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Sfftml pática. ÍÍGaFORAL RAILROAD, PíHengertraint. leave Detroit. Chicago, and the KTeril stations in thitCuunty,as folíows : GOINO WEST. Iie Mail. Day Ex. Jack.Ac. JTightEx. rtroit. 5.30A.M. 7.50 A.M. 5.00p. m 7.40 P. X. "ftillnti, 6 55 " 0.10 " 6.30 " 8.55 " Arbor, 7.15 " 9.Ü8 " 6 55 " 9 15 " "iter, 7.4(1 " p M. 7 25 . , 8.00 ' " 7.45 " - " ii.Ckicigo, 6.30 " 7.30 A. M. The mail train goes only to Michigan City. GOING EAST, Iwe. NijhVEx. Jack.Ac. Hay Ex. S0, 7.15 P.M.- 5.00 a. M 7.30 a m. e a, 5.35 A. M. 3.05p.. "eit, 6:55 " 3.25 " ■Arkor, 4.J5A. H. 6.30 " 3.50 p. a. 4.43 P m P'ilsnti, 5.05 " 6-55 " 4.15 " 5.00 " ' ■Betroit, 6.05 " 6.15 " 5.40 " 6.20 " Jhudonnt stop at stations wherefiguresareomitwainthe tabie. 'rainsconncctarDetroitivitli the Grcat Western and ■TOTrankRailw.iysor Canada, and the Detroit and W"Io, and Di-troit and Milwaukee lUilroads. and ereUnd Steamers. thfCompany's Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chicago, Imllfí í-afayerte, thvou?h tickets can be purehased "'i principal cities and towns in the United States m Cnaiii, WXÜRIOUS SLEEP1NO OARSupon all night trains. otUn's celebrated Ventilatlng Ajinaratus upon all trams - the bést dunt preventativeiu use. u „ _ RN. KICF., General Superintendent. "C.R.R. Office, April 17, 18f3. Ready for an Invasión. "OSESTha fortlfled for a recular siege in the Crockrio4Grocerylini_ Quarters given. Such as quar'" (ir more ia not wanted) sets ol Crockery.- Vlrters (and any amount more) of Tea at SI per 1b. 11 means something more than an alphabetical let Quarters of a tun (rr.ere or less) of nice sugar ot no IniHmg per lb. CofFee furnished at two shilling Irlb. that makes the consumer "tarryover 1 is cups,' --hieh cheers but don't inebríate. Warranted letter "■"Tother Coffeoia thia market al any price, or 'k'mooej refunded. ■ IeFoiest senis this rlifpatch to the 10,000 read"orthe Argus, invites them all to cali at the wPl'i Headquarters, Ann Arbor. See advertise!nt. 0ÏPTHËUIA. DR. DEGLUBO'S DIPTHERIA SPECIFIC. CKTAIN' CURE FOR DHTHEEIA AND CROUP. '"'Iwpastyear over 200 CAS1-3 OF niPTHSRIA in LfSa"0""4 Rooh!8t'r. Y-. CONSIDERED HUPE.havebeencured withthis medicine. Namesand ""aces can be given. At-r.THEPHYSICIANS TIIERE NQW USE IT. "nenlas fa.icd to cure ! Mt."Hle;tcostS 50 cents. rr alo by lnd,o,dby ERBACUtCO. 7913 W. E. SKIN.N'ER, Rechter, N. ï'. HEI.MBOLD'S EXTRA' T BUCHU. ' THE GREAT DIÜRETIC. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. THE GREAT DtURETIC. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHV. THE GREAT DIÜRETIC. HELMBOLD-S EXTRACT BUCHU. THE GREAT DIUKETIC. AndaPositiveandSpecific Reuiedy fur Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness. Andaïl diseases of the Urinary Organs. See Ad ver t i seinen t in a nother Column. Cut it out, and send for the Medicine at once. BEWARE OF tOUNTEKFEITS. 2ra908. S-T-1860-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATTON BITTEES. Tbey punfy, strengthen and invigorate. They créate a healthy appetile. They arean antidote to change of water ancl diet. They overeóme eftects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enlïveo the mind. Tbey prevent miasuiatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath ana aciility of the stomach. They cure dyspepsia and Constipatioo. Tbey cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. They cure Li ver Complaint and NervousHeadache. They are the best bitters in the worU' . They makt the wrak man strong, and are exbausted nature's grent restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the celebrated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, andaré taken with the pleasureof a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persons requirinp a gentle stfmulant. Sold by alIGrocers, Druggift-s, Hotels and Saloons. Ft H. Drakeit Co. 202 Broadway. New York. 6m891 LYON'S KATKAIRON. Kathairon is from the (ireek word, "Kathro," or "Kathairo," nignifying to, rejuvinate and restore. Thif article is what its nuneaignities. Forpreserving, restoring and beautifying the human hair it is the most reinarkable preparation in the world. It is again owned and put up by tlie original proprietor, and is now made with the same care, skill and attention which guveit a sale of over one niiliion botüesper annuui . Jt is a most dclightful Hair Dressing. It eraticates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the heitd cool nnd clean. It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy It prevenís the hair from falliog offand turning gray It restores hair upi-n buil heads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiíul head of hair should use Lyon's Katharion. It ia known and used thrtnighout the civilized world. Sold by all respectable dealers. 6m894 DKMAS 8. 3ARNKS & CO.,.Prop'rs, N. Y. The Great French Remedy! MADAM BOmS'8 CELEBRATED SILVER-COATED FEMALE PILLS. The only certain and Safe Remedy for all Uterino Obstructions, Monthly IHflicuIties, lrregularititjs, andall the other diseases to which the Woman, Wifs and Mother is peculiarly Hable. Tbese Pilla contiin nu deleterious iugredients, but are safe and certain in their action. They wi.I befoundto exert thehappiest effect in all cases of Prolapsus Utert, in Leucorrhea, or the Whites ; thej will be foundthe easiestand most certain Cure that can be iound. It is on account of this certrinty they should aot be taken by Pregnant Females (during the fitst tkree tnonths, as miacarriage is certain,') to be brought on, but at other periods their use is perfectly sale. N . li. - One Dollar enclosed to any auttorized Agent, will ensure package of Pilis by return of mail. C. CRO5BY, General Agent, FortErie, C. W.f BuiTalo, N. Y. CUimow, - Beware of Counterfeits, the penuine have the hignatureuf C CROSJJY, on the outside wrappur. Fop sale by all respectable RruggiHts. lyeow8S7 A CARO TO THE LA DIES. DR. UUPONCÖ'S GOLDEN PILLS FOK FEMALES. ïnfalliblein correct Ing, regulating and removing allobstructions, from whatever cause, and alivays successful as a preventive. The combinatiori of ingredïents in Dr. Duponco's (ioldt'u PUla fr Females are perfectly harmïess. They have been used in the private practice of Dr. Duponco over 30 years,and thousandii of, ladies can testify to their great and never failing süccess in almost every case incorrecting irreularities, relicving painful and distressing menstruatiun . particularly at the change of Ufe. F rom fi ve to ten pills will cure that common yet dreadful complaint, tlie Whites Nearly every female in the land suffer-s frt m this complaint. The above Pili has permanent ly curedthoúsands,and they willeure jou if you use them. They can notliarm on the contrary.they remove all obstruction3, re store nature to its proper channel, and invigorate the whole Ladies whose heattfa will not permit an increase of family, will find these pills a successful preventive. Iadies peculiarly situated, or those supposing themselves po, Bhould not u?e these Pills during the first tlirce months, as they are certain to producemiscarriagt, "after which admonition" the proprietor assumps no responsibility, altbough their mildness will prevent au injury to health. The ingredients compoeing the otoore rillfi are .nade known to every Agent, and they will teil you they are safe and will perform all claimed lor them. Price $1 per box áold in ANN ARBOR, by gTEBBms fc WJLS0N_ pruggists W. A. HUN'T, IlruK?ist. Ladies living at a distance by sending them $1,00 through tlie Ann Arbor Posloffice, can hare the Pills sent (onflclentia11y)6ïKi.tu any part of the country free of poptage. 'y b. Beware of a base c.ounttrfeit of thc&e Pille. - You can buy the counterfeit article at any pricefrom 25 to 76 cents a box (dear at tliat). Ladies your lives and health are of tuo much valué to be triíled with, besides beinc iroposed opon ith a worthless article. Therefore, any one offeringyou tlifse l'illslur les.s than $1 a box, avoid them as you would poison. They arebogus. None aregenuine unlesa the name of S. II. HOWE is on enery boi"which has recently been added.on account of the Pills beinii couterfeited. Sold also, by KINNE & 3MTTH, Ypsilanti. BLISS & BEEBEJackson, andby one drugpist in every village and city in the United States, andby FARRAND.SHEELEYas Ü0..General State Agents, Detroit. S. D HOWE, SoloProprietor. 86"yrs2 Nkw York. AGOOD TREE IS KNOWN SY ITS FRUIT. So is a good Physician by his Successful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THE GREAT ANO CELÉBRATE!) PHYSICIAN OF THE THBOAT, LUSGS ANP CHEST, Known ftll over the countr; as the Celebrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! From South America, wil! be at his rooms, RU&SELL HOCRE, DETROIT, Onthel8th and 19tU inst.,on the same dale of and every subsequent mouth during 862 and 1863( A SR AT PAMPIILET Of the life,sturly and extensivo travels of Dr. Lyons can be procured by all whodesireone, free of cbr.rye. Dr. L will visit Ana Arbor, Jackson.and Adrián, Mtcli., as folio ws : Ann Arbor. Monitor House. 20th. Jackson. Hibbard House, 21st Adrián, Braekett H u=e,2d and 23(1. Monii of Kxamixation. -The Doctor discerns diseases b y the eyes . He, therefore, asks no questions nor req -ires patients to explain symptoms. Afilie ted, cme and have yonr .symptoins and the location of your dis easeexplained fret; of charge HEIMSTREET8 Inimitable Hair Kestorative. IT IS NOT A DYE, Bat restores gray hair toits original color, by supplying the capillary tub?a with natural sustenance, impaired by age or disease. All instantaneous dyes are composcd of lunar caustic, destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and aiTord of themselvea no dressing. HeimstrfetrH Inimitable Coloring notonly restores hair to its natural color by an easy procesa, but gïves the hair a liuxurlnnt Beauty, promotes ïts growth, prevents its fallii off, eradicates JandrulT, n'l imparts health and pleasantness to the uead. It hasstood the te.stof time, bciog the original Hair Coloring, and is constantly increasing in favor. Used by both gentleman ami ladies. Tt is old by all rëspecUble dealer, or can be procured by tbem of t" commercial agents, U. S. Barnes ie Co. "02 Broadway New-York. Two sizes, 50 cents and SI. 6m891 O" TOBACCO- You can buy the best grades of FINE CHEWING TOBACCO at from 50 een; to One Dollar. SMOKING from fourteen to twenty cents at IL DEVANY'8 TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE Sign- Red Indian. Soutli side Hurón treet, a few doors frora Cook's Hotel. M.DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dec. 11, 1862. 883tf riiRY THE NATIONAL COFFEE. X Two nbilling yer pound at A. HhFOREST'S. TO THE LADIES OF AMERICA! MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD ! MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD! MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD ! MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD ! Dr. JNO. L. LYON'S f R E S C II PERIODICAL DROPS, F R E N C II PERIODICAL DROPS, FRENCH PERIODICAL DROPS, F R E IV C H PERIODICAL DROPS, FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES, Suffering from Irregularity, or Obstruction of the Henscs, from whatever cause, [T IS SURE TO CURE ! IT IS SURE TO CURE! 1T IS SURE TO CURE ! IT IS WRE TO CUREI It is impossible to enjoy the bloom of hoalth, and rivacity of spirits, unlesa the Menses are regular as to :he time, tho quantity, and quality. When tthej are bslructed, nature mak?s her etforts to obtainforio ome other Outlet, and, unless ttese elforts of nature ire assisted, the patiënt usually experiences Posponlency, NervouintKS,' ard flnally CCWSU Mi'TION aslumesits Hvray , añil preroaturely terminate.s a miserale life. [T REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS! [T REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS! ÏT REMOVES ALL OBSTRTTCTIONS ! [T Rï.MUVES ALL OBSTUUCT[ONS! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! BEAR IN MIND. 13EAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIKD, 3EAR IN MIND, THAT I GUARANTEE THAT 1 GUAKANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE THAT I GUAKANTEE y DROPS TO CURE Suppression of the Mensos from ivlnitever cause, thoueh care should be taken to nsccrainif pregnancy be thc cause, as these DROPS woulil je sureto produce miscarriage ; heywill al.sf) cerlainly 'RKVENT conceplion, if taken tVo or three days before he monthly period ; therefore, I wish it distinotly unierstood, that I do not hold nijself respousible wlien .ised under such circumstances. BUY THE BEST ! BUY THE BEST ! BUY THE BEST! SVY THE BEST! BUY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE SAFEST! BUY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE SUREST ! BUY THE SUREST ! BUY THE SUREST ! BUY THE SUREST ! WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. WHiCH IS LYON'S DROPS. WHICH IS LYONS DROPS. WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. TIIEV ACT LIRE A CIIA1ÏM, by strengthening and ïnvigorating, and restoring the syftem to a healthv condition. It moderntes all exccus, and removes all obstructionSj and a speedy cure may be relietl on. TO MARRIED LADIES, They are peculiarly adapted, as thoy bring on the monthly period withsuch perfect regularity. SURE TO DO GOOD ! SURE TO DO GOOD! SUKE TO DO GCOD I SURE TO DO GOOD! CANNOT DO HARM! CANNOT DO HARM! CANNOT DO HARM! CANNOT DO HARMI I could furnisli any quantity of testimoniáis of tg eflieacj from my own palients, but the iractice of parading bonghtand lictitiouB ones before tiie public is so prevalent I do not deern it advieable. My object is to place my medicine before the public, not alone to make money, but t( do gcod. it is proverbially true of the American L&diofi, tbatnotten perectly lieaHh v ones can be found ín any one vicinity. BE WISE IN TIME ! BE WISE IN TIME ! BE WISE IN TIME ! BE WISE IN TIME ! Let not disease destroy your constitution. Try a bottle of my PERIODICAL DKOPS, aod yon will he satisfied that I am no impostor. Teil your afllicted friend wtaat restored the bloom of health toyour cliecks, and thereby confer a favor mnre valuablfi tlian gold. For painful or scanty Menstruation it s just the thing I have in my minrt an instance of a lady who had been suffering from painful inenstruation two or three years, confininp: lier to her rootn each time ; sho had applied to several eminent physicians, without relief when one bottle of my DROPS entirely curcd her. ONE BOTTLE CURES I ONE BOTTLE CURES! ONE BOTTLE CURES! ONE BOTTLE CURES Í In ftlmoit every case. DO NOT BETMPOSEDUPON! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! DO NOT BK IMPOSED UPON I EO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! But cutthisout and srod it to your Druggist, nd if he has not got it, make him buy it for you ; or, it may btj obtained of the (encral Agents for the United Sta ten C, G. CLARK & CO , WlI0LE8A[.B DbUGCÜST, Nf.W IIATKXjCOXK; Forsale by all respectable DruggintH. Price,$1.00 per btttle, and by Stebbins 4; WHbod, Grenville & Fuller, Eberbitch fc Co. Preparpd by J.vo. I. Lyo, M. T, ly902. GOOD One Shilling per Pound ! TEAf . Eight Shillings per Pound BEST KEROSENE OIL SIIILLINGS PER GALLON! CHOICE ARTICLE OF COFFEE, Prppjired of ColTee and Chiccory fresh ground eyery day and warrant ed superior to anythiog in this markct or ae raoney ret'unded, AT 2 SHILLINGS PER JLB. OROCKEEY, OLASS WARE, TABLECUTLERY, LAMPS, FRV1TCANS. and uil other goeds at about old prtces. A. DeFOREST. Ann Ai-bor, June 23, 1863. SlOtf. .■do. -A.yer's FOR r SjrjjDY SCEOFÜLA AND SCROFULOÜS DISEASES. From Emery Edes, a V)ell-know% viercliant qf Oxford, Mainc. " I have sold large quantitie3 of your SarsaparIlla, but liever yet oue bottle wbich failed ol' the desired effect and full satisfacción to tliose who took it. As fast as our pcople try it, they ngree thcie liaa been no medicine like it before in our community." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, Ulcers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin From Hev. Robt. Stratton, Bristol, England. ' I only do my duty to you and the public, when I add my testimony to that you publish of the medicinal virtues of your Sarsafakilla. 3Iy daughter, aged ten, had an atllicting humor in her ears, eyes, and hair for ycars, which we were unable to cure until we tried your Sarsatarilla. She bas been well for some mouths." . From Mrs. Jane E. Hice, a well-kiwicn and much estcemed Lady of Dennisville, Cape May Co., N. Jt " My daughter has suflered for a year past with a scroi'ulous eruption, wliich was very troublesome. Nothingafforded any relief until we tried your Sak safarilla, which soon completely cured her." From Charles P. Gage, Esq., of the widcly-knownfirm of Gage, Murray Sf Co., manvfacturers qf enam elled papers in jStashua, N. H. " I had for several years a very troublesome Jumor in my face, wbich grew constantly worge until it disfígured my features and beemne an intolerable afSiction. I tried almost everything a man could of both advice aud medicine, but without any relief whatever, until I took your Saiïsaparilla. It immediatcly made my ihee worse, as you told me it might for a time; but in a few weeks the new f kin began to form underthe blotches, and continued until my face is as smooth as anybody's, and 1 am without any symptoms of the disease that I know of. 1 enjoy perfect heult ti, and without a doubt owe it to your Sarsaparilla." Erysipelas - General Debility - Purify tha Blood. From Dr. Robt. Sawin, Houston St., N. f. Dr. Atkr : I scJdom fail to remove JErvptiom and Scrofuhtis Sores by the persevering use of your Sarsaparilla, and 1 have just now cured an attack of Maligiiant Erisipelas with it. No alterative we pos8ess equalsthe Sarbaparilla you havo Bupplied to tbe profession as wcll as to the people." FromJ. E. Johnston, Esq., Wakeman, Ohio, " For twelve years 1 had the yellowEry6ipel8 on my right arm, puring whicli time 1 tried all the cel ebrated physicians I could reach, and took hund reda of dolíais' worth of medicines The ulcers were 80 bad that tbe cords became visible, and the doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. I began taking your Sarsaparilla. Took two bottles, and someoi your Pills. Together they have cured me. I am now aswell and sound as anybody. Beipg in m public place, my case is known to everybody m tbis community, and excites the wonder ot all." From Ron. Henry Monro, M. P. P., qf NèÜastle, C. W; t leading memoer of the Canadian ParliamenU '' " I have used your Sarsaparilla in my lamily, for general debility, and for purifying the btood, with very benencial result?, and feel coufidauce in commending it to tbe afflicted." St. Astbony's Fire, Hose, Salt Eheum, Scald Head, Sore Eyea. From JTarvey Sidder, Esq., the able editor qf the Tunckhannock Vernoemt, Pennsylvania. " Our only cliild, about three years of age, wa attacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapidly epread until they formed a loathsome and virulent eore, which covered his face, and actually blinded his eyes for some days. A skillül physician applied nitrate of eilver and other remedies, without any apÏiarent eifect. For iifteen days we guarded bis hands, est with them he should tear open the festering and corrupt wound which covered his whole face. atving tried every thing else we had any hope from, we began gfVing your Sarsaparilla, and applying the iodide of potash lotion, as you direct. 'Ine sore began to heal when we had given tbe flrst bottle, and was well when we had fimsbed tbe secoud. The child's eyelashes, which had come out, grew agnin, and he is now as healthy and fair as any other. The whole ueighboi'hood predicted tbat the child must die." Syphilis and Mercurial Diseaaa. From Dr. Hiram Sloat, of St. Louis, Missouri. "I íind your Sarsaparilla a more efTectual remedy for the secondary eymptoms of Syphilit, and for syphilitic disease than any other we possesg. Tbe profession are indebted to you for some of the best medicines we have." From A. J. French, M. D., an eminent physician of Lawrence, Mass.. who is a prominent member qf the Legislaiure of Massachttsetts. "De. Ayer - My dear Sir: I have found your Sarsaparilla an excellent remedy for Syphilis, both oftheïrimary and secondary type, and eifectual in some cases that were too obstinate to yield to other remedies. I do not know wbat we can employ with more certainty of success, where a powerlili alterative is required." Mr. Chas. S. Van Lima, of New Brunswck, N. J., had dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the abuse of mercury, or mercurial disease, wbich grew more and more aggravated for years, in spite of every remedy or treatment that could be applied, until the persevering use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla relieved liim. Few cases can be found more invetérate and distressing than tbis, and it took several dozen bottles to cure him. Iieucorrhcea, Whites, Female "Weakness, are generally produced by internal Scrofulous Ulceration, and are very often cured by the alterative effect of this Sarsaparilla. Some cases require, however, in cid of the Barsaparilla, the skilful application of local remedies. From the well-known and widely-celebrated Dr. Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati. " I have found your Sarsaparilla an excellent alterative in diseases of témales. Many ca6es of irregularity, Leucorrhoca, Internal Ulceration, and local debility, arising from the scrofulous diathesis, have yielded to it, añd there are few that do not, when its effect is properly aided by local treatment." A lady, unwilling to allow the publication qf her name, writes: " My daughter and myself have heen cured of a very debilitatiug Leucorrhoea of long standing, by two bottles of your Sarsaparilla." Bheumatism, Gout. Liver Complaint, Dyspepaia, Heart Diseaso, Neuralgia, when caused by Scrofula in the systcm, are rapidly cured by this Ext. Sarsaparilla. ayTrs cathaiitic pills possess so many advantages over the other purgatives in the markct, and their superior virtues are so univcrsally known, that we need not do more than to assure the public their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever has been, and that they may bo depended on to do all that they have ever done. Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., & Co, Lowell, Mass., and sold by STKDBINS & VH,SOV, Aun Arbor, E. SAMPON. Vp.ilanti, A. LEW1.VG, Doxtcr, WHEKHON & HATCH, Chtlsea. Wholesale by F.MÏRANDSUEI.BY J: Cu. IV troit. C. E. COCORN , Travolliog Agent. LIVER! LIVERYM J. GREEN & E. BROWN, have pnrobasorl tMc Hothps nnd "nrringefi of B. Green, and have ah o mMcd snme verj ftv.a Ilorscs Jt ('arria gn to the above stocli. in tlm samo bnra, so that they can suif you all on reasonable tering. Oall and See! Ann Arbor, July Uth, 1863. 6m9H. For Sale. Q K ACRES of vcry choic land. within lialf a mile .)J of the city of Ann Albor, nbmit half of it mprovrd and cncloscd wilh ít pood felice, tliü balance timbered, and well wutpred. Knquire at Ibis office. 2mO13. TKY THE NATIONAL COFFEE. Two shilling per pound at A. DuFORISST's. TRY TH2 STATIOXAL COFFEE. Two hillingf pr pound at A DeFOREST'S. P. B AC H Is now receiving A LARGE STOCK -OFNew Spring Goods, BOUGHT FOB CASH Since the Late Fall, AND WILL BE SOLD VERYLOW FOR CASH. Cali and See ! NEW BOOT SHOE N. B. COLS, (Successor to Müore & Loomis ) lias openeU a btore n the FRANKLIN BUÏLDlNGS, Mam street, Ann Arbor, and lias on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS, manufactured from the best materi! and warranted t(; "give sütisfaction, consisting of MLN'S KIP, CALF AND THIÖX BOOTS, OOUBI.E SOI.ED MEN-S BUfFALO OVÈRSIÏÓES, of all descnptions. LADIES GAITERS, Morocco Bootees, Balmorah, Feil Oterihoei, and Rubbers. Also, Boy 's Kip, Calf & Thick Boots, tngetherwilh a of CHILDKEN & YOUTH'S SHOES. I am also Maiiufacturliig WARRANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Men's Fine FreiiVti Calf Bools lerged and Scwed. Give me a cali before purchasing elsowhere. I will sell my tonda clieap lor cash. REPAIRING NEATLY DONÉ ANÏ ON SHORT NOTICE. N.B.C.OI.E. Ann Arbor, Jan. 13th, 1863. 887tf 1863. M!ay. 1863. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, AT THE "Old Corner!" I am now receiving a well SELECTED STOCK OF NEW COODS, FOR THE Spring and Summer Trade, CONSlSTINQ OF STAPLE DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINQS, SHAWLS, HOOPSKIRTS, BOOTS AND SHOES, NOTIONS, &c, &c. Also a f uil assortmeDt of Family Groceries! üll of which were bought low and are to be SOLD G1IEAP FOR CASE. The highest Market price paid for Txr o o x, z C. J3. THOMPSON. At the Farmers' New Cash Store, Corner of Main' and Wagíiiñgtoíi sta. (004'tf) Ann Arbör. THE American Collectïng Agency, No. 240 Broadway, New York. Claims of all kinds atfainst the (ïeneral Government, State (fvernment, the Ci1y, or private parties, prosocuted and collected at tny ezptnwt andrifk Against private partien I poftsess superior facilities j for collectinji claims everywhere in tht United Stalca j and Cañadas, relieving merchante, assignees, banker;, and others, oí the cai e and all responsibility , Special attention given to old debts, hard cases, dj, vor29s, willstestaten, etc. Bcing familiar with all the details of the " Int mal RevenvtLaw," 1 willatlend promptly to the collection of drawbacks, and taxes overpaid through ignuraucc of the Ij v. . Soldiers' pensions, pay, and bounty ecured fort hem or their heirs. For that, anti for prosecuting claims against the Government, T have a bnvnch office at Washington. No charge made unless claims are col lected. All KolUicr.s discharged by reaaon of wounds hotvever shor'. tlie time they have served - are entitled to 0n' Hundred Dollars Iïounty . All soldicrs havingserved twoyears,are entitled to the same. tigU Thehigheat marketprice will be paid for soluiers' claims, and other demanda against the Ueneral Government. Information and opinión given, and investida tien made without charge,upon claims proponed to be placed in my hands. For particular.s. addicts H. HUNTINGTON LEE, SOOtf No, 240 liroadway, N. Y THE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES WILL be for the Healii.g of the Nations. IHble. Irof. tl. ar. LYONS, ÏKff?i? AXD CEr-ERATED PIIYSICUN of the BROA!, LUXGSj HEAKT, I.IVKR AND THE BI.OOD, Kn jwn all over the country as the CELEHKATED I3ST3DIA.lsr HEUB DOCTOR 1 Of 282 Superior Street, Cleveland, Oliio. Will visit the following places, viz APPOI.VTMEN-TS FOK 1802, 1863 and 1S04 lrof R. J. Lyons can be consulted at Ihe fnllowinir places every inonth, viz: ' ""' Detroit, Kussel House, each month, 18tliana 19th Ann Arbor, Monitor H.mse, each monlh, 20lh Jaclison, hibbard House, each montli 21 Adrián, Brackct House, each montli 22d ánd23d nd""6U Coll" House, each montli, 21tli, Sjth, HlldLÜe,Mch.,Hllsdale House, each month 27th moníhr28"th.MÍCl'" SUtner" iIitWS House,' eacll Klkhart, lilkhart House, each montli S9th South Dend, Ind., St. Jo. Hotel, each mont'h 30 Lapi.rte, Ind., Tee Uardon House, each month 3Isl undSth ' Ü1"' Cran'1!l1 Eichan. eMl' H,„.i,, Ith lüt'h"SÜtW' h'"' WUer fauttS9'ech mmfi, ñh and 12tht'Vern"1'K;nyün IIouse' eacl' month, llth and i4-avk, ühio, Holton House, each month, 13th and l'ai'nesvjlIe.Ohio, CowIesHouse.each month, 4th CLfcVitLAND, OHIO. KKSIDJN3E ANl) OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET, East of the public square, opposite the Potffice. Omce day.t each month, lst. 3d, íth.ñth Uth 15th - Ollice hours irom 9 A. M. to 12 M. and fr.nn 2 II M.'to 4 1. M OnSuoday trom 9 to 10 A. M., and 1 to 2 1' M MrMaximsstrictlyadhered to- I give s'iich bain. as have no strife With nature or the iawS of fCi With liloodmy handsl nevel stáin Norpuiü.in men tóense thciruuin tin t.ï a physician indeed, who Cures The Indiaa Her-, Doctor, K. J. LVOXS, cures the fcl cxWniCêmPm'ntS '" thC mSt obstiDate sta8ea of their DiseascsorthuThroat, Lutlgs, Heart I,(, „„ ach Drop,, i„ th, Oh.rt.'HütóSitïSWa 5 as, C, cers, Foer Sores, I.eprosy, and all otiior co,i,V-.cated chronic complaints. I Aü forma of female difflculties attended to with the liappie.tiesults. It is hoped that noonewill despair of a cure until they have (?iven the Iridian Herb lloctor's Medicines a fairand faithfnl trial. tB,UurinK the Doctor', travels i„ Kurcpe, West Indies, Boulli America, and the Luited Males, he has been the instrument in God' hand. to roiitore to health and vigor thousands who wore givenup and pronounced incurable by ihe most eminent old school physicians; nay, more, thousands whowereonthe verge of the grave, are noiv Bvini moi.umns to the Incito Herb's Doctor's skill and successfultreaiment, andaré dnily "IS'cssedbotheday henlirst e saw and partook of the ludían Herb Doetor's medicine." íatisfactory references of cures will bc gladly and cheerfnlly givon n henever required. The Doctor plcdges bis word and honor, that hc will in nowise,directly or ndirectly, induce or cause any invalid to take hls medicine vjthout the stroneest probability of a cure. Mode of examination, which is entirely different from the raculty. lir. I.yon professes to d'iscem deseases by the eye. He theiefore asks noquestions, nor doeshe require patientsto explain Cali one and all, md have thesymptoms and location of your diseaseexplained free of charge. FyThe poorshall be liliei.illv considered. KS-I'ostoDIce addres, box 2C63. R. J. LYONS, M. T'. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. C5. 1S02. ly880 WONDEEFUL SUCCESS. &&" The attention and research of the most distinguished Chemists and Physicians for yeais have been devoted to the production of a remedy for those most distressing maladies Neuralgia and . Alter long study and many experiments, a tptcific preparatian has been discovered . W ATSON 'S Neuralgia Kiiijt, an Internat BemcdyM curing thmisauds ut cases where all other remedies have utterly failed Weare assuredthatit is no mere " AHODYNE," relievingfor the moment whilethe cause remains, but ig a perfect SPSCiriCaní CURE for those painful diseases. The vast number of Liniments, F.mbrocations and Elternal Medicines, which aet as stimulants of the surface nnlv aremerely temporal y In their effects and of doubtfui virtue The NEURALGIA KING reaches the source of alltrouble, and eflcctually banishes tlie disease from the system. J'rice- One Dollar per Bottle. Prepared by C. R, WALKER, 1.VS87 Muffalo. N. Y., and Fort Erie, C. W. fBzr FAIRBANKS' JJi Standard SCALES! SJP""JjC& OF ALL KINDS. SfcgPÉï3 AUo, Warehouse Trucks, Lelter Fairbivnks, Greenleaf & Co., 172 Lake Street, Chicago. Sold in Detroit by FAItRAlVI &SHEI.TSY. ÜESrBc careful to buy the genuine.QJ 885yl Toba eco ! Tobacco I I AM SEI.I.1NG GOOI) FINE CÜT CHEWING TOBACCO At from Fifti cents to $1 per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, From 14 cents lo 20 cents per pound at retail. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Mich., Der. 17, 1862. 883tf JJissolution INotice. TnE FIKM OF CHAPÍN, WuOI) & CO., was dissohcd .lanuaiy lti, 18tvi, bv mutua! consent. C. A. Chftpft] and A. Ii. Wood will séttle theaccounts of the tirm. C A. Ciiai-i.v, A. I). Woon, V Chapix, j:. v,xls. Ann Arbor, June 21, 1P63. Copaviiierísliip. TTE GrtDBRfMNJSD entered into pnr1orhip Jan. 1ï, 185 í, by tlie firm name of Chapia & Co., and will continue the business of raanufacturing priuling and wrapping paper. C. A. Chapín, N,C(iAi-m, V. Ojura-. Ann Arbor, .Tune 24, 18(53. 10tf. Dissolution Notice. f rHF. FIIIM of Bant and I.nring has this day dfssolvr d A by mutual consent. All unsett'ed acenunfs wil] hcreafterbe settleil by Mr. Barnes Louug, suAoeuor to tlie fïrm of Hunt and Ijoring. W. A. IIUNT. 907wR BAR.VKS LOIUNG. JNotice. Wasiite.vaw Cocxty Cleük's Ornes. ) July 2, 1861. f NOTICE IS IIEHEDY GIVKN tbat the Sessii Liwd of lSti3 have heen received and.ire rearfy ; r d rtnbution, also the School Dliuks to be distribuí d b.i the Towniship Clerkn. TRACYW.ROOT. Clirk. Trnses ! Rüpturr can uk crni:n irf a truss of th right kind, if prnperK futed and duly attended lo TUis ha been abunuantl y demonstrated in inniMiiera ble inslaiicc by the u of tlie Alultlpcln l Trngs of Dr. Klgü, dnrinT the lastfew years. This Truss beinfr covfird th Ilurd Rubber, Is perfeeljy waterproof, may be used ín batbing, andrs alwavs cïefmly as well a iB'Tfldtrnctlble iij ordinarr usage. ïf not satil1 1 factory after a fair trial of sixtv dayp, t tony be n turned. lt éhallehgii conipaiisou with auv trusp linovvo. Öi. RlfiCS' offino, Ko. í BARCI.AY litrtct.-Jfe York. eSóti DR. RADWAÏ'S PILLS. NEWLY DISCOVERED PRINC1PLES IN PURGATION DR. RADWAY'S PILLS ARE THE BEST PÜRGATTVS Pilis in the World, aud tlio only Vegetable Substituto for Calomel or Hereury ever discovercit. Composed ofVcgctable Kxtracts ofGumi, Plant, Herb, Koots anti Flowers. They Purge - Cl cause - I'urify - Heul - Soothc - Calm- Streugthen- In vigórate - and lïcgulate the System, ïjr s unoEjr ittícmís or INFLAMMAT10N OF THE BOWELS, BILIOUS CHOLIC, BILIOUS FEVER, ERYSIPELAS, CONGESÏIVE FEVER, SMALL POX, MEASLES, SCARLEÏ FEVEK, SXZ TO EI6BT PILIS Will purge the diseaso from the system in SIX HOUBS. If seized witli either of the above-uamed diseases, lei six or üigüt of Dr. Radway's PILLS bo takeu at onra. single dose will carry the patiënt out of danger. Their contiuued use, in smaller doses, will work a cure. COATED WITH GtJJHE, They are picasant to tako. Tbey opérate pleasantly, naturally, and thoroughly that is taken imyarisstrength to the enfeobled pystcra. Being perfect purgatives they do not loavo the bowels costive,or the patient iveak. i ONE OR TWO OF DR. RADWAY'S PILIS Will secure a good appeüto and healthy digestión. TO THüSE WHO TAKE PlIXS, )R. RADWAY'S PILLS will be foundan improvementon ill purgativo or cathartio pills in use. Oae or two pillj yill be found sufficient to keep tho bowels regular ; and In cases whére a brisk opcration is desired, SIX to EIGHT will in six hours thoroughly purgc. ONE TO SIX BOXES WILL CURE COSTIVENESS, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTirATION, MBASLES. CONGESTIÓN, . MELANCHOLY, HEART D1SEASES, HYSTEUICS, DISEASES OF KIDNEY AMENOItRHCEA, AND BLADDER, FAINTING, i DISEASES OF LIVER, DIZZINESS, B1LI0USNE5S, T RUSH OF BLOOD TO TYPHOS FEVER, THE HEAD, SHIP FEVER, 0B3TRUCTI0NS, MALIGNANT FEVER, RETEXTIONOF URINE LOSS OF APPET1TE, DROPSY, INDIGESTIÓN, ACUTE ERYSIPELAS, INFLAMMATION, HEADACHE, PALPITATIONS, BAD BREATH, SCARLET FEVER, INFLAMMATION OF' BILIOUS FEVER, THE INTESTINES, JAUNDICE, APOPLEXY, C0NGEST1VE FEVER, liNLARGEMENT OP SLEEPLESSNESS, THE SPEEN, GENERAL CEBILITY, BCURVY, DIMNESS OF SIGHT, WHOOPING COVGH, FITS, WORMS, LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, BAD DREAMS, QUiNSEY, PLEURISY, Aa also all Complaiuts of Womcn. such u Hyslirla, Iiencoi-rhoea or Wliltes, WenkenlnK Discharges, Chlorosls, Irrcgulniltles, Suppissloii of the !-iiscs, Inflummatloii of the Womii or Blntlder, Dlfficult Mcnstruatlon, :m.l all othor Diaoases or Uoruplaints produced by cXcessive discharges or suppressiqn of the Xlenses. I.iilieá who desire to avoid the suffcriogs and incon. ventanees of these rregularitios, or organic obstructions, should nut omit to regúlate their systemi by mean; ol'oneor two ofRAPWAY'S I'II.IS,oncoor twico B week, and thuï be froe from the nuny and grea( iacouveuiences to which ladies aro generally subject. ■ WEIGH FACTS. DOCTOR RADWAY invites tho attention of the intelligent reader to the acts here presentcd, showing tho euerioriiy of hiá PILIS, a-i purgatives, over all other pills or purgative modicineá in use. THEIR GREAT COMBINATIONS:. They are Aperient, Tonic, Lixitive. Alterative, Sticaulaut, Counter Irritant, tfudorific. AS EVACUANTS, They are more oertain and thorough than the DrastiC1 Pills of Áloes, or Crotón and Harlom Oü, or Klater ium ; : aud more soothing and healing than Senu;t, or Khubarb, or Tamarinds, or Castor Oil. AS ALTERATIVAS, They excrci3e a more powe.ful iuiiiu-ncö over the üver an i its secretions than caiomcl,raercuiy, bluepiU.heoca their iraporümce in coses ot' Livor Complaints and Spleen. ' Difficulties, Jaundice, Dyspopsii, Biliotxs Atticks, Headache, &c. In the treatmeut ol' Fevcrd, either Bilious, Yellow, Typhoid, ana other re-hicn g Fever3,they aro [ superior to quininc. Their influecoe extends over thaentire systara, controlling, Btreugthening, and braciuij up the relaxed and Casting enrgieü, ;md rcguiating all the Becrctions to the natui-ul performanoe of tiieir duties. cleansing and purifying tlie blood.aud purging from tha system all diáeased depodits mi impuro hunurs. THE CAUSE OP PII.ES. A larga doso of the Iratic Pilla wUl, by ïrrÜatlug th mucoua membrane, produce a viwlcnt expulsión of tbO' conteuts in the bowola, but in so doing other secretionsare su-spcuded. In kuc!i cuses, the stools will be found' to be light-colored and wratery , and a ttendcd with erampsr griping pains, nausea, sickneri-s. By tlils incrcüsed un natural action of the bnwels, tho secretions of the kidneys and pancreas arediminished,followcd by affectioneof the kidneys, bladder, urethra, piles, tcuesmus, geueral proatration , costireness, and indigestión. Why Radway's Pills Cure Small Pox. In Smal 1 Pux, Süirlet Ftjver, Erysipcla-:, Yellaw,ïyphoi'i and other reducing Fevers, pokgatio.y is highlg asential. But to administer i doo oí Drasuc Pilis lbo irritation they wou ld produco, and the relaxation and depletion that would follow, wonld bo likely to provo fatal. If physicians, in these cases, would give RADWAY'S PILLS, they wnild atw;iys cure their patients. Jn these diseases a mild, soothing, hoaling and geutly Btimntating laxiiive is required, waich is soourod by ADWAY'S PILLS. Wliy Imperfect Pilis Gripe The cause of griping, nmisou, slckiOeK1, tenesmos an-l debility, that is induced by a dose of draaUc pills, is owing to their iiuporfcctortonuion ïf witti ha facees , tha discased humors, left circulating imlie syslom, were expelled by these iiiüs, thore vrauU bo but little pain or griping. It i the absence of ihe bile and other humors which the imperfect pills fall tn purge out of tho üysteiQ ' that occusions the piin. By éxamming tho stools evacuated aftcr sevure 'grlpipg Üioy wiil Uo found thin and watery. THE T-RTJE PILLS TO TAKE The only safe pills to uke are Dr. ï;ulway's, bocaQM they are the only pills that eecuro purgation without dt)pletion, and expcl diseased humors i'rom tho systom. 1 CASE OF DYSPEPSIA (TO3ED. 1 For many years I have beca íifílicted with out national c.onplaint, callo'l Oyspcpsu- my sulferiiigs havo b.-en v constant, succession ol horrors. 1 have spent tUousands of dollars with tic hopo of rcaliziug a litilo oom for (and tr cnquityUy. nicltc-atinn failod to relieve me, untii I commenoud to act up.m the tudicious adyico you gavo me on the (Hh of April, ÜS5S, And now, after i.sing your Pilis, i feel liku u ncw man. Ua4 bless yuq, and tnay this letter induce other suflring victtm-j to thy 1 apcurse'd malady, to tiy the saine iwvift, t Yourd ferventiy. W. CARPENTER, rARPRNTKRVii.Vit, N. .T. , April 16tli, 1S59. jtfwsn. hadioay tL Co. , iY. Y. ity. - . tetter from Dr. Salmón Skinner. .i;v Yokk, January, 1860. Dr, Radway f Eo. ; I havo, during the pftst for years, used your remo-. dies, and huve reco-nirended them to othersfor B1140U3 COMI'I.AIXTS, IviHGKSTlO.V, IY.SfKP-lA, ftÓ. I COUSJUcr thfl Keady Heliuf und Kegulating Pills unoqualüd. The Regutntiug lils are mild iu thoïr opcratiuns and thorougb,ly effect ivoTho Qrst (loso sh.oukl be largo enongh to purgo, aay four or ftve, and eaeh successtvc doso be dirninished odo pi 1, until reducod to ono, and tlien ropeatoi every day íbr a weck or ten days. A iwrmajjeui cure will suroiy follow. Yours, &c, , DR. S. SKINrXERr jfcy Ir. TïnlT;i "s Ptlls nrc soll by Drug ists and Store-ICecpers Iu g;eiiernl. Kncli Box coiitalns 90 rills. Frlce ' cte. per Bot, For Sale by STEBBINS& WILSON !■ Oval PJptUrc Trames ', i IL TCíS'j STYI.KS and PUICES just received anc V forsale chrapfli CHOFF & MILLEB'S, IS6O.C.26, !Wt s - - - - - - - ' ■ ' ■ ■ _ THY THE WATKW.U CQrï7 Tw(


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Michigan Argus