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The Michigan Argus

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Mjgbedevery Friday morning, in thethird story of hrick block, corner of Main and Hurón Ms.. ANN "rBUR oh. BnWajacsBnHaronStreetjOppositethe mnkiinEtfflÜ B. POND, Editor and Publisher. Terms, $l,5O a Year tu Advance. idvcrtlslng- One square (12 lines or less), one t 50cents: and 5 cent for every insertion there'"'lessthan three months. ' c, uare 3 mos $3.00 Quarter col. 1 year $ro n muire 6 mos 5.00 Half column 6 mos IS V ,K 1 year 8 00 Half column 1 year 35 Sin sa 'res 6 mos 8 CO One column (i mos. 36 "[ jsq'res 1 year 12.00 1 One column 1 year 60 S Jvertiseinents anaccompaiiied by written or hlii'irection.i will be published until ordered out, '". ,i1.n!ed accordingly . "i il Ivortisements, iirst insertion, 50 cents per ,■ euts per folio for each subsequent Lsertion. '"''"' ' „„tpinement isadded to an advertiaemenl the hole wil' be c"arïed tlieame as for fir&tinsertion. . b prhilliig- Pampliiets, Hand Bills.Circulars, r i ■ Bill Tickets, Labels. Hlanks, Bill Hetds, and ih rVirietics of Plain and Fancy Job l'i-.uting, execu J with prompluesa, and in the be=t style "r.i-" liavea Ruggles Rotary Card Preis.aod , „ranetf of thïluti-st styles of Card type wliicli hC" to print Cards of all kinds in the neatest ■hlutvle ini1 chepcr tlian anj other house in the ? BiSiiens c-ards for men of all avocations and proS. Ball, Wedding and Visiting Cards, printed on hort ootice . toll and see samples. ROOK BINDI.VG-- Connected with the Office is a n ninlerv in charge of two competent workmen. - 5 h. Records, Ledgers, JoumaJs, and all Blank Books "'"."to order, and of the best stock. Pamphlets and Jicilsbound in a neal and durable marnier, at Deftices. Eatrance to Bitdery through the Argus C ____


Old News
Michigan Argus