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THK. UNDKRIf.XFD has for Fale 3u? Bushelu of Treadwell Wheat, Na. I in qualíty, grown on nw land, and free from chesfr, ockle, smut or any other njuïioua articie - just the thing for seed. Cali etrly at the Uoion School House, and satïsfy yourwlf by xamining it. 9T6trl KÖBEUT SCOTTAnn Arbor, August 4th, 1S63. Proposals for Rations. Pkovost' Office, 3d District, Jacksün, Mich. Aug. 3d, 1863. J QEALKD PROPOSALS foi furnishing eookfd rationito O driiltd ivwn , will 'o e receivedat this office until liïe lOth of August 1863. The rationa are to be fwrnishe at tho rendezroua in this city, and wijl be uf good wholesoroe quality. The names of two reponsiWe persons, as suretiw for the faHhf&l perforcauce ef tk ontract, will ccompany the bid. Each bid will be enc'osed in an envelope, and endoried, on the outside '■ Proposals for furimhtng Cooked Rations," and iuïdressed to tlie suohcriber at thw place. The riht is re3erved to rejvct any or all the propináis. R. J. BARRY, Capt andl'rovost AfarhaT, 3d DiHtric of Michigan. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILATILPHTA, PA. Disenso of fhe N'ervous, Seiitlnnl, UrlnarT and St-xual S ystiins- new and reliabie treatmi-ut - in Reporta of the UOWARD ASSOCIATIONfcent by maü in sealed letter envelopes, Iree ofchargAddn-s, J. SKII.LIX HOUGHTOn, lloward Aasocitioa, N'o. 2 South Ninth títreet, Pbila.t Fa. 916yl TRY THE NATIONAL COFFEE. Tvo JL slullingsper p.mnd at . i .kFOREST'S. Grand Truuk and Veimorft ANOTHERGREATREDÜGTION! Detroit to Rouse's l'oint, St. Aibans, Burlington MuniiieÏÏfr and White hiver Junction, only $12 Ietroit to Boston via Ogdensburg or l'ortiand.... !■ letroit to Ho.-itcn1 anl retwrn -■ Persons purchaMiig Bodton and rttturn tickets cin go via Montreal, Gorbam, (White Mouutains), lan rond, and Por. land. Ri'turniüg via toweJU, Naahu, Concord, Buriington an-1 Ogdensbuig, giving the pa' engere the benelit of both routes Tickets goad unt'l November lst, 1363. Througb from Detroit to Boston in 3G hours. Tvu express liains leaves Detroit daily (Sundajl ' cepted) by Chicago táma at 6.05 A. M. and 6.20 P. Mtifilendid sleeping carR on night traína and Ruttan's Pt" ent VuntiliUors on dav tr.iins. ■ Tickets can be oblained atibe Grand Trunk Kailwaf Ticket office, Ii4 Jffffertóii avenue, a few doors aboT the Michigan Excbange. SLocrai & thompsos, Ag"ents, Detroit. rFRY THE NATIONAL COFFEE. Tw X. sbiH uga per puuaud at A. IfüFuREST'S, "THRBBGRAND TROTTINGAGES ! , Q To t:i lie place on thcGruunds of tb WashtenawCo1' ty Agricuttunü Society , Ann Arbor, SATURÜAY, AÜG. 22, 18(i3lst Match- I'nrse $100- inside stakes Ï50eoch. Bf twefri the Trottibg St Hu'UR STÜ-KBRIDGE CHIEF, of Adrián and HEXRV CLAY, of Ann Arbor. 2d Match- Purse $10- insiile Stakes $1 each. Betiveen "Mollic Wrk," '-Bay Sam," onned o) Campboll í: Co., Ypsilauii, Thomas liurton's Broïr Uelding, and "Ijady Ilooper." 3il Match- f 10 - iuuda Stakcs $10. Dct" 'Suky." o-vned by S. üenkum, of Auu Arbur,auJ Jol" R. Geer's Wbite Horse. TROTTING COMMENCES AT % O'CLOGÏ. OS, The abobe Races are to be all to liarne. ""., mile beats beft 3 io 5, and goverued by the I'ftr0 mies. Admission 25 Cents. B. GREHX. Sap'tJOHN P. DAI.E, Troas'r. FRED. HOOI'K, StC-r'


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Michigan Argus