1860 777tf Uiiie Factory! Beutier & Tra ver, [Successors to A. J Sutluiiand,] llaiiufacturers of nnd Dealers in Guns, Pistols, Ammnnition Flasks, PoHihcs Garrn, Bags, and Everjother article ih that Line. All kinds of 3Ft-333F-ía.H:lX3ÍJrC3lone at tHe sliui-tust noticc, ami in tiio best manner. ÍJpL''ÍÉ91fF4ÍÍÍP , full asortniont atwaya kopt on haml and made order. -ÖfgL, h p corner Main and Wafalungfju etreets. Ann v Or,Oct. 8, K"ö"-873tf JLET TliE I'EOPLE E5. Eï JOÏCE, For Providente has again Crowntd our Arms witi Success ! -ANDA. C. LOEB, OF THE CLEVELAND CLOTIÍIM HOUSE, irenow oITering to tlie citizons of AVashtenaw county, tnd the State of Michigan generally, k LAEGER AND I3ETTER SELECTED STOCK OP SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, .han was ever beforc brougb't to this city, wlnoh we -11 Bell Cheaper than any House west of New York.' Our stock consistB of Ready-Made OIothing, HATS, TRUNKS, VALISES, Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c„ in'l in crmclwpion w wonM sny to all who want tobuy JOOD OOOD AT LOW l'RICKS, to c:ill at the Cleveland Clothing House, lreiioorswest of Cook'K Hotel, aniiynu ivilNavi mnnoy )ydolngo. A. & C.LOKH. N . Ii. - Jtou't forct tb cíiU before purchaslng cls'evhore. Ann Arbnr, Maylst, 1883. 2mrO2 Auctioneers Hotice. BYROX i'.REKN, hnvinjr appliefl for a license, now holda himaeH in roailinesH to attend t'i all calis. - lavini? hadexpi'ii'nco, hpií po;:itivo lio can give fjoe4 latisfnctioo. All oall promptlj attendei to. Chaiges anonable. Anply at the Franklm House. liVHON OUKKN. Ann Arber. O1. 24, 1KC2. Witf L am Bound íor M. GÖITERMAN & CO'S ! o Dispute tli.é fact if vera can, It tak'js the TAILOR after all to give appcarance to the outer man. If jou wih to appear well Tön must accordingly Dress Well. Go to ffi. Guiterman & Co's., Thero you will find things exaetly Sü SONDHEIM iilw&ya ready to takc vuur mensure, GÍJITERMAN wil! sell you Goods with great pleasore, At figures L0WER than you will find in ihe State, 'J'üke heed - call earlt, else vou are too LATE. The inducemenïs aro now greater than ever, Our Cleeks you will find obliging and clover. We will show you god CLOTHING of our own oettino up, Filling our Store from Bottom to iop. STUDENTS especially will find it to TIlHIIl ADVANTAGE, For it taken but LIÏTLE MONEY to répleüish. 1500 0VERC3AT8 of Cloth, Beaver, ïnd Benr, Warranted for ahnost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMPORTAT10N, Eorwarded through our New York relations. From England, Belgium, Germany and France, Suoh as you can stand up in. or wear, at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN of everv grade, We sell them from ONE DOLLAR up tO EIGUT. VESTS, &C, of every description, You will find it so without fiction, Furnitihing apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all we say now, Therefore we make our bow. Tours truly, ever 80, M. GÜITERM&N. & Co., RLSDON & 1ÍEJN DERSOIS' Havro til o CRAIIM DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfield, Ohio. rpiIE VERY LATEST IMPROVEMENT, and bettcr than X all others; adapteel to sowing Wheat, Rye, Oata; Rarley and Grass eul . Ist. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. Never bunches the Grain 4th. Never breaks the Guin. 5th. Sows Grass Seed broadcast behindthe Drill. GfJi. Has high wlieels and long Hoes. 7h. lias long and wide steel points. $th. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and' single rank drills. Wth. It has a self arfjusting sluit off islide. It is neatly and substantially made. There is liardlya Drill offered in the market but can boast of more or lesa FIRST PREMIUMS? Thej' are aboutas tadtseriminately bestowed íia the title of '■ rofcnor," wliicli t .sometimey pplieil to tlie fiddler" or '' bootblack," Tliey cease to convey the idea otmerit. The BuckeyeDriU h;is been on Exbibition at quite a numbftr of bta-teand County Tuirs, and without seeking favor at the lian. Is of auy Committee, bas received its full share of Premiums. TESÏIMONIALS : We t?ive the following Dames of a few Farmers in this vicinity wjo have bought and used theBuckeyeÜrill : Godfrey Miller, Scio. Jacolt l'ollteraus " Jaci'liTrcmper, u Thomas White, Northfield. John Brokaw, M Clui.stian Kapp, " Edward Boydent "Webster. James Treadwell, AnnArbor, Daniel U'IIara, 4t " John U.Cook, Ixjdi. O. A. Marshall, " Ij. Edni'in 's, Saline. George Cropsey, Green Oak, Liv. Co. Wo are also Agents for the Ghio Reapcr & Mcwer, ïcknowledged tc-be the very best in use. AVe are just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Wliicli we will sell Clieap. Also alargeassortment o Grrass And tho largest and best selected stock of I3E1STT STUFF FOR CARTlTAGKPever bofore offered in this raarket. "We also keep a large and full h N.ULS, fil.ASS, PUTTY, PAINT, and I.INSEED OIL. A complete assortment of t STOVES, TINWAKE, AND EAVIÍ TROUGHSalwa.TS on hand and put up at the hortest notice. KISnON & HEN'DKRSON'. Ad Art, .Tunr th r1f3. 99M 1868. 186O. SPRING COODS! AT . Re duce d Prices ! Just receiving at C. H. MILL1;N"'S MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR. Aprïï 17, I8C3. 4w900. 1863. spring. 1363, u We are now opening: A Lar ge and Beautiful assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry doods ! LADIES' DBESS GOODS n great variety, niBBOKTS. öress Trimminsa, efce. Also a large stock of doods for Mens' Wear, Cassimeres, Gloths, &c. and a íull assortment of Ladies and Children's HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, AU of tvhich we will sell at the LOWEST TOSSIBLE MAGK & SCHMID. Ann Arbor, March 19, '63. 89Ctf CITY COOPER SHOP. 'Vholesale and Retail, O. C. SPAFFORD Would respectfulTy announcs to the citizens of Ann Arbur and vicinity, that he is now iranufacturing and keepscoustantly on hend a Large Assortnient of Cooper Work ! such as Pork and Ci r Barrels, Kegs, Firkins, Churas, "Well Buckets, &c, Which wíl! besoïd cbeap for cash. CITSTOM "VTO:R,:k: Made to order on short notice. Kepairing done with neatness and diöpatch, 1 would cali particular atteution to Merchants in want of Bntter Firliins. lammanufacturin the IVew ïoik State Flrkln, whicli isa better tirkin tban has ever bef ore been ofTered inthis market. I would invite all who want Kiriins to Cali and exanine for tbemselves beforepurchasing elsewhre, and I will convince you that you have called at the right place. 1 would also cali the attontion of Brewera in want of BEER KEGS, [ am now prepared to manufacture líights, Quarters and half Bbls. in l.irge or smatl lots, and of a Better Quality than can be had in Detroit or elsewhere. JlPAll work warranted to give entire satis 'aetion. Thankful for pistfavors and by a trfet attectinn to )usiness, I hope to meril a continue liberal supply of the public patronage. 19 Do not f urget to cali at the City Cooper Shop. O. C. SPAFFORD. Detroit St. Ann Arbor, Mich. 888vl GREAÏ. GKEATER GREATEST BAIiGAlNS EVER OFFERED 1859. qJ85 n tlii3 City, are uow being offered at the CHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & Jewelry S-toiOrHE Sribscribor would say to thecitize.npof Ann partirular, and the rest of Wnihtenaw ■fiuntv ingeneral, that hnhasjust 1MPORTED DIÍECTLY from EÜROPE.8 Tremendous Stock of Watchee! Il of which hfi hinde himself to eell fHKAPER than can be bouplit west ot' New York City. )pen Face Cylinder Watches Irom $6 to $10 do do Lever do do 8 to 21 lunting Case do do do 14 to 35 do do Cylinder do do 9 to 28 old Watehes from 20 to 130 I have also tne CELE BR ATE D MEll?CAN WAT CUES, fhichlwlll sen Ur S3S. Every Watch warranted to erform well.orthe mon,;y i-etunded. Clocks, Jewelry, Piated Ware, Fancy Goods. Gold Peni, [usicallnstruments ani Stringg, Cutlery, &c, nd infartavarirty of evprythinir mually fcppt 'uy Jewelerscan be boughtforthe nextninety days at vur O'WN P R I 0 E S ! ersons buying auything at this wel' known estabs'b me nt can rely upon getting soori!. exnct'y as repeeented.orthemoney refundod. Csllearly and seure the best bargaioe ever orl'ered in thi' City One word in regard to Repairing : Ve are preparen1 to make nny repairs onflne or comion Watchps.i'ven to mikinec er the entirr wntch, ■ mrpüarT linpnirinR of Clocks ar.d Jnwolry a " "j I Alo the mannfacturinir of RINGS. BROOMIS, r nuythine dei treil. from California Gold onsliortnoIce Ensraviro in ollitsbrancheaexoented witlineat. ,c..'.nddi.p.tch. i rwxrrs Ann Arbor, Jin. 28thtR59. VL4w Ayer's Agüe Cura. Mortgage Sale. pEFAULT liaving been made in the conditio of a ttr iJ tain niortgage, executed by Nicbolari Duody anil' Bridget DooSy, hTe wlfe, ui DEHr. Michigan, loJoW Ra b bit, ol tlu'same placa, datpd the thirtieth dat o( June, A. 1)., eightiM-n hundred and sixty, ml nconltjd the Lhird day of.lnly, 1860, in th office of the RegjRtei ' Of Deedsoi tlif County of WanLt.-naw, Mate of UÜthigao, in liibtr 27 oí Mortgages, on j-ae tí3, at tft o'clock in the afternooo, which s a i 1 ílrtgage vas lu ly assigned by Baíd .Jf-lm Rabbit to RichernJ WaJhli, w deed olassignment, baring date the 22d day of jan ruary, A. 1. 18GÜ,acd reeprded in the í-aid fl-ce t the Register ot Pet-ds for snid County of Wsstiteniñr on the nttb day of Mareb A.D lCSj'at twr and ahii 0 clock in the atternoon, ín Líber "27 ol Uoitgafi, On page 3 ; upon wbich mortgage tlxere is claimed tob due, at the date oí' thinnotiee, thu suin of cine hunilred eighteen dollars and sevuty four cents ($118.74), an no suít or pt&cÜG&ítig at Un having been mMituted te ii'ciiver anj part thereo! : Notice, is threfore, bere. by given , that un riaturday, the 18th day July nt-jt at 1 n'elock, n..un, "I xhall s.-II at j-tiblic auclion, to the liigï.est bidder, at the frontdoor oftfaet'oatt Hmu,.. in i'ii' Ciry o!' Ann Arbor, Couniy of Wat-htenaw, the i'reinist-s coñfaínea in tñíd moitgnge, oi f0 mach th.ere.ot ashall bt neceT%ary to safifefj U. e innun; due on said muitgaf;; wltfc ten per. c nt iutt-rtst and legal cofias, ttgttl'.er wfth all reasonabJe clir ges asan Attorney fee corenanted lo: tlicrc-in, "Uhitj to say, alltbose rertaín traets or pareéis ol Ia rul, gftj. atf d in th(' i'l;ifíe o' liexter, Cuunty and Statt aforesa-id, known, bpunded, and describid as roilowg (e wit: One par Cel brinuirg at lïf iuh Ui -wt l corner of ajuisoldbj Jolin bleek ]fi of aid viiltigu a contract irom Hnmuel W Keiler to the paid Joba Walde, and bearinp date the -Sth day of July, a. I). 1843, i henee south-easterly on ihe Ann Arbor rnarl 'jg feet ; thencesoutli aOdgiees west 81 feet to an al]e, 16 feet wide ; thence westerly on the north line of said alley to the w % t line Of raid Waldv's land ; tbtnee nbrtheily on said W Ido's west line to the place of be gining ; beipg tfee Bsnoe lol eonjraetfd by the h$ SamueMV. Iexter to John Van Kleet, by contrnct btar ing date the -lst dy (í'May. A.D., 1644. Also th 01 her pa ree 1 ol aifd, ccrtnineiic'iVig at a b rafee tin iLe Ano road, 28 feet aoulh eaatrly frtni the norihwest corner of the tract ef land, on block 18, wbich tlie aW l'exter rontracU-d to John Walde, on the 28ih day of July 183, and running thence f outh 64 (ïogreti e?ist '25 feet and 7 inehes on tlieouth line of said Ana Arbor road ; tin nee Boutli 3'J degreea v.?nt 81 i'i et to iq alley lfi feet wide ; thence along sak! alley north 6-1 útgrees west 5? feet and 7 inehes ; thence north C9 degreps east Í-1 teet to the place of beginniog." Dated, Aun Arbor, April 23d 1 Rf 3. RlCHAfiD WALSH, M. PAXFORTIi , jUsiuDfe of Mortgagee Attorney. 901tr! Chnncery Notico. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, F.urth Judicial Circuit, fa v (,'liancerv, suit panding in the Circuit Court foi H.e Coiinty of Washtenaw, in Chancery, in the City of Aun Arbor, on the 2"th day of May, A. 1. 1863. In the cansé wherein . Tliusnplda F. Bochman is eotnpla-inmt.aiid i)avid Bochman is defendaut, itappparing on ttié atídávU of Ü. 3 Twitcheil, tlmt the defen daat David Uochman in nut a reskWnt of the Stateof Michigan, búi snow, orwafi", ltót Iwtg since a renden! of the State of Missouri, on motion oi ïwitcbtUi Frazer, Solicitorfl for complainiiiit. it is ordered ilu the aa id Darid lïochmu n cause h is appearance to bc pd tered and notiee tliereof to be erved on the coinplain. ants solieitors, -within two months inm tiie dateof this or Ier, and in case of his a p pea ranee that ht cani lii.s answer to the cornplainanf. bül to be Jiled andi copy tliereof to be served on the coniplainant'a t-oiici tors within twenty days aftera service ofacpyof said bill, and in default therfof, iliat the Raid bilí of complamt may t)c taken as conffssed againsi mm, And it is fiirther ordered, tliat witliin twfntydayi froni the tlate hereof tht s:iid cimplainnnt cause a copj cf 1 his o: der to be publiheil in the MU higan Argts,i nevftpaper pnrted and publii-bed in the city oi Ara Arboi . ra theCouiityof Wafihteiiaw. and State ol Michigan , i%t least once in each week, for six succesme weeks or that the complsinant cause a coj.y hírenf u be personally served on the said defendant David Bnchman, at least twenty days before the time prescribid for his appearance. ' GEORGE HAN! OBTn, Cir. Court Com. (A truecopy.) Tract W. Root, lïefrister. Twitciikil& Fbazkr, Solicitors for CowplaiDant. Dated, May 27th, 1863. Cbancery Sale. TNPURSUANCE and by vimie of a decree of th Circuit Court, for the County of Wa.htenaw, in Chancery, male on the ü4th day of Janury A. 1. (862, in a cause therein pending, wherein James M. Forsyth, is complainant, and Cargiil, and David Cargill, are defendants. Notice is herby giventbatl shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder at 1! o'clock, noon, on Saturday. the 15th day of August next, A. D. 1863, at the runt dnor of the Wachten county Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, that certain piece or parcel of land knnwn and cescribed as follows, to wit : the soatfe haif of ! ■( numbr tw-o hundred and four, -0i) in the v.Uage now city of Vpsilanti, m the county of Washtenawaoj State of MJehigftn. GEORGF DAN'FORTH. Cir. Court Com., Wash. County Mich. NORBIS XlNDE, SolieitfTS for Complainants. Dated, Ann Arbor, July 21, 1363. NEW COODÍ! NEW GOOÜSÜ DKESS GOODS, SILK GOODS, TLAID SHAWLS, GLOVES, HOSIEEY, SKIETS, PAKASOLS, CLOTHS, OASSIMEEE5!, DomestiüsSc Groceries! These gooás were purchased at much reduced rates and wM bB sold far below tho prices they hare bet held at. HENION & GOTT. CABPETS, OILCLOTHS, CANTÓN MATT1NGS, Largest & Best in the city, Just Received at IIENíON & GOTT'S. Ann Arbor, April 23, 1863. 901tf. Dl!SSiiLUTM)N. THE COPARTXERSIJIP hertofore existing betw theander.signed, under tlie name of Buch & rieriOD is disMjlved by mutual consent, 'l'he business of tbl late firm will be settkd by l'liilip Bach. rniI.TP BACH, 1. S. P1ERS0N. Ann Arbor, April C9,le63. 9O2t6 Notire AM, PERSONS ndebted to the late firm of Bad Pierson, etther by mte urmboolf accuunt, are rï1 quetedto cali and settle without delay. PHILIP BAfffl Ann Arbor, April :9, t?63. 8U2w6 For Sale. Two Dwelling Houses ! 1 TWO STORY FRAME I WEI.I.INfi HOUSE anfl !' 1 4 x 8. mv nccunied by J. II Bur]eon I'os-css' civcn ot. 1 . isf3. la' STORT FRAME mvEI.T.TXO. HOrSE, BARN l LOT, 4 x 8, now occupii-'l by D R. Ki'lli-y pos-esn Kivcn April lst. 1894. go"d ci-Hnrs, cisterns aril o about tbu preioises, Properlj adji'iningi1 house of L. C Risdoñ on Willinm street, Ann Arbor. For lurtber particular inquire of _ Ann Arbor, May 14, 1863. 9p14lf JOval Picture Frames 4 LL-KES, STVI.EE and PKICES just received1 AforsalCtc1HOFF&MILLEK'S. 1860.Dee.25, " FOR SALE. O ACRES nf oxnollont timbfrod tlie . X " ö' I N W. of Se.2.Twñí.K Rimtc 3 W..CW tonOounty. Itisinagood neighborhood, aboul f mipsfrom DeWitt and ten fronv Lansing. For ter nquireatoraddres.. ARGÜS OFFICE. Jan. 20th,18C3. S&U DAVELtlNG SAIiE !■ TFYOüwish to buy a. "od two-story brick dwflH'' 1 conrenientto the butne 1-art of the City. . rrounds and yards well stocked with choice Ir"1'"',; ind pples' I'ears. IVaches Plums, RappberneK aiZ:.lll :5892'.SUrUbben ' &C' ' 't",ROUS OFFÍci. '


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Michigan Argus