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Estáte of Timotby Kiley QTATE OF MICHIGAN', Countv of Va,h,en„„ „ 3 At i Biglo „i the frUáte Court fot the e,',' f ' Washtenaw ,;,.„ at thel'robote Office „ the St "' Anu Arbor, on Tuesday.the twenty-eighlh (layofiV m theyear one thouaand eifht hundred and lity .„ '■ Present, ThoAas Mndè Juügeof l'robatc 7 ret' In tl,e matter of the Entate of Timothy Riley 1... , CoBoty, deceased. ün readinK andfiünt thï ■$ tion, verified, oí Elizabeíb Riley, praviL k,P! f appointment of au administrator on theKííaft „i Bfceased. . 8a'ü ïliereupon it s Onlered, (bat Momlay, the tir.n. foarfb day öf AVgnst mxt,at ted o'dock in tl,7 f J' uoon, be asigned fbr the lienring of said petit,„ J'j that the licir at Jaw of said deceascd, and al! tl, persons iutercsted in saij eaUte, are required to ' pear ata session of said Court, thento bc Loliltn at Tf ' J'robatoOmccintheCity of Ann and .V cause if any theje be, why tlie prayer of the' petllC" slioul.l not be granjted : And it is further ordereii !BS saidpetitionfririve notice tlie persons interVtï in said estáte, ot the pendency of aid petilion anóik heanng thercof, hy caasing a copy of this Order ut publLshed in the Michigan Ar#us, a nc wspaper pr -1„ and circulatie in 6aid County of Washteiaw. S3 succesiiTe iveeks previous to said day of hearinK (A true (opy) THOMAS MNDK 9l5'v3 Judge ofl'robate. ÑTwGOODSl NEW GOODSÜ DKESS GOODS, PLAID SHAWLS, SILKG00W' GLOVES. HOSIERT, SKIETS, PAEASOLS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, DomestiosSc Groceries! Thoe goods were purchased at much reduced rate. hcidat' bC Sld far bCl"W the PrÍCÍS 'heí Laveb"! HENION & GOTT. CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, CANTÓN MATT1NGST Largest & Best Lj VTspi 4% L TCSf iu the city, Just Heceived at HENION & GOTT'S. Ann Arbor, April 23, 186.3. 901tf. P. B AC H Is now receiviüg A. LAEGE STOCK -orNew Spring Goods, BOUGHT FOB CASH Since the Late Fall, AND WILL BE SOLD VERYL OW FOË CASE Cali and See ! aooD )ne Shilling per Pound ! Eight fhillings per Pound! BEST KEROSENE OIL 4 SHILLINGS PER GALLO il! CHOICE ARTICLE OF COFFEE, I'reparea of CufTee and Chiccory fresh ground eitrf tny, affd wnrrantert superior to anjtliiijijia this market Of the money refunded, AT 2 SH1LL1NGS PER LB. OROCKEEY, GZASS WARE, T4BLECUTLERY, LAMPS, EMrfVAM and all other goods at about old prires. , , A. DeFORKST. Aun Albor, June 23, 1863. ..jotf. For Sale, Two Dwelling Houses í I TWO STORY FRAME DWEI.LIN-G HOIT?K and lot 1 4 x 8, now orcupied bv J. H Burleeun ]'oissiin 1,1868. 1Í STRRY f.RAMK DWEIAJNg HOUSE, f!AHN w) Wi,4x 8, now occxipied by D. R. tfelley, pos-es" ïixa April lt, 1864, goed cellars, cislernS and ou( OHiKeigs about tliu. jireraises. Property adjüinirglli" House of L. C. Rlsdon on W illiam trect, An'n Arbor.-. Jurther particular.siuquireof ANDKEW BEI.L, Ann Albor, May 14, 1863. 904tf FOR SALE. Qi ACRES of excellent timbered land-theS. ),' ot O' N w. H of Sec. l. Towb S N Range 8 W., tcnr„„nty. It is n , gnod nciRliborhood, about tH mi esfrom D,oWitt and tea fropi Lan.sioi;. For term? nquire af or addresü. ARGUS DFrfEJan ÏOth,18f3. ; g88tf Oval Picture Frames ALSIZES.STYLES and PRICES just receircd nJ forssale CHOFF & MILLER'S. 18-90. Dft.:6, TWt'


Old News
Michigan Argus