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Cape Race, Aug. 17. The Asia, Liverpool, 8th, via Queenstown, 9th, passed hcre Sunday eveníng, with throe days later news. England, Franco and Austria have agreed to send a comraon note to Russia. An irou-clad ram, building in England for líussia, has been humea off incomplete. The Paris Bourse is excited. Rentes decliued o 8. It is reported that llussia deolined meeting with the (J-ermau Kings. The London Glolo announces, apparently on authority, that an assurance has been reeeived that the American conscription was not iutended as a meoacc to England. It says there is no interruptiou of general amity oí the two countries. The rebel loan was quoted on the 7th at 27a2ö discount. New York, Aug. 17. The new steamer City of Washington, 'rom Liverpool 4th, and Queenstown 5th, has arrived. Tlio ship Caostitution, lrom Philadelphia for Valparaíso, was captured on the 25 th of Jane by the pirate Georgia, ii n cl released on giving b nds. The crew had arrived at Pernambubo. The ship city of Buth, from Calao for Antwerp, was at Pernambuoo, after having been captured by the Georgin, and released on ransom. Reporta eay the barque Oonrad, eaptured by the Alabaina on the 17th of June, wus armed by her and not destroyed. The ship Sunnse, froin Liverpool for New York, was, it seems, captured by the Florida, in latitude 40, longitudo 08, and released on a ransom bond foi 800,000. The change of tono on the part o! the London Saturday Review, hitherto one of the strongest advocates of the secessionists in England, xcito3 inuel commer.t. That journai looks upon the recent Federal victories as great i not decisive, and in a measure gives up the cause of the South as virtually lost The Liverpool of Commer ce held its half yearly meeting on the 3d. The speakers expressed tbe opin ion that the American war was not far from its close, including James Spence, the notorious seeession advocate. 'The Polish national governrrent had ordored a forced loan oí 21,000,000 dorios. A proclaraation from the same gource rejects every eornpromise not based upoa the independence of Poland and the boundaries of 1772. - Severa) insurgent leaders were hung at Warsaw. Advices are said to have reached Paris from New York that the goverument has definitely renounced the conscriptiOB, and the fact is attributod to the progresa of pacific ideas in the North. The Polish question is nnchanged. - Paris journals charge England vvith holding back from the identieal note now that it is a question of taking a decided step, and space the responsi biüty of the solution en England. A Vienna journal also asserts that no un (tarstanaing as to replies to Russia i vet arrived at. The London Hcrald asserts that England and Austria aro completely in accord, and will simply demand for Poland those treaty nght whieh lïussia in siibstance acknowled ges, and show a disposition to concede Rumor of an intended outbreak a Warsaw on the 9th are current. Th national government has warnèd th people against inoving bcforo tlic iignal. The London Times has an editoria upon American affaire, as depicted by the advices by the Great Eaatern anr Asia, and regards the Federal successe chuched.and tbeGonfederatesas having rallied and offcred something of th old resistanco. It says in point of fací the so far successfnl Federáis are fo the moment cheeked. Their victorie have been considerable, but they d( not seem to see the vvay to folio vv them up. Such a difficulty is not likely to be lessened it they continue to press into the confedérate country. The Times says that ucder the circumstances, it is a stroke of' smart poliey of the New York papers to declare that the new draft for 300,000 men 'm intended only for a war with G-reat Britain, but witb Gen. Lee still threatenrng them upon the Potomac the Federal govern ment wil] find enough on their hands at homu. However, they aro no doubt right (o resort to any cl trap or violence to enforce the conscription, for it is quite evident tbat if they cannot reinfuree their armies, their invasión of' the South must come to a stand. The Daily News lootte upon events in a totally different light. The latest news, it says, records a nuniber of additional Federal advantages, which show that the Union are turning to account their recent victories by pushing forward at every poiot of their exten ded line The Star remarks that time is effectually fighting the battles of the Union. Paris papers assert that the three great Powers, Frunce, England and Austria, are fufly resolved to act in unisón in their replies to the Russian note. They vvill send separate replies and also a collectivo and identieal note. St. Johns, N. F., Aug, 15. The steamship llibernian, Liverpool 6th, via Greeneastle, arrived at Capa Race last evening. Politica! news unimportant. Captain Luce, of the hip Sunrife, has published tiie pariiculars ot the capture of his vessel by Florida. - The lutter was flying the American dag when she overhauied the Sunrise, but after some inquiry ran up the Confedérate flag :ind sent a prize crew on board. Captain Luce ultimately signed a ransoin bond of $60,000 in presence of an arined f o ree. The Timet contains a letter from Mr. McRae, agent for tile Confedérate loan, who sa3's the parchases of cotton by the Confedérate government probably amourits to 300,000 bales. He says that the cotton is pnneipally in Georgia and Alabama and some also in Eastern Missisaippi, Northwestern Louisiana and Texas, and is in stores on tho plantations of planters from whorn it was purchased in sheds or warehouses 300 feet from olher buildings. The London Moming Post, in on ditorial on Oanadiaa defences, says ve have the eonfident belief that the )luster of the Federal government will )roduce very salutary' effucts in Canada. It is generalij agreod to, that instead of a collective note to Russia, eaeh of he three cabinets will furward n sepaate note, identical in idea, to St. 'etersburg. It is stated that Austria declines going beyond diplomatic acion. Capo Raoo, Aug. 19. The steamship Sidon, from Liver)ool, Tuesday, llth, via Queenstown, 2tli, passed C:ipo flhico this alternoon. The Poürth question remained in statu quo. ïho latest news via Queenstown states that it is generally asserted that Maximilliun will accept tho Mexican crown. The Times says the rumor was current at Chatharn thaf, in con6equeDce of the recent menacng nevvs from America, the government intends sendng acidilional troop to Britiah North America.


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