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Important Of Wool--a Hint To Sheep Raisers

Important Of Wool--a Hint To Sheep Raisers image
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Ilie tchi()ntt xp&: t: '.- r tact woïthy of noto tbat while :1k: iuercased dcunwid fur the sorts of vkc.ti] necded tor broadcluthes, cassimeres, etc, i,s Lieing part inl I y ínut by inereased ]n i.liu-ï imi, is jet little has been dono to iuVuish supphea of the staple mjuired in gooi substitut-ed for cottou ; that is fur i ie warps of worsteds, dclaines, etc. - The wcíol needed for this use is that whieli will niake the smallcst and strongest thread with the least uap frora the smallest amuunt of stock. This is furnibhed in the groaUst excellence by the i.: i c'o itor, Cotswolds, and kindred breeds, as cuinparitavely very few of these sneep aro raised in tliis country, the great bulk of woüI needed for manufacturing ]iuiioses bero, must be imported. Accordingly it is found that the importations .(.iuriii the present year have by far exoeeded lliose of any previous period. - The amount received daring the last six in.uuthfl has very nearly, if not quite, eiualed the whole quantity imported iu 1802,and. is groter than that brought iu during both 18G0 and 1861. But owing to the demaud upon the other side ol'lln; Atlantic for a similar article, the pr'hv advanccd to au unprecedeuted figuro, and such wool now conimands, nud must for somo lime continuo to bring a priie far beyond its actual relative worth as compared with wool of fiuer staple. Ie other words, a largor amount ui' money can be realizad íor wool by involuieiit in these breeds of sheep. Now it luliooves American farmers to reap u sbare of the advantages thus offered. - ieietofore, the raising of the coarser boditd sheep has been advocated on the ground.of producing superior weight and oaJity of muttoii, and the advantaee, if ai.y, iü this respect, is not less now than fonnurly. as any one will fiud who iudulges in the luxury of this meat at the !t jriecs. The matter is worth thoioughly looking inlo by those who are about stoukiug thoir farms with sheep. -


Old News
Michigan Argus