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Death Of Serg't Nelson Imus

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Aiwither cf Ann Arbor' noble and patnotie sous has been eomniitled to his last rusting place, wbere the horrors of war and the thunder ol baltle will never again disturb bis repose. Serg't. Nelson Imüs, of the Chicago Mcruaiuile Battery, died of ftver at Grand Gulf, Miss., May 14th, 1863.- Iliy bodv was brought to this place, and on' Sunday last bis funeral services wero liL'ld at the Episcopal Church, when the Rector, Iïev. G-. 1). Gillespie, deüvered ftn excellent sermón Ui a very large and sympathlzing audiunce. Tho procession which fulltiwed the corpse to the C'metttry, was mio "f thelargest which wc have ever seon in this cily. Serg't. Imus was born and reared in this city, where he has many friends who honored and loved him while living, and now sevorely mourn his early death. Mr. Imus a few monthá ago left a good situation with excellent prospecta before bim, and joined the Chicago Mercantile Battery, determined to peril life and all he holds dear in defen;e of the righlg and honor of his country. Like many of his gallant young companions in arms, ho has fallen at the post where duty called him, respectad and honored by all who can appreciato a noble and chivalrous spirit Serg't. Imus was at one time in the employ of the Michigan Central Railroad, and his motber and his many friends in Ann Arbor, will never forget the kindness and liberality of Mr. Kiee, the Superintendent of that road fur promptly and gratuitously dispatching a train of cara to this place, in order that tho friends of the deceased in Detroit and on tho line of the road might attend bis funeral. We take pleasure in affording the following resolutions adopted by the Chicago Mercantile Association : R. Ranson, ehairman of the Special Cornmittee appointed at a previous meeting to draft resolutions of respect to the memory of Sergeant Imus, deceased, reported following, which were unanimously adopted : Whkkbas, The sad intelligence has reached us of tho death of Sergeant Nelson Imus, who died at Grand Gulf, Miss., May 14th, 1863; and whereas, we know that hb battled manifully with the disease to which he feil a victim, participating iu the battle of Magnolia Hills, alter he had for weeks been unfit for dut}', and from that tíeid was sent back to Grand Gulf hospital to die ; and Whereas, We remember that he has, from the organizaron of our battery, been one of its most iaithful and constant members, enduring with us the privations of tho siege of Vicksburg, in December last, active in the battle of Arkansas Post, and with us, an uncompliiiuing fellcw sufferer in the entire cnmpaign of last winter ; therefore, Resolved, That in him we have lost a valued li 'iend, a genial and kind companion, a brave and noble soldier. Resolved, That the sympathie of this Association be extended to the widowed mother, his sister and friends, who with us mourn his untimely end. . Resol vedj'-Thnt the Clerk of this Association ba instructed to prepare a copy of these resolutions, and forward to the mother and sister of our deceased companion, resident in Michigan, and also for publication in the city papers. J. H. SWAN, Presiden. G. W. Monigomery, Secretary, Rkmains AnnivEj). - The remains of Sergeant Nelson Iinus, of the Chicago Mereantüe Bnttery, arrived in tliis city, by the Illinois Central Railroad, last evening, en route for Anrj Arbor, the residenco of his bereaved molher. The body is in charge of Corporal Gunlock, who wishes us, for the members, to thank tho officers and crew of the gnnboat Louisvillu, for their kind attention and very tiraely aid, in the servicas they renderad the members in the disintermont of tho remains. Their kindness orj the trip is duly appreciated. Many of our readors will remember an incident thatpecurred on the Michigan Central Railroad, some threeyears ago, which was freely spoken off in the newspapers. A flag-boy on that road, near Ann Arbor, one dark and foggy night, went down the track to meet the passenger express train. An accident had occurred to the track, and the coming train must be stopped or it vróald be wrecked, carrying destruction and death to the passengers. The boy earried a red lantern, and when ho saw the train approaching, he signalled it to stop. The engineer failed to see the signal, po donse was the darkness and the fog, seeing which, the boy hurled his lamp throngh thewindow of the engineor's caboose. The engineer, hearing the crash, and seeing the red lantern, knew there was danger, and immediately whistling " on brakes," the train was saved. That flag-boy was Nulson Imns, the bravo lud and