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THB ALL SUFFICIExïT THREB. i THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," GENUINE PREPARA1I0NS, VI Z.: HEI.MBOLD'S EXTRACT " BUCHU," ' SAKSaIMRILLA, WPKOVED JiOSK WASU. H EI,M 13 O I„ U'S GENUINE PFEPARATION, " HIGHLY CONCENTHATED " COMI'OVN'D FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive nnd Specific Remedy, For Diseases of the BLADDEE. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROP3ICAL SWELLINGS HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU FOR WEAKNESSES Arisidg from Excesses, HabiUof Dlssipatiort, Enriy Indieoretion, or. Abuse, iTTK.IDKD WITH THB FOLLDITINO SYHT0M8 : IndspostontoE.rlion, Lossof Power, w "iTxt "rj HifficuHy of Breathing, JJe.kNcrT#i, Trembling, Horror of D Me, Wnkefulnes, imnesa 01 v,sion. rain n ,he Back, Umvcraal I,ssituc!e of the Flushing of the Bodj. H ,TULar SJi8tem. Eruptions on the Face, Hot llanda, Pallid CountüDance. Hrynena of thepkin. These ejmptom, if nllowed to go on.whichthis medicine invariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY, F4TUITT EPILEPTIC FITS Iconeof which the patiënt maj eipiie. Who can tUat theyare nn followed by those "direful Insanity and Consumption Man.yareawareof tSecaute of tiieir'sufJerlnK hut none w.ll conTss. the records of the insane Aav ums and the melancholy deatfc, by Consumptiou. bearample witneaa to th. truth of the u"rllm THE CONSTITUTIO.V, OXCE AffFÊCTOD WITH' OR. GA NIC WEAKNE8, Require the a!d of medicine to trengthen nd nBUtHU mnrablj doe. A trial will eonv.nce the iriot Baeptical. Females, Females, Females, OLD OR YOUNG, SIXGLE, MARRIED, OR CON TEMPLATI.VG MARKIAGE, In msny afTections peculiar to Females the Extract Bucnu m unequulled by any other remedy, as in Chloros. or Relention, Irregularity, Painfulness or Suppression of the Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated WhlSífiu"! the Uterus' Leórrhea, or Wnites Stenlity, and for all complaints incident to the 'ati'on II inrtYising from Ind'scretion, Habits of DissiDecline or Changa of Life. SKK SYMPTOMS ABOVK. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Balaam , Mercurj, orllnpleasant Medicine for Lnpluasant and Dangerous Diseaaea. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BllCHU CURES Secret Diseases. n all their atagea ; at little expense ; Mttle or no change n diet no inconrenience, AND NO EXPOSUBE. It causea frequent deaire, and gires atrength to Lnnate.therebyrBmovingobstructions.preTentingand cunngStricturea of the Urelhra, allaying pain and inHammation, ao frequent in this clais of diseasea, and OUT MATTER yUS' DISEASED A!ID w'os iuuunuuuo ujmii 1 HOU saiKI.1 WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QLTACKS, And who hare paici HEAVY FEES tobe curedina short time, havofound thoy weredeceired.and tha' the "I'oison" has,by the ose of "Powerful Astringent " been driod up in the System, to break out in íin auírrnTted(orm,and PERHAPS Am MARIlfAGE. uYe Helmbold's Extract Buchu For 11 Affections nnd Discasca of The TJrinary Organs' Whether existing n MALE OR FECALES, from whatever cause originating, and no matter OF HOW LONG STANDING. Dmeaaes of thee Organs require the al.l of & Diümtic. Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, Aad it i eertnin to hare the desired cfTcct n all DU seaaes, for whieh it ii reeommended. BLOOD! BLÖÖDl BLOOD! Helmbold's Highly Coneenlrated Corapound Huid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. This Ís an nffection of the Blood, and attaeks the 'exul Organs, Liningi of the Nose, Ears, Throat, Vindpipe, and other Mueua Surfaces, makingits apearance ín the form of Ulcers. HelraJjold's Exuact iarsaparilla purifies the Bloortj. aad1 temorvj all Scaly i-ruptions of the Skin, giving to the Complexión a lear and Healthy Color. It being prepared expressly orthisclaKs of complaints, i tg Blood-Purifjing Pro erties are preserved to a greater extent than any ther preparation of Sarsapsrilla. Helmbold's Rose Wash.. n excellent Lotion for Diseases of a Syphiltic Nature,, nd as an injectmn in Diaeasfs of the Urinary Organs, rising from habita of dissipation, used in efnnertion ith the ExtractsBucbu and Sarsaparilla, in such dieaseR as reeommended. Evidence of themost responsible and reliablechaceter will accompany the medicines. certifícate of cures, rom eight to twenty yenrs standing, with namen nown to SCIENCE AND FAME, For Medical I'ropertiesof BUCHU, see BispenaaforT the United State. Seo Troíessor VEWEES1 Töluable worka on the 'ractice of Physie. See reniarks made by the late celebrated Dr PEYICK, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. EPHRAIM McDOWZLL celebrated Physician, and Member of the Koyal Colege of Surgeonn, Ireland, and publishod ín the Tranactions of the King asd Queen's Sce Ntedico-Cirurgical Review, published by BENJAMIN TRAVERS, Fellow of the Koyal College of SurSee most of the late Standard Works on Medicine. ITRACT BCCIlü, $T 00 PKB DOTTLK, OR BIX TOR $5 00 " Sarsapahilla 1 00 " k 5 oo KTPROVED ROSK WASH, 50 M " % 50 r half a doren of eaah for $1200, which will be suflient to cure the most obstinate cases, i' direetiens are Ihered to. Delivered to any address, securely pacied fromobrvation. : SrIíel'crbo syoiptom.i in all Communications.- ' 3 ures guaranteed. Advine gratis, AP-P1DA VIT. Prffonlty-npfHTed before mean A Merman oí tte ty of PhMade-lphla, Ui T. Uri.MtBoi.d, who, being duly wornydotfa nay, hia-prepajationii oontain no narcotic, o mercury, orthr diiugs, but are purtly gctable. HT.HELMBOLD. Sworn and ubscribed before me.thís 23d day of OTCmbír, 1854. WM. F; HIBBARD. Alderman, Ninth -street, abóvef?áo,.IMvila. Address Letters for informatíon Ín eonfidence. H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemisfr Depot 104 South Tenth-8treet,below Chestnut, Philá. BEWARE OF COUPÏTERFEITS AN0 UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, ho endeavor to dispone " OF TIIEIR OWN" and other" artíck'Hon the leputatïon attained by ' ' Melmbold's Genuine I'rcparntions, M " Extract Buchu, 11 " " Sarnaparilla, " ' Improvcd RoseTVash. Sold by all DruggitR everywhere. ASK FOR HELMBOLD' S-TAKENO 07HRR. Cut pat the ailT'rtÍ'íniPnt. nd rrd for it, dND AV01D ÍMPOSITION ANt EXPOSVHB. Blackwood's Magazine AND THE British Itevïews. PRICESCHEAP AS EVER. TO THOSS WHOPAY l'UOMPTLY IN AIIVANCE. NutwithstandicK the cost of Ileprinting thewePeriod icals liaii more than doubled n conisequence of the entnmous rise in the price of I'aper and Of a genera' nrivance in al] other expenses- and notwithatandinji other publinhers re reductng the size or increasing the pricc of tlieir publicationrt, we shall continue, for the year 18fi3, tofurnishours complete, as heretot'ore, at the old raten, vil. : - 1 TUK LON'DON QUARTERLT (ConsirTatire), THE EDINBÜRGH REVIK1V (Whig) 3 THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Fríe Church). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal) BLACKWOOD'S EDINDURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). TJERMS. Per ann. Forany oneof the foiir Reviews, - - - $3 00 Kor any two of thefour Review, - - - 5 00 For any tlirce of the tour Reviews, . 7 00 Forull four of the Reviews, - - - - 8 00 Forlïlackwood' Magaiine, ... . - 3 00 For Blackwoodand one Review, - - 5 00 ForÜlackwoodand two Reviews. - - 7 00 For Bluckwooditnd three Heviews, . - 9 00 Kor Blackwoodand the four Reviews, - - 10 00 Thenf wlll be our pricen to all who pay prior to the lst of To those who defcr pnying till after that time, the prices will bo increaised to such extent as the iucreased cost of Keprint mny demand - therefcro, SKND IX YOUR ORDERS AND SAVE YOUR MONEY. LE0NARDSC0TT k CO.,Publisherfl, No. 38 Walker Stn-et, New York. THE REBELIION ON HIGH PRICES FOR CLOTHING, HAS COMMENCED AT THE OLD & RELIABLE CLOTHING EMPOEIUM ! No. 3 PHCENIX BL0CK, MAIN St. IAMnow opniï Iftrge and varied assortmentof &prtïïgandSumtDeiKïods, and in view of the rebellion on" high prices geneually, wül offer them to my frionds andcuBtómei ftthe vcy lowest figures for Cash. - Thoaein want of1 superior article oí Cloths, Cassimeres, or Ready-Madc Clothing, -will cali onWM. WAGNER, who has juat returned from the East, with a large asaortment of SPRING & SUMMIER GOODS wbich have been purchaaed at the late TOTW PRICES! and can offer thtm at a lower figuro than eTfr before. Among my Assortment may be found BKOADCLOTHS, ÜASSIMERES, DOESKINS, VESTINGS of all deseriptton.% togethír with a superior aasortment of Ueady-Made Clolhlng, lBtf43 UMBRKLLAS, nd HixDGentlemen's Funiishiug GOODS, with numeious othcr articles usually found in similar establiíihmentB. As an EMPOMUM OF FASHI0N, the subscribe? flattershim3elf, that his long experienco and general succeas,wíll enable him to give the greutest satisfaetion toall who may trust him intheway oí t Manufacturing Garments to order. WM.-WAGNEB. AnnArbor, Aplil 9th 1S62. 848if ■DBMwitiiiitJiiiiwiiinHiiwHiniiiffiiniiwiniuffliimiiiiïïiiiiiiniiirmniii O. BIiISS Would take thiti method of informing his old friends and patrons and all others who may favor him with the ir patronage, tbat hehas greatly enlarged his Stock and Assortment ! and k&ring adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BUYING & SELUNG is prepared to sell Goods at Ty r s% WIJJIW m tolo IEJTÍoettA Hls stock conslt in part of the following: AMERICAN AND OTHER j Watches ! M SETHTHOMAS ULOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD CITAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLËÏtY ! fl&rors, Sliearn, Scissorsand BruRhes, V HOGERS PLATEÜ WAKE, the host in market, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER and ENVEI.OPES, Musical Instruments, Stringi if Boolci for Instruments, SFBOTAOIiBS, of GoW, Silver, Steel, and Vlaleit, m1 PERISCOPICGLASS, a superior article. Persons haYÍnpf difficult watches to fit with glasses :an be accomodated, as my stock is large'and complete, P. S. Particular attention to the nBPAiniKr Gr af all kinds of fine WatcheB, such as Making and Setting new Jewels, Pmioni, Slaffi, and Cylindert. AUo CLOCKS, Sc JEWELRY leatly repaired and'warranted, at his old standeast lide oí Main Street. C. SLISS. Ann trbor.Noy. 25,1862 826U MANHOOD 5 HO WZOST, BO W 'RESTO RED usl Publishcd, in a Sealed Envdope. Price Six Cents. K Lecturc on the Nature, Treatme.nt and R&dicitl Cure nf Spermatorrha or Seminal We.ikness, Sexual Debiïity.Nervousnenu, and Involuntary EmisKJons, indu;ing Impotency, Consumption, and Mental and Physical Dübtlity. BY ROB'T J. CÜI.VERWEI.L, M. I. The important fact that the awful consequences of SeH-Abune may be elïectually remoyed without iuternal medicines or the dangerous application of causticB inf truments, medicated bougie,and other empirical ierices, i here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly nuccesful tfeatraent &n aJopted by the colebrated author, fully explained, by means of which everycuae fscnabled to cure himself perfectly and t the least posnible cost, thereby avoiding all tho idvertliif d nOitDrumH of the day. The lecture will prore % boon tottio-uutands jvbíí thouttniidR. rient iniilf r Keil, in a plain envelopp, to any addreRR, pott paidon receiptof twopOBtage Ktaraps,by addresiing thipubllHher. ' ' CHAK.J. C. KLINK fc CO-, ' W0f 137 Bowcrj, New ÍOrk, PofOfTPcf KQjkW6 aftopt r !P book store v Jg583; Opposite tlio B Ti PÈÉ SFranklin Houso i ti RK NOW OPKXIXG, DIRECT FROM PÜBIJSJIERE ÁX AND Manufacturera, a New and Complete .stock oí LAW & MEDICAL JBOOKS, School Books, Miscellancous Books, Blank Books, dan STATIOKTE H Y I Wall.lud Windonr Paper, Drawing and Mathematicallnstruments, Music, JuTenileI,ibrares,Kuvelopea, Inks and Carda. GOLD And all other kinds of Pens and Pencils Window Cornice, Shaues and Fixture, POCKET CÜTLEKY! AndeTOrythingpertaining to the trade, and more to whichthey would inylte the nttention of the country. Inconductingour business, we'shall do allthatcnn be done,so that no rcasoonble man, woman or child shall find any f:uiit. We posses facilitie whlcli will enable us to upply ourstomers at the Lowest Possible Figures. We propose to sell for READY PAY, ata small advance. Wu expect a profit on our goods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. TheEMPiRE Book Store, "is manned by agoorl 'crew,' nd they will nlways befoumionthe "quarter deck," ready and willing to attend to all with pleasure, wko wil! fayorthem witli a cali. Kemember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Arbor, Mnv,1860. 74j SGHOFF & MILLÉR A RESTILLONHAND at theirold Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block, with tbemost complete assortment of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS WALL AND WINDOW PAPEKS SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CTJRTAIN8 HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c Ever offered in tliis Market ! and they wypld iiuggefit tothose in pnrsuitcfanythingin SANTA CL A US' LINE that tbej can secure a Doublé Christmas Present . bypurchaslng from this stock, as each purchaser get an additional present vf Jewelry, Are, Ranging invalue irom 50 ets. to $50 Theytrust that theirlong oxperience inselecting goods forthis marketand strict atiention to the wants of Customers , may entitle tbem tu a liberal sbare oj Patronage. Ann Arbor.Dpc.5. 1860 777tf Rifle F actor y! Beutier & Traver, [SuccossorB to A . J. Sutherland,] Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns, Pistóle, Ammunition Flasks, Pouthe Game Bags, and Everjother article iu that Line. AU kinds of ni!FAZKXI!iJ& done at the shorteat notice, and m the beat nianner. a f uil assortment always kept on hand and made order. Shop corner Main and Washington Btreet. Ann Arbor, Oet. 8, 1S62. 873tf L.ET THE PEOPLE Fl ES JOICE, For Providence has again Crowntd our Arms with Sxccess t -ANDA. C. LOEB, OF THE CLEVELAND CLOTIIING HOUSE, arenow offering to the cïtizens of Washtenaw county, knd tb State of Michigan generalij, A LARGER AND BETTER SELECTED STOCK OF SPRING & SÜMMER GOODS, than was erer before brought tothiscity, which we will Bell Chcaper than any House west of New York ! Our tock consista of Ready-Made Clothing, HATS, TRUNES, VALISES, Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c,, . nd in c.onclMHÏon w? wonld say to all who want tobtiy GOODOOODS AT l.OW PKICK.S, to cali at the ' Cleveland Clothing House, fiTedoorswest of Cook's Hotel, andyou willsave money by doing so. A. &C.I.OEB. ! N.B. - Don't forget to cali before purchaöing elfierpherp. Aim Arbor, May lst. 1883. 3ni02 I Auctioneers Wotice. BYRON OREEN, hayins applied for a Hcense, now holdg himself in readiness to attend to all calis.- Fïavinghadexperience, heiR potiítive he can give good j uitisfaction. All calln promptly atteiuld to. C)iarge g easonable. Apply at the Franklin Jfniir . Bvnox rebu. AnS AsücUf'Ook. , 18. KKtí. I am Bound íor M. GUÏTERMAN CO'S ! Dispute the fact if you can, It takes the TAILOK after all to gire appearance to the on ter man. If you wish to appear well You must accordlngly Dresí Wcll. Go to 81. Guiterman & Co's,, Thero you will find things exactly SO. SONDHEIM always ready to take your measure, GÜITERMAN will sell you Goods with great pleasure, At figures LOWER than you will find in the State, Take heed - call early, else vou are too LATE. The indücements are now greater than ever, Our Clerks you will find obliging and cl ever. We will show you good CLOTHING oí our own getting up, Filling our Store from Bottom to iop. STUDENTS especially will find it to THEIR ADVANTAGE, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to replenish. 1500 0VERC0ATS of Cloth, Beaver, and Bear, Warranted for almost ever to Trear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMPORTAT1ON, Forwarded through our New York relations. From England, Belgium, Germany and France, Such as you can stand up ín, or wear, at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN oí everv grade, We sell them from ONE DOLLAR up to EiaiiT. VESTS, &C, of every description, You will fina it so without fiction, Furnishing apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. Thls is all we say now, Therefore we make our bow. Yonrs truly, ever so, M. GÜITERMAN. & Co., RISDON & HENDERSOiN' Ilavo tlio 33 XJ O B: DES Y 3E3 CRAIN DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufaotured at Springfield, Ohio. rriHE VEKY LATEST IMPROVEMENT, and better thn JL all others; adapted to sowing Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley and Grass Seed . lst. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will 8ow all kinds of Orain and Grass Seed. 3d. Never b anches the Grain éth. JYever breaks the Grain. 5th. Sows Grass Seed hroadeast behindihe Drill. 6th. Has high wheels and long Hoes. 7th. Has long and wide steel jpoints. &th. It has a land measur or Surveyor. 9th. It has doublé and single rank drills. 10A. It has a self adjusting shut off slide. It is neatly and substantially made. There is hardly a Drill offered Ib the roarket but can oast of more or les FIRST PREMIUMS? ■ 'bey are about as indiscriminately bestowed aa the title of ' Profesfor," which is soraetimee applied to the 'Jiddlcr" or "bootblach.11 Theyceaseto convey the dea ofmerit. The Buckeye Drill has been on Exhibítion at quite a nuraber of State and Count}' Fairs, and without seeking ávor at the hands of any Committee, has received its u IJ share of Premiums. TESTIMONIÁIS : We give the folio wmg Dames of r few Farmers ín tln's icinítj wáo havebought and used theBuckeyeltrill; Godfrey Miller, Sclo. Jacob Polheraus u Jacob Tremper, " ThoraaR White, NorthfieM. John Brokaw, " Christian Kapp, " Edward Boyden, Webster. Jamen Treadwell, AnnArbor, Daniel O' liara, " u John G. Cook, Lodi. , O. A. Marshall, ! L. EdnioiifiR, Saline. , George Cropsey, (rtwnOak, Liv.Co. We arealso Agents for the Ohio Reaper & Mower, i tcknowledged tobe the very best in use. 1 We are just in receipt of ( LOO Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell Cheap. J p Alffo alargeassortmont o Griass a And the largest and best selected stock of BENT STUFF i 'OR CARRIAGESever beforc offored in this market. r We aiso keep a large and full c i AUS, GI.AKS, PUTTY, PAINT.and LINSF.ED Olí,. J A complete assortment of STOVES, TINWAEE, iNI) EAVE TROüfiHSalraj8 on band and put up atthe horteKt notice. RISDON fc HENDERSON. , Aun Arbor, Jim SOh ,1900. 85Í' 1863. 1868. SPRING GOODS! AT Reduce d Prices ! Just receivirïg at C. H. MILLEN'S MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR, April 17, 1863. 4w900. 1863. SPRING. 1863. We are now opening' A Large and Beautiful ssortment of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Goods ! LADIES' DRESS GOODS in great variety, 14133 13 OKTS. IJross Trinimingsj cfcc. Also a large stock of Goods for Mens' We ar, Cassimeres, Gloths, &c. and a full aesortment of Ladies and Children's HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, All of which we vrill sell at the LOWEST POSSIBLE OA.S3E3C ITlXOEi: MACK & SCHMID, Ann Arbor, March 19, '63. 896tf CITY COOPER. SHOF. Tholesaleand Retail, O. C. SPAFFORD Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Aün Arbur and vicinity, that hc ia iiow itanufacturing andkeepsconstantly on h;nd a Large Assortment of Cooper Work ! such as Pork mul Clder Barrels, Kcgi, Firkins, Churas, Well Buckets, fec, Which will be nold cheap for cash. CtTSTOM WORK Made to order on short notice, Kepairing done with neatnesfl and ditspatch, 1 would cali particular attention to Merchants in want of Butter Firkins. Iammanufacturing tlie New Tork State Flrkln, which isa better Firkinthan has ever before been offered inthia markct. I would invite all who want Firkins to Cali and exanine for themselves before purchasing elsewbrc, nnd I will convince you that you have called at the right place. I would alao cali the attention of 'Brewers in want of BEER KEGS, I am now prepared to manufacture Eights, Quarters and half Bbls. in large or nmail lots . and of a Better Quality than can be had in Detroit or elsewhere. Ir"All work warranted to give entire satis faction. Thankíulfor p.nstfavors and by a strict attention to business, I itope to merit a continueO liberal supply uf the public patronage, ■5. lío not forget to cali at the City Cooper Shop O. C. SPAFFOED. Detroit St. Ann Arbor, Mich. 8881 GaEAï.GREATER GREATEST BARGAlNS EVER OFFERED 1859. -)189. In thi3 City, are uow being offered at the CHEAP, CLOOK.WATCH, & Tewelry StoxO'TlHE Subscribe r would any to the citizens ol Ann ArL particular, and the rest of Wnihtenaw 3ounty in general, that he has jut 1MP0RTED Dl1ECTLY from EUKOPE.a Tremendous Stock of Watches! UI of which he binds himself to sell CHEAPEK than can be bought west of New York City. JpenFace Cylinder Watche Irom 86 to #10 do do Lever do do 8 to 21 lunting Case do do do 14 to 35 do do Cylinder do do 9 to 28 3old Watehesfrom 20 to 150 I have also the CELEBRATED MERÏCAN WATCHES, ehlchlwlll sén ttr &:). Every Yvatch warrantbd to lerform well.orthe money retunded. Clock, Jewelry, PiRted Ware, Fnncy Goods. Gold Pens, fusicallnstruments and Strlngs, Cutlpry, te, nd in fact a variety of everything usually kept ïyjew elerscan be bought for the next ntnety days at your OWN PRICES! ereons buying Aiiything at this well known ■ shme ut can rcly, upon sfetting good exactly as reposented, orthemoney refunden. Caflenrly and seure the beat borgains ever oftVred in thii City. One word in regard to Repairing : Ve are prepared to make any repairs onfine or comïon Wntches.even to moltiniro r the entfre wntch, neceêHnry. RepHiriiig ot' Clocks and Jewelry ns iuftl. Also the mHnufacturinr oí RINGS, BROOCHS, r auything desired, from California Gold ' ce. KnirraTine in allits branchesexcented ' ees anddispatch. J C. WATTS. ' Anu Arbor, Jftn. 28thl859. , 7L4w I kyer's Cherry PectoraL ' Estáte of James J. O'Brien. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wahhtenaw la O Ata sesión of the Probate Court for the Cou'nU Wa.shtenaw, holden at th; Probate Office in the Cit, V Ann Arbor ou Friüay tlic tenth day of July in V year one thousand eight hundred and sixty.tW Present, Thomas Ninde, Judge of Probate. Jn the matter of the Estáte of Jamen J . O'Brien l.t ofaaid County, deee&cet). ' Onreading and filing the petition, dol ƒ Terified of Joanaa O'Brien, praying for the probate of un instru ment now ou file in tliis Couït, purpnïtmg j0 V (T laat will and testament of Bfd de et iswí. Thereupon it ís ordered that ilonday alie tenlh ds of August next, at ten o'clock in the fortnooB b assipned for Uk hearing of said petitimr, md that tl devisees, iegatees and heirsat luw ofeaitj dotpaPtd,kM all other persons interested in taid catato, are reouIrH toappear at a session of paid Court , thr-n to bc holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor ia uid County, and show cause, ifany thr-rebe, why the priTc-r of the petitioner shoujd noi be granted: ' ! And it is further ordored. Ui fit gaíd petitíontr 'mvo notice to the persons interested in eaiil estáte t! the pendency of said pctitioii, and Iho hearing thereof by causinga copy of this Order to be published in th, Michigan Argu} a iiewspaper printed and ctrculatina in said County of Washtenaw, three auccesrive week, prevíous to said day oí be&sing. ; t (A true Copy.) THOMAS WINDE, Judge of Probati, Chancery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit, a (Jhancerv, suit pending in tlie Circuit Court for 'tU County of Washtenaw, in Chancery, in the City of Ann Arbor, on the27thday of May, A. I. 1863. In the cause wherein , Tliusnelda F. Bochman ia coni' plainant, aid David Bochman is defendant, it appekring on the affidarit of Ü.S. Twitcheil, that the dt-fen. dant David Bochman ie ot 3 resident of the State of Michigan, but innn-r, or was, not long since a ref-iiient of the State of Missouri, on motion of TwitciieltiJt Krazer, fcfolicitors for complainynt, itis ordered tha( the Bafd David Bochman cause his appearancíe' lo be e&. tered and notiee thereof to be served on tlie' compliiE. ants solicitors, within two moni lis frtiíi tlie date of thiw or Ier, and in case of bia appearance that be cu his answer to the cornplainant's bill to be nledand copy thereof to be served on the ccmplainant's solici tors within twenty days aftera pervicie of a copy of aid bill, and in default thereiif; that the ii-i i-U e complamt may be taken as confeased apainst him. And it is further ordered, that within twenty daji from the date hereof the said complniriaiit c'áttMs a enpy of thiso:dcr to be published in the Michigan Argut i newspaper printed and pubifclied in the city df hv Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, nnd State ot Michigan, t least once in each weck, for six successiTe weeks, or that the complainant cause a copy hereof tu be personally served on the said defendant iJaTÍd Bothman, at least twenty days before the time prescribía for his appearance. GEORGE DANFOTïTH, Cïr. Court Com. (A true copy.) Tbact W. Root, Hegister. TwitciikilA: Fbazkk, Solicitora for Complainant. Dated,May 27th, 1863. Chancery Sale. INPURSUAXCE and by virtiie of a rtecree ofth Circuit Court, for the County of Washtcnaw, in Chanctyy, made on the 4th -jay of January A. R. 18(52, in a cause thereín pending, wherein James M, Forsyth, is complainant, and Jaraes argillvand HnvW Cargill, are defendants. Ifotice is hernby giveii thtt I 1 shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder at i o'clock, noon, on Saturday, 1he ]5th day of August next, A. D. T)?63, at the iront door of the' Washtenaw county Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, that certaïn piece or parcel of ïnnd known umi cescribed aH follows, to-wit ; the nou th haif of Int number two hundred and four, (Í0J-) in the TÏIUge now city of Ypsilanti, in tbe county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan. GEORGE DANFORTH, Cïr. Court Com., Wash. County llich, Norbis k indk, Solicitora for Complainants; Dated, Ann Arbor, July 2d, 1S63, ÑEW COODS! NEW GOODSÜ DEESS GOODS, SILK GOODS, PLAID SHAWLS, GLOYES, HOSIEEY, SKIRTS-, paeasols, cloths;. cassimeees, Domestics& Groceriesi These gooda were purchased at much rcduced rtri, and vr'ill be sold far beluw tlie pricea thej hftTtbtea held at. HENION & GOTT. CARPE TS, OILCLOTHS, CANTÓN MATT1NGS, Largest & Best in the city, Just Received at HENION & GOTT'S. Ann Arbor, April 23, 1863. 901tf. IIXTE-W GOODS, FOR Spring Trade! I ara now receiring an entire Now Stock of STAPLE AND FAiïCY DRY GOODS STRAW GOODS CHOICE GROCERIES Ac, BUYERS WITH CASH IN HAND are particularly invited lo examine my Sock of PBINTS, PHEKTINGS, DENIMB, STRIPESHIRTIXGS, TICKl.S'GS and allflOMlSTIC GOODS All bought for NET CASH since the Decline Xxx G-old AND ItUMORED FALL OF CHAELESTON. JOHN H. MAYNABD. Ann Arbor, April 22nd 1863. Ü5ÏSSOLUT1ON. THE COPARTNKRSHIP hertofore cxistlng betwte theandersigned, under tb narae of Bach & PierAOB is disROlved by mutual consent, 'ihe buisinesa of tb late flrm will be settlcd by Philip Bach. PHII.IP BACH, I. S.I'IERSOX. nnArtror, April C9, JS63. 902w6 Notice A IJ, TERSONS indebted to the late Brei of Bth" Pierson, either by note orfcbook account, ar requested to cali and settle without delay . Í'HILII' BACH: Ann Arbor, April 9, 1SÖ3. 902w6 For Sale, Two Dweiling Houses Í 1TW0 STORY FRAME OWELLING HOUSE and In' 4x8, now occupied by J. H Burlesoji. Tosfiessiutt given Oct. 1, ÍS63. y3 STORY FRAME DWEIXÏNG HOt'SE, BARN LOT, 4x8, now occupied by D. R. Kelley, possessioa tfiven April lst, 1Ö64, fjood cellars, cisterna anrl o buildings about tbe premises. Propertv adjoininp tbbouse of L. C. Risdon on WilHam street, Ann Arbor.- For lurther particularsinquireof ANDIÏEW BFI.L. Ann Arbor, May 14, 1863. 904tf FOR SALE. Qf ACRES of exnellont timbered the S. H ö9 N. W". Xf Sec.2.Town 6 N. Range 3 W.,CltetonTounty. Itisinagood neighborhood, about f"r uilefi f rom DeWitt íinrl ten froni Landing. For terd nquireator address. ARGUS OFFïE3. Jan. 20th,18fi3. S$M Trusses ! RUPTURE CAN BE CURED BY A TRUS8 of riglit kind, if properly fivted and duly attended to. I'his has been abundantly denfwsnstratt'd in innúmera le inslancee by the use of tlie JMultlpvtlnl Tr' f Ii. Kíí;-í, durinff the lust few yearn. This Trtii einprcoveicd with ïliird Rubber, is perfect 1y waterroof, may be used in bathinj, and is always cleanly " veil as indestructible by ordinary usage, lf not fat'' actory aftera fair trial of sixtv days, it mny bc r urncd. It chatlengts comparifeon with any tms ' Dr. RIGGS1 Office, N. 2 BAROLAT Street. We' fork.


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Michigan Argus