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Meanness In High Places

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, - In a speechlately delivered by Cove Johnson, he macié the following statement:- He said thnt 'ho had understöod that mony of the members of the House after the delivery of the books wcre in the habit of selling them to the bookaeilers about the city for less than half price, and these booksellers kept them rendy to re-sell to the next Congress, for the stipply of the new members. He thought this state of things wns intolerable, nnd be hoped the mem bers of the present Congress would put on end to it.' This seems nlniost incredible; yet it has not been coMrndicted, a ndwe therefore presume it to be true. Those who are guilty of this picayune chizzling of the public treas ury should take out a patent for tb; mvention! Seriously, however, il is a sad evidence of the low state of moráis in the House of Representatives, which we hope the honest expo eure of Mr. Johnson will go far to correct.- Mr. J. also furnished a list of boots, purchase'd for the use of members of Congress withm a few years past which cost $687,650,46, and adds, thnt others have been ordered which will cost S 00,000.- Bee.(X5 The Boston Cbronicle has some cal:uiations on the subject of Life Insurance, and guotations are given from eevcn sets of tubles, kept in Europennd Amerca, by wliicli, it appoorc thnt out of ï nersons at the ajje of 10 years, nol norc ttian L56 died in any one year, and up to 88 years of age Rever lees thaaS8 died in one year. Aso,that of 10,000 living at 10 years of age, we are nearly sure thatnot more 2,S00 nor lessthan 1,300 wül be in their graves at 30, and not more than 5,000 nor lfiss than 3,200, at the oge of 50. Of any number of persons living at 10 years of age, one half will live to 55 years; of any number 30 years old, one half will live to 63 yeare of age.The vote in Congrees decides one thing - iliat this is a great pany measure, and lhe Democracy of the Union must stand upon it, or ui at all. Tlïcy 'will stand upon 'v, as they id pon the Louisiana question, firmer titan ver. It is destined to íve au vnchanging ascendency to the Democratie policy of our udional govenimcnt. - Bost. Pont.The Post does not over estímate the mngnitude of the move that its party has mnde on he political chessboard. If they fntf to carry bis measurs soccessfully through, tbeir speedy and overwhelmmg defent will be the con sequence. If they succeed in oocomplishing t, they will have the control of the whole natiou till the time, be itsooner or later, when the antislavery feeling of the Free States shall become united in its action and direction. Then, what is now called "Modern Democracy," will cease to exist. L= The State Journal prescribes for the Annexation madness as follows: But if Texas should come in, we must then, , . . . I lst. Bend every energy lo the acquisition, bv fair and honest purchase, of California and the Cañadas. Don't mind the cost. What ore a hundred milhon dollars? The conieroptible Florida war with a thousand miserable ) Seminóles, cost nearly half tbat sum. Really, we are unable to eee the wisdom of tbis recomniendation. Because the Democrats ■haveonwiseiybegun a enreer of wickedness to satiate national greediness and amb.uon, shall the Wnigs join in the crusade? What is to be gained by such recommendatious in Whig paperj?fc0 The Maine Legislature have had bill before them for the radical alteraon of the License Law. The people ave spoken out in earnest. The numerof female petitioners was 6,660; of mies, 15,386. Total, 22,046, without ncluding a petition of the VValdo ouny Total Abstinence Society, comprising bout 5,000 names. ■{L Henry N. Walker has been appointed Attoriey General of this State n the place of Elon Farnsworth, declined. Kr The Sonate of Mas.achusoUs have JS Senatoren H Marcb 4, HÍ in Place of Jj C Bat6S' ceased.Tbe Green Móuntain Freeman states that. John C. Calhoun-the great Apostle of Slayery_ia a ruling eider in the Prcbytenaa Church. Is it boI _____ Ann Arbor, April 4, 1844. The market for Wheat continúes without variation. Buyers ofter from 75 to 78 cents. Flour retails at $4,00 a bar rel. Corn is worth 37 i cents a bushei Oats 25 cents.


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