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„. - fustes fKmtotg "COUNTY BIBLE SOCIETY. TiKPOSITORY of Bibles and Testamente at tlie Sojj ei,t) pnces at W. C. Voorheis'. T C WATTS & BRO. rEALESq in Clocks, W.itohes, Jjwelry and Silver ) ïïareNo. 22, New Block, Ann Ai-bor. C. BLISS. DEJLER ia Clocks, Wat ches, Jewelry anti Silver Ware Ho. 22, New Block, Ann Arbjr. G H. MILLEN. rvïM.ER in Rry GotJs, Groceries, Crockery, Sc. &c. D Sain Street. Aan Albor. BACH & PIERSON. TNEilERS in Ttfy Goods, Groceries Hardware, Boots ) fcSboes, .te, Main st., Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER. MANWACTURER and iealet in Boots and Slioes, one dour oorth of the Post Office. N. B. COLE. DEALER in Boots & SJioes, Rubbers, &c. Frankan Block, Main Street, Ann Arbor. RISDON & HENDERriON. DEALERS in Hardware, Stores, Louse furnishing loois, Tin Ware, Sc , &c, New Block, Main st. 0. C. SPAFFOïtD. MiNUFACTURER of all kinds of Coooper Work, City Cooper Shop. Custoni work done on short otitê. Detruit Street, Ann Altor. A. J. SUTHERLAND, AGENT for the New York Life Insurance Companj', Office on Huron street. Also has ou hand a stock of thötnost approre 1 sewing machines. 885tf GEORGE FISCHEIi. MKAT ilARKET- Huron Street- General dealer in í'resli aud Salí MeaU, Heef, llutton, I'ork, Hams, itultrr, Lard, Tallow, &c, &c. SCUOFF & MILLEK. DEALERS '.n Miscellaneous, School anii Blank Books. átatiüuery, Paper Hanging.s,i;c., ilaiust., Franklin Bloei HIRAM J. BEAKE3 ITTORNEY and Counsellor at Ijiw. ..nd Solicitnrin A Chancerj. Office in City Hall Biock, over U'ebster's Book Store. WM. LEWITT, M. 1). pHVSICUN and Surgeon. Office at his restdentíe, I norlh side of Huma street, and second house ot División treet. M. GÜITERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE aadReUil Dealers and Manufacturers of Reudy-iiaüa Clothing. Importcre fClotlis, Cas: nsaars , Doekins, ifcc. , !fo. 5, l'liajuix tíltick, Main at. wm. wagnerT" IDEALER in ReadyMftde Clothing, Cloths, CatHffWWtj U nd Vesting, Hats, Caps, TruuLs, Car. pel. Uags, kc, Phcenix Block, Main street. SLAWSON & GEER. pROCËRS, Provisión and Commissío'n Merchante, and 'U Dealers in Water Li in e, Liind PUister, and Plasttr íííifií, ooedoor east of Cook's Hotel. T. B. FKEKMAN. TJARBERand Fashiunahle Ii;ur Drc-scr, Main .streef, D Adu Arbor, Mich. Hair FronU and Curls kept outtintljon hand. J, M. SOOÏT, AHBROTYPE and Photograph Artisi , in the rnnms ürerC'arapion's Clothing store, Phoenix Block. Per'tutisfactiuDgtven. w. "weeks. OCRVEYOR and Civil Ëngipeef , continúes ío gíve ini - W medíate attention 't o all orders. Office at his res i ■oce ut corner uf Catheriue aud Thajer sta. 8CÜ; 1 C. B. PORT E E. StJRüEON DENTIST. Office Corner of Main anrl Hnrop 'v lireets, over IUch & l'ierson's Store. AH calis iiomptlyattendi-d to AprlSóJ J. R. WEBSTER & GO. TjEALERS in Law anl Medical Books School Books, v ÖUnk Books, Miscellanemis Books, pens. ink, and "yvariety of Stationcry, Huron st. , City ÏJallUkick. C. B. TJJOMPSON. HEALERia Dry Goods Jiqd Qroceries, Boots andhnes, 4c. Prilu't() iMUKlitaijd oia, at tbs old stand of WW1) .4 Milieu, Citièi kift! ci;.d Washington sts. MACK & gCHMID. íiKAT,KRfí in Koroiirn and Oomfstic Dry Rood. OrticeP rie. Hats and Caps, Boots and tiboes, Crockpry, Mi Corner uf Main & Liberty sts. O. A. KELLEY, DB0T0I3RAPHEK- Corner KourUi Í: Hurnn streets, íonArbnr. (Jass fi-ames uri-l Fhotojraiih Albuins , '■■itantly on hand, and at lower rates than can be "nilelewliere. 1891 AND11EW BELL. UALRU u Groceries, Provisiojis. Flonr, Produces, Vc., lic,, corner Main and Washington Slreers, ni 'Arbor. Tlie highestmarket prices naid ior country I. 0. 0. P. ■W ASUTENAW Lodge. No. 9, of the Independent Or1 JeroF O.ldPellown meet t tleir l.o.lge - "e'yFrMayKvenn(í,at7áo'clopk. 8. Sosdhhk, N. G. F. 1). Rose, Secy KINGSLEY & MORGAN. A TrOREYS, Counsellors, Solicitors, and flotarles liM ■"' h-lve BobRs and IUats shórfing titlri of ali i,,, !!uller'ijuntv, ana attcMi-l to cgnvévaucing : ....1 j, ,.m8rlenand3,and to payütf taxes aud school in"Uony part of tbe state. Office east of !;i? pari. ' '" " ' D. DkFQREST-. y"''E5ALE and rctail dealer in Luraber, Lath, K;„ Slui?'es, Sasli, Door, Blind, Water Lime, Grand !H ,r'P!lstirParis' iini1 N"ils "UUsJseB A limkitï f, . ort;'nat of tUe abovc, and ai: rithisr lo,,, "ulH'n?mitorialsconstantly on haLil at the '"liotó 'n? ' on Detroit Rt., a few rndsfroni the '"ealft ot' Also Prating tenüively in the önt Roeñng.


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Michigan Argus