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THE ALL SUFFICIENT THREE. i, THE GBEAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," Iviiown ns ' HclmlioWl'í'' GEmUIWE PREPARA1IONS, VI Z,: IIEI.MBOLD'S EXTRACT " BUrrir," ' "] IMI'ROVED IlO.-li VA.H. HELMBOLD'S ' GENUINE PPEPARATION, "HIGHLY COIVCENTUATED COMl'OUXI) ! FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, - A Positive nnd Specific Remecly, For;iis of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPirCAL SWELLIKGS. This Medicine imreasei the power of Digestión and xcites the AHSOR1SKNT-' int„ henlthy ícttín bv w'hlch VNNATURAL ENZAU;FA,ENrPnrTZ{úc", ,!l HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BÜCHU FOR WEAKNESSE3 Arising fi-om Excesses, Habitsof Dissipation, Eariy Indiecrction, or Abuso, ATTENDED WiTU THE FOLLOWING SYMTOMS : Indisposition to Kxertiuu, Loss of Power I.osk of Memory, Hifflculty of Dreathing, We.kNorvo., Trembling, Horror of D.aease, Wakffulness, Uimncs ol Vision, Pain in the Back, Linversal Lassitude of the l-'lushinj of the Body. Muscular Sj stem, Eruptions on the F:ice, Hot Handa, pallj(i Countenance. Oryncsa of the Skin. These svrnptoms, if allowed to go on, ivhich this medicine iuvariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY.FATUITYEriLEPTICFITS Ii:oneof wliicli the patiënt may exphe. Who een nay that theyure un frequently followed bv tbose "direful iliHeaies," Insanity and Consumption, Many areaware of the caufe of their aulfering hut none wiB confoss. The records of the insane Asvlums and the melanclioly deaths by Consumption, bear nru ple witness tu thn iruth of the assertion. THE CO.VSTHUTIUN, OXCE AFFECTED WITH OROAMC WBAKSKSa, Kequires the aid of medicino to strengthen nnd inviRiratethesystem, which HELM BOTAl'S EXTRACT flWÍ7nvariably ducs. A tria' will convince the niost skeptical. Females, Females, Females, OLD OR YOUNO, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CON TE.WLATl.VC JIARKIAGE, In maoy affectiona peculiar to Kem.les the Extract Bucliu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or RelentioD, Inegularitv, Paintulness, or Suppressiou or the Cuslomary Evac'uations L'lcerated or Sehirrous state of tbc Uteiu, Leucorrhea, or lntes,sterilit.v,aud lor all complaints incident to the sex, bethsrairing from lndiscrction, HabitK of Dissipation, or in thö Decline or Chango of Life. LKK SVMl'TOMS jUtoVK. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. TWbo Balsuu, Hercury, or Unpleasant Medieine for UnplKasant and Daiigeruus Diseasca. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BÜCHU CURES Secret üiseases. In all tlieir stages ; at little expense ; littleor no change in diet no nconvenu-nce, ANTD NO EXP0SURE. K causes frequent desire, and gives strength to Lrinate, tiierebyremoving obstructioas, preventing and cunneStrietures of the Urclhra, allaying pain and inüammation, so frequent in this olara of diseases, ant! ArL. 15 PP'SOnOUS, DISEASED AND II'ORN UUI MAllER. Thousands upon Thousand WHO HAVE BEEN THE VJCTIM OF QUAOKS, And irho h.ive paid HEAVY FEES tobe enredina short time, have ïinnd tliev weredeceived.and tha' the !'I'o:son" has, by the use of "l'owerful Astringents," been d ried up in the sjstem, to break out in atratnmt. vated term, and PJERHAPS Aitev MARRfACE. Helmbold's Extract Buchu For all Affections and Diseaüps of JLne TJrinary Organs Whether existing n MALE OR FEMALES, from whatever cause origiuating, añil no matter OV HOVV LONG STANDING. Dueases of these Organs require tbc aid of a DlCBITIC. Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE OHEAT DIURET1C, Aud t is certain to liave the. desired effect in all Di. seases, for which it ís recoiumtinded. BLOOD ! BLOOD ! BLOOD! Uelmbold's Ilighly Conccnlr&ted Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. This s an affecten of the Bloed, and attacks the Sexuil Organs, Limnga of the Nose, Eats, Thtoat, Windpipe, and other Mncus Surfaces, making it.s ppcarance in the form of Ulcers. Helmboïd's Kxtact Sarsaparilla purifie.s the Blood, and remove all 3caly limptions ot' the Skin, giving to the Complexión a Cloamnd Healthy Color. It beinpr preparerl expressly forthis eluss of complaints, its Blood-I'uriiying Pro perties are preserved to a greater extent tiïan any utlier preparation ot Sarsaparilla. Helmbold'sRose Wash. An excellent I-otioQ for DiseaseH of a Syphiltic Nature, and as an injection in Diseases of the Urinary Organs, 4 risíng from habita of dissipation, used in counection with the Extracts Buchu and Sarsaparilla , in 8uch diKcasf-s as recommcndcd. Kviionce of themost responsible and reliablechacacter will accomp.iny the medicines. CJERTIFICATES OF CURES, From eight to twenty yeirR standing, with naniea knoivn to SCIEWCE ANP FAME, For MedicaH'ropertiesof BUCHU, 8ee IUspensatory the United States. See Professor VEWEES' valuable works on the l'ractice of Physic. See remarks made by tho late cclebrated Dr,PEY SICK, PhUudelplna. Kee rèmarks made by Dr. EPHRA1M MeDOtVELL, a celebrated Physician, and Mcmber of the Koyal College of Surgeons. líela nd, and published in theïranaactioiiK of theKingitHd Qtieen's Journal. See Medieo-Cirurgioal Review, published by BENJAMIN TRAVERS, Felluw of the Hoyal College of Surgyons. See most of the late Standard Works on Medicine. Extract Bueno, $1 00 pek bottle, or sjx fok $5 00 ' SAKSAPAniM.A 1 00 " " 6 00 Improved Rose Wash, 50 " " 2 50 Or half a dozen of cach for SI 2 00, which will bfi Mifficieut to uure the most obstinate cases, ir directiens are adhered to. Delivered to any address, securely paclied tromobservation . d Describe j-mptomu in ají Communications. - Cure-sguaranteed. Advine gratis. A F F 1 D A V ï ï . Personally appearod before mean Aldermnn of tte city of T. Hei.mboi.d, who, boing duly sworn, doth s.iy, hia preparatiyns contai no narcotic, no mertitiry, ob other njurious drugs, but are purely vegetable. Tí T.HELMBOLP. Sworn and subscribed befort me, thi 2itd day ol Novembir, 1354. WM I. HIIÏBAKD. Alderman-, Nfnth-Rtreet; above lï:ice, Phila. Address Letters for ofonnatioo in confidence. T. IIKI,MIi(H.l),ChemiJt Depot 104 Soutli Ttnfcb-street, below Chestnut, Phila. beware or fiegitTBttyaw AND UNPKINCIPLKD DEALERS, Who endcavor to ffifjOe " OF TH KIR OWN " and "other" article? on the i eputittion attaiued by ■ Ilelnibold's Genuine I'Fepartioni, " " Extract Buchu, " " " Hivrsaparillii, " " Improved Rose Wash. SoM by all Druggists everywhftrc. ASK FOR IIELMBOLD'S-TAKZriVOOTIlER. Out out the advertisoim-nt, nml srrd for it, 4ND AVOW 1MP01ITI0N ANI) EXPOSVRE. .ljTOS SCHOEI & MIL LEK UK STIL). ON' HAND ;it tlieivulii Stand , No. 2, Franklin Block, i'ith thmiost complet. asortim-nt of Books and Stationery, ' PERFUMERIES, FANCY GÜODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHAÜES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNIOES, CTTRTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in this Market ! and the ƒ would suggöst tothnse in pursuitcfanytliingin SANTA CLA US LINE hat they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchaslng f rom this stock, na each purchaKer gete an additiooal present of Jewelry, &c , Ranging invalue irom 0 ets. to $50. They trust that thettlong experience in setecting foods forthis mai'ket, mul strict attention to the wants f Cuhtomers, may entitle theni ti a liberalslutre O 'atronage. Ann Arbor,Dec. 5. 1860 . 77Ttf THE REBEL1ION ON HIGH PRICES FOR CLOTIIING, HASCOMMENCEDATTHE OLD & EELIABLE CLOTHINC EMPOKTÜM ! No.3PH(ENIX BLOOK, MAIN St. IAM now opening a large and varied assort inent oí 3(Ting and üjummer Gooüs, and in view of tfae rebuHio.n on high prices generall.V, will ofler tbem to niyfriend.s andcustomert) at the very lowest Bgurea for Cash. - Tbose in want of a superior urticle oí Cloth., Ca.ssimeres. or Beady-Madc Clothing, -will cali onWM. WAGfEf?, who lias just returncd froni the East, witb a large aspiVrtraent of SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS wbïcb have bccu pnrchaaed Atthelftte LOW PRICES! aüd can offer them at a lower figure than ever beforé. Amongmy AsorLmont juay be fouad BKOADCLOTIIS, UASSIMERES, DOESKTNS, VESTLNGS of aUdescrtptious, together wilh a superior asüortrarnt of Ready-Madc Clotlilng, IHÜWtftt S ftTRPyKsi C-'ARPET BAGS, lSali ) -Vt UMBKELLAS, and BuSaGentlcnieu's Furiiisliing GrOOI5S, witb numerous othor articles U8ually found in similar establishraeuts. As an EMPORIUM OF FASHION, tlie subscriber flatters himself , that his lung experiencc and general success, will enablehim to give the grentest satisfactiontoall whoraay trust him inthe way oí Ë Manufacturing Garments to order. W:X"WAG!ER. Ann Albor, Api il 3th 1SG2. 848tf O. BLISS Wonldtake tbis method of informing his old friends and patrons and all others who may favor him with their patronage, tl; at liehas greatly en'arged bis Stock and Assortment ! and haviug adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BUYING & SELLING is prepared to sell Gooda at floaOlla" TolO DF3ÍC5eaSly H's stock consista u part ot' the foliowiug: - AMERICAN ND OTIIEI! wr'jfe TXTatches ï rf& xilili The Celebratld lf1 SETHTHOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD CtlAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLEÜY ! Fazors, Rliears, Scissorsnnd BrushcM, BOGERS PLATiil) WARE, the best in market, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PjSPIR and KXVEI.OrES, Musical Instruments, Strivgs if BooJcs for Instruments, SFECTAOIjES, of Gold, Silver, Steel, and Platcd, wtth PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior aitide. Persons having difficult watches to fit with glassos can be accomudutod; as my stock is large'aniï complete, P. S. Particular attention to tlie of all kinds of fint) Watches, such as Making and Setting new Jewels, Piniont, Siaffs, and CyUndcn. Also CLOCKS, Sc TE"V7VEXjB,'5r neatlr repaireil and 'ïrar-anted, at his irlil st.imleast sidcof Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann Arbor.Xov. 'J5, 186a 826tl LIVERTT! LIVEB.YM , . J. GREEN & E. BIKOWN, nvc purchascd the llores aüd Carriagen-of B. (ïreen, and ïmve alfio jnided koww very fine Horfies fi Carriaes to the above stock, in the same baru 1 öo that thej' can kuíí you alj on reasonable terma. ■ Cali and Se e ! Adq Arbr, JuW 14th: tfiflit. 0utl4 Hm Emp:re ÜB PPP BOOK STORE &■ ■lü ER 11 I WoPSthei MMHiSikFranklin House V -j ■ -, MyOk 01 - ■ - -WJ-N AHK.soW ui'hNlMi, J.JiUXT FRÜM IM'IJUSIIERR AND Manufacturera, a New and Complete stock of LAW & MEDICAL liüüKS, School Books, Misecllaneous Books, Blank Books, dan Wal! ml Wlndon I'n]er, Drairípg and MatheniattealiiistriiïmMits. Music, Juvenilc Librar iet, Euvelopes, Inks and CanJs. GOLD And al other kinds of Pens and Penci.'s Wíndow Cerotee, öliades an Fixture, POCKET CUTLEKY! Andeverything portainiitc to the trilde, and more to whiehtliey wuttld invite the attentiou of the countrj'. Inconductingnur business, we shalldn all t bat can lc done,s" tluit qo rcusonable muu, woifiaB or cliild shall find any fnult. We.possesr; faptlfties which wiU enable us to supply our stomers at the Lowest Possible Figures. We propose in cll for READY PAY, atn small advance. V eapect a pi-olit on our gofios, but Cash Sales will Admit of low FIGUKES. The [ 'UMPIRE BoO Stoiík,"ís manned by ngood 'crew,' nd they will ftlwayi bo found on the "(iiarter deck," ready and willing to attend to all witb pleasure, wïao will favor tltem with a citll. Uemember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Arbor, My,lSG0. 7-? Rifle F actor y! Beutier & Traver, [Buccessors to A. J. SntberlanO,] Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pou;hes Úamc Bags, and Everjother article il that Line. All kinds of 3FI 33 1 A. I Xt DC 3ST 3r done at the shortest notice, and in tne best mnnner, ft fuH assortment aïways kepi on hand and malc order. &&. Biiep corner Mam and Washington streets. Ann Arbor,(;ct. 8, 1362. 873tf LL.T THE I'EUPLE H. Ei JOÏCE, For Providcnce has again Örowntd our Arms leith Success ! -AKDA. C. LOEB, OF THE CLEVELAND CLOTBIKG HOUSE, renow offering lo the citizens of WEshtenaw county, and the State of iiiohigan gencrallv, A LARGER AND BETTER SELECTED STOCK OF SPRING & SÜMMER GOODS, than was ever beforo brought to tliis city, which we will sell Chcaper than any House west of New York.' Our stock consihts of Ready Made Clothing, HATS, TRUNKS, VALISES, Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c„ and in conclwsion we wonld say to all who want tobuy GOOD GOODS AT LOW PKICES, to cali at the Clothing House, fivedoors west of Cook 's Hotel, andyou willsave money by doing so. A. k C . LOEB. N.B. - Dou't forget to cali before purchasing elsewhere. Ann Arbor, May lst. 18Ö3. 3m902 BOOT SHOE N. B. COLE, (Successor to lloore & Loomis ) has openeda store in the FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, Main street, Aun Arbor, and has on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS, mitnufactured from the best material and warrantedto give satï.sfaction, cousisting of HEN'S KIP, CALF AND THIOK BOOTS, DOUBLÉ SOLED, MEN'S BUI' FALO OVÊrSIIOES, of all descriptions. LADIES' GAITEES, Morocco Bootees, Balmorals, Feit. Overshoes, and Rubbers. Also, lïoy's Kip, Calf & Tliick Boots, together wilh a viiríety of CHILDKEN & YOUTH'S SHOES. I nm also Manufucluilii WARRANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Meii's Fine French Calf Boots Pesged and Sewetl. Give me n en 11 befiire pui-chjiBing elsewhere. I will ncI 1 my Kpods cbeap for cuh; KEPAÏRING NEATLY DONE AND OÍT SHORT NOTXCJE. N. B.OOLS. Aun Arbor, Jim. ludí, 18C3. 88Ttf For Sale. Q K ACRES of very choice land, within lialf ú milt) Ók) Of the city of Ann Al'-bor, jibimt half of it im"prVivi d and enCTosed with n, pond lYnoe, the balance IfmVettd, &n! wrll vratered! Knqnir at ftrti nfflfe. I aiu Bound for M. GUITERMAN CO'S ! Dispute tlie í'act if yon can, It taires the TAILOK after all to give appearance to the outer nian. If you wish to appeav well You must accordiiigly Dress VVell. Go to M. Guiterman & Co's,, Thei'o you will find thioga exaotly SO. SOND HE IMíúways ready to take your mensure, GÚITERMAN will sell you Goobs with great picasure, At figures LOWER than you will find in i he State, Take lieed - call eahly, else vou are too LATE. The iNDucHMENTS are noyv greater than ever, Our Clekks you will find obliging and cltíver. I We wiil show you good CLOTHING oí our own gktting tu, FilHng our Store from Bottom to ror. STUDENTS especially will find it to THEIR ADVANTAGE, For it takes hut LITTLE MONEY to replenisli. 1500 OVERC0ATS of Cloth, Beaver, and Bear, Warranted for almost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IML'ORTATION, Forwaided through our New York relations. From England, Belgium, Gcrmany and France, Such as you can stand up ín, or wkak, at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CáSSIMERES and DOESKIN oí everv grade, We sell them iioni ONE DOLLAR up tO KIOIIT. VESTS, &C, of every description, You will tíncí it so without fiction, Furniehing aiu'akels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all we say now, Therefore we make our bow. Yours truly, ever so, M. GÜITERMAN. fe Co., RIS DOJN &H ËJN !DE RSOJÑ Hí,-7-o the BUCIiETE CRAIJM DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfield, Obio. rplIE VERY LATEST IMI'ROVEMENT, and betterthan X al) otliers; aduptinl to s&wteg Wheat, Rye, Oats Barlev amlGrass tíeed. líí. It has a Botar) Feeder. 2d. Will soto all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. liever bunches the Grain éth. Never Irreales ihe Grain. oth. Sows Grass Seed hroadeast behindthe Drill. 6A. Has Mgh wlieete, and long Hoes. Ith. lias long and wide steel pomtsSth. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. lQth, It has a self adjusling shut off slide. It is neatly and substantially made. There is hardly a Drill offered n the market but can boast of mote or less FIRST PREMIUMS?' They are about a.s indíncnminately bestowed as the title of "Professor," wbich is sometimeB Hpplied to the ''jiddler" or ''■booiblack They eease to convey the idea of merit. Xlie Buclioye Drill has been on Exhibítion at quite a nuraber nf State aud County Fíiirs, and without seekiug favor at the hands of auy Coniniittee, has received its f uil share of l'iemiums. TEöTIMONIALS : We give the following Dames of a few Farmers in this viciuíty wüo havebought and used the Buckeye Drill : Godfrey Miller, Scio. JacobÜolherous li Jacob Trem per, ' ' Thomas White, Northfield. John Brokaw, " Christian Kiipp, i( Edward Iïoyden, Webster. James Tir-idwell, Ann Arbor, raniel( li;uat " " John ii. Cyok, Lodi. O. A. Marshail, ' L. Kdraon-'s, Saline. George Cropsey, Green Oafc, Liv. Co. We arealso Agents for the Ohio Reaper & Mcwer, acknowledged tobe the very beat in use. "We are just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles WhU'li we vrill scll Clieap. Also alarge assortment o G-rass Scythtes, And the largest and best selected stoet of BENT STTJFF FOR CAtïRIAtiESever beforc offered in this market. We aïso keep a largo and ftill NAILS, SLA, PUTIT, PAINT.and LINgEEI) GIL. A complete assortment of STOVES, TINWAKE, ANMiEAVETünr'illSah'.üvs on li:uul:uul put ipattlic Khortött nuüce. KISIK'N k HEND1CRSON. An Arbov, Juni' aOth ,l?1ï. SKHÍ 1863. 1863. j SPRING GOODS! AT Reduced Frices! Just receiving at C. H. MILLEN'S MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR. April 17, 1863. 4w900. 1863. SPRING. 1863. We are now opening' ik Lar ge and Beautiful aesort inent of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry G o o ds ! LADIES' DRESS GOODS in great variety, OFk. ISB O]TS, Di-css Triramings, cfccAlso a large stock of Goods for Mens7 Wear, Cassimeres, Oloths. &c. and a full assortment of Ladies and Childreri's HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, AU of wLich we will sell at the LOWEST TOSSIBLE O-A.Í3X3C PRICB! MACK & SCHMID. Ann Albor. March 19, '63, 896tf CITY COOPER SHOP. Thulesaieaii'l Etetail, O C. STAFFORD Would respectfully announce to the citizeus oí Ann Arbr and vicin.ty, that he ia now nianufacturing umi koi'jj.s uu hcnd a Large Assortment of Cooper Work ! such as Povk aml iiil r Barrels, Kcjjs, Firkins, Churus, "VVell Buckets, &c5 Which will be sold cheap for cash. CUSTOM "VVOK-IS: Made to order oo short nottce. Rcpairtng done with ueatut-s.s and (Usp&toh, 1 would cali particular attentiou to Merclmnts in want of Butter Firkins. I aminanufacturing the cw Toi H State "Firkín, which isa better L'irkin t hun has ever before been of fered inthi.s market. I woald invite all who want Firkina to Cali and exanine for tbemselves before purchasiagelsewhre, and I wül convince you that you have called at theright place. I woul'l alo cal! the attention of Brcwers in want of BEER KEGS, I am now prepared to manufacture Eights, Quarters and half Bbls. in large or small luta, and of a Better Quality thiin eau bc had ia Detroit or elsewhere. ;A11 work waiTanted to give entire satis 'action. Thaukfulfor p,istfavors and by a strict atteotion to business, I hope to meril a contiuueí. liberal sujiply of tlie public patronage. Ó Donot forget to cali at the City Cooper Shop. O. C. SPAFFORD. Detroit Pt. Ann Arbor, Mieh. 8S8yl GREAï.GREATr GREATEST BAIiGAINS EVEK OFFERED 1859. 1111859, In tlii3City,areuowbeingofferedat the CHEAP, CLOCK.WATCH, & J evp elry toieTHEStibacriber wouldsny to the citizensoi Ann particular, and the reet of Waflhtenaw Countv ineenernl. that hohasjust ÍMPORTED PIRECTLY from EUROPE.a Tremendous Stock of Watcbes! AU of which he binds himself to sel) CHEAPER than can be bought west of New York City. Open Face Cylinder Watches Irom b' to ê]0 do do Lever do do 8 to 21 Ilunting Case do do do 14 to 35 do do Cylinder do do 9 to 28 Gold Watehee from SU to 150 X have also tne CELE BK ATE D AMEWCAN WATCHES, which I will seil ttr $3Ï Ever y Watch warranted to perform well, ortbe inoney retunded. Clocks, Jewelry, Piatcl Ware, Fancy Gooda. Gold Pens, Musicallnstruments and Strings, Cutlery, &c, and in fact a variety of cvfiy.hiniï UdualJy brpt jy Jewelerscan be boughtfor the next ninety days at yur O W N P R I C E S ! Persona buyinpr niiything nt this wel' known estabItstime :t cdn rcly upon getting goodv exact'y as representad, orthpmoney rofunded. Csllenriy Hnd secure the best bnrgains ever ofi'cred in thi! City One word in regard to Repairing : We Rre preparad to make any repairs onfine or comïnon Watc:hes, pvrn n mnkiniic er thn enttrp wntch, if necessiiry. Repairing of Tloeks nnd Jewetry as lüufll. AlflotHe mmiufftüturlnir oí RING?5. BROOCHS, or auythine dsir(i], from Cali tniiB Gold onshortnotice. Knffravipe' in allita branchesexeented withneat neíB anddispatch. J C. WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jan. 28thI859. 7L4w Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Estáte of James J. O'Brien. 3TATE0F MICHIGAN', County of Washtenaw Es_ J Ai Á seSnloflof tile Probate Court for the County of rVaslitr naw, lmidan itthj l'rohatc Office in tht City of Inn Arbor on Kridíty , tlie tcnth day of July,in tht car ono thousand eíght bundred and eixty-thrce 'rtiscrit , Thoiriiis Nindc, Jtuige of Probate. Ín tlie matter oí tlie Estau1 of James J. O'Brirn u. Kfsaid County, deceae4. Onréaáín aod filÍDg the petition, duly verified. ol oanrm O'Bnen, ]iiivi!)g for the probate of an insïtu nent Dow OD file n Ibis Court, purporting to be th ust wtll and testament of said deceased. Thei-pupon it is ordered that Monday , the tenth dii )f August next, at ten o'clock in the forenoonf b Lssigned for tbe beartDgof said petition, and tLat 'ib, levisees, Iegate6S and heirsat law of said deceaned kui ül other peisons-intorested in taid eslate, arereqüjrn 0 apppar at a seftwoa of sai'. Court . ihvn to be holdi it the Probate ( ihce. in the City of Arm Arbor iu mí, 'uunty , and show e, il any tin be, why the prat Bf tbi' ptUitiontr .slioukl not be gninted: And it is further ordered, tliat eaid petitiont .ive not iet to the ]ersons inteieated in saitt estáte, o be pemdeney ol .tid petition, and the hearing thniof ►T eajiAinga cojj (ff tlrie Ordt to be published in thi Michigan Ar gu.. a, ucwspapi r printed and circulatini n said County ol Waslitennw, tLree succei-sive wej jrevíous io saiá day oí heftrinjr. (A tme Copy.) THOMAS NI MIE. Jodge of Probute, Estáte of Timothy Eiley. QTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, M, 1 ' At a session of the Probate Court for the County ol Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office in the city oi Ann Arbor, ou Tuesday, the twenty-eighlh day of July ,n theyear onethousttnd eight hundred andsixty-tbret l'ï-osfiit, Thomas N'inde Judgeuf Probate. In tUemattet ol the Estfie of ïimcthy Riley, late ol said County, deceased. Ün rea ding and filing the pfti tion. dulj venlieiJ, of Elixabeth Eiley, praying lor thi appointment oí' a,n adminitrator on the E tate oí bh deceased. Thi;reupon it is Ordered, ihat Monday, the twentj fourtfi day of August uext,at ten o'oJock in the frp noon, be assigned lor the hearing of said petition, aní that the lieiri at law of Paid deoeased, and al! othti persons intere.sted in said ewUte, are required to p pear at n wession oí' said Court, then to be holden at th Probate Office, in the City of Ann Aibor, and Hbo causo, i f any theiebe, why the prayer of the petitiont; sbould not be granted : And it is further ordered, ths' said prtitioner give notice t tlie persons intern in said e.state, ot tho ptndency of said petition, andihi hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thia Order to bi pubtiijbedia the Michigan Argus, a üf-wspaper print and circulatinR in said County of Washtenaw, thi successive ue-l;s previous to sai1! day of hearing. (A true tqpj) THOMAS N1NDE. 915 w3 Judge of Probate. Chancery Sale. INPURUAKCE and by virtue of a decree of tb Circuit Court, for the County of Washtenaw, Chancery, made on the 24th day of 1862, in a cause therein jiending, wherein Jamen M Forsytb, is complainánt, and James Cargill, and DaTi-í Crgfll,are defendants. Notice is giventhatl shall sell at mblic auction to the highest bidder at l! o'clock, norm. 'ni tíaturday, the 15th day of Auguii next, A. U. 1863, at the roa t door of tbe" Washtpna county Court House, in tlie city of Ann Arbor, Mich igan, that certain piece or parcel of land knnwnaai teseribed as followa, to wit : the soa tb half cMni tiinubr two hundred and fnur, (204) in T.lUp nniv city of Ypsiianti, in the county of Washtenk-Wsa-i State of Michigan. GEQRGR PAN'FORTH, Cir. Court Com-, Wash. County Mich, KOHBIS ÍZ N'ltlDK, Solieitors for Complainantít. ]):■ UM, Ann Albor, July 34, lSf 3, NEW COÖDÏ! NEW GOODSÜ DKESS G00DS, SILK GOODS, PLAID SHAWLS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, SKIETS, PAEASOLS, CLOTHS, OASSIMERE?, Domestics& Groceries! These goodswere purchased at raucli reducei] rite', and wiU be sold fiir below the prices tbey haveb held at. IÏENI0N & GOTT. CAËFETS, OILCïiOTHS, CANTÓN MAl'TINGS,. Largest & Best ín the city, Just Received at HENrON & GOTT'S. Ann Arbor, April 23, 1863. flOltf. For_Sale. Two D welling Houses! 1TW0 STORY FRAME DWEI.LING HOUSE nd U 4 x 8, now occupied by J. H Burleson. Possesi givenOct. 1.18B3. l)i STORY FRAME DWEI.LING HOUSE. BAH ' Li)T, 4x8, n decnpiêd by D. R. Kelley, possesá" gi.ven April lst, 1864, good cellars, cisterns and ; bnij. üni about the premises. Property adjoim'ngttt limise o! L. C Risdon on William Street, Ann Artal.For J urther pfirticulars inquire of ANDRKW BFJ.L. Ann Arbor, May 14, 1863. 904ti FOR SALE. Olí ACRES of exuelli-nt timbered ihc q V ö" 5 W. %Gt Se.2.Twn N. Bange 3 W., tonOounty. Itisinagood neigliboihoud, abouï W mües fnim DeWitt and ten frmn Lansing. For in nquireator address. .rs AKGUS OFFICE. Jan. 20th,18W. e"'" P . B A C H Is now receiving A. LAKGE STOCK -OFNew Spring Goods, BOUGHT FOE CASH Since the Late Fallí AND WILL BE SOLD VERYLOW FOR CASH Cali and See! TRY THK NATIONAL COFFEÉ. 1" fhiUingt rt r penund ut ■ A. PsFPWs' -


Old News
Michigan Argus